December 7/21,1987 Council Meeting The regular scheduled meet~ng of Mayor and Counc~l was held pursuant to the Charter on December 7, 1987 at City Hall. The meet~ng was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by pres~d~ng off~cer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council rnembers were present. Also present was C~ty Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Administrator John Patterson, City Clerk Melinda Dameron and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Reverend J. W. Church, followed by the pledge to the flag. Frady, pastor of Calvary Bapt~st Mayor Bacon stated that on November 17th, Senator Jim Tolleson passed away and Hugh Ragan has offered h~mself as a candidate for that seat ~n the Senate. Mayor Bacon read Hugh's letter of res~gnat~on wh~ch became effect~ve November 30, 1987, and presented Hugh and h~s w~fe Jane w~th the trad~tional crystal jonqu~l and plaque ~n apprec~at~on of h~s serv~ce to the c~ty. Mayor Bacon also stated the City will have another election December 29th to f~ll the Ward 7 counc~l seat. Qual~fy~ng began today and w~ll end December 9th at 5:00 p.m. Three cand~dates have already qual~f~ed; Shawn Cochran, Bob Betenbaugh and Steve W~lson. team who plaque to Gary Myers help and won the Georg~a AAU the Mayor. expressed h~s appreciation to the Mayor and support for the Smyrna Panthers g~rls basketball Champ~onsh~p. Mr. Myers presen'ted the sponsorh~p Reports were given from Publ~c Works, Parks Department PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) Rezon~ng request Commerc~al. 1185 Concord Road from Future Commerc,ial, to General John Patterson sa~d that Ot~s Thomason ~s be~ng represented by H. O. Scoggins ~n th~s request to rezone .69 acres at 1185 Concord Road from FC to GC to allow construct~on of a new bu~ld~ng for Chuck's Auto D~esel Service Shop. This s~te is surrounded by Future Commercial zoning on the north, east and south sides, with GC to the west. There was no oppos~tion from the audience. H. O. Scogg~ns stated Chuck's Auto D~esel is presently located ~n the Auto Cool bu~lding on Spr~ng Road and they have outgrown their facilities there. They would like to construct a new 75 x 50 foot bu~lding on Concord Road wh~ch w~ll meet all bu~ld~ng requirements. Mr. Scogg~ns said there is commercial development all along Concord Road w~th a new shopping center being built just across the street. Th~s will be a very attractive build~ng w~th a secur~ty fence on all sides of the property. Mr. Fiegle works only on cars, small vans and p~ckups with d~esel eng~nes. There will be no painting, body work or wrecked cars on the premises. Th~s w~ll be a neat business and an inside storage tank will be used for used petroleum products in accordance with state regulat~ons and when needed. Twelve foot bays will be constructed on the back s~de of the ng where all work w~ll be conducted. Jim Hawk~ns said he thought Concord Road would be a combinat~on of commercial and office development over the next 10 years; however, th~s property is currently surrounded by FC on the north, south and east s~des and he d~d not bel~eve a development of this type would blend w~th the atmosphere of that particular end of Concord Road and was not conducive to GC zoning. For those reasons, Jim Hawk~ns made a motion the zon~ng be denied. Bob Davis seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. (B) Variance request Concord Village Shopping Center - reduce side yard setback from 30 feet to 10 feet. John Patterson said that B~ll Harv~n of Concord Assoc~ates, Ltd. ~s request~ng a reduct~on in the minimum requ~red side yard setback for a new Morrison's restaurant in this proposed shopp~ng center. The plan submitted shows the locat~on of the restaurant and the proposed encroachment ~nto the 30 foot side yard. The lease agreement with K-Mart does not allow any other bu~ld~ng w~th~n the center to obstruct the v~sib~lity of the major tenant space; therefore the expansion for the restaurant must be added to the rear of the building rather than the front. There was no opposition. December 7, 1,987 - continued Mr. Zuckerman represented Concord Associates and stated that because the