October 5,1987 Council Meeting The regular scheduled meeting of Smyrna City Hall. The meeting presiding officer Mayor A. Max present was City Administrator City Attorney Charles E. Camp and Mayor and Council was held October 5, 1987 at was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by Bacon. All council members were present. Also John Patterson~ City Clerk Melinda Dameron, representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Johnny Mackey, followed by the pledge to the flag. pastor of Smyrna Church of Christ, Nothing to report. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Reports were given from Public Works, Recreation Departments, and Clean City Commission. Parks and COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS: (A) Handy Man Construction requested a building permit for Bill's Restaurant at 1184 Concord Road at a total estimated cost of $354,000. Jim Hawkins made a motion the permit be approved. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) National Construction requested a building permit for a new Piccadilly's Cafeteria at 2781 South Cobb Drive at a total estimated cost of $522,000. Jack Shinall made a motion the permit be approved with the stipulation that they leave a minimum 50 foot undisturbed buffer in the Stonecreek Road area. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) Zoning request - 1.19 acres at Spring Road and Village Parkway from RM-16 and R-15 to General Commercial. John Patterson said that Christopher Gray of Stop-N-Go Markets is requesting that this parcel be rezoned to facilitate a 3,090 square foot store with gas pumps and canopy. There was a large group in opposition and representatives from both sides were sworn in by Attorney Camp. Hugh Ragan stated before the hearing began that he would abstain from voting since he has a relative involved in the ownership of this property. Mike Ford with Stop-N-Go presented plans of the proposed store which will be the first one in Smyrna although there are about 35 Stop-N-Go stores in the Atlanta area. It will be a hexagonal shaped building on a wooded lot with plenty of buffers. Mr. Ford said they felt the highest and best use of the property was for commercial use. Their investment will be over $1 million for the building, land and equipment. This zoning will not set a precedent since there is commercial zoning directly across the street. Mr. Ford said they chose this location because of the existing traffic on Spring and Village Parkway and the high density of apartments and townhomes, with some single family. Jerry Mills asked if they would later be requesting a beer and wine package license. Mr. Ford said they would. and there are 3 homes within the 200 foot radius requirement. These owners have already agreed to grant a waiver as allowed by city ordinance. Bob Davis asked if it would create a problem for them if the package license was later denied. Mr. Ford said it would. and if that happened they would have to review their options and may consider selling the property since that is a part of their contingency contract. Mr. Ford said they would work with the City to be sure their development was not offensive to the neighborhood and the standard 30 foot curb cuts on Spring and Village Parkway should channel the traffic without any problems so that restrictions on turns would not be required. Linda Owens, John Davis and Jack Hammond all spoke in opposition because they felt it would destroy the residential area and deteriorate property values. Also, they were concerned with safety at the intersection; particularly since the recent realignment of traffic lanes on Spring Road. Joseph Spillane of 2101 Spring Road spoke in favor of the rezoning and said the property is not suitable for single family developments. He thought it was time this area was zoned commercial to allow people to use their property as they wanted to. Following a question from Bob Davis, Mr. Spillane said he has lived in Sandy Springs the past 20 years; the house at 2101 Spring Road is rental property which he purchased for an investment. October 5, 1987 - continued Robert Smith said he has lived this all zoning laws since their property as they wanted to. Drive since 1963 and was QPposed to away the right of the people to use Attorney Camp said that during the discussion there was some questions raised about covenants. Restrictive covenants are void after 20 years and are enforced through civil action. Bob Davis said this proposed site is surrounded by residential property; the future land use map also shows this site surrounded by residential use and the predominant use now and in the future is residential. The applicants have indicated they would need an alcoholic beverage license and in good faith, he could not move forward with the rezoning of this property knowing that they would not Ineet the requirements for an alcoholic beverage license. Based upon the use of the area and proposed use of the property, ~ob Davis made a motion the zoning be denied. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion. Jack Shinall said he felt the petitioners had presented a plan at this partiCular point and time does not address the safety aspects of this property and does not address the detrimental effect and devaluation of the surrounding neighborhoods. Jack said he felt that Spring Road was a clear dividing point between commercial and residential, and would support the motion. Vote on the motion to deny carried 6-0, with Hugh Ragan abstaining. FORMAL BUSINESS: (A) Approval of 1987 audit. John Patterson said this is the second audit submitted by Arthur Young & Company and it will be submitted to the Georgia Finance Officers Association for a certificate of achievement for conforming to a number of accounting standards. The audit shows the City to be .in sound f i.nanci.al condition. Hugh Ragan said the audit was presented to council by Arthur Young & Company last week. It is a lengthy doqument and was very well prepared. Hugh said everything seems to be in proper order and made a motion the 1987 audit be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) Appointment to Planning and Zoning Board - Ward 5. Jack Shinall Zoning Board carried 7-0. made a motion that Evelyn Kent be appointed to the Planning and representing Ward 5. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which (C) Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission - Ward 7. Hugh made a motion Jerry Commission representing which carried 7-0. reappointed to the Parks and Jim Hawkins seconded the motion Hughes Ward be 7. (D) Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission - Ward 3. Jerry Mills made a motion Maurice Blount be reappointed to Recreation Commission representing Ward 3. Bob Davis seconded the carried 7-0. (E) Appointment to clean City commission - Ward 3. Jerry Mills made a motion that Bob Judsten be appointed to the clean City Commission representing Ward 3. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (F) Approval of 1988-89-90 C.D.B.G. agreement. Hugh read a resolution to the cooperation agreement the City Smyrna and Cobb County Community Development Block Grant funds covering Federal fiscal years 1988-89-90 and made a motion it be approved. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (G) Set date to hear appeal of Recorder's Court. made a motion the appeal of Ray Lewis be heard October 19, 1987. seconded the motion which carried 7-0. Nothing to report. minutes state Grants projec:;t list 500 liners for San~tation Department consent agenda be approved. Jack Shinall seconded Everyone City. steve Ciaccio, the new Communications reported about 70% rehabilitation program and sa~d Bank Street asked certain to check the state Code on requirements for as it pertains to street grade. ~n the audience who qualified for the Ward extended an offer to an applicant for the Library also have a vacancy for the Finance Director's have filled in the near future. With business, meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. a:BB o::x.N1Y o:::MLNI'lY DEVEI..C::PM3Nl' Bu::x:K GRANT PRCXiR.A'M a::x:PERATICN AGREEMENT FEDERAL FISCAL YEARS 1988. 1989. 1990 STATE CF GB:lRGIA o::x.N1Y CF a:BB This cooperation agreement ~de this 5 October day of 1987. by Cobb County. a political subdivision of the State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the City of Smyrna a political subdivision of the State of Georgia (hereinafter referred to as "City"), VllHEREAS. the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter referred to as "~") has determined that the County is eligible, as an Urban County. to receive Entitlement Community Developnrent Block Grant (<DBG) funds under Ti tie I of the Hous ing and Com:mmi ty Development Act of 1974. as amended, to address certain needs of predominantly low and :moderate 1990 appropriations; and ~REAS. the funds received by the County will be used to improve the quality of housing. public facilities, certain public service capital needs. and to create and/or retain jobs. predominantly for low and :moderate inc~ persons; and VllHEREAS. the funds would benefit low and :moderate income citizens of the County's incorporated amnicipalities. should the needs of such persons in such amnicipalities be included in the Cobb County CDBG Program; and Cooperation Agre~ent - Cobb County. Geor~ia CDBG Proiram: FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 VVHEREAS, Cobb County invites the participation of the incorporated municipalities located in Cobb County in the County COmmunity Develo~nt Block Grant Progrmn. upon the respective municipalities dedicating their population counts in support of the County fonnula allocation of funds; and WEREAS. the County agrees to carry out the objectives of the Housing and Community Development Act, as mnended. throughout the unincorporated areas of the County and to the City being a part of this agre~nt; and VlHEREAS. the County agrees to submit to the City for review and conment any plans, involving the use of CDBG funds for impl~ntation, affecting the City. N:W, 'IHEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVlD that the City of Smyrna hereby elects to participate in the County's Community Develo~nt Block Grant (CDBG) Progr mn, three years (October 1, 1988 - September 30. 