March 18, 1985 Council Meeting
March 18, 1985
The regular scheduled meeting of' Mayor and Council was held March 18, 1985 at
City Hall. The meeting was called t;o order at 7: 30 0' clock p.m. by presiding of':ficer
Mayor Protem Jim Hawkins. All Council members were present. Also present was City
Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief' H. E. Little,
Assistant Fire Chief' Hubert Cochran, Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis,
Assistant City Clerk Melinda Dameron, Civil Engineer Mike Hutchinson, Emergency
Management Director Jim Farley, Building Inspector Scott Stokes, Librarian Doris
Morris and representatives of' the press.
Invocation was given by Hugh Ragan, f'ollowed by the pledge to the flag.
Jim HaWkins said that Mayor Bacon has had some
a speedy recovery. Jim also welcomed Bob Davis,
1 who was sworn in on March 7th.
the new
sickness and wished
council member from
Citizens Reports: Bob Burke, a resident of' Deerwood SUbdivision stated his son
Shawl;i went to Recorder's Court on March 7th and was assessed a $45 f'ine f'or a
minor traf'fic violation. He was not aware that the :fine had to be paid in cash
al;id did not have the money with him. He requested permission to leave for a short
period of' time to get the mOl;iey and was denied. Mr. Burke said his son was locked
up in the corridor until he could bril;ig the money to pay the fine. He felt this
was wrong and suggested the City accept checks f'or f'ines and also notify individuals
ahead of' time that f'ines must be paid in cash. Mr. Burke also suggested that an
Avail machine be placed i!). City Hall f'or cash withdrawals. Jim Hawkins said they
would take his suggestions under advisement and appreciated him coming tonight.
Hugh Hagan said he had already spoken with Mr. Burke about this matter and thought
he had some excellent suggestions. Hugh said he would also like to discuss this
f'urther with Chief' Little.
Max Bacol;i said several months ago we placed a moratorium on mul ti-f'amily zonings
and since that time i!).f'ormation f'rom several di:t'f'ere:nt sources has been gathered.
Paul Griggs with Hensley-Schmidt said that in working on the Future Land Use plan
there were several items in the City's zoning ordinance that has come to their
attel;itio!). problem areas. His f'irm could accomplish a study concerning the multi-f'amily
zonings in 2 to 3 weeks and they would attempt to coincide this with the Future
Land Use plan. Max Bacon made a motion the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement
with Hensley-Schmidt to complete the study on mul ti-f'amily zonings. Jack Shinall
seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
1st to lift
be extel:'lded
carried 6-0.
Max Bacon said he did not thil;ik the
the moratorium o!). mul ti-1'amily zonings
to tffe :t'irst meeting in June. Kathy
study would be complete by Aprj_l
and made a motion the moratorium
Brooks seconded the motion which
Rezoning: Edward W. Cox requested rezoning of' 959 Concord Road :from Residential
to Limited Commercial. There was no opposition from the audience. Mr. Cox said
his wif'e had been a beautician for the past 8 years and they would like to open
a shop at this location. Max Bacon asked Mr. Cox about burf'er requirements and
he stated he was not aware of' any but would be glad to do whatever was required.
However, he was f'amiliar with the guidelines established by the zoning o:f:fice
concerning paving, signs, etc., and would have paved parking in f'ront and back.
Max Bacol:'l made a motion that 959 Concord Road located in Land Lot 452 of' the l7th
District, 2nd Section being Lot 5, Block A of' the subdivision of' Smyrna Heights
Annex according to plat recorded in plat book 9, page 198, be zoned to Limited
Commercial, with the stipulation that a wooden f'ence be erected along the rear
of the property. Attorney Camp said that the existing building does not meet setback
requirements, any new structure built on the property would have to meet existing
requiremel;its. Mr. Cox said he had no intention of' adding onto the building at
any time. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Privile e Lee Glen Matthews requested a liquor, beer and wine pouring
license and Cuisine Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Papa's Bar and Restaurant at
2401 Lake Park Drive. There was no opposition f'rom the audience. Mr. Mathews said
the restaurant was at the new Park Centre building containing 10,000 square f'eet
with a delicatessen, restaurant and bar. They are presently licensed in Fulton
County. Kathy Brooks made a motion the license be approved. Jack Shinall seconded
the motiOn which carried 6-0.
Privilege License:
for Del Taco #3030
at 3811
S. Jacobs requested a beer
South Cobb Drive. There was
wine pouring license
opposition f'rom the
March 18, 1985 - Continued
audience. Kathy Brooks stated this license request was denied one year ago and
asked if' any changes had been made since that time; i. e. the drive-through window
and minors on the premises. Mr. Jacobs said that Section 3-64 of' our ordinance
has a provision which allows minors on the premises of' a restaurant. Also, Del
Taco does not have a restaurant that sells through the drive-thru window, nor
do they plan to. Mr. Jacobs said that 30 of' their 6l restaurants served beer and
wine with their f"ood and this was the only time they have been del':lied. Mr. Jacobs
said he f'elt there is a det'inite market f'or beer and wine but it only amounts
to approximately 2% of' their sales.
Attorl:'ley Camp said it appears they would qualif'y as a restaurant as def'ined in
the Code by meeting the seating capacity and the 60% f'ood sales required. Kathy
Brooks said that even though the location meets the distance requirements, the
close proximity o:f the two schools in the area bothered her. Kathy asked about
the age of' his employees and Mr. Jacobs said the maj ority of' them are 19 or over
and they could provide those under age with an opportunity to transf'er to another
restaurant which would be closer to their home.
