December 17, 1984 Council Meeting December l7, 1984 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held December l7, 1984 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 0' clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police Chief R. E. Little, Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, Public Works Director Vic Broyles, Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Reavis, Civil Defense Director J:im Farley, Build:ing Inspector Scott Stokes, Librarian Doris Morris, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Hugh Ragan, followed by the pledge to the flag. There were no cit:izens reports. Max Bacon announced that item 4 on the agenda, the rezoning request in Land Lots 600 and 601 from R-20 to RM-10 (Condominiums) would be the request of the appl:icant. Max Bacon made a motion the rezon:ing to February 4, 1985. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 7-0. for property cont:inued at be continued Rezoning: Rick Vaughn representing Ed Salem, requested rezoning of Tract A and B of Highlands Park property in Land Lots 688, 689, 752 and 753 from Future Commerc:ial and Office/Institutional to General Commercial. Mr. Vaughn stated that Tracts A and B were adjacent to South Cobb Drive. There was no opposit:ion and Hugh Ragan made a motion the property be rezoned as requested. Jack Sh:inall seconded the mot:ion which carried 7-0. Rick Vaughn also represented Park property in Land Lots tutional to Light Industry. the property be rezoned. Kathy Ed Salem in the:ir request 473, 474, 534, 535, 536, There was no opposition Brooks seconded the motion to rezone Tract C of H:ighlands 545 and 547 f'rom Of'fice/Inst:i- and Hugh Ragan made a mot:ion which carried 7-0. Annexation: Douglas R. Haynie requested annexation of' Smyrna Prebyterian Church on Atlanta Road in Land Lots 595, 596 and 597, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of the November 19, 1984 meet:ing. Max Bacon made a motion the property be annexed, to become a part of Ward 2. J:im Tolleson seconded the mot:ion wh:ich carried 7-0. Residential Business License: MiChael McGee requested a residential permit for A&M Waterproofing, Inc., 599 Kennesaw Drive. Mr. McGee said he was requesting the license so that he could have a girl come to his home and do bookkeeping. At the present time, he is storing material in his back yard but was looking for another location. He had recently purchased a vacant lot on South Cobb Drive across f'rom Campbell's Restaurant but had run into a problem there because it is zoned General Commercial and had been told that outside storage was not allowed in this classi- fication. A resident of' 2120 Gober Terrace said he had signed the petition but did not read it first. He also understood Mr. McGee to say that the business would only be at his home for 2 to 3 weeks, while he was remodeling his office. Mayor Bacon stated there seemed to be a good deal of misunderstanding about the license and suggested this be tabled to give Mr. McGee more time to talk to his neighbors. Kathy Brooks made a motion the license be tabled to the January 7th meeting. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Commercial Build:ing Perm:its: Commercial building perm:its were presented by Inspector Scott Stokes and recorded as follows: l) Tolar Construction Company requested a build:ing permit to fin:ish the of the existing bu:ilding at 2585-B Spring Road at a total estimated cost of Jim Tolleson made a motion the permit be approved subject to approval of Engineer and Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carr:ied 7-0. interior $20,000. the City Annexation: James Williams made a motion four (4) parcels in Land Lots 634, 633 and 663 be annexed, to become a part of Ward 3, tion having been read and made a part of tbe minutes of November 5, seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Davenport Town :in the legal descrip- 1984. J:im Hawk:ins Vali three tures: Attorney Camp read an application for annexation for Davenport Street in Land Lot 664 as follows: We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors resident in the area descr:ibed below and who const:itute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the land area by acreage of the area described below, which is unincorporated and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sect:ions 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; as follows, 1976, Pages to w:it: 1011, 1012; said property to be annexed being described All the more that tract or parcel of land lying and being 17th District and 2nd Section of Cobb County, or less, more particularly described as follows: :in Original Georgia and Land Lot being one No. 664 of (l) acre, Beginning at a point on the East side of what :is known as Davenport Road, this point being 208.5 feet South of the North orig:inal line of said Land Lot, and runn:ing East along line of proerty now, or formerly belong:ing to Richard Berry for a distance of 417 feet to a point; thence South one hundred (100) feet to a po:int; thence West parallel with the North boundar>Y, for a distance of 417 f'eet more or less, to the said Davenport Road, thence North along the East s:ide of sa:id road for a distance of 100 feet