1991) and the City further states its willingness to undertake or assist in the undertaking of eligible CDBG activities funded by the Cobb County CDBG Progrmn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVlD that the County agrees to actively request tbe City's involv~nt in the Con:munity Development Block Grant Progrmn and the County agrees to accept the City's interest in undertaking eligible CDBG activities. Page Z ODisk: Urban Co. ~al #1 1988-90; File: 914CoAgrJDccJ COo~eration Agre~ent - CObb COunty. Georgia CDBG Progr~; FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 The COunty will have the responsibility for approving projects as eligible for fundi their selection by the Mayor and COuncil of the City of The COunty will also have the responsibility for filing annual grant requests and other docUlnents and reports with H..D. The City will provide the necessary doc~ntation. with technical assistance from the COunty. for projects funded with CDBG funds allocated to the City by the COunty. The City agrees that it will enter into an Intergovernmental Agre~ent for each of the three years of the period FFY 1988. 1989. and 1980 for the use of such funds as are approved by the COunty for the City for each of the respective years. BE IT FLR'IHER RESOLve::> that the City of Smyrna and the County hereby agree to cooperate in undertaking. or assisting in undertaking. essential cmn:nunity renewal and lower income housing assistance activities. specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing within the municipal limits of said City in order to effectively accomplish the purposes of the HOusing and COmmunity Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-383). as wrnended. BE IT FLR'IHER RESOLve::> tha t the Mayor of the Ci ty of Smyrna is hereby authorized to execute any and all doc~nts necessary as a condition for the City's participation under the ter~ of the afor~entioned HOusing and COmmunity Development Act of 1974. as wrnended. It is hereby agreed to by the Page 3 ODisk: Urban CO. ~al #1 1988-90. File: 914COAgr.Docl COoperation A~reement - CObb CO~ty. Geor~ia CDBG Pro~rwn; FFY 1988, 1989. 1990 parties signed hereto that neither party shall terminate this cooperation agreement after the date first written above nor before the end of the three year period (FFY 1988. 1989. 1990) established under the terms of the HOusing and COmmunity Develo~nt Act of 1974. as wnended; except upon cancellation by HUD of its obligation to the COunty under the aforementioned Act. or except if the COunty fails to quality as an Urban COunty or if the COunty does not receive a CDBG grant in any year of rhe three year period previously ident ilied. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thar the COunry will take all required actions to comply with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VlII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and COmmunity Development Act of 1974. as amended. and other applicable laws. BE IT FUR'IHER RESOLVED that if the Ci ty undertakes any act ivi ties wi th COmmunity Development Block Grant funds. the City will take all required actions to comply with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VlII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Secrion 109 of Title I of the HOusing and COmnwnity Develo~nt Act of 1974. as mnended. and other applicable laws. BE IT FLRlHER RESOLVED that if the City generates any program income as a result of the expenditure of CDBG funds. that the following provisions apply: a. The City recognizes that it must notify the COunry of any program Page 4 ODisk: Urban CO. ~al #1 1988-90; File: 914COAgrJDoc] COoperation Aire~ent - CObb G9~ty. Georiia CDBG Proir~; FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 income during the calendar month that such program income is generated; b. That any such progr~ income :must be paid to the COunty by the end of the City's fiscal year in which the program income is generated or may be retained by the City, upon formal written request to the COunty [and subsequent formal wr i tten approval by the COunty] request ing COunty approval of the City's retention of such program income. provided that the City's retention and subsequent use of the program income meets the requiretnents of provisions "c", "d". and "e", (innlediately below); c. That any prowr~ income the City is authorized to retain by the COunty xmJ-y be used only for eliffible activities in accordance with all CDBG requirements, as may then apply. _____~_____ .....'L.:_..... ...'L_ ,.,...,.__..._.._.. 1-__ ..1;;.;...,.. __r__......C'!!.;.....;1..;..Y7 4=_-r monitoring and reporting to the U.S. Department of ~using and Urban Development (HlD) on the use of any such program income. The responsibility for appropriate recordkeeping by the City and reporting to the COunty by the City on the use of such progr~ income is hereby recognized by the City. The County agrees. herein. to provide technical assistance to the City in establishing an appropriate and proper recordkeeping and reporting system, as required by HUD. e. That in the event of close-out or change in status of the City, any program inc~ that is on hand or received subsequent to the close-out Page 5 ODisk: Urban CO. ~al #1 1988-90; File: 914CoAgrJDoc] Coo~eration Aireement - Cobb County. Geor~ia CDBG Proir~; FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 or change in status shall be paid to the County by the end of tbe City's fiscal year during which such progr~ income is