September 5/17/24, 1984 Council Meeting
September 5. 1984
regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Qouncil was held pursuant to the Charter
5. 1984. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by pre-
siding officer Mayor Arthur T. Bacon. All council members were present. Also present
was City Qlerk Willouise Spivey. city Attorney Charles E. Camp. Police Ohief R.
E. Little. Assistant Public Director Vic Broyles. Parks and Recreation Direc-
tor Sherry Reavis. Ci Director Jim Farley. Librarian Doris Morris and
representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Jim Tolleson. followed by the pledge to the flag.
'ned of the manner in which a case was handled
concerning an accident involving his daughter.
Hawkins said the Public safety Committee would inves-
Monk of 895 Pinehill Drive requested a variance to construct
n the rear and" 5 feet on the side property lines. There
and Mr. Monk also had a letter from the adjoining property owners
no objection. Jack Shinall made a motion the variance be approved.
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
iance: The variance
Atlanta Road and Sp
be present.
by Charles B. Miller for construction at the corner
w"as not heard because Mr. Miller was not able to
Jim Hawkins read a
request for Franks
letter from Attorney Fred Bostick requesting that
Chiropractic Center at 1105 Ooncord Road be with-
requested a variance on required number of
2251 Lake Park Drive. Sandra L. Meador represen-
d like to create 13 additional spaces, from 175
d that 50 to 60% of the tenants will be driving
reduce the size on some of the spaces from the
t cars. This would allow 121 standard size spaces
There was no opposit:ion and James W:ill:iams made
ed. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried
variance to reduce number of required parking
front building setback line f'rom 50 :feet to
off'ice building on Lake Park Drive. There
in opposition and Mayor Bacon said that
asked for had been withdrawn. Mr. Gresham
variance on the f'ront building setback line would
f'rom their homes. and be an improvement. Mr. Gresham
to red"uce the parking spaces f'rom 332 to 295 which
of' the trees and f'urther enhance the landscaping.
ding setback line is only on one small corner of'
im Tolleson made a motion the variances be approved.
which carried 7-0.
to use a storage trailer f'or electrical equip-
e. Hugh Ragan made a motion approval be granted
the motion which carried 7-0.
made a motion that Ann Francini of 4294 Fawn
Qommission. Max Bacon seconded the motion which
that Jerry Hughes be reappointed to the Parks and Recrea-
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
appointment to the Parks and Recreation Committee
inall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
absence of' Building Inspector Larry Dunn,
by Hugh Ragan and recorded as follows:
Cobb Drive
requested a permit to repair
Hugh Ragan made a motion the
September 5, 1984 - Continued
permi t be approved subject to approval of the Oi ty Engineer and Fire lY,[arshal. Kathy
Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Flanders requested a
al;ld dry cleanil;lg
a l1:lotion the
Fire Marshal. Jack Shinall
permit f'or construction at 1810-1 Spring
space at a total estimated cost or $25.000.
approved subj ect to approval of' the City
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Oompany requested a
estimated cost of'
. and made a motion
which carried 7-0.
ror new construction at 4200 lIighland Park-
.000. Hugh Ragan said the have already
building permit be approved. Max Bacon seconded
Set Millage
set at 11.5,
Rate: James
no increase.
Williams made a motion the millage rate f'or 1984/85
Jack Shina:I.:I. seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Bids for f'our (4) piCkUp trucks were opened. read and recorded as
Fouts Brothers
$6, small size
30 day delivery
Wade Ford
$7,640 small size
$8,835.74 v-8 engine
$7.850 small size
60 day delivery
$8,899 305 el;lgine
60 day deliverY
$500 less eaCh with v-6
were on 1985 model trucks. Jack Shinall made a motion the three
trucks be awarded to wade Ford. the low bidder, and the one (1) small
to Fouts Brothers. also the low bidder. Jilin Tolleson seconded the
carried 7-0.
Jim Hawkins made
motion whicil
a motion bids be requested f'or a microf'ilm
rirst, then the other departments. Jmines
Hugh Ragat"l read proposed amendments to the ordinance as
Penalties and incentives.(Soil Erosion)
persons violating any provision of this ordinance shall upon convic-
by a f'ine of not less than $200.00 and not more than $500.00 ror
EaCh day such violation continues shall constitute a separate of:fense.
Penalties for violation.{ZOning)
:firm or corporatiot"l violating at"ly provision of'
misdemeanor and. uponcOt"lviction. shall be rined a
than $500.00 f'or each off'ense. Each day such violation
separate orfense.
or $200.00
continues shall
made a motion the amendments be advertised and heard October 1, 198L~.
seconded the moiton which carried 7-0.
Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of
be approved as submittd. James Williams seconded
6, 1984 and
motion which
Circle to
the Seaboard Railroad
Road. Trains
railroad employees
It has become a
with 20 signatures
made a motion the no
the end of' the cul-de-sac.
has built a side track on
parked on the side
their vehicles on
the neighbors and Max
that no parking signs
signs be placed on
Jim Hawkins seconded the
of' way
to work on
on the
(Library) Doris Morris reported on library
said that
on September 29th.
Springs Pool is open and reminded everyone
Jack Shinall said that Gene McIntyre had resigned from the Parks Department to
accept a position i!;l DeKalb Oounty. Jack also said the optio!;l agreement on the
golf course should be ready by Friday and then the concessio!;l agreement will be
drawn and submitted to the Department of' Interior for approval.
(Public Saf'ety) Jim F
they hope to have it in
the rescue truck has finally been delivered a!;ld
the next meeting.
Jim Hawkins asked for a short meeting with the Public Saf'ety committee f'ollowing
adjournme!;lt tonight.
James Williams said tax bills will be going out tomorrow.
made a motion the rules be suspended to cO!;lsider an amendment
Qommission ordi!;lance. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which
to the
UpO!;l the recommendation
f'ollowing amendme!;lt to ou
America Beautif'ul commission. Max Bacon read the
ance and made a motion it be approved.
The shall
of'f'icers as may be d
but may be re-elected
f'rom its membership. a Vice
Of'f'icers shall be elected
cceeding terms.
Chairman and
o!;l a calendar
Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
With no f'urther business. meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
September 17. 1984
Mayor and Council was held September 17, 1984
was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by pre-
All council members were present. Also present
City Olerk Wi110uise Spivey, Police Chief' R.
Hubert cochran. Assistant Public Works Director Vic
Me1inda Hiatt. Civil Defense Director Jim Farley,
ng Inspector Scott Stokes and representatives of'
Invocation was given by Max Bacon, f0110wed by the pledge to the f'lag.
Li ttle said
of both
a resident of' Cumberland Bridge Apartments
less driving by Domino' s Pizza delivery cars
hit by one of the cars while walking home. Chief'
to this incident he had met with the managers
trict Manager. They all had assured him of' their
or dismissing any employees guilty of driving
do whatever was necessary to~correct the situa-
would help if' the citizens would get tag numbers
a complaint so they can place specit'ic respons-
Little if he would meet with the managers again
Wlayor Bacon recognized Ralph Bryant. democratic cand:idate f"or the Board of' Oomm-
rezoning of' 1051 Concord Road from Future
e was no opposition f'rom the audience. Mr.
ith a garage in the rear and he had a general
there. The businesses on either side are zoned
lots. Jim Hawkins asked Mr. Sanders if' he would
den fence along the rear of" the property. and
n asked if' they would be mixing chemicals on the prem-
had been discussed. and they could mix their chemicals
make provisions for that. After further discussion, Jim
September 17, 1984 - Continued
a motion the
be placed along the
not be allowed
to a quest~on from
be met and he
on the motion carried
with the st
line and al that
premises. Jack Sh~nall
Mr. Sanders said the
responsible for paving as
a 6 foot
of' poison-
on their
B. Sanders requested
reduce the
zoning. to
zoned several
there was no
would be
Ragan seconded.
variance at 1051 Concord Road on
from 20.000 square
feet. There was no
of' this location are
Bacon pointed out that the
ago before our existing
size required. It was
and Jim HaWkins made a
which carried 7-0.
businesses on
Walter E.
Amoco on
the request
variance for
The proj ect
planned to demolish
The 40 f'oot setback
the station. The 5Q f'oot
the rear and would make it
discussion w~th Mr.
the site. Mr. Mof'fett said
Mr. Mo:ff'ett said
work. Jack Shinall
and made a motion this be
which carried 7-0.
a canopy
Amoco spoke
to enable
woul d only
for cars
he had asked
did not remem~
like to
still would
to the next
Jim Nichols requested :for an addition to h~s business within
the rear property also to omit the 10 f'oot landscaped strip
Street at 1246 There was no opposition the audience.
and Jim Hawk~ns both they had told Mr. they
should be even though he would still need
Hawkins said had tried to work and had
application with the f'or O&I. which was Mr. Hawkins
did not support the the first t~me and his
but he would tonight Mr. Nichols had do what was
Nichols said he was approval to omit the 10 foot landscaped strip
because it was impossible to maintain with cars parking on the
road during baseball season. Mr. N~chols said he could park 29 cars
and ~s requ~red to only have 18 spaces. After further d~scussion,
a motion the two var~ances be approved. Jim Tolleson seconded
carried 7~0.
