October 19,1987 Council Meeting
The regular scheduled meeting or Mayor and Council was held October 19, 1987
at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by
presiding or ricer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council members were present. Also
present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Administrator John Patterson,
City Clerk Melinda Dameron and representatives or the press.
Invocation was given by Noel Burt, pastor or Faith United Methodist Church,
rollowed by the pledge to the rlag.
Nothing to report.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Reports were given rrom Fire,
Development departments.
and Community
(A) Variance request - side yard setback reduction at 110 Concord Road.
said that Dale Williams or 110 Concord Road is requesting a
the side yard setback rrom 10 reet to 8.5 reet ror the addition
and screened porch. The adjacent property owner has submitted a
he is not opposed to the variance. There was no apposition.
John Patterson
reduction or
or a pan "try
letter stating
Mr. Williams said they were removing the existing deck and stoop which had
rotted and would replace it with a pantry and screened porch. The new addition
will be no closer to the property line than the deck, which was 14 years old.
Hugh Ragan made a motion the variance be approved rrom 10 feet to 8.5 reet.
Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(B) Variance request - increase square rootage ror two signs at Belmont Hills
Shopping Center.
John Patterson said that .Alen Halpern or Halpern Enterprise, Inc., owners of
Belmont Hills has requested the variance to allow him to erect more than one
sign on the property which rronts on Atlanta Road and Cherokee Road. In
addition, he is requesting to use a total copy area which could require an
additional 20 square reet over the maximum 120 square reet authorized by City
Code. There was no opposition.
Mr. Halpern said the actual size or the copy area or the signs would be l60
square reet, and at the time they submitted the variance request the plans
were preliminary and they were not sure or the exact size. This request is
brought about due to the widening and improvements being made to Cherokee Road
and Atlanta Road. The two existing signs are in excess or 200 square reet and
the new signs will be smaller and much more attractive. Mr. Halpern said they
will be losing a lot or their visibility as a result or the road improvements
and they need the increased size or the signs to identiry the shopping center
and its tenants. After rurther discussion Jack Shinall made a motion the
variances be approved, to allow two signs on the property with 160 square reet
or copy area each. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion. Joel Harrell said he
thought this was a section or the ordinance that may possibly need to be
updated because or the recent number or variances being requested. Vote on the
motion carried 7-0.
(C) Arlnexation or .452 acres at Oak Drive and South Cobb Drive.
John Patterson said that Samuel B. Kellett, Stiles A. Kellett, Jr. and Barbara
Kellett Hast:;ings have requested annexation or property at oak Drive and South
Cobb Dr legal description having been read and made a part or the
minutes of September 21. 1987 meeting. Mark Parker represented the
applicants and there was no opposition.
Mr. Parker said McDonald's has contracted to buy this parcel and an additional
40,000 square foot lot which adjoins it ror a new restaurant. There is a
billboard on the property but it will be removed within 180 days and the owner
of the property has submitted a letter tonight to that errect. Hugh Ragan made
a motion the property be annexed into the City to become a part or Ward 7.
Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(D) Annexation of .48 acres at southwest corner or Lake Drive and South Cobb
October 19, 1987 - continued
John Pat"terson
Station at the
description being
1987 meeting.
said that
corner or
read and
F. B. Black has requested annexation of the Amoco
Lake Drive and South cobb Drive, the legal
made a part of the minutes or the September 2l,
.Tim Hawkins sa.id that Manns Wrecker Service just across the street from this
property is an eyesore and has been a constant source or complaints. Jim made
a motion the property be annexed to become a part or Ward 4 with the
stipulation that the owners sign a written agreement that they will not store
any inoperable vehicles ror more than a 2 week period and will not be selling
any parts from vehicles. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(A) Amendment to 1988 budget.
John Patterson said the 1988 budget needs to be amended to add encumbrances
from the last fiscal period in order to properly rerlect the expenditures
expected in this fiscal period. Arthur Young & Company had recommended the
budget amendment totaling $1,077,266 during the audit presentation.
Hugh Ragan said this was pointed out to council as an adjustment that should
be made since this money was obligated last riscal year and we are simply
carrying it over to the current budget year. Hugh Ragan made a motion the
budget be amended to add $1,077,266 ror encumbrances carried over ror several
departments in the City. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which
carried 7-0.
(B) Validation or signatures to annex property on Oakdale Road.
