June 4, 1984 Council Meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding Council members were present except Jim Tolleson was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Clerk E. Little, Acting Fire Chief Hubert Cochran, or Vic Broyles, Parks and Recreation Director Sherry Melinda Hiatt, Civil Defense Director Jim Farley, Myers, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Max Bacon, followed by the pledge to the flag. Walt Hendry officially requested that he be placed on the agenda ing for council to consider condemnation of property adjoining his allow him to tie onto the sewer line. Mr. Hendry that council did not have sui~l'icient information endry said he had furnished council with percolation a proposed draWing of' the easement requested and a desire to tap onto the line and said it was his he would need was percolation test results from . l' council had all the inl'ormation they needed, signs in the City and said she had a copy of' cities the right to ban all signs. of' Bruntwood Estates in their request f'or building at King Springs Plaza Shopping to General Commercial. Mr. Jones said when they confronted by a karate studio and another person neither of which is allowed in Neighborhood Shop- negotiating with the karate studio an~ a chiroprac- so, everything else along South Cobb Drive is zoned Shopping is King Springs Plaza. Hugh property was zoned Neighborhood Shopping it was in the neighborhood, and he had some problem with in GC if it was rezoned. After further discussion be approved. Jack Shinall seconded the motion opposed. B. Parris requested annexation of property Lot 632, the legal description having been minutes. There was no opposition from the motion the annexation be approved, to become a the motion which carried 6-0. Ward 2. James Williams annexation of' 8.803 acres scription having been read and made a motion the property be annexed seconded the motion which carried 6-0. on Atlanta Road part of' the May to become a part in 7, of Max and Tire Company and the old Crowe estate Variance; ed Post Properties in their request f'or an internal to 50 feet on one building in the Gardens of Post Vil- were asking that the corner of' building 4 be pivoted feet and allow them to get a little further off the 4 closer to building ;:) than is allowed, but would along the main entry road. James Williams asked if architectural review board as they have done in the was a member of~ that board and there was no objection. would be no problem with the variance as long as there in. James Williams made a motion the variance be tion which carried 6-0. she be allowed to read a letter and Mayor Bacon Hawkins read the proposed Civil Service June 4, 1984 - Continued Section 77(9)(a) Department Head Vacancy event a va,cancy shall Police Department, of Smyrna, shall hold such occur in the of'f'ice of' Chief of the hea,d of any other department Council may appoint an acting the chief or department Department, Civil Ser- depart- is appointed cants, Board a vaQancy shall Police Department, Smyrpa, the Civil test and filling test results recommendations, to each best qualified the Civil Service in the office of Chief' oi~ the Fire Department of any other department Civil Service Board shall accept and review all applica- all applicants in the pro- and thereafter Mayor and of all e appli- findings and minutes of the Civil Service Mayor and Council may select such such positions or request additional appli- Board. Said Board shall by them at off'ice of' the and shall minutes of their meetings and records of all every meeting. All such minutes and records clerk of the mayor and council of' the City his designee, shall attend all meetings of the minutes and records of same. the the anc1 the questions or be approved, would Mayor and 6-0. audience and Jim a motion Brooks. Jack Shinall said he felt sure ifications for these positicms very shortly for approval. Vo.te on the motion to approve Attorney read an application f'or Lot 595 as follows: of' 9.87 We the area to the under 912 ( lOll, who constitute of' area Smyrna, hereby apply to of the Coc1e Acts 1966, property to be percent (60%) of' the which is have said area annexed into Annotated, Sections 410, 41l, 4l2, 4l3; 1971, being described as follows, of the land contiguous of Smyrna through 69- 1976, Pages wit: All 2nd or parcel of land Cobb County, being in Land Lot 595 being more particularly District, f'ollows: located feet 13 of way, on the north l2 minutes 13 pin; thence and the point southern right of way of the east line of' said Land Lot seconds west, 502.00 feet 43 degrees 52 minutes 21 way of' Atlanta Road east, 797.l5 feet along degrees 34 minutes 44 seconds railroad, No. 595, go iron pin on west 692.25 3), thence right east, 677.37 9.87 acres ancl being shown on plat by Paul Lee, RLS #1715 dated TO THEIR HANDS AND SEALS, AND THEREBY MAKE SAID SMYRNA. legal L. of' the of' 60% ESTATE holders of' the i'ee described by or his s/DONALD Max JulY 2, Trinity to they quest made a motion the 1984, seconded by James and denied. about on the were him . Vote be validated and the Max Bacon said this The owners have currently but public hearing set for lies between rezoning Max said 1'0rmal re- 6-0. 