Cumberland Townhomes
on buildings'+J)
Townhomes and
the building
is complete
James Williams
disappointed theY
variance. Hugh
moved and
are the
behind these
between these
Mr. Towers
meet setback
made a motion the
totaling $1,500.
a variance on side
5D. Randy Towers.
through their own
did not come to his
f'or three units, and
this was the third
were here again tonight.
asked if' there was anY
did not know of any
who laid out the lot
buildings in the project and
HaWkins said he felt the
the line when he is
in the future. Mr. Towers
would do anything else
the adjoining property
with the Building
There was no
approved with a fine of'
seconded the motion which
had ap-
3 weeks
80% of
other than
f'ired. Mr.
think they
a f'ooting
they would
could to en-
James Wil-
be sure the
and James
assessed for
::r>equested approval to use te)!l1porary buildings f'or
also to reside in the house at the same location at
South Cobb
17 1984 - Continued
Drive. There was
spokesman for the
that Mr. Byers
on a 24 hour
residence and
tion due to the
sult with
before Sears will
to place a 32 x
Ware said :it was a
of their business.
required f'or a
by moving the building
a large group in opposition and Mr. Byers was sworn in with he
opposition. Attorney Jerry Ware represented Mr. Byers and stated
ectrical ctor and does all of' Sears electrical repairs
week He is presently operating from a converted
for the variance allowing him to live at the business loca-
nature of his work. When he receives calls at night he has to con-
also computer int'ormation regarding credit ratings
take the job. Mr. Byers is also requesting approval
building on the lot for storage of' equipment. Mr.
f'or him and his wif'e to live at the same location
ing under the assumption that no permits were
ding and had nO intentions of' violating our ordinance
the lot.
s said he is the sole operator of Sears electrical service and 90% of' his
is done on credit and had to have access to the f'iles and computer
inf'ormation when he re At one tiIlle he was operating from his home
and was approached by about being in violation by operating a business
f'rom his home. He then cial space to comply with our ordinance.
The representative f'or tion said he was upset to come home and f'ind
temporary buildings ou the 1 f'elt they were an eyesore that would ru:in the
value of' their homes. They have already had trouble getting down Magbee Drive
because of' trucks parking on the street. The driveway to the house is from Magbee
Drive, with no entrance onto South Qobb Drive.
After further discussion. Jim Hawkins said council was not under any obligation
to vary f'rom the law and he did uot consider this to be a hardship case. Jim Hawkins
made a motion the request be denied. James Williams seconded the motion which
carried 7-0.
Cmnmercial building permits were presented by Inspec-
as f'ollows:
was f'
mad"e a
permit for au addition to the building at 1246 Concord
$75.000. Scott was asked if' the setback lines
iance approved tonight and during discussion it
already been poured for this addition. Jim Hawkins
bled. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried
to construct a canopy at 902 Oherokee Road at a
Max Bacon made a motion the permit be approved
Engineer and Fire Marshal. Hugh Ragan seconded
Tenneco requested a
estimated cost of'
roval of'
ich carried
(3) Tenneco requested a permit for construction of' a canopy at 1166 Ooncord Road
at a total estimated cost of $18.800. Jack Shinall made a motion the permit be
approved subject to the City Engineer and Fire Marshal and asked Scott
to check the setbac co locations to be sure they are correct. Jim
Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
( 4) Ridgeway Devel
Park Drive at a total
permit be approved sub
Hawkins seconded the motion
a building permit f'or office space on
cost of' $90.000. Jim Tolleson made a motion
oval of the City Engineer and Fire Marshal.
carried 7-0.
Robert Kim Mcintire requested approval to close a portion of Dunn Street from Legion
Drive to Hunter Street f'or a block party October 6. 1984 from 3:00 p.m. to midnight.
Jim Hawkins made a motion the request be granted. James Williams seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
Jack Shinall made
from 10:(1(1 a.m. to
which carried 7-0.
a motion that a portion of Bank Street be closed September 29th
5:00 p.m. for the Fall Festival. Max Bacon secouded the motion
approval to erect a directional sign on the right way
illage Parkway. Jim Tolleson presented pictures of' the
Camp said we may be setting a precedent by allowing
way. James Williams made a motion the sign be approved.