generated. should close-out or change in status of the City occur. The County agrees to notify the City. should close-out or change in status of the City occur. BE IT FURTIiER RESOLVED that the following standards shall apply to real property (within the control of the City) acquired or Unproved. in whole or in part. using CDBG funds. The standards are: a. The City shall inform the County at least thirty (30) days prior to any modification or change in the use of the real property from that planned at the time of acquisition or improvements including dispos i tion; b. The City shall reimburse the County in an amount equal to the current fair market value (less any portion thereof attributable to e~penditures of non-CDBG funds) of property acquired or improved with CDBG funds that is sold or transferred for a use which does not qualify under the CDBG regulations. Said reimbursement shall be provided to the County at the time of sale or transfer of the property referenced. herein. c. Any program income generated from the disposition or transfer of property prior to or subsequent to the close-out. change of status or termination of the cooperation agreement between the County and the City shall be repaid to the County at the time of disposition or transfer of the property. Page 6 OJisk: Urban Co. ~al #1 1988-90; File: 914CaAgr.Doc] Cooperation Agreanent - Copb County. Geor~ia CDBG Progr~. FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 Adopt ed thi s 5 day of October . 1987. FeR a:BB a::::t..NIY. GIORGIA FOR '!HE CI'IY OF SMYRNA BY: BY: or Pursuant to a resolution adopted by said City Council on the 5 October . 1987. ATIEST: City Clerk N~e or Title (Typed or Printed) Earl n. Board of COn:n:l.i s s ioner s of Cobb County. Georgia pursuant to a resolut ion adopted by said Board on the ::::1...9~ day of ~..- . 1987",.. Approved: Signa Iv- ""^ r"\ B. Gt 10\1 e v- Name of County At torney (Typed or Printed) [AFFIX CITY SEAL rEREJ NDve,-,-d?<L..- 3) 1'1)('1 Date of Approval I do hereby certify that the above certification agreement. to the best of mw knowledge and belief. complies with all the laws of the State of Georgia and 0 f Cobb County. '!hi s agreement provides full legal authority for the County to undertake or assist in undertaking essential community d eve I 0 pm en tan d h 0 us i n g activities. specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing. Page 7 JPisk: Urban Co. Qual #1 1988-90; File: 914GoAgr.DocJ Cooperation A~reement - Cobb County. Georgia CDBG Progr~: FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 Cobb County Community Develop~nt Block Grant Progrmn Cooperation Agreement FFY 1988-1990 RR..q'](j Jl"ICN ~REAS, Cobb County extends an invitation to the City of Smyrna to join wi the County in its Community Development Block Grant Progrmn for the period r I, 1988 - September 30, 1991 (FFY 1988-FFY 1990); and WEREAS . Progrmn to and County offers to extend the Cmnmunity Development Block Grant cover the entirety of the City of Smyrna ~REAS, the City of Smyrna would receive funds from this progrwmwhich would benefit primarily the low and moderate income citizens of this City. and ~REAS. it is anticipated that this benefit is more desirable than that which e derived from the City of Smyrna attempting to secure compa Ie funding independent of the Cobb County COmmunity Development Block Grant Progr~; and N::W 'lFEREFCRE, BE IT hereby elects to parti Progr also e Cobb ty's entit Hous ing and Urban De that the City of Smyrna the County's Community Development Block Grant e its population included in the calculation of (Urban County) funds by the U.S. Department of nt. BE IT FtR'n-ER t ha t the Ci t Y 0 f Smyrna 8M 11 formalize its part ion in the Cobb County CDBG Progrwm by becoming a party to a Cooperation Agreement with Cobb County and through annual I govermnental Agreements with Cobb County for each of the three years ber 1. 1988 - September 30, 1991) embodied in this Cooperation Agreement. BE such annual Intergovernmental Agreements individually, during each respective year, a regularly scheduled ~eting. should by a BE IT STILL FURTI-mR RESOLVID tha t the Ci ty of Smyrna hereby empower s the :Mayor to execute said Cooperation Agreement wi th Cobb County. Page 8 DJisk: Urban Co. ~al #1 1988-90. File: 914CoAgrJDocJ ~operation Aireement - CObb COunty. G~or~ia CDBG Proirrorn: FFY 1988. 1989. 1990 CDBG COoperation Agreeroent Resolution October 5 ,1987 Page .2 BE thi this date. RESOLVED that said COoperation Agreement shall be appended to and nade a part of the official nnnutes of the City COuncil for Adopted this of October Mayor is to certify that the attached COoperation Agreement with the CObb COunty of Commi$sioners ticipation in the Cobb County COmmunity ent Block Grant P am for FFY 1988 - FFY 1990 was approved and in the regular ~et1ng of City COuncil held October 5 This Boar Dev adopted 1987. This is to further certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of said "COopera A&.reeroent" as placed into the nnnutes of the Ci ty COunci 1 ~et ing held on e 5 day of October , 1987. Signature of City Clerk Melinda Dameron Typed Name of City Clerk Wi tnes s : Thi s the COanUssion expires: Page 9 (Affix City Seal Here) ODisk: Urban CO. ~al #1 1988-90; File: 91+COAgr.DocJ