June, 1987 Council Meeting June I, 1987 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held pursuant to the Charter on June I, 1987. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council members were present. Also present was City Administrator John Patterson, City Clerk Melinda Dameron, City Attorney Charles E. Camp and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Elmer Foust, pastor of Welcome All Baptist Church, followed by the pledge to the flag. CITIZENS INPUT: Nothing to report. DEPARTMENT REPORTS: and Library. Reports were given by the Public Works, Parks Department PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) Annexation of property at 729 Concord Road. There was no opposition and Jim Hawkins made a motion the property at 729 Concord Road be anp.e:)l:'edip.to the City, the legal description having been read and made a part of the minutes of the May 4, 1987 meeting. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) Rezoning request - 1625 Smyrna Roswell Road from Neighborhood Shopping to General Commercial. John Patterson said that R. L. Haliburton of Blue Ridge Properties is requesting the rezoning of this property for construction of a self-service carwash. The property is surrounded by commercial on 3 sides, with Hawthorne Elementary School to the north. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval and there was no opposition from the audience. Mr. Haliburton said the carwash would be a metal structure faced with brick and would contain 6 stalls. Mr. Haliburton said he had agreed to donate the required right of way to provide right turn access from Hawthorne to Smyrna Roswell. There will beionei.entrance from Smyrna Roswell and one from Hawthorne Avenue. Jerry Mills reminded Mr. Haliburton that the vacuum islands could never be covered by a roof since they will be located within the setback lines. Jerry Mills made a motion the zoning be approved with the following stipl.J.lations: 1) lane from way be deeded to the City to provide a right turn Roswell 2) The vacuum.islands not be covered by a roof. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion but after further discussion the motion and second were withdrawn. Jerry Mills amended his motion to include the stipulation that the curb cut on Smyrna-Roswell Road be moved as far west as possible. Jim Hawkins seconded the amendment. Vote on the amendment and main motion carried 7-0. (C) Variance request - front yard setback requirements at 1625 Smyrna Roswell Road. variances would be required for development of the the setback along Hawthorne Avenue from 50 feet the setback on Smyrna-Roswell from 40 feet to 30 Jer]:y Mills said the size and shape of this lot makes it almost impossible to develop without variances and he felt this would be a definite improvement to the property. Mayor Bacon said there was not a letter of hardship in the packet and, Mr. Haliburton would need to provide that for our files. With little discussion Jerry Mills made a motion the variances be approved as requested with the stipulatiol"l that Mr. Haliburton provide a letter stating his hardship for the files. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7- O. (D) Rezpp.ing request - 16.7 acres at Nickajack Road and Cooper Lake Road from R-20 to R-15. June 1, 1987 - continued John Patterson stated that Dave Logel is requesting the rezoning of this property for development of a residential subdivision. The property is surrounded on 3 sides by R-20, with Light Industry to the east. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended the zoning be approved and there was no opposition from the audience. Mr. Logel said his original application requested R-12 zoning but after consideration amended his request to R-15. His plans are to build 33 homes, traditional in style with floor space ranging from 1500 to 2200 square feet. These will be high quality homes, selling from $IOO,OOO to $130,OOO. Mr. Logel said the outside would be masonite siding, stucco or brick, with no cedar siding. There will be one entrance off Nickajack Road and no curb cuts off the individual lots. Hugh Ragan made a motion the zoning be approved from R-20 to R-15 with the following stipulations: 1) The site plan as submitted be approved by our city engineer 2) All homes contain a minimum of 1500 square feet of heated floor space 3) All homes be traditional in design with brick exteriors and that no cedar siding be allowed siding or stucco 4) All homes will sell in the $IOO,OOO to $130,OOO price range 5) Only one exit and entrance into and out of the development 6) A total of 33 single family homes be built. