July 9/16/23, 1984 Council Meeting
Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Oharter
The alled to order at 7:30 o'clock
T Council members were present.
E. Camp Clerk Willouise Spivey, Police
Hubert C , Assistant Public Works Direc-
Director Reavis, Civil Defense Director
Dunn, Librarian Doris Morris, and representa-
Invocation was given by Jim HaWkins followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mayor Bacon intI'
Judge and Emmett B
Jones and Sammy Hawkins, candidates for State Court
idate for Eastern District Commissioner.
another citizen from Falling Water Drive com-
Downs and Falling Waters. Vie Broyles said
replacing the 24" pipe with a 30" pipe and
e and had never filled to capacity'. Jack Shin-
be placed on the unfinished units until these
on COncord Road have still not complied with
time limit had already expired. It was agreed
be notified by letter that they were in viola-
of pot holes on Ooncord Road.
reet complained of' extremely low water pres-
re aware of' the problem and thought somebody had
dead end line causing the problem.
rezoning of' property on McLinden Avenue in
titutional. Mr. Malerba was not present and
Planning and Zoning Board meeting where they
Based upon their recommendation and the fact
Hawkins made a motion the zoning be denied.
ch carried 7-0.
if' council approves
applying bef'ore
second were withdrawn
of 0.64 acres on Church Road in Land
were several in opposition and the representative
by Attorney Camp, along with Paul Chastain repre-
ain said they had realized that due to the topo-
may cause a problem with water runoff' and asked
Shinall made a motion the request to withdraw
Mr. Camp said our ordinance now states that
48 hours prior to the scheduled meeting and
they may not be able to prevent him from re-
year waiting period has expired. The motion and
and Mr. Camp said further action was not required.
Food Store at 3231 South Cobb Drive requested
Joe Belcher, Corporate Manager represented Quick
n f'rom the audience. Jim Hawkins read the police
and said the survey' indicates no churches, resi-
of the location. With little discussion, Jim Hawkins
approved. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which
Long requested a residential business
Trace Court. There was no opposition f'rom
logos for Shirts, visors, etc., and
campuses. There will be no sales from her
use one room of her home as an office.
we had any complaints from her neighbors
would be back in touch with her. Ms. Long
ps or deliveries and her merchandise would
e. Jim Hawkins made a motion
seconded the motion which carried 4-3, with
liams opposed.
sented the Crossings
the entrance to the
in their
and also
July 9, 1984 - Continued
to extend the height of the sign to 45 feet instead o~ the 35 foot minimum required
by the City. Mr. Pruitt said this would be a pylon sign, similar to the existing
30 x 15 pylon sign with approximately 10 to 12 logos representing their tenants.
They have had many requests from their other tenants f'or identification of' their
business on the street. If approved, this sign will be approximately 300 f'eet from
the existing sign aud they would also agree to have no more temporary or portable
signs on the property. J'IIr. Pruitt said the increased height was necessary due to
the grade of the property but would appear to be no more than 30 or 35 feet high.
Jim Hawkins made a motion the two variances be approved. Jack Shinall seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
Variance: Leon C. Greeson requested a variance to extend his driveway and build
a garage to within 4 f'eet of' the adjoining property line at his home at 826 Bank
Street. There was no opposition and Mr. Greeson had a letter f'rom the adj oining
property owner stating he had no objections. Jack Shinall made a motion the variance
be approved. Jim HaWkins seconded the motiou which carried 7-0.
Fred Shope requested a variance on side and rear yard setback require-
25 f'eet required to 11 f'eet f'or construction o:f a 30 x 30 accessory
building at 1680 Spring Road. There was no opposi ton from the audience and Mr.
Shope also had letters from the adjoining property owners stating they had no
opposition. Max Bacon said this appeared to be an open building or shed and did
not understand why it was called an accessory building. Mr. Shope said it was an
open building with no paving aud no utilities. Attorney Camp said that in any motion
made it should be called a canopy if' it is not an enclosed structure and only a
roof' ty'pe building. Mr. Shope said the building was being useei i'or boat storage
at his business and he had no plans to enclose the structure. Jim Tolleson made
a motion the variance be approved :for a canopy. Max Bacon seconded the motion which
crried 5-2, with James Williams and Hugh Ragan opposed.
Cumberland Townhomes requested a variance on Lot 18, Block C for a one
encroachment on the f'ront building line. A representative f'rom Cumberland
Townhomnes said the stake was apparently moved at the start of cot;lstruction and
the one foot encroachment was not discovered until the time of' the f'inal survey.