bu~ldings in the center are not connected they are required to have a greater setback. If this same center was being built ~n the county, a variance would not be requ~red. Jim Hawkins said he thought our particular ord.inance has created a hardsh~p for the developers because it ~s different and K-Mart w~ll object if the bu~ld~ng projects to the front. Several months ago, Council approved a var~ance to reduce the requ~red parking for Concord V~llage and an addition to the front will reduce the~r parking even further. Jim Hawk~ns made a motion the variance be approved. Jerry M~lls seconded the motion wh~ch carr~ed 5-1, w~th Joel Harrell opposed. (C) Var~ance request 2590 Highland Avenue - side yard reduct~on from 10 feet to 7 feet and increase maximum square footage for accessory building. John Patterson construction of maximum s~ze of Jackson's house basement, wh~ch no opposition. said that B~ll Jackson is requesting th~s variance a 1,680 square foot accessory bu~lding. Our ord~nance sets accessory buildings at 25% of the princ~pal structure and conta~ns approx~mately 2,370 square feet ~nclud~ng would warrant a 595 square foot accessory bu~lding. There for the Mr. the was Mr. Jackson sa~d he needed a b~gger build~ng for storage for 2 trucks, a boat and car. Jerry M~lls asked Mr. Jackson what type of business he was in. Mr. Jackson sa~d he was in the construction business; two of the vehicles are used in his business and he would also use the building for some of his smaller pieces of equipment. Jerry Mills asked Mr. Jackson if he was aware that he could not operate a bus~ness or store commerc~al, vehicles at h.is home, and Mr. Jackson said he was not. Jerry Mills said he thought the sj,ze of this build,ing was excess~ve and would not be ~n the best interest of his ne~ghbors and made a mot~on the variance be den.ied. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carr~ed 6-0. ** (D) Variance request yard setback requirements. 2410 South Cobb Drive - reduction ~n rear and front John Patterson said that Theodore Crolley ~s requesting this variance for construction of a convenience store w~th gas pumps at the corner of South Cobb and Jones Shaw, where Big Boys Toys is presently located. A drive-through car wash is proposed for the rear of the s~te about 1 foot from the property line and he is request~ng a reduct~on from 5 feet to 1 foot. The prj,ncipal building is comprised of a 24 x 44 square foot store with a 101 x 44 foot overall canopy and he ~s request~ng a reduct~on on the front setback from 50 feet to 40 feet. There was no opposit~on. Mr. Crolley sa~d this will be a Texaco convenience store, similar to the Jim Wallace station on Concord Road and presented pictures of the proposed development. Mr. Crolley said he has donated 38 feet from the side of his property for the widening of Jones Shaw Road. He w~ll have one curb cut on Jones Shaw, one way ~n and one way out, and one curb cut on South Cobb. Mr. Crolley sa~d he had a letter from the adjo~n~ng property owner approv~ng the variance on the rear and they would have some type of decorative fence along that property line. Jim Hawkins said he did not understand how the right of way donation on Jones Shaw could necess~tate the variances on the front and rear of the property and from the plans presented, could not understand why the development coul.d not be completed without variances. Joel Harrell said the actual cause of the var~ance ~s the overhang of the canopy encroaching ~nto the setback and not the building, but he also had some problem with the var~ance. After further discussion, Kathy Brooks made a motion the variances be approved, to reduce the rear setback from 5 feet to 1 foot and the front setback from 50 feet to 40 feet w~th the stipulations that Mr. Crolley donate needed right of way to widen Jones shaw Road and also place a privacy fence along the back property line. