December 8/15 ,1986 Council Meeting
December 8. 1986
The regu
City Atto
City Clerk
led mee g of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the
8. 1 The meeting was called to order by presiding
Bacon. All council members were present. Also present was
rles E. Camp, City Administrator John Patterson. Assistant
Dameron and representatives of the press.
given by Bishop Jack Beals from the Church of Jesus Christ of
, Smyrna Ward. followed by the pledge to the flag.
Sherry Reavis and Doris Morris were both out sick and Vie
the Public Works DeOpartment.
(A) Rezoning request for 1502 Whitfield Street from R-15 to RTD.
John Patterson said
requesting this 2.035
property surround
across on Whitf
agreed to make.
acceptance of the
that Bill Davis with Northwest Corridor Properties is
eel be rezoned to residential townhouses. The
on 11 sides is R-15 with the City park directly
t. re are several improvements that Mr. Davis has
This z ng will come under Section 1201 which allows for the
development given the plat plan being accepted by council.
There was no opposition. Mr. Davis said they were proposing to build 14 fee
simple townhomes consisting of 7 buildings. The size of the units will be
ely 1360 squa feet of heated floor space. exterior brick and
wood ng at approximately $76,900. In addition. they are
ng to ements to North Avenue by curbing one side, building a
cul-de-sac, widen e street to 24 feet and installing 2 street lights.
also build an 8" water line from the existing tap that comes through
to the un a 6" water line down North Avenue. They will
many 0 arge hardwood trees on North Avenue as possible .
be 2 bedroom 1/2 bath units. Mr. Davis said they are currently
lease/purchases. Their ultimate plan is to sell the units but they would
rve the option to either lease or lease/purchase in the meantime.
bers 1 expressed their concern about the lease/purchase
inall reason council considered the plan is because they
were under the impression that the units would be owner/occupied because it
desire to maint the neighborhood as residential. rather than
rties. Jerry asked Mr. Davis if he would agree to a
stipulation to sell each unit and he said he would. Mr. Camp stated he did not
believe that would be a valid stipulation.
After f r discussion Jerry Mills made a motion that this property be
rezoned under Section 1201 of the zoning ordinance which also provides
that this zoning is conditioned upon it being built as submitted. This will.
in affect, also be the granting of a variance in the front lot width along
North Avenue from 50 feet to 29 and 30 feet on Lots 2 thorough 11 as shown on
the plats submitted.
Jack Shinall said he was not comfortable with the zoning tonight and council
had not been able to talk about it as much as he would like. Jack Shinall made
a motion the zoning be tabled to the next meeting for further review. Bob
Davis seconded the motion to table which carried 7-0.
t at 1540 Whitfield Street from R-15 to RD. Duplexes.
Jerry Mills made
Shinall seconded the mo
this rezoning be tabled to the next meeting. Jack
on which carried 7-0.
(C) Variance request to reduce front yard setback at 1246 Concord Road.
Patterson said that
setback of 50 feet
structure whi
a new 2 story b
James R. Nichols is requesting the required front
be reduced to 32 feet at 1246 Concord Road. The
s only 5 feet from the property line will be torn
building constructed. There was no opposition.
Nichols said
ncord and
be a
only 5 feet from the property
perty in question is at the corner of Hunter Street
Iding would be compatible with the two other
on Concord. Although a variance is required
ement to the lot since the existing building is
December 8. 1986 - continued
With l~ttle discussion. Jim Ha""kins.ffiade a motion the variance be approved as
request~d. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion. After discussion. Jim Hawkins
amended the motion to state.that:>noparking or driveways would bea''l:lowed in
the front of the structure and that it be landscaped. Jack Shinall seconded
the amendment. Vote on the amendment and main motion carried 7-0.
(D) Variance request to reduce rear and side setback on Atlanta Road.