September 17, 1984 - Continued
seconded by Jim Tolleson.
the sign. the motion and second
be tabled to the next meeting. Jim
discussion about the exact location of'
withdrawn. James Williams made a this
seconded the motion whiCh carried 7-0.
made a motion that Septemper 24. 1984 at
decision of' Recorder' sQourt by Teri
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
6: 00 p.m. be
S. Jones and
set to hear the
Re!::lecca Bridges.
made a motion his 1:i.ppointment to the ParIes and Recreation Qommission
the October 1st meeting. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried
be tabled to
Request f'or Bids: Max Bacon made a motion bids be requested f'ortwo (2), cabs and
chassis f'or the Sanitation Department to be opened at the next meeting. Jack Shinall
seconded the motion which carried 7-Q.
made a motion
at Havilon Way
carried 7-0.
to be
be approved
paid from State
to install
Grants. Max
a wig wag light on
Bacon seconded the
(Library) Morris reported on library 1:i.ctivities and
a booth at Festival to sell new and used books. Also,
citizens can register to vote at the library.
Jack Shinall reminded everyone of the Fall Festival on September 29th.
(Publi<:; Safety),
Jim Farley said the new rescue truck is almost ready to go into
reminded everyone of' the tour of' the State EOO center an(! needed to
advance how many would attend so that he could make arrangements.
t'or a Public Oommittee meeting September
asked the Qity and Police Ohief to be there.
the problems we have had recently at South Cobb Plaza.
18th at
Jim said
(Water & Sanitation) Vie Broyle$ said the new pickup system is Working out f'ine,
but they still need two new cabs and chassis.
Max Bacon made a motj_on the !::le suspended to discuss a sewer line problem
on Hillside Road. Jack Shinall seCOnded the motion which carried 7-0.
there are four homes on Hillside Road at Bank
and made a motion that $973.05 be approved
line and provide individual service to these
only, with labor to be provided by city crews.
carried 7-0.
Street that have
the E&O Fund
This will
that Wendell Dean' s father had passed away last night. and expressed
the t'amily.
Jim Tolleson he would have a Public Works
be:fore the agenda meetings.
recognized ex-council member Sarah Jones in the audience.
business, meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
September 24. 1984
A special called meeting of' Mayor and Council was held September 24, 1984 at Smyrna
City Hall. The meeting was called to orde~ at 6:00 p.m. by presiding off'icer Mayor
A~thu~ T. Bacon. All Council members were present. Also present was Oity Attorney
Cha~les E. Qar;np. Assistant City Olerk Melinda Dameron. and Police Chief' R. E.
A eal of' Recorder t s Teri s. Jones requested an appeal of' the
decision of' Recorder's 6 t 1984 where she was f'ound guilty on
two counts of' operating a business without a license. Rebecca Bridges also requested
an appeal of' the decision of' Recorder's Qourt of the same date where she was f'ound
guilty on tw"o coupts of givipg massage without licensed supervision.
Attorpey Q:harles V. Gandy ~epresented both def'endants and stated the appeal by
Rebecca Bridges was being wi thd~awn. Ms. Bridges W"as sworn in by Mr. Gandy and
Police Chief R. E. Little was sworn by city Attorney charles Oamp. Mr. camp also
instructed Council to disregard any inf'ormation they have concerning Ms. Bridges.
Mr. Gandy said this appeal was being made based upon the fact that the testimony
give:n by witpesses in Judge Reeves court did :not establish beyond reasonable doubt
that anyone saW" Ms. Jones at her co:ndominiwn nor was there evidence of' any business
bei:ng copducted on the two days in question. August loth and August 16th. Mr. Gandy
said at this point his cliept stands innocent until p~ovep guilty by council.
Chief' Little testif'ied and said lle was the arresting of'f'icer in the cases. He had
received numerous complaints about activities taking place at ll02 Huntington Trace
Drive f'rom other people livipg in the complex. The house was placed under
su~veillance. and W"as under surveillance on August lOth and 16th. He observed one
person entering the house on both days and questioned one of' the individuals who
later testif'ied under oath in the presence of' the def'endant as to what transpired.