Hugh Ragan made a motion this item be tabled to the next meeting since one or
the applicants is Ou"t or town. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-
(C) Ordinance amendment - Street lighting requirements.
Attorney Camp read the proposed ordinance as rollows:
Street Lighting Requirements
A. Street lights are required on all streets to be dedicated to the City or
Smyrna. This requirement applies to non-residential and residential
B. The developer must provide appropriate electrical utility with a
site so as to obtain a street light layout. Five copies or this plan,
which recommended street light layout, must then be submitted to the
City or Smyrna ror approval. This layout must be approved by the City prior to
installation or any utilities. Approved light locations shall not be changed
without prior permission rrom the City of Smyrna.
C All lighting layouts must be drawn to scale and conrorm to good
illuminating practices. In addition, the type pole and rixture to be used must
be stated on the layout and a North arrow shall be shown.
D. All lighting layouts must show any existing governmental streetlights in
close proximity to the new development. For example, irthe development is an
additional unit to an existing subdivision the layout must show the last light
(or lights) in the existing development.
E. No street lights are to be placed in service unless approved by the City,
or the City has granted permission ror the developer to be responsible ror the
lighting costs until the City is able to assume billing responsibility.
F. The developer shall be responsible for paying all. pole contributions and
installation costs. The utility corr~any must then submit a copy the paid
invoice to the City, signifying that this condition has been prior to
building permits being issued.
installation or approved street lighting, the City or Smyrna will be
original prints showing where lights were installed, how many lights
were installed, and the efrective date ror billing.
H. Modifications
City of Smyrna.
or adjustments
are to be made only where requested by the
lights shall be mounted a minimum or (25 reet) above the
shall have appropriate arm length to provide proper lighting of
except where, continuation of Post Top units exist within a
industrial parks, orrice parks or like
street along public right-or-ways adjoining
with the above guidelines.
must meet City or Smyrna standards.
met at the time or, and as a requirement of,
or the
accept any public streets or roads proposed
provides ror street lights.
standard construction as approved by the
height or 25 feet, except in existing
be matched.
construction shall be installed on
additional overhead served approved poles as
is being
uniform lighting
arms, and lamps
throughout the
the Code or Ordinance be revised to add Sections
Davis seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
to annex 294l and 2951 Jonquil Drive.
owner or Auto Coolon Spring Road is
lots to expand his business. Attorney
area by
the City or
or Smyrna under the
to be annexed being
parcel or land
and being in Land Lot 631,
being Lot 9, Block 1,
in plat Book 6, page 159,
incorporated herein by
and delineation or the lot
or land lying being in Land Lot 631
County, being Lot 10, 1
and more particularly
east side or Jonquil
thence south
thence east
west two
record title holders of the land
be validated the public hearing set
the motion which carried 7-0.
(A) Asphalt roller.
John Patterson said that three bids were received ror a 4-6 ton asphalt roller
ror the Street Department as follows:
Peach State Machinery
Tri State Tractor
Stith Equipment
Joel Harrell made a motion the low bid or $23,000 be awarded to Peach state
Equipment. Bob Davis seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
(B) Garbage truck.
John Patterson said bids were
loader garbage truck as rollows:
recently received for a 25-cubic yard rear
Consolidated Disposal System
Reruse Systems Co.
Municipal Equipment
Commercial Equipment
Sanco Corporation
Joel Harrell made a motion the bid of $69,037.70 be awarded to Consolidated
Disposal System, a local company whose bid meets all specirications. Jerry
Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Nothing to report.
(A) Surplus (2) Kaiser Jeeps
(B) Repajxs to Jonqu'il Pool.
Suburban rrom Emergency
Jerry Mills made a motion the consent agenda be approved. Jim Hawkins seconded
the motion which carried 7-0.
John Patterson said "the
earlier tonight.
The entire council wished Senator Jim Tolleson and asked
remember him and his family in their prayers. Jim is in the
Care Unit at West Paces Ferry Hospital arter having an adverse
reaction to a dye test.
said the county is working on a county-wide land use
scheduled an open house November 5 at Grirfin Middle
at Nash Middle School ror residents in the area ror
will still control land use inside our city limits but they
to work with them on the new map.
plan and
Hawkins said
be testing
there are 9 positions open in the Police Department and we
for them soon. Hoperully we will have these positions filled