to a po:int of beginning. Also, all that tract or parcel of land ly:ing and be:ing in Or:ig:inal Land Lot 664 of the 17th Distr:ict, 2nd Sect:ion of Cobb County, Georgia and being a port:ion of the proPerty of Richard Berry and lying in the form of a rectangle (l91.6 feet wide and 214.5 feet w:ide) as shown on plat of survey of the same made by Mr. Wade T. Poston, Registered Surveyor, dated July 8, 1966 and recorded in Plat Book 60, Page 84, Office of Clerk, Superior Court of Cobb County, Georg:ia and being more particularly described as f'ollows: BEGINNING at a fence post located on the East side of' Davenport Street where the East side of Davenport Street :intersects with the North l:ine of Land Lot 664 as shown on the aforesaid plat; running thence in a Southerly d:irection along the East side of' Davenport Street for a d:istance of 2l4. 5 feet to a point located on the East side of' Davenport Street; thence runn:ing :in an Easterly d:irect:ion for a distance of 191.6 feet to an iron pin as shown on said plat; thence running in a Northerly direct:ion for a distance of 2l4. 5 feet to an :iron pin located on the North line of Land Lot 664 as shown on said plat; thence runn:ing :in a Westerly direction along the North l:ine of Land Lot 664 for a d:istance of 191.6 feet to a fence post loca.ted where the East side of' Davenport Street intersects w:i th the North line of Land Lot 664 and the point of beginning. Also, all that Distr:ict, 2nd as follows: tract or Section, parcel of land lying Cobb County, Georgia, and and being being :in Land Lot 664 of more particularly the 17th described BEGINNING at a point marked by an :iron pin on the east s:ide of Belmont Road (formerly Davenport Road) 654 feet south from the northwest corner of Land Lot 664, sa:id beginning point being on the west l:ine of' sa:id Land Lot 664, and runn:ing thence easterly 205 feet to an iron pin; thence southerly 207.1 feet to an iron p:in; thence westerly 61.5 feet to an iron pin; thence north 62 feet to an iron pin; thence westerly 147 feet to an iron pin on the east side of Belmont Road; thence north along the east s:ide of Belmont Road, and the west l:ine of Land Lot 664, l56. 5 feet to the point of beginn:ing, being :improved property with a one-story frame house thereon. WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SMYRNA. Witness s:ignature of 60% of the electors resident of the s:Lmple title, or his legal representative, of' described acreage: s/LUEZZEA WILKES & OPRIA WILKES SOPHIA ISABELLA BATES KING & WILLARD KING and record title holders 60% of the land area above DAVENPORT; FRANK DAVENPORT; James Will:iams made a motion set f'or the f'irst meeting in 7-0. the signatures be January. Max Bacon val:idated seconded and the pUblic the motion which hear:ing carr:ied Validation of' Signatures: property on Windy Hill Road Attorney Camp read an :in Land Lot 733 as follows: application for annexation of' We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of' the owners of' the land area by acreage of' the area descr:ibed below, wh:ich j.s unincorporated and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the C:i ty of Smyrna under the provis:ions of the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through 69-912 (Georgia Laws, Acts 1966, Pa.ges 409, 4l0, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, Pages lOll, 1012; sa:id property to be a.nnexed be:ing described as follows, to wit: TRACT I: All that tract or parcel of land ly:ing and being in Land Lot 733, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia and be:ing more particularly described as f'ollows: BEGINNING at an iron pin set on the southeasterly right of way line of Windy Hill Road (100 f'oot right of way) at the intersection of' said r:ight of way line and the land lot line common to Land Lots 708 and 733, said sect:ion, distr:ict and county; said iron p:in being located 819.35 f'eet northerly as measured along said southeasterly right of way line of Windy Hill Road, from the intersection of said r:ight of way line with the easterly right of way line of Pasadena Road (100 f'oot right of way); run thence along said southeasterly right of way line and following the curvature thereof for an arc distance of 194.81 feet to an :iron p:in set (said arc being sub- tended by a chord having a bearing of North 55 degrees 08 minutes 29 seconds East and a chord distance of 194.81 feet); thence leaving said right of way l:ine South 14 degrees 04 minutes 58 seconds East a d:istance of 1043.09 feet to an :iron p:in found on the land lot line common to Land Lots 733 and 734; thence along said land :lot line South 89 degrees 30 minutes 22 seconds West a distance of 399. 