John Patterson said that Robert S. Jordan and Claude E. Sessions are
requesting several variances for development of this property on At:l~nta Road
next to Paces Ferry North Townhomes. This variance came before council on
November 3rd and November 17th and again this evening. There was no
said they wre ~s~ipg or 3 variances tonight; 1) tore.duce the
area of 40.000 squ~refeet to 37,026 feet; 2) to reduce. the rear
from the required 30 feet to 20 feet and 3) to reduce the side
residential proP~rt.y from the required 50 feet to. 25 feet. They
to build a 10.800sql.lare foot building for speculative l~asing.
s~id they have owped this lot for approximately 3 yearsapd have
alternatives for development but this plan se~sto be more
felt it would be an improvement to the property as it now
Mr. Sessions
required lot
yard setback
Joel Harrell said this was the last piece
consisting of 5 acres. containing .85 acres.
the overall larger tract
said all the adjacentaffe..c:ted property owners had
had expressed anyoutril?;bt opposition. They
adjacent to the townhoIll~M"and the elevation is such
affected by the develoP'me:nt..From the19wer level of
see any of the industrial development. They have
conver~~t.ions .withthese peoplean4 ... .bave told tbem we would work
any W'aypossibl~ .and I think tbey hav.e realized that because of
there will not be the problem they anticipated.
as~ed if these variapC:rswere approved if he would
said be certainlYho'ped not because it was their
bl.lilding as presented tonight.
a mot. ion thefp'll.Owi-ng variances begrantedfor..tJle subject
Atlanta Road adjacent to Paces Ferry North Townhom~s:
1) Reduce minimum lot area from 40.000 to 37,026 square feet.
the minimUm setback
west side of the property from 50 feet
tbe minimum rear
feet to 20 feet.
setback on the north side of the property
These variances are subject to the following stipulations:
1) No Ol.ltside storage of materials shall be allowed on the subj
2) Acc~leration/deceleration larte shall be installed across the
along Atlanta Road. This acceleration/deceleration lane shall
existing acceleration/deceleratiort lanes for Cumberland Vail
North Townhomes. Sidewalks will be installed from the crosswalk
Road to tie into the sidewalk at Paces Ferry North Townbomes.
3) The exi-sting entrance shall
foot access easement as shown
be closed and relocated to the.existing 25
on the site plan attached to this variance
4) The
from the
soutb building wall and a minimum of 20 feet of the west building wall
southwest corner of the proposed building shall be faced with a
other than typical metal siding. This alternate material sball cover
a mini-mum of 50% of these walls.
the acclale.:t:".9.t:Lon/deceleration lane andtb~proposed
subj ect pa:t:"s.el shall be landscaped. The landsc:ape plan
subject to approval of the City of Smyrna.
December 8. 1986 - continued
seconded the motion. Jim Hawkins said he would not support the
restrictions on the property were there, and the purchaser
those wh e bought it. Also. the reason the property is
ry now is cause it was zoned as an origianl 5 acre tract
been a lot that does not meet requirements for
tion. ion carried 5-2. with Jim Hawkins and Jack
st for pouring license
agent change - Casa Gallardo Mexican
rson said
Ann Woods has made application to act as agent
rito Restaurant, Inc., d/b/a Casa Gallardo. Ms.
the police investigation was ravorable.
Chuck Camp stated t
it instead of a
abide by such ordi
if she would so
understood and ord
responsible for the license.
stion #23 of the application had a check mark by
answer. Mr. Camp asked Ms. Woods if she agreed to
s and regulations as stated in that question and
the answer was yes. Ms. Woods said she also
the City and also knew that she would be
With little discussion.
Hawkins seconded the motion
b Davis made a motion the license be approved. Jim
ich carried 7-0.
(F) Request for pouring license - agent change - Red Lobster Restaurant.
John Patterson said that Danny L. Adams had made application to act as agent
and license holder for Red Lobster at 2579 Cobb Parkway. Mr. Adams is the area
supervisor for Red Lobster and the police investigation was ravorable. Mr.
Adams s d he was ith our ordinances and understood that he would be
re i for the Although this location is not under his direct
su sor he is a re of Cobb County and that is why he was named agent.