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which t~ed 3-3, with Kathy Brooks, Jack Shinall and Jerry Mills voting in the affirmative and Jim Hawkins, Joel Harrell and Bob Davis opposed. Mayor Bacon voted ~n the aff~rmative to break the tie and approve the variance. Mayor Bacon recognized and welcomed Commissioner Thea Powell to the meeting. Stipulation requiring privacy fence waived to allow planted buffer at special called meeting July 7, 1988 (see minutes of 7/7/88). (E) Amendment to zon~ng ordinance. Attorney Camp said the State has passed an act allow~ng certa~n zoning rev~ew standards that munic~pal~ties are requ~red to conform w~th, and this amendment is to comply with the state laws so that our zoning decis~ons are not discrim~natory and will be upheld in the courts. Jack Shinall said that in th~s amendment, we also increased the maximum size allowed for signs. The committee has met and approved the recommended changes. Attorney Camp read the proposed amendments as follows: to be deleted ~n its ent~rety and replaced with the following: Sect~on 1504 - Public Hearing. Before enact~ng an amendment to this ord~nance, the Mayor and Council shall hold a public hearing thereon. At least fifteen (15) but not more than forty- f~ve (45) days pr~or to the date of hearing, a notice of the date, t~me and pJ_ace of the hearing, as well as the nature of the proposed amendment, shall be published in a newspaper having general c~rculation within the City of Smyrna. Within a reasonable time from the date of the last hear~ng on a petition to amend th~s ord~nance, the city council shall render an offic~al dec~s~on on the petition. Section 1505 to be deleted in ~ts entirety and replaced with the follow~ng: Sect~on 1505 - Signs posted. Whenever a proposed amendment to th~s ordinance involves changing the zoning class~fication of property from one type of zone to the other, and the rezoning is ~nitiated by a party other than the local government then: (1) The notice, ~n add~tion to the requ~rements of Sec. 1504 of this Code Section, shall include the locat~on of the property, the present zoning class~f~cation of the property, and the proposed zoning class~f~cat~on of the property; and (2) The bu~ld~ng inspector shall cause to have posted in a place consp~cuous to the nearest publ~c roadway on said property one (1) or more s~gns, each of which shall not be less than s~x (6) square feet in area, and each of wh~ch shall conta~n ~nforrrration as to the proposed change and the date and time and place of the public hearing before the city counc~l. No such public hearing shall take place until sa~d s~gns have been posted for at least f~fteen (15) days. (3) The applicant shall furn~sh such other ~nformation as is requ~red to facil~tate the consideration of the applicable prov~s~ons of Section 1508 of th~s Article. to be added to the ord~nance to read as follows: Section 1508 - Zoning Review Standards. In the cons~deration of any zoning proposal the Planning Commission and Mayor and Council shall consider the following factors in their determination. (1) Whether the zon~ng proposal will permit a use that is suitable in v~ew of the use and development of adjacent and nearby property; (2) Whether the zoning proposal or the use proposed will adversely affect the ex~sting use or usability of adjacent or nearby property; (3) Whether the property to be affected by the reasonable economic use as currently zoned; zon~ng proposal has a (4) whether the zon~ng proposal cause an excess~ve or burdensome fac~lities, util~ties, or schools; will result in a use which w~ll or could use of existing streets, transportat~on (5) Whether the zoning proposal ~s in conform~ty with the policy and intent of the land use plan; and (6) Whether there are other existing or changing conditions affect~ng the use and development of the property which give supporting grounds for either approval or d~sapproval of the zoning proposal. December 7, 1987 - continued (7) Whether the conform to, be a space requirements, current, historical, development of the property under the zoning proposal will detr~ment to, or enhance the arch~tectural standards, open and aesthetics of the general ne~ghborhood considering the and planned uses ~n the area. (8) Under any proposed zoning class~f~cat~on, whether the use proposed may create a nuisance or is incompatible with ex~sting uses ~n the area. (9) Whether due to 'the size of the proposed use, ~n either ],and area or bu~ld~ng he~ght, the