The testimony f'rom the loth incident W"as by Mr. Raymond C. Brown who stated
that he read an advert in creative Loaf'ing f'or a massage by Teri. with the
telephone number. He w re about 2 months ago and again today, August loth,
and paid $ 35 for a massage by Becky. 01;1 a prevous visit he received a mas sage by
Teri f'or $35. Mr. Brown also identified the two women in court. Chief' Little said
he had obtained copies of' creative Loaf'ing where the ads did appear on dif'f'erent
occasiOI;ls with the telephone number, also being the same number Mr. Brown said
he had called. Based upon the statements given by Mr. Brown aI;ld also Mr. cowart.
the cases were made.
Mr. Cowart was not avail testimony tonight, but also testif'ied in court
that he saw the ad in Loaf'ing and called and made an appointment for
August l6th. The charge $50 f'or one hour. He was given directions to the
apartment and when he go was given a massage by Becky. He also testif'ied
there was anotl1er f'emale in the unit; a large brunette. Chief' Little said he did
not enter the house until af'ter tl1ese people had lef't. He went to the apartment
accompanied by the def'endant' s attorney and booked the cases. Chief Little said
he did check to be sure they had no permit or license in the City. Both cases were
made the same day; after August 16th. Both witnesses said they went to 1102
Huntingto:n Trace Drive. One said he saw Ms. Jones at the house and another said
he had seen her there on previous occasions.
Jim Hawkins asked why they appealed the
proof' that Ms. Jones operated a "business
she nO lOnger operated a business.
case. Mr. Gandy said there has been no
o:n the two days in question and also said
Rebecca Bridges testified and said she had been in Ms. Jones home o:n a number of'
occasions but has never worked f'or her. She was at her home on August lOth and
16th but Ms. Jones did not have any men guests op either of' those dates. Ms. Bridges
said she did :not knOW" Ms. Jones telephOne :number W"as being used to advertise
mass had never observed Ms. JOnes giving massages. When asked about her
own 0 n. Ms. Bridges said she was a ma:nagemeI;lt consultant.
Jack Shinall asked if' performed a massage oI;l August loth, aI;ld the
answer was yes. Jack she alSO perf'ormed a massage on August 16th,
and the answer was . Ms. Jo:nes was not present when she performed
either of' the d not recall her being in the house on either day.
Ms. Bridges said she received the money for the massages on both days and did not
i:nform Ms. Jones of her activities. Ms. Bridges s11e kept a key to her home because
they are friends apd she visited f'requently; sometimes when Ms. Jones was not at
home. Ms. Bridges said she had never received a call at Ms. JOnes home requesting
a massage. and had never info MS. Jones of' her activities at all. Ms. Bridges
said she did not talk to the op the phone and did not make the appointments;
she did not know who talked to
was the
Brown was called and was sworn in by
a copy of the made in court, and he
he made under Mr. Brown said that on
a massage from Becky. :identified her in the Council
he received a from Teri, and also identified
::LQth. Teri came the room when "he was there with
massage table set UP in one room and it looked like
He made the appointment from a:(l ad he saw in creative
he spoke to Teri, but he was :(lot sure. Mr. Brown said he paid cash on
Whe:(l he ca::L::Led for the appointment he received directions to the house.
that it
::L984. he
On a
Mr. Brown
Becky. He said
a legitimate
and thOUght
both v:Lsits.
Gandy said Chief Little' s testimony regarding the August lOth
he observed Ms. Jones enter her condominium. testimony
as to introduced into court, and Mr. Brown also to the same
thing. saw Ms. Jones on tha.t same day. He did not pay her money and
she particiapte in any activities with him. As to the August::L6th testimony,
Chief testif'ied that he not recall whether or not he had Ms. Jones
or not . Mr. also stated in his affidavit that he did not seeMs. Jones O:(l
that day Mr. Gandy said there has not been a single piece of evidence that she
was in her COndominium that day.
further questiOnS, and Jim HaWkins then made a motion the decision
Court be upheld. Jiln Tolleson seconded the motion which carr:ied 7-0.
He was
position because
Wipkenhof'er was
Mayor Bacon said that Theodol"e Farland had
electon as the member to represent Fire and
on September 2lst by letter that he was
he is not a property owner, as required
also notif'ied of' his disqualif'ication
said he was not aware of' the ruling made in
that provisions in mUnicipal charters
to be "f'reeholders" are unenf'orceable and
information. Mr. said that portion of our
. and should be changed. as it will apply to anY city
a motion that Mr. Farland a:(ld
they are eligible and qualif'ied
Board. in the October 5, 1984
carried 7-0.
also Mr.
candidates for
election. James
be notified
position on
With nof'urther business. meeting adjour:(led at 6:55 p.m.