Kathy Brooks said she still had some concern
:further discussion made a motion the license
the license will be automatically revoked upon
through the drive-thru window. James Williams
4-2, with Max Bacon and Hugh Ragan opposed.
about the drive-thru window and af'ter
be granted with the stipulation that
any knowledge of' beer or wine sales
seconded the motion which carried
Jim Hawkins recognized Cobb Commission Chairman Earl Smith and Sherif'f' Bill Hutson.
Mr. Smith asked f'or council's support of' a resolution :for the April 2nd ref'erendum
on the 1% local option sales tax increase. Mr. Smith said the tax increase will
be in ef't'ect f'or 4 years if' approved, and the money will be used strictly f"or
roads, bridges, right of' ways, etc. Max Bacon said this was the most equitable
way to raise money f'or road improvements, which is badly needed. Max said he had
also seen the list of' streets involved, and Smyrna will get their f'air share.
Max Bacon made a motioIl the rules be suspended to approve a resolution. Hugh Ragal;i
seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Jim Hawkins read the resolution endorsil':lg
tax f'or road improvements. Kathy Brooks
(copy to be made a part of" these minutes)
the proposal f'or a 1% local
seconded the motion which
s al e s
Sherif'f' Hutson said he was introducing the Stop Drugs
all the cities in Cobb and was asking f'or their support
Sherif'f' Hutson said this inf'ormation was sent directly
and he was handing it down to other agencies and asking
in the program.
at the Source program to
of' this State-wide program.
f'rom the Governors of'f'ice
f'or their :full cooperat~on
Privilege License: Charles J. Vrono requested a transf'er of' the beer and wine
pouring license f'or Sizzler Restaurant, 273l South Cobb Drive. There was no opposition.
Mr. Vrono said he was an attorney representing Sizzler in the Atlanta area and
was a resident of' Cobb County. In the past, Sizzler has had their licenses in
the manager's names and because of' their high turnover rate, they had asked him
to hold the license to avoid coming back every year or two. Mr. Vrono was not
able to answer any specif'ic questiol':ls about the operation of' the restaurant and
said he was not notif'ied of' the meeting ul:'ltil this morning. Mr. Camp said it may
be a good idea to table this to the next meeting until Sizzler could have a repre-
sentative present to answer questiol':ls. Kathy Brooks made a motion the application
be tabled to the next meeting. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Privilege License: Susan Michele Ramsey requested a transf'er of the beer and
wine package license f'or 7-Eleven Food Store at 1828 Spring Road. There was no
opposition f'rom the audience. Ms. Ramsey said she was the District Accounting
Manager 7-Eleven. Jack Shinall asked Ms. Ramsey if' they had any problems with
people buying beer and wine and drinking and loitering in the parking lots. Ms.
Ramsey said they did not; they have a very strict policy concerning their sales.
Jack said they did have a problem with the store on Old Concord Road, which is
the next item on the agenda f'or approval and asked that she check into it. Mr.
Camp reminded Ms. Ramsey that by holding this license, she would be personally
responsible, not Southland. Ms. Ramasey said she was aware of' that because she
holds other licenses f'or them. Kathy Brooks made a motion the trans:fer be approved.
James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Privile~e License:
wine package license
Susan Michele Ramsey requested
at 7-Eleven Food Store at 2539
a transf'er of' the
Old Concord Road.
March 18, 1985 - Continued
no oppositio!). f'rom the audie!).ce a!).d Kathy Brooks made a motion the license be
approved. Jack Shinall secol;ided the motion which carried 6-0.
Hugh Ragan made a motion that Hel;iry Electrical
a COnstruction at the Boise-Cascade job site in
Williams secol;ided the motiol;i which carried 6-0.
Company be granted
Highlands Park f'or
approval f'or
1 year. James
Commercial Building Permits: Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector
Scott Stokes and recorded as :follows:
l} Executive Golf', Inc. requested a building permit ~or construction of the clubhouse
~or the l;iew golt' course Ol;i Cherokee Road Extension at a total estimated cost of'
$125,000. Jack Shinall made a motion the permit be approved subj eCt to approval
of' the City Engineer and Pire Marshal. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which
carried 6-0.
2) Auto Service Centers International requested a building permit f'or interior
~il;iish f'or Allied Tral;ismissions at 2849 South Cobb Drive at a total estimated
cost of' $ 29,000. Jack Shil:'lall said the original agreement with this builder was
that he would plal;it red tip photenias 4 to 5 f'eet tall at the rear of' the property
al;id they look awfully small, but he would get with Gene Goldel;i about the buf'f'er.
Jack Shi!).all made a motion the permit be approved subject to approval of' the City
Engineer and Pire Marshal. Max Bacol;i seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
3) Cumberland Child Care Center requested a building permit f'or an addition to
the existing buildil;ig at a total estimated cost of' $33,000. Hugh Ragan made a
motiOn the permit be approved SUbject to approval of' the City Enginer and Pire
Marshal. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
4} Billy Askea requested a permit f'or an addition
2974-D South Cobb Drive at a total estimated cost of'
a motion the permit be approved subj ect to approval of'
Marshal. Hugh Ragal;i seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
to the existing building at
$16,370. Jack Shinall made
the City Engineer and Fire
5} Murata Erie North America requested a building permit f'or construction of'
a new o~f'ice building at 2200 Lake Park Drive at a total estimated cost of' $l,500,000.