proposed use would affect the adjoin~ng property, general neighborhood and other uses in the area pos~t~vely or negatively. Section 1509 to be added to read as follows: Sect~on 1509 - Zoning Procedures. (a) There shall be mainta~ned ~n the off~ce of the c~ty Clerk, w~th a copy on file ~n the off~ce of the Build~ng Inspector, a copy of the zon~ng map as adopted and amended from t~me to time along w~th a pr~nted copy of the procedures for zon~ng or rezon~ng property ~n the City of Smyrna. (b) The zoning procedures shall state or rezon~ng, requ~red not~ces procedure and requirements as Smyrna. the method of fil~ng application for and advertising, and set forth the stated in the zoning ordinance of the zon~ng general City of (c) At the hear~ng before the Planning Comm~ssion, and at the hearing before Mayor and Council; 1) 'the applicant shall present the proposed zon~ng together with all facts necessary to make a determination on those facts. 2) the oppos~t~on, if any, may make a presentation or ~ntroduce evidence to support its or the~r pos~t~on. 3) ~n the event more than one person or group wishes to present evidence, the Cha~rman of the meeting may require one or more persons to act as a spokesman to avo~d repet~tious test~mony. 4) the Chairman of the meet~ng may l~it, within a reasonable t~me as the circumstance shall dictate the time allowed for any presentation or rebuttal. 5) in the event there ~s ~nsufficient evidence to make a determ~nat~on, the hear~ng may be continued for a reasonable t~e, from time to time, ~n the sole d~scretion of the hearing body. 6) the fa~lure of the appl~cant to information, at the earl~est opportun~ty, grounds for den~al of the appl~cation. 7) all applications shall be accompan~ed by the appropr~ate aff~davits and information as requ~red by OCGA 36-67A of the laws of the State of Georg~a and the fees required hereunder. provide sufficient ev~dence or to make a determinat~on shall be Jack Sh~nall made a mot~on the amendments as read be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carr~ed 6-0. (F) Amendment to City Charter. Attorney Camp said the proposed Charter amendment tonight ~s also to comply with State laws, to carryover terms of office for elected officials unt~l the new council member is actually sworn ~n and takes office. Kathy Brooks made a motion the follow~ng amendment to the Charter be approved: An amendment to Body; Elections; Generally, Sect. Ward res~dence. the charter Off~cers; 6. Klection of the City of Smyrna, Article III. Govern~ng Powers; Taxation; M~scellaneous. D~vison I. days; terms of Off~ce of Mayor and Councilmen; Whereas the Act creating a new charter for the City of Smyrna, approved August 27, 1931 (Ga. L. 1931, p. 955) as amended, particularly by an Act approved March 20, 1985 (Ga. L. 1985, p. 4072), so as to provide for the elect~on of the Mayor and all councilmen at the same elect~ons; to provide for matters relative thereto; and for other purposes, was amended by the Georgia General Assembly in S.B. No. 72, Act No. 331 and passed by the Senate January 16, 1987 and in the House by a th~rd read~ng March 6, 1987 by str~k~ng Sect~on 6 in its ent~rety and substituting ~n l~eu thereof a new Sect~on 6 to read in pert~nent part as follows: The Mayor and all seven Counc~lmen shall be elected on the first Tuesday ~n November, 1987. They shall take off~ce on the f~rst Monday in January, 1988, for terms of four years and unt~l the~r successors are elected and qual~fied. Thereafter, their successors and future successors shall be elected quadrennially on the f~rst Tuesday ~n November ~ediately preced~ng the expirat~on of terms of office and shall take office on the f~rst Monday ~n January immediately follow~ng their election for terms of four years and until their successors are elected and qualified. And whereas H.B. 202 passed by the House and Senate of the Georgia Legislature on February 19, 1987 and February 26, 1987 respect~vely, and s~gned by the Governor April 3, 1987, amends Art~cle 3 of Chapter 3 of Title 21 of the Off~c~al Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to munic~pal elections, so as to prov~de for a un~form mun~c~pal elect~on date; to