October 15, 1984 Council Meeting cheduled meeting meeting Bacon. of town. Also presen Police Chief R. E. Direc r Vic Broyles, P Dameron, Civil Defense Jim tor Scott Stokes and representatives r and Council was held October 15, 1984 at Smyrna order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer members were present except James WilJ_iams who ty Attorney Char E. Camp, City Clerk Willouise Acting Fire Ch Hubert Cochran, Public Works endent Jimmy Hinson, Assistant City Clerk Melinda Farley, Librarian Doris Morris, Building Inspec- of the press. Invocation was given by Jim Hawkins, followed by the pledge to the flag. Jack Shi member Cliff esented a crystal jonquil to outgoing Parks & Recreation and thanked him for serving on that board since 1978. There were no citizens reports. A roval of 1984/85 Jim Hawkins to the next meeting si Mr. Williams the motion which carried 6-0. made was a motion the audit approval absent tonight. Jack Shinall be tabled seconded rezoning of 9.91 acres in Land Lo-t 529, King Future Commercial to RM-12. Mayor Bacon said this property since he has known the Nations' fy himself. Mayor Bacon then turned the meeting eson. Mr. Tolleson read a letter from Mayor Bacon to he was the agent for 'the property and would disqualify B. Wilmont Williams and both were sworn in by Attor- Joel Harrell, Dixie James and Ken Vanderpool, e were approximately 78 in the audience in favor 80 opposed. Mr. Dillard called on B. Wilmont Wil- t Builders. Mr. Williams said his company has been the county and they take pride in the projects they ts increased surrounding property values. received a copy of the booklet they prepared and filed a copy with the Clerk. Mr. Dillard acres of the 9.91 acres be rezoned from Future Commer- . Dillard said the site plan that has been filed shows Springs Road with a 50 foot buffer on King Springs adjacent to Griffin Middle School. Mr. Dillard was consistent with uses in and around the parti- there are some medical offices and also commercial . On this side of South Cobb Drive they did not find down King Springs Road, with the retirement home across that any accessibility to the property would have to Future Commercial classification does not authorize that the property be zoned to one of four commercial h Cobb Drive is the only portion that is actually Di:llard said these will all be two bedroom units onsistent with other uses in the neighborhood, and n from commercial to residential. Mr. Dil:lard said nance would not be proper use of the property and l approve the rezoning. asked Mr. Mr. Williams owned the property. Mr. Dillard said ontract to pur property but it is not SUbject to rezoning. Follow- a question from Max Bacon, Mr. Di:llard said that Mr. Williams owns and manages all the units he builds. Max Bacon said that Mr. Williams mentioned that his develop- ments increased surrounding property values and asked how they could improve the v::tlue. Mr. Di:llard said the opment would not have a detrimenta:l aff'ect on any of the surrounding property. units will rent from $500 up. the traffic stu of'f'ice complex H j ected 686 trips ps per day Engineer d per day veraus 1,476 trips from a neighborhood Shopping ca:lled upon and sworn in by ic report f'or Mr. Williams and standards that have been developed. They of the buildings to determine how many October 15, 1984 - Continue~ trj_ps will section arld the south said :less figures be generated . Mr. agreed it was could be and Mr. Cobb Drive and Road has the c<rpacity. arrived at he also did the traffic count at the inter the intersection is not at capacity light. There was some discussion concerning the major portion of the traffic is going crossing is on the north Mr. Huffard of J,4,000 cars per day and presently at asked several questions about Mr. Huffard's -.,. Hugh Eag<rn Mr. Dillard distances asked why they could not use South Cobb Drive for the said there is not enough fro::1tage on South Cobb to from major intersections. Hugh Ragan asked several and their finding",. Rag<rn asked how many zoning lived in SmYrna.. Dillard said he did not know, in the zoning and they were not trying to impose them on entrance and exit. with limits relative present in these people council. Darlene spoke for the oppositon and said the Smyrna Homeowners protect the homes and communities. The associa.tion the development, and at their last meeting Mr. to the drawing board. They realize he is a good tactics he is using. Association's met with Mr. Wi:lliams said developer but they do not Vice President of Association spoke in behalf of the Mr. Harrell a one mile radius there are 852 multi- built. This include 525 units