Hugh Ragan made a motion the permit be approved SUbject to approval of' the City
Engineer and Fire Marshal. Bob Davis seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
6} Lil;icoln Property Company requested a building permit :t'or interior f'inish at
2300 Lake Park Drive at a total estimated cost 0:1:' $29,000. Max Bacon made a motion
the permit be approved subject to approval of' the City Enginer and Fire Marshal.
James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
Public Hearing Ordinance Amendment: Jack Shinall said this Charter amendment,
which is rather lengthy, is available :for inspection in the City Clerk' s of'~ice.
The amel:'ldment re-describes the 7 wards of' the City by metes and bounds and eliminates
the piecemeal descriptions we nOw have. There were no questions or comments f'rom
the audience and Jack Shinall made a motion the Charter be amended by deleting
Article II (Corporate Limits) in its entirety and replacing the existing Section
6(c} o~ Article III with a new section. James Williams seconded the motion which
carried 6-0. Jack said the f'il;ial approval of' this amendment would be April 1,
Approval of' Resolution: Jack Shinall stated that Revenue Sharing and Community
Development Block Grants were the only two programs that the City receives any
direct Federal f'unds f'rom. Today we received a letter f'rom Congressman Wyche Fowler
concerning a survey he conducted and 94% of' the Mayors surveyed said that Revenue
Sharing was the most important of' all the Federal programs. Jack Shinall read
a Resolution urging Congress to continue the Federal Revenue Sharing program and
made a motion it be approved. James Williams seconded the motion which carried
6-0. (copy to be made a part of' these minutes)
Report on Bid Award: Hugh Ragan said at the last meeting a motion was made that
the Public Saf'ety Committee be authorized to purchase the low bid :for the Emergency
Management vehicle which was f'rom General GMC Trucks. At'ter the motion was made
it was realized that there was not el;iough Revenue Sharing money in their budget
to cover the price of' the vehicle. Hugh stated the vehicle would be purchased
f'rom $11,514 in Revenue Sharing; $400 f'rom account 111910303; $288 f'rom account
14910702; $200 f'rom account 14930526; $396 from account 14930525; all to be transf'erred
to account number 14950527 to cover the cost of' low bid.
March 18, 1985 - Continued
Bid Award: Hugh Ragan said at the last meeting a motion was made to authorize
the committee to purchase low bid on the Fire Chief" scar. At'ter reviewing the
bids, it was ~ound that the low bid ~rom Days Chevrolet did not meet speci:fications.
Hugh Ragan made a motion the second low bid be awarded to Wade Ford at $11,084.81,
to be paid f'rom the Contingency FUl;id. Jack Shinall seconded the motiol;i which carried
Workmans Compensation: Jim Hawkins said the company that presel;itly writes our
workmans COmpensation is getting out of' that f'ield and we are in the process of'
f'inding another company. We have l;iot received any bids because we need more background
and hope to have bids ready ~or the l:'lext meeting. Max Bacon made a motion the
workmans compensation bids be tabled. James Williams seconded the motion which
carried 6-0.
Committee Assignments: Jim Hawkins read Mayor Bacon's new committee assignments
and stated they would be e:f:fective as o~ tonight:
Jack Shinall, Chairman
James Williams
Max Bacon
Hugh Ragan, Chairman
Jim HaWkins
James Williams
Max Bacon, Chairman
Hugh Ragan
Bob Davis
Kathy Brooks, Chairman
Hugh Ragan
Jim Hawkins
James Williams, Chairman
Max Bacon
Jack Shinall
Jim Hawkins, Chairman
Jack Shinall
Kathy Brooks
Bob Davis, Chairman
Kathy Brooks
Hugh Ragan
to sign
Route 3
of' Agreement with State: Max Bacon made a motion the Mayor
an agreement with the State Department of' Transportation to
(Atlanta Road) to local governing authorities f.or maintenance.
the motion which carried 6-0.
be authorized
revert State
James Williams
Hugh Ragan welcomed Bob
he met with an electrical contractor today
the Emergency Outdoor Warning System equipment.
to council. Jim
is willing and able
Farley said
to install
Assistant Fire Chief' Hubert Cochran said he checked on the pumper truck today
and it should be ready f'or service in a f'ew weeks.
Police Chief'
other agencies
years now.
Little said his department
on the Stop Drugs at the
is already working
Source Program and
County and
f'or several
Kathy Brooks welcomed Bob Davis to council.
(Library) Doris Morris thanked the Jonquil Garden Club f'or the dogwood trees
and shrubs they planted at the library.
(Fi.1:1ance) Jack Shil;iall said all the budgets are in and the committee has started
to review them and establish meetings with the committees and department heads.
Jack sai.d committee was moving ahead in their search :for a Ci.ty Administrator
and Mr. Camp has givel;i them several options t'or guidelines t'or qualif'ications.
March 18. 1985 - Continued
(Water) James Williams said it was the gel;ieral practice under a bOl:'ld issue rehabili-
tation program f'or the City to designate someol:'le at City Hall to authorize a bid
request rather than to approve each bid request individually by council. James
Williams made a motion the rules be suspended. Max Bacon seconded the motion which
carried 6-0.
James Williams made a motiol;i that the City Clerk be authorized to request bids
on the projects coming under the Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds as needed to proceed,
f'rom time to time, returnable to Mayor and Council f'or acceptance or rejection
il:'l whole or in part. Max BaCOn seCOnded the motion which carried 6-0.
Jim Belk with Welker & Associates said they were pretty much on schedule and their
next step is to request bids f'or the water project.