With little discussion. Bob Davis made a motion the license be approved. Joel
Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(G) Request for pouring license - agent change - Papa's Bar and Restaurant.
Randall Dean Harris had made application to act as
Pa 's Bar and Restaurant at 2401 Lake Park Drive.
t and Manager or Food Sales. The police
Mr. Harris said he had read and understood our
d be responsible for the license.
With little discussion. Bob Davis made a motion the license be approved. Jim
Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(H) Annexation of .532 acres on Spring Street in Land Lot 631.
There was no
Spring Street
description having
1986. Kathy Brooks sec
Mills made a motion the .532 acres at 1666
City to become a part of Ward 3. the legal
part of the minutes of November 3.
which carried 7-0.
(I) Annexation of 55 acres on South Cobb Drive @ Camp Highlands Road in Land
Lots 619. 620, 677. 678, 692 and 691.
There was no op
currently under
a part of
of the minutes
motion which carried
ition and Hugh Ragan made a motion the 55 acre tract
ruction by Post Properties be annexed into the City to
Ward 7. the legal description having been read and made a
of the November 17.1986 meeting. Jack Shinall seconded the
of signatures to annex approximately 2.5 acres at 725 Cooper
said he had
use of this pro
meeting. Jack Shinall
had the opportunity to meet with the applicant
and made a motion the application be tabled to
econded the motion which carried 7-0.
December 8. 1986 - continued
(B) to Clean City Commission.
Jerry Mills said that after careful consideration for this
was one Person that alwaYS9am~ tomi~d because she was
willi~g to help the City in anyway she. could. She will be
Board because of her feelings for the City. Jerry made a
Griggs of 1085 Fleming Street be appointed to the Clean City
Shinall seconded the motion.
to the
. Jack
Ragan said Lynn Griggs is a fine lady and always had done a tremendous
on anything she has undertaken but she does not live in Mr. Mills ward and
feeling was that if . Y9U start venturing out of YOtJ.rW"".r<i. then
a dangerous pre5e<ient. Hugh said he felt l'1aY9ri7h9uld be
to have control over appointing people thro1J.gJ:1out the
council member was elected to represent a certain district.
separates a
said she would suppgrt the motion Fleming
5 and :felt that.. we.s close enough and thought
ward. special consideration should be made.
a street
Vote on the motion carried 4-3. with Hugh Ragan. Bob Davis and
(C) Appointment to Planning and Zoning Board - Ward 7.
Hugh Rage~ made
Zoning Board to
carried 7-0.
a motion that John Heaton be reappointed to the P'lp.~ning and
represent Ward 7. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which
to Smyrna Housing Autbority - Ward 7.
made a motion that Jol1.nlIic~s be appointed to
Ward 7 to fill ithetJ..I).eepired term of Martha
serving on the Board these past few years.
which carried 7-0.
(A) Petroleum products.
seconded the
. Lance
that S. A.
. Joel
. A. White.
vendors :for
A. White
June 30.
(A) John Dickson requested a building
shopp:i~g center on Concord Road @ Lamar
$lqO,OQO. Jim FJ:awk:Lnsmade a motiontl1.e permit
of the Community Development Committee of
motion which carried 4-3. with Jerry Mills.
(A) No Perking signs Cedar Cliff D-rive>(from Ridge Road)
(B) No parking signs on Shawnee Trail (from Cedar Valley Drive)
made a motion the consent agenda be
motion which carried 7-0.
COUNCIL INPUT: Joel Harrell gave an update on the sewer rehabilitation and
said they were about 47% complete on Phase II.
an opportunity to visit the Griffin
program which was sponsored by Pizza
to educate ouryO'ltthiflbout drug
presentati9n at 1578
.00 each.
Jack Shinall said the Community Development Committee had met and discussed
December 8. 1986 - continued
the proposed Architectural Review
al problems in establishing
d nitive architectural zones.