already ex;isting and also the 200 plus Towers and King Springs Village. Today, contacted and had vacancies; therefore, there was some the need for They a:lso talked to other developers in the felt that the proper'ty is suitable for other uses. This location also two school districts, King Springs and Griffin Middle. King Springs at present and is pretty much at capacity. Griffin has 740 at present of :l, 000. When deve:lopments are completed, the schools will limit. The school has also indicated they have no funds available Campbell High capacity and there is also the question of children. M:,:>. there was also some question as to whether existing water and could stand the strain asked if the actually cost of city services. to a recent Welker & this area has the highest rate of sewer prob also stated have the highest rate of burglaries this would quality of life in Smyrna. They felt this do little or to enhance the community and asked that the and sa_id he was th,c Community School about the traffic on that street. King ion in the City. Road is ar'ea to Smyrna. The felt a small the property. Mr. Vanderpool said there between the two 3ides tonight, but there cannot predict enrollment. Mr. proper category for this particular pie~e property because the Future Comnercial that classi f'ication are not sui table. that could b'~ a v-iable use; however, RM-l2 from commercial use down to Griff'in S.::ho:::>l. and could not understand W1iy there WJuld not adversely af'f'ect the h,,,al th 7 safety on the schools will Their students from the 23 to 24 of large Ken Vande::>pool, Hugh tonight that h,e reason for purchasing be denied for the two years ago of children walking school; 3) traffic area since two S';h'':lols in classrooms and/or hire stated that currently 'for monetary reasons: 1 ) th'':l'-1gh t aild als':) 4) no more ted today, which may teachers which cou:ld result in negative cash flow to city and county taxes which would be necessary; 6) office complex will create less disturbance; 7) possib:le overloaded conditions and increased problems with the water and sewer system; 8) possible inter ference with school children due to close proximity and noise created by the apartment complex. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion to deny. Jack Shinall said each development he has seen of Mr. Williams' has been good. Everyone here tonight had some good points and fe:l t this would be a decision to be made in the court. Vote on the motion to deny carried 5-0. Jim Tolleson called for a 5 minute recess and the meeting was reconvened by Mayor Bacon. Walter E. Moffett requested a variance on the front setback from 50 feet t for construction of a canopy at Amoco Oil on South Cobb Drive. This request was tabled at the last meeting and Mr. Moffett said they wou:ld instal:l a sign indicating no left turns Springs Street from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. They will al ate one driveway on the front. Mr. Moffett said they felt the new facility be a big improvement over the old one and also help the traffic situation. Mr. Williamson in the :in the area. He said he proved. It was agreed that expressed his opposition again because of traffic complaint on the sethack as :long as traffic was im- ity wou:ld install the no left turn signs. .Tack Shinall no l Street seconded the 3 foot setback be approved with the stipulation that be allowed onto South Cobb Drive or Powder Springs : 00 to 9: 00 a.m. and 4: 00 to 6: 00 p.m. Kathy Brooks ed 6-0. made a s from the motion Jim waiver of the 10 foot :landscaped strip required center at Spring and Atlanta Road. There was no al interested residents from Atlanta Terrace. Mr. that the entire 10 foot strip be eliminated, only point of the landscaped strip from the curb cut feet. Mr. Miller said they would replace the guard ce to prevent traffic from using that street. A:lso, Road they would prevent left hand turns. Mr. Miller k on Spring Road and maintain a 10 foot buffer Bacon stated that Mr. Miller has a letter from the oving the driveway cuts. Max Bacon made a motion following stipulations: l) Replace all sidewalk; ce; 3) maintain certain amount of landscaped city engineer about no left turns on Atlanta ntain setbacks on south side of the property. ch carried 6-0. (Rescinded-see minutes of 7/15/85) John R. Goss requested a variance on front building setback :line from 30 feet. This variance was also tabled at the last meeting. Mr. Goss said there is a detention bas property for water runoff and as requested, he had met with Jim Ma:l the underground basin. Mr. Mallett had stated the system seems to be also contacted the owners