Max Bacon said he has been having some problems in his area with the railroad
and recently recieved a letter f'rom the head or the transporation department in
Jacksol:'lville. However, this weekend he received more complaints than ever bef'ore.
He talked to the people with Seaboard Railroad in Atlanta once again and hoperully
they will come up with something tomorrow or the next day.
Max also thanked Earl Smith f'or coming tOnight and talking about
option sales tax f'or road improvements. Max also welcomed Bob Davis to
the 1%
Bob Davis thanked the citizenS of' Ward 1 ror electil:'lg him and f'or the con:fidence
they have shown. Bob said he looked f'orward to working with the Mayor and Council.
Jack Shinall said we are having problems with people burning trash
receiving complaints :from allover the City. This is a violation of'
law; not just the City. Jack asked everyone to please :t'ind another way
or garbage and trash.
and we are
the State
to dispose
Jim HaWkins said he looked f'orward to having Mayor Bacon back at the next meeting
and reminded everyone of' the JOl:'lquil Breakf'ast ol;i March 20th.
With no rurther business, meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Amendment to the Wastewater Service Agreement
Between Cobb County and the City of Smyrna
This High Strength Wastewater Surcharge Agreement has been
entered into this ___ day of _________, 1985, between
Cobb County and the City of Smyrna.
WHEREAS, Cobb county owns and operates wastewater
treatment facilities which are permitted by the State of
Georgia; and
WHEREAS, Cobb County must, as required in its permits and
as a part of its overall user charge system, develop a high
strength wastewater surcharge program applicable to all
industrial users of its wastewater treatment system wherever
located; and
WHEREAS, Cobb County has entered into a serv ice contract
with the City of Smyrna, whereby Cobb County treats at its
treatment plant wastewater discharges from the City of
WHEREAS, the City of Smyrna and Cobb County desire to
implement a high strength wastewater surcharge program.
In consideration of the following terms and conditions
contained herein, Cobb County and the City of Smyrna agree
This agreement shall provide for high strength wastewater
surcharges to customers of the City of Smyrna and Cobb County
and the method for monitoring required wastewater and
discharge data for industrial. or commercial discharge
connected to the City of Smyrna's sewer coll.ection system
which is treated at a Cobb County wastewater treatment
facility. Surcharges may be assessed to Industrial customers
as herein defined.
1. ~u~~bQ~ Rat~ - Cost per pound of relevant wastewater
parameters which may include five day biochemical oxygen
demand (BODS), suspended solids (55), ammonia nitrogen NH3-N)
and phosphorus (P), with costs and other relevant pollutant
parameters as may be determined by the City of Smyrna and
Cobb County on a periodic basis.
Q.Q.mest i<;;: .Qewag~
Characterized as sewage with the
following concentrations of wastewater pollutants:
BODS - 300 milligrams per liter (mg/l)
55 - 300 mg/l
NH3-N - 18 mg/l
P - IS mg/l
3. Industria~ Sampling Profile - A fourteen (14) consecutive
calendar day composite sample of wastewater from potential
surcharge customers.
4. Average Surcharge Concentration - The concentration of
waste, expressed in milligrams per liter for each single
parameter listed in item "1ft above, i.e., BODS, 55, NH3-N,
and P, as determined in the industrial sampling profile of
fourteen (14) observations each, and computed as follows for
one pollutant parameter, (e.g., BODS):
a. Disregard all values less than or equal to the definition
of dOmestic sewage.
b. Total all values greater than the definition of domestic
c. Record only the net difference in the greater value and
its corresponding definition of domestic sewage.
d. Sum all net differences and divide by fourteen (14) days.
e. Result represents the Average Surcharge Concentration
upon which billing will be based for one parameter, e.g.,
f. Repeat "a" through "e" for the remaining three (3)
parameters (e.g., SS, NH3-N, and P), and others as may be
added from time to time.
5. Ipdustria1 Customer - Discharge with a volume exceeding
25,000 gallons per day or the weight of pollutant parameters
equivalent to or greater than that weight found in 25,000
gallons per day of domestic wastes are considered industrial
6. ~~hakge ~~~~~ - Any industrial customer whose
wastewater pollutant parameter(s) contains an average
concentrat ion, expressed in mi 11 igrams per 1 iter, wh ich
exceeds that found in domestic sewage.
7. MQD~b~~ E~~ - The total monthly water metered by the
existing potable water meter, or the wastewater flow metered
by a flow measuring device approved by the City and the
8. ~r~tHlrg~ ~~ation - For each month's surcharge,
multiply the Average Surcharge Concentration in mg/l by 8.34
by the monthly flow rate in million gallons by the surcharge
rate for each par~meter. The total of all parameters is the
total monthly surcharge to be billed. Note that the
magnitude of the monthly bill will vary as the flow rate
es; however, the Average Surcharge Concentration does not
vary once set.
Prov~sions ~ ~ Surcharge Program
1. The Cobb County Water System Laboratory, at the County's
expense, will randomly sample surcharge customers at I east
once annually to insure that waste strength does not vary
considerably from the original profile. If desired, the
County or the City may elect to employ an independent
laboratory to collect and/or analyze the Industrial sampling
2. The total surcharge bill will be calculated based on the
Average Surcharge Concentrations determined for each
pollutant parameter. These concentrations will then be
considered constant unless modified due to the following
3. Based on the findings of the random sampling program, if
the industrial customer's Average Surcharge Concentration
increases or decreases, the Surcharge computation will
increase or decrease correspondingly.