7l feet to an iron pin found at the corner common to Land Lots 707, 708, 733 and 734; thence along the land lot line common to Land Lots 708 and 733 North 00 degrees 53 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 903.94 feet to an iron pin set on the southeasterly right of way l:ine of Windy Hill Road and the point of BEGINNING, sa:id tract containing 6.329 acres per plat of' survey prepared by C:lif'f'ord A. Smith, Georgia Registered Land Surveyor No. 1500, of Patterson Engineering, dated March 14, ]_984, as last revised OctOber 23, 1984. TRACT II: All that tract or parcel Section, 17th District, Cobb County, as follows: of land Georgia ly ing and and being being more :in Land Lot part:icularly 733, 2nd descr:ibed TO FIND THE POINT OF BEGINNING, commence at an iron pin set on the southeasterly right of way line of Windy Hill Road (100 foot r:ight of way) at the intersection of said right of way l:ine and the land lot line common to Land Lots 708 and 733, said section, district and county; said iron pin being located 819.35 feet northerly as measured along said southeasterly r:ight of way line of Windy Hill Road, f'rom the intersection of said right of way line with the easterly right of way l:ine of Pasadena Road (100 foot right of way); run thence along said southeasterly right of way line and fOllowing the curvature thereof f'or an arc distance of 194. 81 feet to an iron pin set and the POINT OF BEGINNING (said arc being subtended by a chord having a bearing of' North 55 degrees 08 minutes 29 seconds Eas-t and a chord distance of 194.81 f'eet); FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNING THUS ESTABLISHED, run thence along sa:id southeasterly right of way :line and follow:ing the curvature thereof for an arc distance of' 107.77 feet to an iron pin set (said arc being subtended by a chord having a bearing of' North 55 degrees 50 minutes 51 seconds East and a chord distance of 107.77 feet); thence leaving said r:ight of' way line South 21 degrees 02 minutes 02 seconds East a distance of 1146.90 feet to an iron pin found on the land lot line common to Land Lots 733 and 734; thence along said land lot line South 89 degrees 35 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 247 _ 03 feet to an iron p:in found; thence North 14 degrees 04 minutes 58 seconds West a distance of' 1043.09 feet to an iron pin set on the southeasterly right of' way line of' Windy Hill Road and the POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract containing 4.256 acres per plat of survey prepared by Cl:ifford A. Smith, Georgia Registered Land surveyor No. l500, of Patterson Engin- eering, dated March 14, 1984, as last rev:ised October 23, 1984. WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SMYRNA. Witness the s:ignature legal representative, JANET GOETHE of of the 60% record of the title land holders of area above the fee s:imple title, described by acreage: or his s/M. James Williams made a motion set f'or the first meeting in 7-0. the signature be January. Max Bacon validated seconded and the public the motion which hear:ing carried Hugh Ragan made annexation by the carried 7-0. a motion 7th Day the rules Adventist be suspended to read another applicat:ion for Church. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion wh:ich Validation of Signatures: property in Land Lots 530 Day Adventists as follows: Attorney and 551 for Camp the read an applicat:ion for annexation of Georgia Conference Assocation of Seventh- We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the land December 17, 1984 - Cont:inued area by apreage to the CIty of' Smyrna under the 69-9l2 (Georgia Pages lOll, 1012; of the area described below, which :is unincorporated and contiguous Smyrna, hereby appJ.y to have sa:id area annexed Into the City of' provisIons of' the Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections 69-904 through Laws, Acts 1966, Pages 409, 4l0, 4l1, 412, 413; 1971, 399; 1976, sa:id property to be annexed be:ing described as follows, to w:it: All that tract or parcel of' land ly:ing and being in Land Lots 530 and 551, 17th D:istrict, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia and being more particularly descr:ibed on plat made by Gaskins & Hogan Survey:ing Co., dated Apr:il 15, 1982 and be:ing more particularly descr:ibed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron p:in located on the southeasterly r:ight of' way of' King Spr:ings Road (50 f'oot right of' way) an arc distance of 80.53 feet from the intersection of the southeasterly right of way of King Spr:ings Road and the north land lot line of' Land Lot 530; running thence South 55 degrees 58 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of' 590.19 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 2 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of' 337.50 feet to an :iron pin; runn:ing thence South 2 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds West a distance of 100 f'eet to an iron pin; runnipg thence North 78 degrees II minutes 52 seconds West a total d:istance of 378.50 feet to an iron pin; thence No:t'th 10 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds West a distance of 567.41 f'eet to a concrete monument located on the southeasterly right of way of King Springs Road; running thence northwesterly along the arc of a 311.50 foot radius curve along the southeasterly right of' way of King Springs Road an arc d:istance of' 132.40 f'eet to an iron pin and the po:int of BEGINNING. Said tract being more specifically descr:ibed as Tract I on sa:id survey prepared by Gaskins & Hogan Surveying Co. Less and and 551, made by o . 