prov~de for certain b~enn~al elect~ons; to prov~de for trans~t~onal terms for mun~c~pal offices; to provide for four-year terms for mun~cipal off~ces; to preserve commencement of certain times by ord~nance; to author~ze the General Assembly to provide for expirat~on of certain terms and for two-year terms and concurrent or staggered terms for munic~pal off~ces by local Acts; to authorize and require the Secretary of State to prepare necessary Code revisions; to prov~de for other matters relative to the foregoing; to provide an effective date; to repeal confl~cting laws; and for other purposes. And whereas H.B. 202 provides that under Sect~on 1. Article 3 of Chapter 3 of Title 21 of the Official Code of Georg~a Annotated, relating to municipal elect~ons, is amended by repeal~ng Art~cle 3, relating to the dates of pr~mar~es and elections generally, in ~ts ent~rety and ~nserting in lieu thereof a new Article 3 which has the effect of accomplishing two things: I. It establishes ~n 1993, a uniform general municipal election day of next following the first Monday in November ~n 1993 and on this day off numbered year thereafter. 2. All terms of munic~pal office w~ll be four (4) year terms, unless a c~ty by local law opts out for a two year term. Terms can be staggered or concurrent as provided by the local law. And whereas no current office holder w~ll be affected by H.B. 202, and no terms of office w~ll be shortened, and regular municipal elections are provided to take place on the~r present election. And whereas H.B. 202 establishes a transitional term of office for municipal off~cers elected dur~ng these four years, w~th Cities having terms commenc~ng at the first organizational meeting ~n January be~ng allowed to cont~nue that practice; And whereas H.B. 202 s Art~cle 3, Part I, 21-3-51 (a) to provide that all general municipal e s occurring before January 1, 1993 must g~ve publ~c not~ce of such election by the govern~ng authority ~n a newspaper of general circulat~on ~n the mun~c~pal~ty at least 30 days pr~or to the election; And whereas H.B. 202 amends Article 3, Part II, 21-3-60 (b) and prov~des that when a mun~c~pal ch rovides that the term of a municipal off~ce beg~ns at the f~rst organiz 1 meet~ng ~n January follow~ng a general municipal elect~on and if the muni l~ty has terms of mun~cipal off~ce of four years or greater as of January 1989, then the local governing body may continue the commencing of the term of office as provided ~n the charter for all offices pass~ng an ord~nance on or before January 1, 1989, stating that intent wi a certif~ed copy filed with the Secretary of State by January 31, 1989. And whereas under th~s same amended Part 2, (3), it further provides that all off~cers elected in 1991 shall have their terms exp~re at the first organizational meet~ng in January 1996; Wherefore No. 331 of Smyrna upon due considerat~on and contemplation of acts S.B. No. 72, Act and H.B. 202, the above stated Section 6 of the Charter for the c~ty shall be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Beg~nn~ng place on the election of Mayor and all seven Councilmen shall take Tuesday of November. Here~nafter they shall serve for a in the 1987, f~rst December 7, 1987 - cont~nued term of four same becom~ng election. years and until the~r successors are elected and qualifi.ed, the effect~ve on the first Monday in January following each Prior to the holding of a general mun~cipal election occurring before ,january 1, 1993, 30 days public notice in a newspaper of general circulation ~n the municipality ~s required. Jack Shinall seconded the mot~on to approve the amendment which carried 6-0. (G) Annexation of property - Old Concord Road & Church Road. Jack sh.ina.ll made a motion the N~ckajack Commun~ty Center property at the corner of Old Concord Road and Church Road be annexed ~nto the c~ty to become a part of Ward 5, the legal descr~pt~on be~ng read and made a part of the m~nutes of the November 16, 1987 meeting. J~m Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-0. (H) Annexation of property - Oakdale Road. Jerry Mills made a motion the 35-acres on Oakdale Road owned by Corn Cr~b Corporat~on, Wallace Enterpr~ses, et