4. It is the Industrial Customer's responsibility to notify
the Cobb County Water System of any waste strength increase
in order that a new profile can be performed at the
industry's expense and the surcharge increased
5. If an industrial customer makes a process modification(s)
or institutes pretreatment which decreases waste strength,
the customer may, at their discretion and expense, request a
new industrial profile by the Cobb County Water System
Laboratory. The results of this profile will then be used to
establish new Average Surcharge Concentrations for each
pollutant which remains constant until change is required, as
discussed above.
6. At the industrial customer's request, Cobb County will
split wastewater samples with the industrial customer so that
the customer may have the sample concentrations computed by
Cobb County verified by a qualified laboratory.
7. Both the Cobb County Water System and individual
industrial customers have the right to re-establish the
Average Concentration through perforamnce of a new industrial
sampling profile. Where requested by the industrial
customer, the charge for the fourteen (14) day profile is
established at $1,500. and is subject to change as lab and
administrative costs change.
8. The City of Smyrna agrees to inform Cobb County of any
new customers connecting to the wastewater system which to
its knowledge may potentially be subject to high strength
wastewater surcharges.
9. The City of Smyrna will provide Cobb County with water
consumption data on industrial customers, as requested,
except metering flow reports which shall be conducted by the
10. Any authorized officer or employee of Cobb County, or
their representative, may enter and inspect, sample, and
monitor designated sampling manholes of the sewer system of
will be known as the .City of
ibutary Protection Ordinance."
tion. This ordinance is
s of Georgia Code Section
Finding and Purposes.
s. The Mayor and Council of The City of
The Chattahoochee River provides multiple public
which include use of the river as the primary water
r metropolitan Atlanta.
2. The water qual ity of the Chattahoochee River depends
upon the water qual ity of the flowing streams tr ibutary to
the river. .
and other polluting materials and conditions,
limited to pesticides, nutrients such as
s, toxic materials, and elevations in
tur e harmful to the water quality of the
3. Sediment
including but
arian vegetation along these watercourses helps
r quality. Dense tree growth helps to prevent
rosion, and streamside vegetation reduces the
and other polluting materials that would
ash 0 streams. Riparian trees, by shading,
cooler water temperatures and thus enhance
It is the purpose of this ordinance to
ic health, safety and general welfare; to
1C and private losses due to erosion, siltation,
r pollution; and to maintain stream water quality in
specific areas by provisions designed to:
1. Cr e
streams in
ation buffer areas adjacent to tributary
age area of the Chattahoochee Corridor.
land-disturbing activities within such buffer
ing issuance of a permit for such activities.
2. M.ini
areas by req
Section 4.0. Definitions.
iver Tributary Protection Area," also
e ction area," means the stream
nel land extending outward 20 horizontal
feet from the center on either side of all f lowing streams in
c s shall
within the City..
ge b all tributaries of the Chattahoochee
h Chattahoochee River downstream from
a Peachtree Creek, except for such
the Chatta e Corridor, as defined in Georgia
Section (UCGA) 1 441, or greater as determined in
plan approval by t Mayor and Council where the size of
stream j ustif ies a greater "protection area.... The
area- may be increased in size from time to time
locations as determined by size of the stream
by Mayor and Council and such designated
noted on the map of the protected areas
4..2 -Flowing stream- means. any stream which is designated
and shown as a permanent stream on the 7..5-minute quadrangle
maps of the U..S.. Department of the Inter ior, U..S.. Geological
Survey, plus any stream which the Mayor and Council of The
City of Smyrna may determine to be, and designate as, a
flowing stream. .
4.3 "Land-disturbin activity" means scraping, plowing,
clearing, dredging, ing, excavating, transporting, or
filling of land or placement of any structure or impervious
surface, dam, Obstruction, or deposit..
4.4 "Parcel" means any
correctly as a unit on the
plot, lot or
latest county
acreage shown
tax assessment
4..5 -Person" means any individual, partnership,
c ration, , entity, or authority and shall include
t r agents ractors, the State of Georgia, its
political su ions and all its departments, boards,
bureaus, commissions, or other agencies.
4..6 "Watershed" means the land area which drains into a
particular stream..
Section 5...0...
Establishment of Tributary Protection Area.
The "Chattahoochee River Tributary Protection Area" within
ty of Smyrna, hereinafter referred to as the
'on area,- is hereby established.. The designated
ion area shall be shown on the Official Map of the
Section 6...0...
No person sha
ection ar
f rom the B
of Smryna..
6..1 Exceptions.. The permit provisions of this ordinance
shall not apply to:
ge in any land-disturbing activity in
hout first having obtained a written
ding Inspections Department of the City
Emergency work: necessary to rve .life or property.
emergency work: is forme er this section the
n performing it 1 report the pertinent facts
ing work to the Building Inspector of the City of
a next siness day after commencement of the
o eaft the person sha.ll apply for
rform s work hin such time period as may
by the ilding Inspector to be reasonably
correct impairment such emergency work may
to the conveyace capacity, stability, or
quality of the protection area.
2. Work: consisting of the repair or maintenance of any
lawful use of which is zoned and approved for such use
on the date of ption of this ordinance or January 1, 1984,
whichever is earlier.