James Williams made a motion the variance be approved with a $200 fine assessed
against Cumberland Townhomes. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-
Corrmercial BUilding Permits: Commercial building
Inspector Larry Dunn and recorded as follows:
permits were
presented by
(I) Lincoln Properties at 2300 Lake Park Drive requested a permit for 3rd :floor
interior tenant work at a total estimated cost of' $200,000. Max Bacon made a motion
the permit be approved SUbject to approval of' the City Engineer and Fire Marshal.
Jack Shinall seconded the motiou which carried 7-0.
(2) Lincoln
floor of' the
of' $200,000.
o:f the City
carried 7-0.
Properties requested a permit f'or interior tenant work on the 4th
of'f'ice building at 2300 Lake Park Drive at a total estimated cost
Jim Hawkins made a motion the permit be approved SUbject to approval
Engineer and Fire Marshal. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion which
(3) Wef'elmeyer Construction Company requested a building permit for construction
of' a pool with builLting enclosure at 4040 King Springs Road at a total estimated
cost of' $147,000. Hugh Ragan made a motion the permit be approved subject to
approval of' the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. Jim Tolleson seconded the motion
which carried 7-0.
(4) Pizza Hut at 2542 Atlanta Road requested a building permit for addition of
a dry storage and dough handling building at a total estimated cost of' $11,800.
Jack Shinall made a motion the permit be approved subject to approval of the City
Engineer and Fire Marshal. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(5) HOI t & Holt, Inc. requested a building permit for construction o:f an of'fice
warehouse at 1286 Hawthorne Avenue at a total estimated cost of $177,500. Max Bacon
made a motion the permit be approved subject to approval of the City Engineer and
Fire Marshal. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
on North
James Williams
was approved for
said that
about 1 il-
to the
ago an
old city well
1 iving at the
they never followed through with having the deed prepared
have been. Since then the property has been sold and
have requested the city well and also an abandoned alley adjoining
be deeded to them. James Williams made a motion the abandoned alley
tised and posted for clos:ing the f':irst meeting in August. Jim Hawkins
the motion which carried 7-0.
A roval
ed to proceed in
Towns so that bids can be
sewer l:ine. Also, the
easements f'or his new
be necessary to proceed in
Masi and Robert B.
Jack Shinall secon
have been approached by
been able to reach c
nal Real Estate
])III' . Camp said the sewer
be run wi thin the creek
not buildable. The Towns
Mrs. Towns is recent
said he also wanted
tion on the Masi and McDonald
Tolleson made a mot:ion the City Attorney be authoriz-
of property belonging to Dennie Stone and Barbara
requested for the installation of the Stephens Street
has been acting on Charlie Jones' behalf :in obtaining
ruction of' apartments off' South Cobb Drive and it will
condemnation of property belonging to Rosanna M. & Angelo
installation of the sew'er line for this proj ect .
f'or discussion. Attorney Camp said these people
erfieJ..d about obtaining the easements and we have
on. Of'fers were made according to surveys made by
sers. In response to a question from Max Bacon,
involving the McDonald and Masi properties would
and wi thin the 100 year fJ..ood plain and therefore
erty is cons:idered a "f'riendly'" condemnation since
and her property tied up in the estate. Jack Shinall
m that Mr. Jones wouJ..d bear the expenses of condemna-
Af'ter further discussion motion and second were withdrawn. Jim Tolleson then
made a motion the City A be authorized to proceed with condemnation of the
unab obtain acquisition of the land, seconded by Max Bacon.
Hugh said they had some prOblem with approving a condemna-
it sh discussed in more detail before tonight. Willouise
if we do not on on the Stephens Street sewer line we will lose
located under the Community Development Block Grant program. Jack
ed the motion to state that we proceed with turning over the Stephens
ions and hold the other two until the next meet:ing. Max Bacon
seconded the amendment. Vote on the amendment and main motion carried 7-0.
a motion bids be opened at the August 6th meeting
Street sewer l:ine which will be paid uI).der the
program. Jack Shinall seconded the motion wh:ich
llat:ion of'
Community Development
carried 7-0.
Jim Tolleson read a list streets to be paved under the Local Assistance Road
Program and made a Mayor be authorized to sign the contract with the
State. Max Bacon seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
hinalJ.. said the van used by Parks and Recreation was recently totaled in
where the other driver was at fault. This was a 1977 van and the :insurance
s $3,700 They have contacted several dealerships and f'ound a van
for $13 said the Parks Department has been renting a
heir Senior Cit:lzens and other summer act:ivities and made a motion the
emergency purchase be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion wh:lch carried
on made a motion the minutes of June 4, 1984 be
seconded the mot:lon which carried 7-0.
a motion the minutes of' June 25, 1984 be approved as submitted.
the motion which carried 7-0.