4 - Continued In the absence of Jim Tolleson, Max Bacon stated the Public Works Department had recommended a vehicle approaching signal f'lasher be installed on Village Parkway at the entrance of Woodlands Apartments, with the developer to bear the entire cost of $2,800. Max Bacon made approval be given to have the signal installed at the owners expense. Jim Haw econded the motion which carried 6-0. of' Whi t to Mr. Berry and did all the way and will Berry was not present the next meeting. Jim Haw a drainage easement across one corner Windy Oaks. Vic Broyles said he has talked could hurt our city park. It will be pipe{l inside the park area across one corner. Mr. Williams made a motion this request be tableci to seconded the motion which carried 6-0. ng: Bids were opened for equipment for Phase I of North Smyrna Park and as f'ollows: One Pavilion Two Grills Ten Tables Two Trash Cans $5,000 Playground Equipment TOTAL Dominica Recreation $ll,939.00 Hunter-Knepshield 5,999.00 172.70 l,80l.00 214.50 4,849.57 $13,036.77 Miracle Recreation 6,500.00 180.00 2,150.00 J.90.00 4,915.00 $13,935.00 Leisure Lines 5,888.10 225.1l 1,787.50 l73.91 4,797.66 $l3,460.38 Childscapes 4,l95.00 190.00 2,000.00 200.00 3,800.00 $lO,385.00 Play Systems 5,933.00 l38.o0 l,580.00 l20.00 3,l34.00 $l2,585.00 Jack Shinall stated he would like to turn the bids over to Ms. Reavis for her review and award the bid under committee reports later tonight. Bid Award: Upon made a motion construction of' the in their 1'0r seconded motio paid under the Com ion of' Jim Mallett and the City Engineer, Max Bacon of $3l,138.15 by D&H Construction be awarded 1'0r 11 Drive sewer line. Max said there was a discrepancy tion but it has been reduced to $60.00. Hugh Ragan 6-0. Max said construction of this line would be opment Block Grant program. Jim Hawkins said at the last meeting bidS were opened to refurbish a truck. The bid from Charles McLarty was to purchase a new chassis for it was their recommendation that we do so. Since then, the committee contact the Mack truck people who manufacture bodies for engines. can purchas the new chassis direct f'rom the manufacturer for $56,971.00 pumper could be taken off and installed on the new chassis for about doing this, ould have basically a new truck for about $64,000 to k tr tative has also said they would stand behind the alterations were made to it, and it will be certified. The pump on can be done by our own fire department. They will require a purchase but there 6 month delivery date which would allow us to put this the 1 budget. The truck now is in bad repair and by doing the can have it running in 6 to 8 weeks 1'0r about $500 to $l,OOO for il the new chassis is delivered. Jim said it was the decision of the that bids on refurbishment be rejected and go with the proposal from a motion the bids be rejected. James Williams seconded the motion which Jim Hawkins then made a motion the city send a purchase order to lVIack trucks to pur- chase a MC series pumper for $56,97l.00, to be paid upon delivery. James Williams seconded the motion which carried 6-0. made a motion approval be given to purchase 500 liners, lOO cans, 100 lids ps for the Sanitation Department. James Williams seconded the motion which Jim Hawkins made a motion the minutes of May 7, 1984 be approved Williams seconded the motion. Jack Shinall stated there was an June 4, 1984 - Continued error in May 7th minutes charter . The motion and the minutes of May 7th be tabled which carried 6-0. motion he made during the Civil Service second were withdrawn and Jack Shinall made a motion to the next meeting. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion Jack Jim made a motion the seconded the motion of' May 21,1984 be approved as submitted. carried 5-0, with Max Bacon abst~ining. Jack Shinall equipment for made a North the Park. low bid of $lO,385 be awarded to Child- Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which (Library} Myers reported on library activities and sai(l the summer reading Program has started. (Parks) Sherry Reavis reported on par:ks activities and said that today is the lOth anniversary of the City of Smyrna Parks Department. Jim read a letter from Arnold commending Park Ranger John Vlad for his in administering CPR to his sister in law who suf'f'ered a heart attack. letter f'rom Mike Turner with Af'ton Downs addressed to Vie Broyles know of their plans to improve the retention pond in that develop- Jack since Vic Broyles submitted his on King Springs Village construction on drainage problems. Max has said use of' has received Little about several streets in and Campbell Road is recently about speeding on Campbell Road and the road more f'requentlY. Chief Little that we have requested approval for the them. said something must be done about the Dominos delivery cars observed them driving recklessly and at high rates of speed. Max and to see in a recent court be installed this is done. Judge Brantley had ordered stop signs Vinings North Subdivision and asked Vic Broyles Mayor MaYOr Tom McNeal,candidate for Board of Education in the audience. he was very haPPY to be back at work. With no bUsiness, meeting at 8:50 p.m. ************************