6.2 Applica for a permit. A separate application for
mit sha.ll made to the Bui.lding Inspector, on a form
ed by the Building Inspector, for each land-disturbing
vity, except that only one applicat~on need be made for
two or more such acts which are to be done on the same
parcel. The cation shall include a map of the site and
such inform concerning the proposed action as the
Building Inspector deems necessary to describe the nature and
extent of the ed action and to determine the effect of
the proposed acti on the protection area.
of permit. No appl.ication for a permit
and no permit shall be issued for any land-
within the protection area unless: (a)
ng activity is for the purpose of
the fo.llowing: a stream crossing by a
ation route, or public uti.lity; a dam
a detention,. retention, or sediment
ity; or (b) the land-disturbing activity
f way of any public agency pursuant to a
uch public agency; or (c) the Building
fi and determines that a minimum amount of land
disturbance necessary for the benef icial use of the parcel
has been proposed.
Conditions. In each permit issued under the
ions of this ordinance, the Building Inspector shall
e conditions designed to: (a) limit erosion,.
ta and water pol.lution within the protection zone
rates no ater than those occur ring before
urbing acti ity, and (b) preserve, protect, or
maximum feasible amount of natural. vegetation.
6.5 Variance..
Smyrna sha.ll g~a
The Mayor and Council of the City of
no variance from any provision of this
e without first conducting a public hearing on the
tion for a variance and authorizing the granting of
riance by majority vote of the Mayor and Council.
6.6 Responsibility. Neither the issuance of a permit nor
iance with the ditions thereof, nor with the
s or hall relieve any person from
ot ise imposed by law for damage to
1 nor shall the issuance of any permit
impose any liability upon the City of
rs or employees, for injury or damage to
ty. A permit issued pursuant to this
not relieve the permittee of the
of securing and complying with any other
permit which be required by any other city or county
ordinance or state law.
6.7 Term of t, extension, renewal. The permittee
shall complete work authorized by the permit within the
time limits ed in the permit, which in no event shall
nd more t n 12 months from the date of issuance. The
ttee shall notify the Building Inspector at least 72
prior to the commencement of work. Should the work not
be commenced hin the time 1 imits, then the
permit shall ded, however, that if prior to
the date establ r commencement of work, the permittee
ma ritten request to the Building Inspector for an
ex n of time to commence the work, setting forth the
reasons for the red extension, the Building Inspector
may grant such e On. A permit which has become void may
be renewed at the discretion of the Building Inspector.
--~- -- -- ---- ~_._-------~ ---_.~~ --.-
shall make a final inspection following
work. The permittee shall assist the
r in making such inspections. The City of
r to conduct such investigations as
necessary to carry out its duties as
ordinance, and for this purpose to enter
onable time upon y property, pUblic or private, for
rpose of inve ng and inspecting the sites of any
isturbing activities within a protection area.
person shall refuse entry or access to any authorized
r esentative or agent who requests entry for purposes of
i ction, and who presents appropriate credentialS, nor
shall any obstruct, hamper or interfere with any such
r while in the process of carrying out his
o 1 dut ies.
Prior to the issuance of any
activities within the protection
submit a performance and
ensure that all terms and
are compled wit.h.. The bond shall
ein an exact. descript.ion of the
lengt.h of t.ime for which the bond
ermined by t.he Building Inspector,
the face of t.he bond. The bond
equal t.o the est.imat.ed cost. for
turbing activity in compliance wit.h
of the pe The sum of t.he bond
t.he Cit.y rna. The bond shall
company licensed and regist.ered in
Section 7.0. Penalties.
7.1 Failure t.o
act.ivity. If any
activity requir
t.his ordinance
, wor
e cond
n t.he j
obt.ain a permit. for land-disturbing
person commences any land-disturbing
land-disturbing permit. as prescribed in
first. obtaining said permit, that
t to revocation of his business
building permit, or other authorization
usiness and associated work activities
onal boundaries of the City of Smyrna..
7.2 Stop-work orders. Upon notice from t.he Building
Inspector, work on any project that is being done contrary to
t ov isions of this ordinance shall be immediately
s Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given
t owner of the property, his authorized agent or the
or in of the activity on the property,
11 st tions under which work may be
or the restored to its original condition or its
alent. Where an emergency exists, no written notice
be required.
e bond forfeiture. If, through inspection,
that a person engaged in land-disturbing
failed to comply with ther terms and
permit, a written notice to comply shall be
person. The notice shall set forth the
ry to achieve compliance with the permit and
state the time within which such measures must be
leted. If the person engaged in the land-disturbing
ails to c ly within the time specified, he shall
in violati of this ordinance and, in addition to
penalties, his performance bond shall be subject to
7.4 Suspension, revocation or modification of permit.
The permit may be suspended, revoked or modified by the
Building Inspector upon finding that the holder is in
violation of the terms of the permit or any portion of this
e owner of
iable for a
day or not to ex
continues shall co
Any person violating any provision
tting conditions or stop work order
which the violation occurs shall
ty of not less than $100..00 per
..00 per day.. Each day the violation
te a separate offense..
Section 8.0. Administrative Appeal..
Judicial Review..
dec on or or
ent ed to a he
days after receipt by
notice of appeal.. *
ve Appeal.. Any person, aggrieved by a
the Building Inspector, shall. be
efore the Mayor and Council within l5
the Building Inspector of written
Judicial Review.. Any person injured by a decision or
of the Building Inspector, who shal.l first have
ed the Inspector's decision to the Mayor and
1 the decision of the Mayor and Council
of Cobb County, Georgia.. Such appeal
30 days of the decision of Mayor and
l.imited to the evidence and testimony
ring before Mayor and Council...
Section 9.0.
Effectivity and Validity..