Committee Reports:
Dor:ls Morris reported on Library activities.
Kathy Brooks
to see
for par
she received a call last week, and was herself' concerned about
spaces marked f'or the handicapped. Kathy said she would like
and possibly' increase the amount of fines we charge
the security road at the Dobbins property is f'inally
f'or the fine job they did in the 4th of July
project at South Cobb Drive at Bank Street should
there has been more grading taking place, with
taken except :for the first 50 to 75 'feet
for hiring
Jim Hawkins said Service Board is working on requirements
a Fire Chief and he hoped they would have a recommendation by the next
that we can begin testing.
held the next
that the 1984/85 Revenue Sharing public
Future Land Use map. Willouise Spivey said
for the first public soon.
Jim TolleSOn
the fees f'or variances and
down on some of' the variance
would also like to give some o:f
coming to Council.
he would
them to
to be
As a
builders and he
3rd from the Department
cOntrol which stated the
developers in Smyrna were
letter, Mayor Bacon said
was worked out.
Natural Re-
has f'ailed
recently found
a meeting was
With no
business, meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
meeting was
~im Tolleson. All
$pivey, Jim
Council was held July
at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by
were present.
Acting Fire
Director Jim
at Smyrna
was City
Charles E. Camp,
Hubert Cochran,
Farley and representa-
by' Jack
by the pledge to the f'lag.
rezoning of'
485 from
Newton represent:ed
the highest and
Zoning Board
the 30 f'eet
approved, but
said there
been established.
corner of
and Future
Glenn and
6,000 square
and fel t they
agenda was
had recom-
develop the
s al e s
Newton said they
did not want to
categorY was
6 stores with
Street is a
Newton said he was
to the north.
though there may be some
6 stores
the use
and the
said if'
be denied t;he
Jim Hawkins
good and
motion the
- Continued
denied and the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting be made
this meeting. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0.
The variance request by Ray Newton was not heard due to the zoning denial.
Public Hea
f'or the
the $25,000
could be
W:illiams made
Bacon seconded
James Williams said this was a public hearing
and read a list by department of the projec-
$l80 ,760 allocated. Sue Brissey said she thought
s and Recreation was too high and thought the money
Street Department to help clean up the City. Jim
to be spent for equipment. and I:1ot salaries. James
nue Sharing budget be approved as submitted. Max
ied 6-0.
would be behind
ted a variance on the proposed new construction
section of Spring Road and Atlanta Street. Mr.
ested to extend them the highest and best use
tract to be developed into 8 to 10 specialty retail
12 foot setback from the Atlanta Street side 2.!:
on the Spring Street side. In addition, they were
OI:1 the Atlanta Street side to cross Atlanta
et. Mr. Miller said they would prefer the var-
heir property line is actually 75 feet f'rom
enty of room for f'uture widening. This plan was
most of the parking on the Spring Street side.
of Transportation has already verbally approved
The other alternative is to reduce the setback on Spring
40 feet and not as desirable because most of the parking
how it would affect the development if the variances
it would place a heavy burden on them. Jack Shinall
'th a Shopping center at that location and was sur-
Neighborhood Shopping. The traf'fic is very bad
d it will take a majority' of' Atlanta Terrace.
was the broker and Mr. Miller strictly a develop-
would develop this property. The center will be
ter they built in DeKalb County and said the small
not traffic generators.
ey had stated there may be some legal problems later
cil granted a variance to cross Atlanta Terrace.
Bacon made a motion the variances be denied. Hugh
carried 6-0.
Baptist Church on Spring Road requested a
third floor of their building at a total estimated
a motion the permit be approved SUbject to approval
shal. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried
1 made a motion bids be requested for four (4)
the first meeting in August. One truck is
Department and two for Parks and Recreation.
h carried 6-0.
said that f'or several years. the Water Department
sewer jet machine. This equipment is rented
$75 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours. The machine
our sewer lines cleaned and Updated. Max Bacon made a motion
bids be requested to be opened August 6, 1984. James W:illiams seconded the motion
which carr:ied 6-0.
stated the water line Atlanta Road has been raised
to be replaced. is is approx:imately 300 feet
city crews e. Mr. Broyles sa:id he would
a special to avoid further delay. Max
ed to be opened at a special called meeting
seconded the motion. Mr. Broyles also said that Atlan-
share in the expense of installing this line. Vote on the
and sold for
Jim Hawkins
for a
meeting in August.
made a
Safety Committee recommended
to improve the f'ire and
motion bids be requested, to be
seconded the motion which carried
will attempt to
the delay
CObb County.
a petition
from residents of' Old Spring Road
that area be cleaned and dredged.