aI, be annexed ~nto the City to become a part of Ward 7, the legal descr~pt~on being read and made a part of the minutes of November 2, 1987. Bob Dav~s seconded the motion wh~ch carried 6-0. (I) Request for package beer and w~ne license - Best Food Mart #3, 2875 South Cobb Drive. John Patterson said that Robert Dwayne Rogers has made applicat~on to act as agent and manager for this locat~on, which is already licensed. The pol~ce invest~gat~on was favorable and there was no opposit~on. Attorney Barry Karp represented Shahzeb Enterprises, Inc. as owner and Robert Dwayne Rogers, agent for the l~cense. Mr. Rogers sa~d he would be the store manager at this location and has been employed for approximately 2 months, when Shahzeb Enterpr~ses purchased the store. Mr. Rogers sa~d he was fam~l~ar with our ord~nance and did not hold any other licenses.The corporat~on holds licenses in Gwinnett County, but no others in Cobb County. As a matter of policy, their employees are asked to read the city code and are trained to check identif~cat~ons before sell~ng beer or w~ne. Jack Sh~nall made a motion the license be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 5-1, w~th Jerry Mills opposed. FORMAL BUSINESS: (A) Author~zation for Mayor to property owner ~n Land Lot 775. convey abandoned right of way to adjacent John Patterson said that when Campbell Corners shopping center property was zoned, it was agreed that Campbell Road would be re-routed by exchang~ng r~ght of ways. A very small triangular portion of the existing r~ght of way was reserved by the City for conveyance to the adjoining property owner, to prevent his property from being land locked after Campbell Road is re-routed. Bob Davis made a mot~on this small tract be deeded to the adjo~ning property owner, Bill MacKenna. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 6-0. (B) Approval to ~ncrease building permit fees for records management. John Patterson said the Community Development department is required to keep plans on file for about 100 years and storage has become critical. It has been recommended that we assess a 10% surcharge on bu~ld~ng permit fees to cover the cost of microfilming. Th~s would generate about $980 a month which should be suff~cient. Jack Shinall made a motion a 10% surcharge be added on building permit fees to handle the cost of records management ~n the Community Development Department. Jerry M~lls seconded the motion wh~ch carr~ed 6-0. (C) Approval to ~ncrease electrical/plumbing/mechanical fees. John Patterson said our fees for electrical/plumbing/mechanical perm~ts need to be ~ncreased to bring us more ~n line w~th surrounding count~es and cities. Last year our plumbing perm~t was updated but it has been several years since the other fees have been increased. Jack Shinall made a motion the fees be seconded the motion which carried 6-0. ~ncreased as proposed. Bob Davis (D) Approval of water tap fee increase for large ~nstallat~ons. John Patterson said the C~ty contracts the ~nstallation of the large water meters, water taps and detect-a-checks because of the time and equipment requ~red for them. At the present time, we attach a 20% surcharge to cover adm~n~strat~on costs and system user fees. If our contractor encounters unforeseen obstacles or problems dur~ng the installation, then any ~ncrease in the cost ~s backcharged to the developer. It has been recommended that we ~ncrease the surcharge to 50% so that any increase ~n construction cost ~s pa~d up front. This fee could be reta~ned and placed in the General Fund ~f there are no increases in the construction cost, to offset those future installations which may exceed the orig~nal cost estimate by more than 50%. Joel Harrell made a mot~on the surcharge fee for large installations be ~ncreased from 20% to 50%. Jack Sh~nall seconded the mot~on which carr~ed 6-0. BID OPENINGS: (A) Bids for cabs for backhoes ~n the Public Works Department were opened, read and recorded as follows: Forest Service Metrack $6,612 total ~nclud~ng fre~ght $6,382 total ~ncluding fre~ght Jerry M~lls made a motion the bids be turned over to the committee with author~ty to award the low b~d meet~ng spec~f~cat~ons. Jim