9..1 Effectivity..
on the
This ordinance shall become effective
9.2 If any section, subsection, paragraph,
cl, provision of this ordinance shall be
ad ged or held unconstitutional., such decisions
shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance..
Interjurisdictional pretreataent Agreement
CObb county, Georgia
The City Sayrna, Georgia
This Agreement
_________, :1985,
is entered
between Cobb
into this
County and
Whereas, Cobb County owns and ope'rates a wastewater
treatment system, and
Whereas, the City of Smyrna current:ly uti:lizes this
wastewater treatment system, and
Whereas, Cobb County must deve:lop, imp:lement and enforce
an industrial pretreatment program pursuant to conditions
contained in its discharge permits issued by the State of
Georgia Environmental Protection Division1 and
Whereas, the City of Smyrna desires to continue to uti:1ize
the wastewater treatment system and recognizes its industrial
waste contro:1 obligations under 40 CFR 403.
In consideration of the fo:1:1owing terms and conditions
Cobb County and the City of Smyrna agree:
:1. The City of Smyrna shall adopt an ordinance which
contains provisions simi:1ar to the ordinance adopted by Cobb
County and will enforce said ordinance, with the assistance
of Cobb County.
2. Sa~d ord~nance w~2l ~ncorporate the fol20w~ng prov~sions:
{a} a provision requiring any industrial user responsible
for a significant accidental discharge to notify immediately
both Cobb County and the C~ty of Smyrna;
(b) a prohibition on the use of dilution as a control
technique for compl~ance with discharge limits ex~ept as
allowed by Federal Pretreatment Standards;
(c) a grant of authority to impose mass discharge limits
in 2ieu of, or in conjunction with, concentration discharge
Cd} a prohib~t~on against and penalty for the knowing
transmittal of false information by an industrial user to
either Cobb County or the City of Smyrna.
(e) a grant of authority to require the installation of
all monitoring and pretreatment facilities by industrial
3. Cobb County and the City of Smyrna shall periodically (at
a minimum of every three years) review their respective
ordinances and draft and adopt amendments to their respective
ordinances when necessary to ensure the effective
administration and operation of the pretreatment program.
Whenever Cobb County becomes aware of a problem with the
pretreatment program which can be mitigated by a change in
the ordinance, Cobb County shall notify the city of Smyrna
and the City will adopt an ordinance to mitigate such
4. The City of Smyrna wi~~ adopt specific discharge ~imits
as estab~ished in Cobb County's sewer use ordinance and, as
may be necessary, assist Cobb County in the enforcement of
these ~imits..
5. The City of Smyrna's ordinance wi~~ provide that
categorica~ pretreatment standards promu~gated by the u. s.
Environmenta~ Protection Agency (EPA) wi~~ be incorporated by
reference into the City of Smyrna's ordinance.
standards sha~~ contro~ any specific discharge ~imits in the
ordinance which are ~ess stringent than the categorical
standards as they apply to the particu~ar industrial
Cobb County sha~l notify a~~ affected
industria~ users of pertinent categorical standards and
monitoring and reporting requirements contained in 40 CPR
403..~2 or included as part of the categorical standard.
6.. The City of Smyrna shall adopt in its ordinance a
definition for industria~ user as required under 40 CPR
Cobb County may make a determination as to whether a
particu~ar industrial user is an industria~ user based on
information Cobb County may request from the City of Smyrna
and the identified user..
The City of Smyrna through Cobb
County sha~l contro~, with industrial discharge permits,
industrial waste discharges from each industrial user
discharging into the sewer, wherever ~ocated.
7. The City of Smyrna shall file with Cobb County a
certified copy of its ordinance and any amendments thereto.
As necessary, the City of Smyrna sha~l assist Cobb County in
obtaining a~~ industrial monitoring reports including 40 CFR
subsection 403.12 compliance reports, self-monitoring
reports, baseline reports, records of violations and actions
taken, and any other monitoring or reporting requirements
impo d by Federal, State or local regulations. These
records and other relevant information shall be maintained by
Cobb County for at least three years.
8. An author ized off icer or employee of Cobb County or the
City of Smyrna may enter and inspect at any reasonable time
designated sampling manholes of the sewer system of the City
of Smyrna. The right of entry and inspection shall be
limited to public streets, easements, and property within
which the system is located. Cobb County shall, as
appropriate, enter onto private property to inspect
industrial waste discharges. The City of Smyrna will make
necessary legal and administrative arrangements for these
inspections after reasonable notice from Cobb County. The
right of inspection may include on-site inspection of
pretreatment and sewer facilities, observation, measurement,
sampling, testing, and access to (with the right to copy)
pertinent compliance records located on the premises of the
industrial user. Cobb County shall be solely liable and hold
the City of Smyrna harmless from the activities of its
employees in conducting such tests.
9. If City of Smyrna shall refuse to aid in the fulfillment
of any pretreatment obligations, Cobb County may develop and
issue a remedial plan containing a description of the nature
of the deficiencies, an enumeration of steps to be taken by
the Industrial Customer, and a time schedule for attaining
compl iance with all pretreatment requirements. Such plans
shall be specifically enforceable in a court of competent
jurisdiction. Where the Industrial Customer wilfully fails
to sa y the terms of the remedial plan, Cobb County, may,
upon thirty days written notice, refuse to accept any
industrial waste discharges from the Industrial Customer.