, and they all live along the creek.
Broyles for him to determine the cost.
he had
SubdivisioD about
and ShaWnee
and several residents
traffic f'rom Vinings Subdivision.
to install. a stop sigD at the intersection
Williams seconded the motion which carried
a motion the City
belonging to
installing a sewer line
the motion which carried
as was discussed
for the
. Jack Shinall
last meeting there
the City. Several
up because if we don' t,
who do not
and read a few
they were going to
the City is about
f'ound in
the State will
to comply. Hugh
from a letter
to issue
issue some
al.SO stated that
activities, in the
registered to vote today
of Doris
also stated that
City and noticed
Pizza had placed signs utility poles
her way to City Hall tonight.
the business just
he would have some
fi ve dif'f'erent
get a permit. Today
and Jack said he
be taken to enforce
Shinall said
year our staff'
parks and Recreation
This is a fund
one fund raiser f'or
the Red
Place will be
tournament play
one week.
at Cobb
and can
and this
JUNE 11. 1984
ting of the Planing and Zoning Board
The meeting was called to order by
bsence of Allen Potter. Those in
ins. Marion Wilhelm. Donald Porch,
riffin and Secretary Carol Cowan.
Plans were presented for Cumberland
Road. There were no questions or
the plans were approved as sub-
The second
corner of
and L imi ted
business was a rezoning request from
rezone the property loca at the
Hollis Street from ure Commercial
Neighborhood Shopping.
to represent the request for Mr.
his client wanted to put in a small
have six (6) stores. The stores
00 square feet each. The outside
Cedar. Mr. Caplan also stated
to enter on Concord Road and Exit on Hollis
With little
zoning re
made a motion the re-
following reasons:
1 ; Lot
2. The 5
3 . Size
4. Varian
requ ired.
to requested zoning.
d could not be met.
be too large for lot.
r parking and items 1 thru 3 would be
Billie Stephens seconded the motion.
denied 5 to O.
Vote on the motion was
With no further
sion the meeting adjourned at 6:10.
Max Bacon said at the last meeting, a citizen from Stephens Street com-
oE low water pressure. Max read a letter from Vic Broyles stating the low
pressure is being caused from a dead end l.ine aI'ld when repaired, will eliminate
the problem for all parties concerned. Cost of repairing the line would be $350.
Max Bacon said that some
and they have helped
Street Erom QuaI'
suspended. Jim H
a motion that no
cord Road. Jim
council approved no parking signs on Lee Street
there is still. a problem with parking on Lee
Concord Road. Max Bacon made a motion the rules be
d the motion which carried 6-0. Max Bacon then made
be placed on Lee Street Erom Quarles Avenue to Con-
the motion which carried 6-0.
Jim H
on th
There is
ucted the City Marshal to check the psychiatric office
Lee Street and felt that may be some of the problem.
Lee Street and this property was zoned with the
at be used for customer entry or exit.
Jim Tolleson said that Mayor Bacon is feeling better, but had asked him to sit
in for him tonight.
Jim Tolleson asked Chief Little about the radar use on weekends. Chief Little said
he did not know if they were w'orking this weekend or not; he would look into it.
an ere were
this checked.
ed the tennis court lights were staying on late at
them. He asked Jack Shinall to remind Sherry Reavis
With nO further business, meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
July. 23, 1984
A called mee of Mayor and COuncil was held July 23, 1984 at Smyrna
t; The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor Arthur T.
BaCOn 5:30 o'clock p.m. All COuncil members were present except Hugh Ragan.
Also present was City Clerk Willouise Spivey.
of an 8" water line on Atlanta Road were
J. E. Loverp
D&H Construction
$16,750 + $50 per cu. yd. for rock excavation
After discussion, Max Bacon made a motiolJ the bids
cost. Jack Shinall secolJded the motion which carried
the line and pay i'rom the E&C FUlJd. Dempsey Mosley,
Shop will pay for the pipe and fittiI;lgs.
be rej ected due to the high
6-0. The City will iI;lstall
owner of Atlanta Road Body
Hugh Ragan arrived at the meetiI;lg late.
approval of a variance at
The setback violation was
roachment less than one f'oot.
be approved and the builder, Buel Johns,
Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
4130 West Cooper
discovered at the
Hugh Ragan made a
be fined $100 for
Meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m.