50 acres Except all that tract or parcel of land ly:ing and be:ing :in Land Lots 530 District, 2nd Sect:ion, Cobb County, Georg:ia and being shown on survey & Hogan Surveying Co., dated April l5, 1982 and being approximately which is more particularly descr:ibed as follows: TO FIND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: Beg:in at a concrete monument located on the southeasterly right of way of King Springs Road (50 foot r:ight of way) which concrete monument is located northwesterly along the arc of a 311.50 f'oot radius curve along the southeasterly r:ight of way of K:ing Springs Road an arc d:istance of' 2l2.93 feet from the intersect:ion of the north land lot line of' Land Lot 530; running thence South 10 degrees 00 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 567.41 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 78 degrees 11 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 125.50 feet to an iron pin, this being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: running thence South 78 degrees 11 minutes 52 seconds East a d:istance of 117.45 feet to an iron pin; running thence North 2 degrees 37 minutes 08 seconds East a d:istance of 196.63 feet to an iron p:in; running thence North 87 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 115.95 feet to an :iron pin; running thence South 2 degrees 37 m:inutes 08 seconds West a distance of 177.89 feet to an iron p:in th:is being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. There appears to be an exist:ing dwelling located on sa:id tract. Also less and except an easement f'or :ingress and egress to the same of like or equal quality as presently exists. All that tract or parcel of land lying and District, 2nd Sect:ion, Cobb County, Georgia on plat made by Gaskins & Hogan Surveying more particularly described as follows: being in Land Lots 530 and and being more part:icularly Co., dated Apr:il 15, 1982, 551, 17th described and be:ing TO FIND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, beg:in at an :iron pin at the common corner of Land Lots 530, 551, 529 and 552 (sa:id point of' beginn:ing also being located at the center line of Laurel Creek); running thence South 5 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds west along the centerline of said Laurel Creek and following the meander- ings thereof, a distance of 79.58 feet to a point; runn:ing thence South 23 degrees 09 m:inutes 08 seconds west along the centerline of' said Laurel Creek and following the thereof, a distance of 88.50 feet to a point; runn:ing thence South 20 minutes 24 seconds west, along the center line of said Laurel Creek and the meanderings thereof', a distance of' 121.66 f'eet to a po:int; running thence South 15 degrees 13 m:inutes 40 seconds West along sa:id Laurel Creek and foll meanderings thereof, a d:istance of 119.27 feet to a point this being the OF BEGINNING; runn:ing thence North 84 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds East, along the centerline of' said Laurel Creek and following the meanderings thereof, a d:istance of' 91.91 feet to a point; running thence South 85 degrees 16 minutes 53 seconds East along the centerline of sa:id Laurel Creek and f'ollowing the meander- December 17, 1984 - Continued ings thereof', a d:istance of' 148 f'eet to a point; running thence South 35 degrees 14 minutes 29 seconds East along the centerline of sa:id Laurel Creek and following the meanderings thereof, a distance of' 56.86 feet to an iron pin; runn:ing thence South 82 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East along the centerline of said Laurel Creek and following the meanderings thereof, a distance of 10.00 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 7 degrees 54 minutes 42 seconds West a d:istance of 301.87 f'eet to an iron pin; running thence North 87 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 594.06 f'eet to an iron pin; running thence North 2 degrees 57 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 337.50 f'eet to an iron p:in; running thence South 87 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 336.17 feet to a point located at the centerline of sa:id Laurel Creek and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Said tract being more specifically described as Tract 2 on said survey prepared by Gaskins & Hogan surveying Co. All that tract or parcel of land ly:ing and being :in Land Lots 530 and 551, 17th District, 2nd Section, Cobb County, Georgia and being more particularly described on plat made by Gaskins & Hogan Surveying Co., dated Apr:il 15, 1982 and be:ing more particularly desacr:ibed as follows: BEGINNING at an :iron pin at the common corners of' Land Lots 530, 551, 529 and 552 (said point of beginning also being located at the center line of Laurel Creek); running thence South 5 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds West along the centerl:ine of sa:id Laurel Creek and following the meanderings thereof', a distance of 79.58 feet to a point; running thence South 23 degrees 09 minutes 08 seconds West, along the center line of said Laurel Creek and f'ollow:ing the meanderings thereof, a distance of' 88.50 f'eet to a point; running thence South 20 degrees 20 minutes 24 seconds West, along the centerline of' said Laurel Creek and following the meanderings thereof, a distance of' 121.66 feet to a point; running thence South 15 degrees 13 m:inutes 40 seconds West along said Laurel Creek and following the meanderings thereof', a distance of l19. 