Committee. Jack said they have run into
the committee because we do not have
Jack Shinall also said the Just Say No Program is excellent and it is carried
out through all the middle schools.
ted everyone to drop by Centennial Park to see some of the
been delivered from the area schools.
first Tour of Homes was yesterday and was very successful.
were printed and they were all sold and proceeds are for a
Max Bacon
meeting in
there. Max
within the
young people
council just returned from the National Congress of Cities
Antonio and drug abuse was the single biggest issue discussed
he hoped that we could implement some type of drug program
Max said he thought it was very important to educate our
drug abuse.
With no further business. meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
December 15. 1986
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held December 15. 1986
at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by
presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council members were present. Also
present was City Administrator John Patterson. City Attorney Charles E. Camp.
Assistant City Clerk Melinda Dameron and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by David Roberts, Associate Pastor of Welcome All Baptist
Church, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Nothing to report.
presented a
ng Authority
crystal jonquil to Martha Akin for serving on the
for 5 years and expressed his appreciation for the
fine job.
ns stated he also had a presentation for Jack Strickland. outgoing
the Planning and Zoning Board but Mr. Strickland had not yet arrived
delay the presentation to later in the meeting.
John Patterson made
stated the reward
conviction in the ar
Emergeny Management and
a report from the Fire Department for Chief Williams
p to $16.000 for information leading to arrest
November 20-21. Reports were also given from
Community Development departments.
request at 1502 Whitfield Street from R-15 to Residential
John Patterson said that Bill Davis with Northwest Corridor Properties is
requesting that this 2.035 acre parcel be rezoned to RTD for development of 14
townhouses in duplex fashion. Jerry Mills stated that since the last meeting
there were several questions that had come up that were still unanswered and
made a motion this rezoning be tabled again to the next meeting. Jim Hawkins
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
ng req
Road f
06. 2090. 2070. 2080 and 2060 Oak Drive - 5211 and
ntial to General Commercial.
John Patterson said these homes were annexed into the City recently and the
hoped to unify themselves and present a planned development for sale
r property to a good developer. The Planning and Zoning Board
ded the zoning be approved and there was no opposition from the
December 15. 1986 - continued
Hugh :Ragan said he was sorry Chester could not behereto-n:Lght to
repres~-nt the homeowners but was no opposition. mad~ amption the
property be rezoned to General Commercial with the provision thatth~existing
structures will not be used for cOmmercial purposes and the lots will not be
used for commerc:Lal purposes until such time as they are combined.toim~et the
minimum General Commercial standards of our zoning ordinance. Joel Harrell
seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(C) Variance request
Lake Drive.
front yard setback requirement at 3890 West Cooper
John Patterson said that Buell Johns is requesting a variance on th~required
front Ya".t:d width at 3890 West Cooper Lake Drive from the required 100 feet to
90 fe~t.. The variance is necessary because the topography of the lot would not
provide sufficient slope for t.he sanitary sewer easement at the 100 foot
setback and moving the house forward reduced the lot width due to the
curvature of the road.
There was no opposition from the audience. Mr. Johns said the house is
completed now and the surveyor discovered the encroachment when they were
preparing for closing on the property. Mr. Johns said he was>under the
impression that he was only requ:Lred to comply with the side building lines
and did not realize there was arest.riction on the front buildingl.ine. Hugh
Ragan said council had expressed some concerns about the soil compaction on
this lot and Mr. Johns said this house is on a good solid foundation; in fact
the house has a basement which they had to dig out. The two adjacent lots
could not be developed without a compaction test.
Hugh Ragan made a motion the be approved subJect to a $'150.00 fine
for the. encroachment. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(D) Rezoning request at 1540 Whitfield Street from R-15 to RD.
Jerry Mills made a motion the rezoning be tabled to the next meeting. Joel
Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(A) Amendment to Home Occupation ordinance.
John Patt.ersonsaid that last month.. the moratorium on home occupation licenses
was extended to give council additional time to study amendments to the code
to provide stricter enforcement.