of the Shopping center and they have given to the underground retention system. Mr. Goss said the property is and they need the variance to place the bui:lding the ty and room for a drive through lane to the rear. The canopy on extends 42 feet over the existing set back 8 feet of They would like to build a restaurant on that will ex over the building setback line and actua:l:ly farther away from the way. There was no opposition from the audience Hawkins made a m variance be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the hich carried 6-0. - see minutes of 7/15/85) A variance request by John H. Switzer to reduce the landscaped strip for of a new Days Inn was withdrawn. a variance for new construction on Spring Street presented three different variance requests t choice. Mr. Johnson said without narrow the bu down to approximately 30 feet the property. will be a 5,500 square foot James Wi:l:liams could not be here tonight and this decision tonight. Max Bacon said it appears lot and also felt reluctant to did not have :letters from know they were required. Jack next meeting to give Mr. Johnson from plans 6-0. property owners and a multiple choice. also Max allow council Bacon seconded -.. L. Crowe waiver of the 10 foot landscaped strip on construction of Shopping Center. represented said this would strip shopping center were very they could building because the lot is small and three a 50 foot setback. when Spring Road was widened Mr. Crowe donated his property :for project. There was no opposition and Jim Tolleson a mot.ion the variance be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried :l5 made 6-0. building permits were presented by Inspector as follows: 1 ) requested a permit of $2.5 million. approval of the City carried 6-0. construction at 2700 Tolleson made a motion the and Fire Marshal. Jim Drive at a total be approved seconded the of Post Village at a tota:l est subject to the motion which Lake Park Drive requested a permit to repair of $85,000. Jim Tolleson made a motion the the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. Jack carried 6-0. ~ a permit for construction of a silo at a Attorney A:l ton Curtis represented Glen Robinson and 15 feet in diameter and would be used insecticides. The silo storage of this product $100 per ton. Mr. Curtis said he has contacted nonflammable noncarcinogenic. any dust or ion. The silo :feet off the line and not they were prepared red maple next to the townhomes. Director with the product being there. Max that he cou:ld see and could not support motion the permit be approved. Jack Shinall Jim Tolleson, Jack Shinall and HUgh Ragan Brooks opposed. Mayor Bacon vote4 in the affir- permit. to which Road requested a permit for an addition of $20,000. Jim Hawkirlsmade a motion the the City Engineer and Marshal. Hugh ''-IIi new construction at 5300 Highlands Parkway Ragan made a motion the permit be approved and Fire Marshal. Jim Tolleson seconded requested cost of of the carried 6-0. new construction at 5100 FIighlands Parkway Bacon made a motion the permit be approved and Fire Marshal _ Kathy Brooks seconded requested cost of $ the carried 6-0. construction at made a motion Fire Marshal. Jim Parkway approved seconded Ese Enterprises req1;<ested cost of' $ of' the City 6-0. neW construction at 4700 FI~ghlands Parkway Ragan made a motion the be approved and Fire Marshal. Jim seconded the an application for annexation by Johnny as follows: the la:l;ld CO:l;lt city thr 1976, wit: who constitute sixty percent (60%) of' the electors reside1;1t in ibed below and who constitute sixty percent (60%) of' the owners of' area by acreage of' the area described below, which is unincorporated and the City of apply to have said area annexed into the u1;1der the Oode of Georgia Apnotated, Sections 69-904 (Georgia Pages 409, 410, 411, 412, 413; 1971, 399; lOll, l012; be annexed being described as follows, to All that tract or 2ud Section, Oob being in Land Lot 733, 17th District, particular:ly described as f'ollows: on the south 1.and lot li1;1e of Land Lot 733, 646.74 feet east of Land Lot 733; rUnning thence north 21 degrees 02 minutes a point marked by an iron pin on the south side of ell Road); running thence uorth 57 degrees 02 miuutes of' way of' Windy Hill Road to a point marked by an 30 degrees 39 miuutes 39 seconds east 630.65 feet south 30 degrees 39 miuutes 43 seconds east 212.09 theuce south 30 degrees 38 minutes 03 seconds theuce south 30 degrees 39 minutes 54 seconds south of Laud Lot 733; running thence s 16 m 25 seconds west 395.52 f'eet to y direct on south 88 degrees 53 minutes 58 iron pin; running thence in a westerly direction south 'West for a distance of 151.. 