The City of Smyrna agrees to cease water service to any
Industrial Customer who shall be found guilty of wilful
failure to comply upon notice from Cobb County of the non-
10. Where a discharge to the wastewater treatment system
reasonably appears to present an imminent danger to the
health and welfare of persons, or presents or may present an
imminent danger to the environment, or threatens to interfere
with the operation of the wastewater treatment system, Cobb
County may immediately initiate steps to identify the source
of the discharge, and to halt or prevent said discharge.
Cobb County may seek injunctive reJief against any industrial
user contributing to the emergency condition, an~.or may
pursue other self-help remedies. The City of Smyrna agrees
to cooperate and take such stE"pS as i"le Decessary to assist
in insuring compliance.
11. The terms of this Agreement may be amended only by
written agreement of the parties.
ID aDY ~vent, this
Agreement shall be reviewed and revised, as necessary, at
least eVery three years.
12. This Agreement wi11 remain in effect so 10ng as the
Agreemen~ remains in effect.
Termination of the
Service Agreement sha11 a1so resu1t in the termination of
this Agreement.
The parties hereto have exe~uted this Agreement on the date
shown above.
County Water System
City of Smyrna
WHEREAS, the United States
Revenue Sharing Program in 1972; and
1'iscal assistance
bipartisan support;
thj_s program
in 1976, 1980
local government
1983 with strong
WHEREAS, this program has been the most e1't'iciently administered
and f'lexible of' all 1'ederal programs; and
in 1984 was less than
and counties; and
tenths 01' one
the amount
Revenue Sharing
paid to cities
WHEREAS, there has been
this program since 1976 and thereby
the increase in the 1'ederal def'icit; and
increase in the f'unding level
not signif'icantly contributed
10 c al
to set local
nature of'
the program f'or
to address local
WHEREAS, the cost 01' 1'ederal mandates
ments is $l50 million over the amount that they
Fiscal Assistance through this program; and
on Georgia' s local govern-
receive in Local Government
WHEREAS, this program has permitted the cities 01'
complete many necessary projects on behalf' of' their citizens,
not be possible without the General Hevenue Sharing Program; and
Georgia to
which would
WHEREAS, some projects f'or the City of' Smyrna f'unded by this
local :fiscal assistance program include Fire and Police vehicles, Parks
and Recreation vehicles, Emergency Management rescue vehicles, Jaws of' Lit'e
rescue equipment, radio equipment f'or Police, Fire and Emergency Management
vehicles, Library shelving and magni1'ier f'or the low-visioned, Sanitation
Department vehicles and equipment, typewriters and other o1':fice equipment,
recorder f'or the Police Department, computer hardware, and other capital
expenditures; and
WHEREAS, current proposals by the Administration and the
plan to terminate the General Revenue Sharing program in September
one year be:fore the program authorization expires; and
of' 1985,
WHEREAS, the loss would mean that city taxes
be raised by 1 mill to of'1'set this annual loss of' $l80,760.
NOW THEHEFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City o:f Smyrna is adamantly
opposed to the termination of' the General Revenue Sharing Program.
and t'unding
the support
the program at least through
of' Senators Nunn and Mattingly
in this
City of' Smyrna supports
1989 and respectf'ully
and Congressman Darden
Resol ved this 18th day of' March, 1985.
WHEREAS, due to the rapid growth and progress of Cobb County
and the City of Smyrna, traffic congestion and street and
road construction, maintenance and repair have become ever
more pressing needs to the citizens of Smyrna and of Cobb
AND WHEREAS, the City of rna and
to keep pace with the increasing
necessary to construct, maintain, and
roadways in Smyrna and Cobb County
congestion and provide access;
Cobb County are unable
demands for revenue
repair the streets and
in order to prevent
ided a met
(1.%) 1.
legisl.ature of the State of Georgia has
fOr btaining a source of revenue for road
tion and repair by means of a one
on tax for a period of four (4)
'zens of Cobb County shall. approve the
roads l.
the fun
County has identified certain streets and
in the City of Smyrna upon which certain of
be expended;
he Mayor and Council. of the City of Smyrna have
ified streets and roads and have found the
to be wel.l. represented in the proposed 1. ist of
VED that the Mayor and Counc i 1 of
rtedly endorses the proposal. fOr a
option sa1es tax for a period of four
ty for road improvements and urges the
of Smyrna and of Cobb County to the same by
referendum to be voted upon on __ _______,
Passed, this the 18th day of March 1985.
Witness the signature of the Mayor of the City of Smyrna or
his dul.y authorized representative.
the City of Smyrna as agreed upon with City from time to
This right of entry and inspection, samp~ing, and
monitoring sha~~ be ~imited to pub~ic streets, easements, and
property within which the system is ~ocated, and the County
sha~~ be so~e~y ~iable and hold the City harm~ess for the
activities of its emp~oyees in conducting such tests.
l~. The Surcharge Computations for a~l industrialtcustomers
connected to the City of Smyrna's wastewater co~ lection and
whose wastewater is treated at a Cobb County treatment
faci~ity wil~ be itemized on a month~y basis and the bill
amount, including any monitoring or ana~ysis costs, will be
forwarded to the City of Smyrna.
The City of Smyrna, as a
part of its program of user charges, wi~l bill individual
industrial customers and collect amounts due. The City of
Smyrna shall pay the amounts collected within 10 days from
date of receipt and shall notify Cobb County of all"
delinquent accounts.
The City of Smyrna will deny water
service to any account which is 45 days past due until the
same shall be paid in full or arrangements satisfactory to
Cobb County and the City have been met.
BY =___________
Harry E. Ingram,
Department Manager