Jack Shinall said the ordinance <Ul1endment is not complete but
the moratorium be lifted with thest}pulations that no home
be granted until the adoption of the new ordinance which will be
second meeting in January. Further> any new application will be
new fees set. We will, after the new fees are set and after the
adopted. allow them to withdraw t.h~:Lr application if
necessary. Kathy Brooks secondedth~lllotion. Jack said that
be accepted prior to adoption of the ordinance but they will
Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
(B) Appointment to Planning and Zoning Board - Ward 4.
Jim Hawkins made a motion that T01UlJlyCheatham of 1040 Manor Driv~beappointed
to the Planning and Zoning Board for a two year term. replacing Jack
Strickland. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(C) Validation of signatures to
5 acres at 725 Cooper Lake Ro~d.
Attorney Camp read an application
Walston as follows:
annexation into the City by James A.
We the undersigned, who constit.utesixty percent (60%) of the owners of the
land area by acreage of the ar~;:'l.d.escribed below, which is un:LncOrpCt".t:ated and
contiguous to the City of Smyrna..h~r~py apply to have said area annexed into
the City of Smyrna under the provisions of the Code of Georgia Annotated,
through 69-912 (Georg:La Laws. Acts 1966, Paes 409,410. 411,
399; 1976. Pages 1011..1012; said property to be annexed being
follows, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 389 of the 17th
December 15. 1986 - continued
District. 2nd Section. Cobb County. Lots 13. 14, Block 2. Coopers Lake and
tract to rear (as per plat prepared by Eston Pensley. Registered Surveyor for
James Albert Walston dated April 13,1973.
Begin at the
line of
corner of Land Lot 389 and proceed west along south
distance of 78 feet to an iron pin located on the
Old Southern Railroad right of way; proceed thence
stern side of said Old right of way a distance
Lake Road to an iron pin; running thence
right of way a distance of 197 feet to an iron
ly along Old Dam Site a distance of 225 feet to
northwesterly a distance of 160 feet to an iron
sterly direction a distance of 151 feet to an
southeasterly a distance of 73 feet to an iron pin
r of way line of Osman Drive, running thence
a distance of 97 feet to an iron pin; running
line a distance of 75.5 feet; crossing Cooper
a nail cap in said road located a distance of
edge of pavement; running thence in a southerly
a distance of 390 feet to the point of beginning.
iron pin;
located on the
southeasterly along
thence southeasterly
Lake Road to a point
2.4 feet from the east
direction along Land Lot 389
Witness the signature of the record title holders of the fee simple title. or
his legal representative. of 60% of the land area above described by acreage:
Hugh Ragan made a motion the signature be validated and the public hearing
date set for January 5. 1987. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
(A) Approval of lease and agreement with Cobb County Board of Education (Rose
Garden Park).
(B) A al of agreement with Cobb County Board of Education (Wills High
School er Education Facility).
(C) Approval of November minutes
(D) counsel affiliation
(E) se 305 tons crusher run from Council Contingency
John Patterson
removed from
be approved
which carried
said the November minutes were not completed and should be
the Consent Agenda. Hugh Ragan made a motion the Consent Agenda
with the exception of item (C). Kathy Brooks seconded the motion
COUNCIL INPUT: Jack Shinall said he has received quite a few complaints about
the sanitation department recently and said they are trying to locate where
the problems lie and will get them straightened out as soon as possible.
Jerry Mills asked Jim Belk for an update on the sewer rehabilitation. Jim Belk
said the recent rain has caused a considerable delay in their progress but
they hoped to get their problem areas under control before Christmas. The
entire project is approximately 55% complete but they have used 70% of their
schedule for completion.
The Mayor and Council wished everyone a safe and happy holiday season. With no
further business. meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
December 15. 1986 - continued
I, , do solemnly swear that I will
we City Clerk of the City of Smyrna
for the ensuing term, that I will faithfully enforce the
Charter and Ordinances of said City to the best of my ability,
without fear or favor, and in all my actions as CITY CLERK act
as I believe for the best interest of the said City. So help
me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 5th day of January, 1987.