Hawkins seconded the mot~on wh~ch carried 6-0. (B) Bids for the recorded as follows: re-roof~ng of Church Street Center were opened, read and Northwest Home Improvement Cobb Home Improvement $4,648 $3,971 Jim Hawkins made a motion the b~ds be turned over to the committee with author~ty to award the low bid meeting specificat~ons. Kathy Brooks seconded the mot~on wh~ch carr~ed 6-0. (C) Bids follows: for C~ty supplused equ~pment were opened, read and recorded as Boy Scout Troop #144 James Jones 1978 Chevrolet C-30 1972 GMC 2500 CUstom 1967 Ka~ser Jeep 1 1/4 ton 1967 Kaiser Jeep M-725 Ambulance Sulla~r air compressor 1977 Galion Roller $275 $125 $100 $100 $ 50 NO BID Bob Davis made a motion the bids be turned over to the Police Committee for review. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion wh~ch carried 6-0. BID AWARDS: Noth~ng to report COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS: Nat~onal Construct~on Company requested a grading perm~t to construct a serv~ce road from the rear of the Piccadilly Restaurant to Powder Springs Street and to grade two future building s~tes behind the Amoco Service Station. Jack Shinall made a motion the grad~ng permit for the service road only be approved. Jerry M~lls seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. Jack Shinall said the site plans as presented have not been approved and the other permits w~ll be held to the next meeting. December 7, 1987 - cont~nued CONSENT AGENDA: (A) (B) Approval of November minutes Approval to request bids: 1) 2) 3) 4) Jim Hawk~ns made submitted. Jerry absta~n~ng. Safety equipment for Fire Department Vehicle for Ass~stant Fire chief Vehicles for Pol~ce Department Renovat~on of Pol~ce Department a motion the m~nutes of November 2, 1987 be approved as M~lls seconded the motion which carried 5-0, w~th Bob Davis Jim Hawk~ns made a mot~on the subm~tted. Jack Sh~nall seconded Mills absta~ning. Jim Hawkins made submitted. Kathy Mills abstaining. a mot~on the Brooks seconded Jerry Mills request b~ds, minutes of November 16, 1987 be approved as the mot~on wh~ch carried 5-0, w~th Jerry m~nutes of November 29, 1987 be approved as the mot~on wh~ch carried 5-0, w~th Jerry made a mot~on that ~tem (B) on the consent agenda, approval to be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the mot~on which carr~ed 6-0. COUNCIL INPUT: Joel Harrell reported on Phase III of the rehab wh~ch is well underway. There are some areas where the streets are still torn up and Joel asked the c~t~zens to bear with us until they can be paved. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. December 21, 1987 The regular schedul.ed meeting of Mayor and Council was held December 21, 1987 at Smyrna c~ty Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presid~ng officer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, city Administrator John Patterson, City Clerk Mel~nda Dameron and representat~ves of the press. Invocat~on was g~ven by Reverend E. L. Church followed by the pl.edge to the flag. Stepens, pastor of Bethel Bapt~st CITIZENS INPUT: council seat and election. Mayor Bacon recognized Steve Wilson, candidate for the Ward 7 Hugh Ragan, candidate for the Senate ~n the December 29th DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Reports were given by the Commun~ty Development and Fire Departments. F~reman Eddie Rogers also presented a check for $630.01 to Snyder Turner, admin~strator of Calvary Ch~ldrens Home which was raised through the sale of Christmas trees by the Fire Department. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) Rezon~ng request - corner of Oak Drive and South Cobb Drive from Future Commercial to General Commercial. At the request of Virginia Cogg~ns, representative of McDonald's Corporat~on, Jerry M~lls made a mot~on the zon~ng request be continued. Jim Hawk~ns seconded the motion which carried 6-0. (B) Variance request - 2821 Fraz~er Street - reduce side yard setback from 23 1/3 feet to 14 feet. John Patterson sa~d Hubert Almond is requesting this variance to allow the completion of a carport on the Bank Street s~de of his house. The build~ng inspector checked on construct~on at Mr. Almond's home and discovered ~t had not been perm~tted, and after f~nding the setback infraction, stopped work unt~l the var~ance could be heard by counc~l. There was no oppos~t~on. Eff~e Almond encroachment x 23 foot weather. represented her husband and stated they were not aware of the and stopped work immediately when ~t was d~scovered. Th~s ~s a 13 carport which will be used to protect their vehicles from the Jack Sh~nall said the topography of th~s part~cular lot limits space available for a carport and s~nce th~s is an older home, felt it would be an improvement. Jack Shinall made a motion the var~ance be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. (C) Variance request feet to 2 feet. 1165 Hill Street - reduce s~de yard setback from 10 John Patterson sa~d that Alice Glover is requesting a reduct~on in the min~mum side yard setback for a garage addit~on to her home which must be placed towards the rear to prevent obstruct~on of windows and electrical connections on the house. There was no oppos~t~on. Ms. Glover presented a drawing of the house with the proposed addit~on and said there was an ex~sting awning covering the portion of the driveway they wanted to enclose. Jerry Mills said this ~s also an older neighborhood and this add~tion would be an improvement to the property and neighborhood. Jerry Mills made a motion the var~ance be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the mot~on wh~ch carr~ed 6-0. FORMAL BUSINESS: (A) San~tat~on waste fee increase. Joel Harrell further study. made a motion the sanitation waste fee increase be tabled for Jack Shinall seconded the rr~tion which carr~ed 6-0. BID AWARDS: Nothing to report. COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS: (A) Tolar Construct~on requested a building permit for construct~on of a new two story office build~ng at 3300 H~ghlands Parkway at a total estimated cost of $1,900,000. Kathy Brooks made a motion the permit be approved. Jack Sh~nall seconded the motion which carr~ed 6-0. (B) N.R.H. Enterprises, Inc. requested a temporary building perm~t and business license for an em~ss~on control ~nspection station at the Concord Square Shopping Center on South cobb Drive. Estimated cost will be $15,000. Jim Hawk~ns made a mot~on the permit be approved for 6 months. Jack Shinall seconded the motion wh~ch carr~ed 6-0. CONSENT AGENDA: Nothing to report. Joel Harrell said the san~tation department would pick up Tuesday 'th~s week and the san~tat~on office on Smyrna H~ll Dr~ve would be open December 26th from 8:00 to 4:00 for the public to use the large dumpster there. Jerry Mills accomplished had the money sa~d he had enjoyed the last 2 years and thought this counc~l had more than any ~n qu~te a wh~le. Also, he was thankful the c~ty ava~lable to spend on many of the large projects. December 21, 1987 - cont~nued J~m Hawkins said he had enjoyed chairing the Police Comm~ttee this past year and thanked the people in that department. We should be tak~ng b~ds soon on the renovat~on of the building and Jim sa~d he was still looking forward to see~ng that project completed. Jack Sh~nall made a mot~on the rules be suspended to consider approval of an item not on the agenda. Jerry M~lls seconded the mot~on which carried 6-0. Jack Sh~nall made a mot~on January 1.2, 1988 be set as the date of the runoff election in the Ward 7 race j,n the event it ~s needed. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Mayor Bacon announced that Kathy Brooks was recently married, and she is now Mrs. Lee Jordan. Mayor Bacon also rem~nded everyone to vote December 29th; this is a very important Ward 7 and senatorial race. All coun-cil members wished everyone a Merry Chr~stmas and w~th no further bus~ness, meet~ng adjourned at 8:00 p.m. CERTIFIED ELECTION RETURNS OF SMYRNA. GEORGIA SPECIAL ELECTION HELDTRIS TUESDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1987 2.210 891 REGISTERED VOTING We. the duly the following managers to conduct this election. declare 278 347 266 BOB SHAWN STEVE We therefore. election results Mayor and Council of the City of Smyrna the election required between BOB BETENBAUGH and candidate received the required majority of votes SHAWN COCHRAN cast. December 29. 1987