27 feet to a po:int; runn:ing thence South 87 degrees 02 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of' 336.17 f'eet to an iron pin; runn:ing thence North 55 degrees 58 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of' 590.19 f'eet to an :iron pin located on the southeasterly right of' way of King Springs Road (50 f'oot right of way); running thence northwesterly along the arc of a 311.50 foot rad:ius curve along the southeasterly right of' way of King Springs Road an arc distance of' 80.53 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 87 degrees 40 m:inutes 00 seconds East a distance of 820.87 f'eet to an iron pin located at the common corners of Land Lots 530, 551, 529 and 552, being the point of' BEGINNING. Said tract being more specifically described as Tract 3 on said survey prepared by Gaskins & Hogan Surveying Co. WHEREFORE, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SMYRNA. W:itness the s:ignature of the record legal representative, of' 60% of' the B. PATTERSON, PRESIDENT & JAY SHANKO, CIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS title holders of' the fee simple title, land area above described by acreage: ASSISTANT SECRETARY, GEORGIA CONFERENCE or his s/GARY ASSO- Hugh for 7-0. Ragan made a motion the f'irst meeting in the signatures January. Jack be validated and the public hearing set Shinall seconded the motion which carried Only one bid was received for the extension of the water line on At- .was opened, read and recorded as follows: Complete Pipe Line $39,690.00 Max Bacon made a motion the bid be turned over to the committee dation back to full council at the next meeting. J:im Hawkins wh:ich carried 6-1, w:ith Jack Shinall opposed. with their recommen- seconded the motion Bid Openin,,: Only one bid was received :for the sound projector and screen :for the Fire Department, which was opened, read and recorded as follows: School Things Kodak CT100 Projector $822.00 Dalite Screen Versatol $74.00 60 x 60 December 17, 1984 - Continued Jim Hawkins dat:ion back 7-0. made at a motion the next the bid be turned over to the committee w:ith their recommen- meeting. James W:illiams seconded the mot:ion which carried Bid Opening:: Bids read and recorded as for six f'ollaws: (6 ) Scott a:ir packs f'or the Fire Department were opened, Harold's Sales & Service $1,026.00 each (alternate bid) 247.50 each, spare cyl:inders American Safety & Fire House $ $ 987.50 each 250.50 each, spare cyl:inders Jim Hawkins made a motion the bids be turned over to the comm:ittee with their recommen- dat:ion back to full council at the next meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Hugh Ragan made a motion the City he tabled to the which carried 7-0. the report on first meeting the bid award for engineering services f'or :in January. J:im Tolleson seconded the motion Jack Shinall made a motion the Powder Springs Street br:idge construction be awarded to C. w. Matthews at $36,500 if the job can be completed within a reasonable length of' time. the contract would be awarded to the next low b:idder at $43,700. Jim TollesOn seconded the mot:ion which carried 7-0. f'or 1, 1984. lump James Commun:ity and salary scale. James W:illiams made a mot:ion a 5% increase be approved employees with the exception of Department Heads, effective December longevi ty plan of' $10 for each year of serv:ice to be paid :in a employee's anniverElary date each year, effective January 1, 1985. we would also be contacting either ARC or the Department of about conducting a complete review of our job classifications Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0. James 21st the made a motion the second ffieet:ing in because of the Mayor's Day meet:ing carr:ied 7-0. January be changed :in Atlanta. Max Bacon from the seconded J.M.E.B.S. Amendment: be amended by changing and to also approve a participate. Jack Sh:inall Kathy Brooks made a mot ion the J. M. E. B. S. retirement program the time of' vesting to 10 years service, regardless of age voluntary cont;ribut:ion program for employees who w:ish to seconded the motion which carr:ied 7-0. (Publ:ic Safety) J:im Hawk:ins announced that be used for public meetings because the Police du;r:ing the day for f:ingerprint:ing. the Court Department Room will could no be using the room Jim equipment any and that recently there had been a lot of discussion about faulty Fire Department he had asked each f'ireman to make a list of tney knew of. Jim said he had received several envelopes from them them tomorrow and rev:iew each list. Jim also read a letter from Coll:ins expressing his concerns over the constant controversy surrounding the F:ire Department, to be made a part of these minutes. Jack Shinall asked Vic Broyles if tne State :inspectors had checked the pav:ing done :in the C:ity under the LARP program because some of the streets were very poorly done. Jack also cautioned cit:izens about some of the fly-by-n:ight driveway pavers. (Lib;ra;ry) Morris reported on library activ:it:ies. With no business, meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ******************** 1 MAX BACON, WARD 2