March 4, 1985 Council Meeting March 4, 1985 The regular scheduled meeting of' Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter on March 4, 1985 at Smyrna city Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding of'f'icer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief' R. E. Little, Fire Chief' Larry Williams, Public Works Director Vic Broyles, Assistant City Clerk Melinda Dameron, Parks & Recreation Director Sherry Reavis, Emergency Management Director Jim Farley, Building Inspector Scott Stokes, Librarian Doris Morris and representatives of' the press. Invocation was given by Kathy Brooks, f'ollowed by the pledge to the f'lag. been of' Jim Tolleson. There Gilbert receiving 138. throat last week and tonight. Bob will be election results be 6-0. Election Superintendent Sarah Monsour stated a special on Tuesday, February 19, 1985 to f'ill the unexpired term were 292 votes cast, with Bob Davis receiving 159 and Pinky Mayor Bacon said that Bob Davis had minor surgery on his everything was f'ine, but he did not f'eel like being here sworn in one day this week. Jack Shinall made a mot ion the approved. James Williams seconded the motion which carried Citizens Reports: Sue Brissey stated there were quite a f'ew businesses on South Cobb Drive using banners, which was against the City ordinance. She also asked about the number of' signs allowed in f'ront of' multi-f'amily housing developments and said there were f'our signs in f'ront of' the Mill Pond Subdivision on South Cobb Drive. Ms. Brissey also said the Morgan Homes buildings at the corner of' South Cobb and Church appear to be too close to the street. Ms. Brissey asked Mr. Camp about Concord Road progress. Mr. Camp said we have identif'ied some problem areas and are in the process of' sending out notices and will take f'urther action if' we have no response. Charter Amendment: Jack Shinall said the amendment to Section 78 o:f the Charter pertaining to Homestead Exemption has been read twice. This special exemption is :for people over 65 years of' age and the amendment takes away the 3 year waiting period to qualif'y. There were no questions or comments f'rom the audience and Jack Shinall made a motion the Charter amendment be approved, as read at the last meeting. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Ap to Advertise Charter Amendment: Attorney Camp stated this Charter amendment wil ticle II (Corporate Limits) in its entirety and also delete Section 6(c) of' Article III (Ward Descriptions) and replace with a new Section 6(c). This amendment will re-describe the actual ward boundaries of' the City by metes and bounds as they now exist. This amendment will eliminate the piecemeal descriptions by parcel and consolidate the ward descriptions. Jack Shinall made a motion the amendment be advertised. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Validation of' Signatures: Attorney Camp read an application ror annexation f'or Bonnelle C. Bowie at 3399 Pinetree Drive as :follows: We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of' the electors resident in the area described below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) of' the owners of' the land area by acreage ot' the area described below, which is unincorporated and contiguous to the City of' Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of' Smyrna under the prov~sions of' the Code of' Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, Pages 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed being described as follows, to wit: All that tract or parcel of' land lying and being in Land Lot 597 of' the 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia, being Lot 1 o:f Subdivision ot' Frank M. Collier, Jr., as per plat recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 192, Cobb County, Georgia Recorcls and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east side oi' Pine Tree Drive where the south line of' Land Lot 597 intersects the east side of' Pine Tree Drive; running thence easterly, along the south line of' Land Lot 597, a distance of 323.7 f'eet to a point; running thence northerly 105.4 feet to a point; running thence northwesterly along the line dividing Lot 1 and Lot 2 of' said subdivision 328 f'eet to a point located on the east side oi' Pine Tree Drive; running thence southerly along the east side of' Pine Tree Drive 139 f'eet to the point of' BEGINNING. WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SMYRNA. March 4, 1985 - Continued Witness the signature ot~ 60% of' the electors resident in the area described below: s/BONNELLE C. BOWIE witness the signature of' the record his legal representative, of 60% of' s/BONNELLE C. BOWIE, HORACE BOWIE title holders the land area of' the above f'ee simple title, or described by acreage: Max Bacon made a motion the signatures be validated and the public hearing set: f'or April 1st. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Hugh Ragan introduced Larry WilJ. iams, the new Fire Chiet' :for the City. Bid Opening: as f'ollows: Bids for a new car f'or the Fire Chief' were opened, read and recorded Bleakley Ford Wade Ford Days Chevrolet $11,133.01 $11,084.81 $10,299.00 (100 amp alternator not available) Hugh Ragan made a motion the f'or evaluation with authority the motion which carried 6-0. bids to be turned over purchase the low to the bid. Public Saf'ety James Williams Committee seconded Bid Opening: as follows: Bids t'or an Emergency Management vehicle were opened, read and recorded General GMC Boomershine Camp Chevrolet Nally Chevrolet John Smith Chevrolet $12,352.00 $13,794.00 $13,531.63 $13,061.37 $13,108.00 $13,723.00 (with options) $14,823.06 $13,841.67 $14,349.58 (with options) (with options) (with options) Hugh made a motion the bids be turned over to the Public Saf'ety f'or evaluation with authority to PUrchase low bid and report back at meeting. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Committee the next Report on Bid Award: Hugh Ragan said that only one bid was received f'or installation of' the Emergency Outdoor Warning System installation and it seemed to be out of' line. Hugh Ragan made a motion the bid be rejected and .Jim Farley be authorized to negotiate the installation on a time and material basis, not to exceed the budgeted amount of' $1,550. James Wi.lliams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Report on Bid Award: Hugh Ragan made a motion equipment be purchased t'rom the low bidders on seconded the motion which carried 6-0. the hazardous materials a line item basis. Jack response Shinall Report on Bid Award: to Dixie Chemicals, the which carried 6-0. Jim Hawkins low bidder made a motion at $3,814.05. the Max pOOl Bacon chemicals seconded be the awarded motion Report on Bid Award: Jim Hawkins said the Parks Committee recommends the second low bid ot' $8,497.00 be accepted :from Strother Ford. The actual low bid was f'rom Days Chevrolet but the Ford station wagon provides additional needed room. Jim Hawkins made a motion the bid be awarded to Strother Ford. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Request f'or Bids: Jack sation insurance, to be motion which carried 6-0. Shinall made returned at a motion bids be requested f'or workmans compen- the next meeting. Jim Hawkins seconded the Amendment to Section 28.20 single t'amily be amended by Fire Code: Hugh Ragan said this proposed amendment since some of' the builders had questions about it dwellings. Hugh Ragan made a motion that Section 28.20 adding the f'ollowing: is to clari:t'y pertaining to Chimney Chase s Section 28.20 subsection C. (8) Chimney Chases. This section shall apply to all Chimney chases i'or single :t'amily, one and two f'amily, and multi-f'amilY dwellings and other applicable buildings as designated by the City Building Inspector or the City Fire Marshal. Hugh motion a mo.tion the amendment be approved. carried 6-0. Kathy Brooks seconded the March 4, 1985 - Continued Commercial Building Permits: Commercial building permits were presented by Inspector Scott Stokes and recorded as f'ollows: 1) Quality Tape and Label requested a permit t'or new construction at Cooper Lake Road at a total estimated cost of' $180,000. Hugh Ragan made the permit be approved sUbject to approval of' the City Engineer and Fire James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. 3515 No. a motion Marshal. 2) Pizza Hut requested a building permit f'or tenant space at a total estimated cost of' $30,000. Jack Shinall made a approved subject to approval of' the City Engineer and Fire seconded the motion which carried 6-0. at 1525 Spring Road motion the permit be Marshal. Kathy Brooks 3) Smyrna of' $17,000. of' the City carried 6-0. Hospital requested a Jim HaWkins made a Engineer and Fire permit :f'or remodeling at a total estimated cost motion the permit be approved subj ect too approval Marshal. James Williams seconded the motion which 4) Ridgeview Institute requested a building permit to connect cottages D at a total estimated cost of' $145,000. Jim Hawkins made a motion the be approved subject to approval of' the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. Max seconded the motion which carried 6-0. C and permit Bacon 5) Cobb Center Mall requested a permit f'or remodeling at at a total estimated cost of' $340,000. Kathy Brooks made approved subj ect to approval ot' the City Engineer and Fire seconded the motion which carried 6-0. 2122 South Cobb Drive a motion the permit be Marshal. James Williams Variance Moratorium: Jack Shinall stated the int'ormation he gathered during the moratorium on variances revealed that our setbacks, buf'f'er requirements, etc. are almost identical to surrounding cities and counties. The one big dif'f'erence was the matter of' f'ees and variance application requirements. There was also some discussion on what actually def'ines a hardship and Mr. Camp is working on this which we should have by the next meeting. Jack Shinall made a motion the moratorium on variances be lif'ted with the f'ollowing changes to application procedures: 1) Fees :for all variances located within new developments; residential, commercial, townhouses, condominiums, etc. be set at $250. 2) Variances appurtenant to existing single f'amily residential structures require a $50 f'ee. In addition, all requests t'or variances within new developments must be accompanied by a detailed description of' t;he hardship created by building within code require- ments and why they need the variance. In addition to that all applications on new developments must be accompanied by an engineers drawing indicating the existing situation; i.e., as built to our code and outlining how the new structure will be placed on the lot or outlining any movement of' the structure on the particular lot. Any development appurtenant to residential single f'amily structures should only contain a sketch of' tbe construction. Jack said if' we have any variances at the next meeting we will have the hardship def'inition f'or comparison. The $ 250 variance f'ee will also apply to all commercial, existing as well as new construction. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Ordinance: Attorney Camp said that several years ago, the Atlanta Regional Com- mission undertook to give sample ordinances to cities in this area in connection with the Chattahoochee River Tributary Protection Ordinance which f'alls under their jurisdiction. This ordinance is to protect the water quality of' the Chatta- hoochee River by creating vegetation buf'f'ers adjacent to tributary streams in the drainage area of' the Chattahooche Corridor and to minimize land disturbing activities within such buf'f'er areas. Mr. Camp said the City would enf'orce and regulate this ordinance. Hugh Ragan made a motion the ordinance be approved to become ef'f'ective March 5, 1985. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Wastewater Treatment Agreements: City Engineer Mike Hutchinson said the EPA has now mandated that industries pre-treat their wastewater to a domestic level and the Interjurisdictional Pretreatment Agreement between Cobb County and the City of' Smyrna is to ensure compliance. Since the County owns and operates the wastewater treatment system utilized by the City of' Smyrna, the County will take care of' all sampling, metering, etc. and the City must agree to allow Cobb County access and authority to operate this program. The High Strength Wastewater Surcharge Agreement is f'or industries who elect not to pre-treat, or where treatment levels exceed domestic levels. This agreemen.t would also require the City or Smyrna to be respons;i..ble ror billing and collection of' the surcharge. James Williams made a motion the Interjurisdictional Pretreatment Agreement and the High Strength Wastewater 9urcharge Agreement be approved. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion Whichi7#lf!!Jffig~. carried 6-0. (Copy to be made a part of' these minutes.) ~fu Approval of' Minutes: Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of' February 4, 1985 be approved as submitted. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Max Bacon made a motion the minutes of' February 18, 1985 be approved as submitted. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Approval of' Golf' Course Plans: Jim Hawkins presented plans or the golf' course :t'or North Smyrna Park. This will be a par 61 and should open by August, 1985. Jim said this land was deeded to the City by the Federal government with the stipula- tion that be used only f'or parks. The course will be built through a concession agreement with Mr. Gene Jerrell at no cost to the City. Jim Hawkins made a motion the plans be approved and approval also be given t'or a construction trailer f'or 12 months. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Vie Broyles said Welker & Associates is working on the plans f'or the extension of' Cherokee Road and we still do not know what will be required by the City. The Department of' Transportation is talking about letting bids in April or June and approval of' the engineering plans ror utili ties will be approved at a later date when we know more about what is needed. Max Bacon thanked the Smyrna Kiwanis f'or adopting the area Hills as their clean up project through the Clean City Committee. Max also thanked Barbara Hollingsworth and her Girl Scout troop t'or adopting the swing area on Bank Street at Atlanta Road. Max commended the Clean City Committee f'or getting these projects of'f' the ground. (Water) ready to a motion 6-0. James Williams advertise f'or the rules be said that according to Welker bids ror Phase I or the sewer suspended. Hugh Ragan seconded & Associates we are now rehabilitation. James made the motion which carried James Williams made a motion 28, 1985 1'or Phase I which City Hall and specif'ications opened on March 28th with the the motion which carried 6-0. bids be received no later than 2: 00 p.m. on March is the Belmont Hills area. Bids will be received at can be picked up at WeJ.ker' s ot'rice. Bids will be committee and Welker & Associates. Jim Hawkins seconded James Williams said we customers with about 20 These people were added about 50/50. have had a good response f'rom the letters to 25 stating they were already connected to the March billing. James said the other sent to water to sewerage. responses were Jim Hawkins wished Bob Davis a speedy recovery f'rom surgery. (Finance) Jack Shinall stated we had received about 150 City Administrator's jOb and the committee is doing some Also, pre:timinary budget figures will be ready soon. applications f'or the preliminary screening. (Library) Kathy Brooks the motion which carried made 6-0. a motion the rules be suspended. Hugh Ragan seconded Kathy made a motion the bid t'or the ceiling tile replacement at the library be awarded to R&R Interiors at $3,750, with $2,400 to be paid from Contingecy. Kathy said that Mrs. Morris had had some unf'ortunate problems in maintenance this year and had spent more than she anticipated. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Doris Morris reported on library act:iv;i..ties and said that tax t'orms are available. (Public ) Larry Will:iams stated he was happy to be on board and looked f'orward to a good working relat:ionship. Announcements: CMA dinner meeting at Aunt Fanny' s Cabin on March 12th; next council meeting March l8th. Mayor home said that Clarence Brooks had been in the hospital but was now at and wanted him to know everyone was thinking about him. With no f'urther business, meeting at 8:55 p.m. ************************