95 f'eet to an iron pin BEGINNING, 16.351 acres according to a survey for Johnny Roper , 1984, by Olifford A. Smith, a Georgia Registered Surveyor. GNED HEREUNTO SET THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID THE CITY OF SMYRNA. of 60% of' the electors resident in the area described below: of' the o:f 60% title holders of the fee land area above described simple title, by acreage: record o:f the or his s/JOHNNY Jim Tol1.eson made a set for November 1.9, ture be validated a!).d the pUblic heariug date seCOnded the motion which carried 6-0. :for a cab aud chassis for a Parks Department truck were opened, as f'ollows: Wade Ford $8,300 (1984 or 1985 mode1.) Days Ohevrolet $9,110 (1985 model) d be awarded to Wade Ford, the low bidder, to be Department salaries. Jim Hawkins seconded the II made a mot money saved in motion which carried 6-0. Max Bacon made a motion the bids ope!).ed last meeting f'or two cabs and the Sanitation Department be awarcled to Complete Ref'use at $29,935.27 Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-0. made a motion bids be requested for a new sound system :for to be opened November 5th. Jack Shinall seconded the motion Hugh Ragan made a motion that approval be given to advertise the zoning ordina!).ce concerning variance procedures to be heard Shinall seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Jack Shinall said that after a lot of' hard work has beeu reached on the concession agreement f'or will provide recreation :facilities as required to the oity, with a cash benef'it in return. Jack said approved by the Department of' Interior and hopefully tomorrow. Jack read the resolution (copy to be made a part and made a approved. Kathy Brooks the m.otion as Chief'. (Public Board other Board Hawkins stated that Ted and Police and The tests be w Jim we have made that our f'ire we needed was a SUbmitted. to I. S .0., an f'rom 6 to 4. The water system and this rating we applied have a map, cutoff date for everyone of' the the Library Qarnival at made a motion the motion which carried be suspended to make a Jim HaWkins 1984 which made a the the motion insurance act has been in considerable loss Qamp be authorized meeting scheduled ,for deClaring f'or the intervene on October 22nd. ... 6-0. on Eugene for Executive Golf', Inc. the new golf' course briefly Smyrna Park. With business, meeting at 10:45 p.m. :\~ / c::;~-,.eo e City of Georgia (the Corporation {the owner of cert gia known as real. property North Smyrna property is he Bureau of r ior of the ty's desire greement, by it 0 r ~f the same egul.ations,- Bureau as to the City, ffective to the subject Any ru l. e, rd which may before ications parties on said e Thousand enants and agree as rties that year which oncession fees to formed by the grant unto 1 icense to 01f course, activities in EXHIBIT "A" erence. vements now or attachments, es attached s, trees or rty or under (the "Premises") for begin on the date therefrom (the rst right option such terms and using their best (and not without ss ire for wit the fo1l essionaire) 1 e cause", development :2 f the term, City tota 1 cost of Premises; (20) of the equal to capital cost of eciation line basis with year six the City in the unpaid ust Company ance owed with the he contrary 1 create any third party 3.. granted herein, amounts set rated herein the City, ring two fees and ipants ity, for the unreasonably including a opment of the ime schedule complet date, and the all be open for use by the ons").. essionaire state, nal laws, cable ation of Ru ations of tment of t yrna and the City and t eau, and any cessary or i tal to the and the grant of e concession ing and of the C for any rea the Facility ire and the professional 3 is Agreement . nal fees City. City with a nt and with proved and ormance of agrees to the following time ished to the s Agreement; , hundred and and; othing herein secu ring by otherwise, incurred in titl.e of the lated security s from the date the premises and as collateral. Concessionaire event that a Agreement by borrowing of signment shal.l be 5. records in and sha 1l. as prepared ained by audit the days notice and 4 one 6. for 1.awful ion with the shall comply regulations the Premises the City upon extensions of vements and erty of the fu 1. 1. first right City at any eof, offer purchase granted ffered by the to the City by an recovery and party, or its amount of any ;t.oss. damage fire, wi Concessi building or or any other to surrender 5 o terminate ns,. or to thereaf anding any 1 this Agreement,. to se any rebate or ecoming due under ru1e or regu1ation truction of the ua1ty, the ts 10cated on defend (with counse1 its agents,. and ities,. 10sses,. y's fees and its agents or any person or Premises and ionaire,. its ers,. it being stored or at the risk of be in addition the insurance as ischarge of or 1ity insurance so contractura1 this Agreement ad va10rem,. or other and/or the operation ter, sewer,. gas,. i11s incurred by remises. ring the term of this shou1d become ves y virture of ight of eminent essionaire and the event be e comme rminate as of greement,. a pub1ic ise of a ,. or by ty under t tit1e to a ring continued unreasonab1e,. time of vesting 6 either party shall be further t for occurrences antedating such or transfer, hereof, it is ties may make y for damages rties hereto at any time rmine that the n the National under this ent of the ment sha 11 ns of this ies hereto hstanding any Concessionaire covenants and or more of the following events default: 11 fail to make any semi- annual ee en it becomes due under the such failure to pay shall days. It in any of the h covenant nt effort by performed within d a bankrupt; or Concessionaire's 'nterest in the from City to ereof; or (f) r fai1.s to ring norma1. y (30) days, ave the option to and not in 1.aw or by this ave no further in which event the demised 1. so to do, ce to any arrearages, or remove if necessary, any claim for damages legal action the terms of for monetary ement, re-enter the r otherwise, and in remov ing a 11. ses and such in public warehouse or of, and fo account of t serv ice of or resort to ing deemed gu or trespass, or loss or damage which may be ult. Upon the occurrence of any r Concessinaire may pursue any of the are the term shall not 1 ions righ personal of this Agreement to work a her party ereunder of the roperty from the claims. t and for th esent is lawful1.y has good and a1.1 tenancies, 8 those reserved in that certain 28, 1977, and between the the C Smyrna, Georgia. terms agreement, that is not ault hereunder ble of the premises fered the City. r have immediate occupancy of the 19. required or shall be in ly given or ited in the rtified with the time period request must be the addressee or inability no notice has notice, demand or e, demand or request shall be t forth below (or such receiving the notice shall have r party); P.O. Box 1226 Smyrna, Georgia 30081 With a copy ".1'0: Charles E. C COCHRAN, C SNIPES 2950 Atlanta S reet, S. E. Smyrna, Georgia 30080 As to Cone onaire: Executive , Inc. 797 Kiowa D e, N. E. Marietta, Georgia 30060 With a Copy Thomas H.. Ro John H. Moor 274 Washington enue Marietta, Georgia 30060 1 be interpreted and enforced in the State of Georgia, and shall hereto, their heirs, successors (c) Time is of essence of this contract. 9 of this Agreement for reason by lare that all ining section and all remain in full force and may be amended but only upon the o and only in writing. the parties hereto have set their first above written. d " By: By: (Seal) with land of the United Air Base, hereinafter ce Base in Lots 518, 563 and Section, County, Georgia, y on the North, East and South by Base on the West by the and more particularly rce Base boundary East 125.62 feet Base boundary ; thence; Force Base to an iron feet to an feet to an .37 feet and to an iron , along the s 22 minutes and containing east portion of the property , the r of ingress and t parkin rivileges on the EXHIBIT ABA the first five rees to pay to amount of $5,000.00 even (J.1) sha 11 be tained by (ii) the preceeding plus fifty rounds. le by check mailed or such other essionaire in The Concession (10) days open to ts sha1l 9 the Term. at the earnest ire to the City the first annual RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Uni ted States Dobbins Air F OF SMYRNA has received from the rica, certain acerage adjacent to , through a grant ; AND WHERE formulat of the recreat grant provides that the City should the City will provide utilization own as NORTH SMYRNA PARK for or its citizens; gene Jarrell as the chief officer Executive Golf, Inc., and who is and ope of golf courses, has cession Agr ent with the City to golf course on a ortion of the reation to the ci t zens and which the city to defray the expenses of remainder of the property and for ation purposes; form of subject to the approval of NOW TH BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor is hereby authorized into a Concession Agreement in the attached, subject to the reveiw of the the Bureau of reation of the Department of the Interior of the United States of America or its designee, and thereafter said concession agreement shall be maintained t of the City Records by the Clerk of the City of S