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (E) Variance request Concord Road. front yard side and setback requirements at 999 John Patterson said that W. B. Sanders is requesting two variances; to reduce the front setback from 50 feet to 40 feet and to reduce the side setback from 50 feet to 24 feet. This property was rezoned at the last meeting and the existing structure will added onto and converted to an attorney's office. Jim Hawkins said the variance on the front is necessary due to the widening of Concord Road. The other variance on the side yard was necessary because the adjacent house is zoned residential which requires a 50 foot buffer. Mr. Sanders' brother owns the adjacent house and has no objection to the variance. With little discussion Jim Hawkins made a motion the variances be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (F) Variance request - front yard setback requirements at 3604 Lee Street John Patterson said that Janet DeWeese is requesting two variances to facilitate the addition of an attached garage and porch to their home. The proposed addition will be to the front of the house and will require a variance from 40 feet to 16 feet on the front setback. A variance will also be required to reduce the side yard setback from 10 feet to the existing setback of about 5 feet. There was no opposition from the audience. Jim Hawkins asked Mr. DeWeese if there was any reason why he could not add onto the back of the house. Mr. DeWeese said there was no access to the back yard because the houses are close together. He felt the plans submitted would improve the looks of the house and neighborhood. A letter was also presented from the adjacent property owner stating he had no objections. Jim Hawkins said that normally variances such as this are granted if there are no objections but he was inclined to believe this addition would not be in harmony with other houses in the neighborhood and was also concerned from a safety standpoint, about the addition coming to within 16 feet of the street and creating a visual barrier. For those reasons, Jim Hawkins made a motion the variances be denied, seconded by Hugh Ragan. Hugh Ragan also stated that normally council tries to accommodate the homeowners but he thought this was a little beyond reason and also had concerns about safety. Vote on the motion to deny the variances carried 7-0. (G) Variance request front, side and rear yard setback requirements and elimination of 10 foot grass strip. June 1, 1987 - continued John Patterson said that Jay Wallace of Smyrna Pawnbrokers is requesting these 4 variances to facilitate an addition to his existing business on Cherokee Street. The addition will contain approximately 3200 square feet on the west side. Variap.c~$are needed to reduce the front yard setback from 50 feet to 30 feet; reduce the side yard setback from 33 1/3 feet to 30 feet; reduce the rear yard. $etba.c.k.from 50 feet to 20 feet; and eliminate the required 10 foot grass stl.'"iphetweel"l the parking lot pavement and the street pavement. Cherokee Street iSS9p;eduled to be widened in the near future and the front yard variance takes into consideration the donation of 6 feet needed for the widening. The affected property owner to the rear does not object to the variance and there was no opposition from the audience. Jay Wallace said his business had grown and they need the additional space which will be in line with their existing building. They also own the building on the other side which they use for storage only and will utilize those parking spaces to giVe them a total of 46 parking spaces as required by ordinance. Also, he understood that the house could not be used for anything other than storage Sil'lCeany other use would require a variance on the joint use of the parking. M'r. Wallace said the house that was just torn down for the addition was actually lal.'"ger than what they are proposing and they will use the existing curb cuts and will do whatever paving is necessary to meet code requirements. Kathy Brooks made a motion the variances be approved with the stipulations that all paved park,il"lg. l.'"~quirements be met, seconded by Jim Hawkins. Jack Shinall said he originally had problems with the number of variances required and there were some unanswered questions about the parking, but now felt the addition would be an improvement to the property. Vote on the motion to approve the variances carried 7-0. (H) Proposed use of Revenue Sharing Funds. John Patterson saidth~Revenue Sharing program has come to an end and we are required to either $pend all of those funds by September 30, 1987, or return the money. There is a need for computer equipment and software throughout different city departtllent$ which will enhance the abilities of our employees to perform their duties and provide good service to the public. A total expenditure of $49,309 is proposed. There were no questions or comments from the audience. lis"!: including computers, printers, hardware and Police Department, City Clerk's office, Personnel, Department and Community Development totaling through STate contract and made a motion it be the motion which carried 7-0. Hugh Ra.gan software Finance $49,309, to be approved. Kathy (I) Business Road. license request - Cobb Center Jewelry & Pawn, 2175 Old Concord John Patterson Mr. Chaim Oami had applied for a business license for Cobb Center and Pawn and the request was denied at the April 6th meeting. At that time there was some discussion about a precious metals license and since then Mr. Oami has applied for both licenses. The background investigation both locally and in New York revealed nothing that would prevent Mr. Oami from obtainip.ghis licenses. There was no opposition and Mr. Oami was represented by his attorney, Bob Garrison. ~athY Brooks said the last time Mr. Oami was before council there was some question abo.ut the co.mP:teteness of the application. Mr. Oami said that has all been taken care of. <Rehas been in the precious metals business for more than 10 Years and understood the ordinances of the City and the requirements for dealing in gold. Mr. Oami said this is a proprieto.rship and he had one employee. He also understood his employees would have to be investigated and fingerprinted/~ Hl.J.gh Ragan asked Chuck Camp if, in his opinion, Mr. Oami met all the r~quirements as specified in the ordinance. Mr. Camp said he had not heard or seen anything that would show that Mr. Oami did not meet the requirements. After further discussio.l"l, Kathy Brooks made a mo.tio.n the license for a pawn shop and precious metals dealer be approved as requested. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 5-2, with Jack Shinall and Jerry Mills opposed. FORMAL BUSINESS: June 1, 1987 - continued (A) Employee benefits package. John Patterson said after much study and review we have a comprehensive upgrade to the employees benefit program to present tonight, which includes an increase in life insurance coverage, long and short-term disability, and early retirement for Public Safety employees. Hugh Ragan summarized the proposed increase in benefits as follows: Early retirement for Public Safety employees: This will be full retirement at the age of 60, without penalty, if the rule of 85 is met; that is age plus service with the City. These employees will contribute 2 1/2% of their salary which will cover 100% of the additional cost of this feature. In addition, we have instructed the Personnel Department to study the feasibility of including other employees of the City in this plan. Increased Life Insurance: The increased life insurance coverage will be equal to one time the annual salary, with no ceiling. Dependent Survivor Pension benefit: This provides monthly benefits to employee's dependent spouses and/or children. This benefit is coordinated with Social Security. Benefits for a spouse only will be 30% of the employees salary; 40% for a spouse with one dependent and 50% for a spouse with 2 dependents or more. The cost for the life insurance and pension benefits is $40,000, funded by the City. Short term disability: This would pay 66 2/3% of an employee's salary up to 26 weeks of disability, maximum of $300 per week for employees and maximum of $500 per week for department heads, beginning on the 8th day of illness or 1st day of injury. Long; term would take $30,000 and disability: Long term disability would be basically the same, and up where the short term leaves off. Cost of the short term is long term is $38,000 per year to be funded entirely by the City. Hugh Ragan made a motion the benefits package as outlined be adopted. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) Ordinance amendment - offenses against city. Mayor Bacon said this proposed amendment was brought about due to the increased number of vandalisms against property, specifically, trenching yards and destroying mailboxes. This ordinance will provide for penalties against passengers in the cars as well as the drivers. Jack Shinall read the proposed amendment as follows: Section 15-37: Offenses ag;ainst property. (a) No otherwise thereto, person in person injure, including the City. shall willfully, maliciously, wantonly. deface, destroy or remove any real property moveable or personal property belonging to negligently or or improvements the City or any (b) No unpaved designed the owner person shall operate a motor vehicle over. through or across any yard, portion of right of way, or public or private property which is not or customarily used for vehicular traffic, without the permission of of such property. (c) The activity known as "trenching", whereby motor vehicle tires are spun, slid, or used to deface, destroy, dig up, or create ruts in yards, or public or private property, is hereby specifically prohibited. Any owner, operator or occupant of any vehicle used in "trenching" may be equally charged with a violation of this section. in allowing such vehicle to be used in "trenching." (d) No person shall remove, injure, destroy, deface or damage any box or container designated for delivery of mail through the United States Postal Service. The activity of damaging, in any manner, such container by throwing or swinging any object from a motor vehicle is hereby specifically prohibited. Any owner, operator, or occupant of any vehicle from which such container is damaged may be equally charged with a violation of this section in allowing such vehicle to be used in such activity. (e) Upon conviction of any offense within this section, in addition to any June 1, 1987 - continued fine or other sentence imposed, the defendant shall be required to make full restitution to the owner or owners of the property damaged, to the extent required and ip the sole judgment of the court. Jack Shinall~<i~ a motion the amendment be approved. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (c) Appointment of Clean City Committee Coordinator. Hugh Ragan annOl.J.nCe<i,With regret, the resignation of Elsie Rape as Coordinator of the Clean City.Committee and made a motion that KathY Barton be appointed to fill that position. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0. BID AWARDS: (A) Pool chemicals. John Patterson said that bids were recently submitted to 5 vendors to provide chemicals needed for normal operation of the 3 city pools. Three bids were received and Kathy Brooks m~de a motion the low bid of $1,157.25 be awarded to Van Waters & Rogers. Jo~lHarrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS: None to present. CONSENT AGENDA: (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Harold Lane Ordinance Way water line John Deere tractor Hugh Ragan made a motion the consent agenda be approved. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. COUNCIL INPUT: Bob Davis said the cleanup work from the sewer rehab is progressing in his ward and they are seeing some improvements. Jerry Mills said there was a letter in council's reading file about the canopy on the front of the judicial building and was not aware there was a problem with it. John P~tt~l.'":SoRsaid there was some concern about the shape and color of the canopy and it does not conform to the plans that were presented to the c:ity. Jim Hawkins saidl1E;l.w.a::svery happy to approve the Revenue Sharing expenditures tonight for computer equipment for the Police Department and felt very good about the progress that was being made in that department. Also, h~ was very pleased with the benefits package that was approved tonight. \ >, "',~ Jack Shinall said the 90 daY trial period for the stop sign at Bank and Fraser Street w()u.ld be. up by the next meeting and asked for input to help him in making a decision as to whether or not it should remain. Jack promised will follow up drainage study. John patterson said he has been but he has not talked to John Swift today.He him first thing tomorrow morning. the residents of her ward for being out of touch was married Saturday. to Hugh Ragan said he had met with the Bennett Woods Garden Club recently along with the Mayor, Chief Little and Jim Hawkins and thanked them for attending. Hugh said it was a good meeting and there were some good suggestions made. Mayor Bacon said that June 9th was the date for the special election for the Cobb County transit system and urged everyone to vote. Mayor Bacon presented also retil.'"ing as of dedication to the City. crystal jonquils to Elsie Rape and Jim Farley who is June 30th in appreciation of their hard work and With no furthe.l.'" business, .llleeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ************************ June 15, 1987 The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 15,1987 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council members were present. Also present was City Attorney Charles E. Camp, City Administrator John Patterson, City Clerk Melinda Dameron, and representatives of the press. Invocation was given by Lee Delbridge, followed by the pledge to the flag. pastor of Smyrna Christian Church, DEPARTMENT REPORTS: Reports were Community Development departments. given from the Fire, Police, Finance and Mayor Bacon recognized Gary Myers who introduced members of the girls Junior Olympic team who will be representing the City and State in Syracuse, New York on August 9 and 16. Mr. Myers said the cost for this trip would be about $6.000. Donations will be accepted at City Hall and they hoped to be able to raise enough in donations to fund the entire trip. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (A) Variance request Church. location and size of sign for Welcome All Baptist John Patterson said that Welcome All Baptist Church has submitted a request for a variance to be able to place a sign behind the building line of their property. The church is on Bourne Street, between South Cobb Drive and Old Concord Road and is difficult to find. There was no opposition. Elbert Coalson represented Welcome All Church and said the sign they are proposing will measure 128 square feet and will be placed behind the Pace Motors car dealership. Mr. Coalson said the church is not visible from the main streets and the additional sign will help visitors to locate the church. Jack Shinall said he had no problem with the size or location of the sign and made a motion the variance be approved. Bob Davis seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) Rezoning request property at 4641. Highland Road from R-20 to General Commercial. 4651, 4659, 4657 and 4585 Camp John Patterson said that James D. Cochran, Lois W. Cochran, Mary Josephine Mulkey Harris, Carol Scott, Preston Scott, Earl Myers and Carolyn Westbrooks have requested rezoning of their homes on Camp Highland Road from residential to General Commercial. These homes will be in the vicinity of the East/West Connector corridor. Property to the north is zoned R-20, with RM-12 to the east and Heavy Industry to the south. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval. Preston Scott represented the homeowners. There was no opposition from the audience but Mrs. Myers daughter stated her mother did not realize her property was also being zoned commercial; they thought it was just being annexed into the City. They were not opposed but had several concerns about how the rezoning would affect them. Hugh Ragan said the East/West Connector is coming through this area and the rezoning should increase their property value. The rezoning tonight was brought about at the request of the people in the area and if there is any question or concerns about the zoning, Mr. Ragan suggested the hearing be postponed. Mr. Camp stated that Mr. and Mrs. Myers would not have to move from their home after the property is rezoned; they could remain as long as they wanted until the actual use of the property changes to commercial. Mrs. Myers' daughter stated again that she was not opposed and after further discussion she was asked to meet with John Patterson the next day to discuss services, taxes. etc. Hugh Ragan made a motion motion which carried 7-0. the zoning be approved. Jerry Mills seconded the (C) Rezoning Commercial. request 1060 Concord Road from Future Commercial to Limited John Patterson said that Geraldine Graham has petitioned the rezoning of this property to allow the use of the existing house for offices. The property is surrounded by commercial zoning, with the exception of the house to the south. which is zoned Future Commercial. There was no opposition from the audience and the Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval. June 15, 1987 - continued Mrs. Graham but do not retail sales said they have talked with several doctors about leasing the space have a contract yet. Also, she understood that there could be no type activities within this zoning classification. Jim Hawkins made a motion the zoning be approved from Future Commercial to Limited Comme.rcial. Bob Davis seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (D) Variance r~ql.J.est - 1060 Concord Road - reduction in front, rear, east and west side yard requirements. John Patterson said the house on the property just zoned does not meet the existing minimum se.tbackrequirements for the Limited Commercial category and for that reasOn, tllop. .foll,owing variances are required: I) Reduce the front setback from the l.'"~q~ir~d 50 feet to 38.5 feet; 2) reduce the east side setback from the reqt;i.:tred 33 1/3 feet to 15.8 feet; 3) reduce the rear setback requirementifpr"thop existing accessory building from 25 feet to 8 feet and 4) reduce the west.sid~ setback from the required 10 feet to 5 feet. There was no opposition from the audience. Mrs. Graham said they were going to use the house and two accessory buildings as they currently e~is."t. The accessory buildings will be used by the tenants of the house, for their storage only. Mrs. Graham said she understood that these buildings could not be leased separately or used by anyone else. Jim Hawkins said the ordinance requires a visual buffer on the property line abu"tting residentially zoned property and asked Mrs. Graham if she would be willing to place ...p..... 6fc:!ot wooden fence along the rear property line. Mrs. Graham said shewOu.I<i<tfeveryone else was required to do the same, but there are several business.'Psalong Concord Road that do not have fences in the back and she did not want to be singled out. Jack Shinall said that has been a requirement on the rec~nt zonings in the Concord Road area. Jim Hawkins told Mrs. Graham the City would check on those businesses that are not in compliance. After further disG.ussion, Jim Hawkins made a motion the zoning be approved with the following Stipulations: 1) No curb cut on Concord Road 2) All buffer. requirements be met 3) Storage buildings on the property can never be sub-leased or rented other than to the tenants occupying the main building. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (E) Variance Drive. request rear yard setback requirement at 3231 South Cobb John Patterson said that Mr. Grady Mullis of O'Neil Developments is requesting that the rear yard setback requirement be reduced from 30 feet to 15 feet to facilitate a strip shopping center. The variance would allow him to place all parking spaces in the front of the shopping center. There was no opposition from the audience. Mr. Mullis Presel"l"t'P4 a rendering of the proposed shopping center and said the configuration of the property makes the4evelopment difficult and they were requesting that they be allowed to move the building back closer to the rear property line tOl1,aye all their parking in front. By moving the building forward. tbey will not have any accessibility to the side. The City's parking r~quiremel"lts can .1::>e..met without the variance but they prefer to have all parking in the front. Mr. Mullis said they have met with the State DOT and since this constr~ct;ion is basically no different than what was there before as it pertains to water runoff, were told the catch basins on the right of way would be adequate. Joel Harrell said the previous development was built prior to any retentiol"l.r~quirements by the City and Mr. Mullis would have to comply with the existing requirements. Mr. Mullis said it was his understanding that there would be another shopping center to the rear of his property but he did not know where the buildings would be located. .A let.ter was delivered to the owner of the adjacent property OWner, Mr. Mike Savage, asking for his approval of the variance request. Jerry Mills said the City received a letter from Mr. Savage stating several objectionS to the variance. There Chief lan~, was some discussion about accessibility Larry Willliam.ssaid they would require either in front or back of the building. for emergency vehicles and Fire a minimum of 15 feet for a fire June 15, 1987 - continued Mr. Mullis inexpensive metal roof. said this would be a small building and would require fairly construction with stucco fronts, concrete block side walls and a They felt the development will be an enhancement to the area. After further discussion. Jim Hawkins said he had a problem with the building being so close to the property line and failed to see how the configuration of the property caused a hardship, and made a motion the variance be denied. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (F) Variance request size and location Shopping Center, 3237 South Cobb Drive. of signs for Concord Village John Patterson said that Mike Savage with MOS Development has submitted a request containing three different variances which he feels are needed to meet the requirments for his major tenants in the new shopping center which will be located at the end of Lusk Drive where McArthur Concrete is presently located. Two signs are being requested, one on South Cobb Drive with a copy area of 320.67 square feet and a height of 45 feet. The second sign is to be located on Concord Road near the entrance of Lusk Drive and will meet size and height requirements. There was no opposition. Mr. Savage said they have a letter of commitment from K-Mart to lease space in the new shopping center which will now contain approximately 200,000 square feet of retail space. K-Mart has a certain criteria for their signs and they have requested the variance to increase the size and height of the sign on South Cobb Drive. The second sign at Lusk Drive will not be as large, and will meet code requirements for copy area and height. This is a 20-acre tract and will contain the 85,000 square foot K-Mart, a 45,000 square foot Big Star and the remainder in smaller retail shops. Acceleration/deceleration lanes will be provided on South Cobb Drive and the two entrances on South Cobb Drive have been worked out with the State DOT. Mayor Bacon asked if they would agree to restricting the use of temporary signs on the property. Mr. Savage he did not like the temporary signs and would have no problem with that restriction. After further discussion, Jim Hawkins made a motion the variances be approved as follows: 1) Allow two (2) signs for the development; one at Lusk Drive and the other at South Cobb Drive. 2) The sign on South Cobb Drive not to exceed 320.67 square feet of copy area and all other requirements be met. 3) No portable signs be allowed on the property at any time. Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 5-2, with Joel Harrell and Hugh Ragan opposed. FORMAL BUSINESS: (A) Validation of Road. signatures to annex 27.66 acres at Atlanta Road/Jane Lyle Attorney Camp read an application for annexation of 13 parcels on Atlanta Road/Jane Lyle Road in Land Lots 700 and 741 as follows: We the undersigned, who constitute sixty percent (60%) of the electors resident and sixty percent (60%) of the owners of the land area by acreage. as described below, which is unincorporated and contiguous to the City of Smyrna, hereby apply to have said area annexed into the City of Smyrna under the provisions of laws of the State of Georgia, said property being annexed being described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land lying the 17th District, 2nd Section of particularly described as follows: and being in Land Lots 700 and 741 of Cobb County, Georgia, being more Begin at way line southern width), thence an iron pin found at the intersection of the southeastern right of of U.S. Highway 41 (having a variable right of way width) with the right of way line of Cumberland Drive (having a 50-foot right of way in Land Lot 700 of the 17th District of Cobb County, Georgia; run northwesterly along said right of way line of U.S. Highway 41, the June 15, 1987 - continued and distances: north 25 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds west .61 feet to an iron pin found; north 30 degrees 13 minutes 02 of 133.05 feet to an iron pin found, north 29 degrees west a distance of 125.32 feet to an point, north 29 33 seconds west a distance of 100.00 feet to an iron pin 36 degrees 20 minutes 21 seconds west a distance of 100.00 leaving said right of way line, run south 88 degrees east a distance of 737.00 feet to an iron pin found on Land Lots 700 and 74l of the aforesaid District along said land lot line the following courses degrees 29 minutes 42 ",ecqnds east a distance of and north 02 degrees 10 minutes 42 seconds east a an iron pin found; thence leaving said land lot minutes 13 seconds east a distance of 451.60 degrees 39 minu.tesl3 seconds east a distance found; thence south 00 degrees 17 minutes 13 .39 feet to an iron pin found; thence north 87 west a distance of 355.68 feet to an iron pin 43 minutes 05 seconds west a distance of 65.38 right of way line of Jane Lyle Road way width); thence southwesterly along the of Jane Lyle Road the following distances and minutes 03 seconds west a distance of 44.94 feet degrees 02 minutes 03 seconds west a distance found, south 43 degrees 58 minutes 55 seconds to an iron pin found, south 41 degrees 51 of 165.43 feet to a point, south 50 degrees a distance of 165.00 feet to an iron pin found, 22 seconds west a distance of 165.12 feet to a 53 minutes 08 seconds west a distance of 149.91 at the intersection of the southwestern right of way with the southern right of way line of Cumberland right of way line of Jane Lyle Road, along the southern right of way line of courses and distances: south 88 degrees 06 of 99.83 feet to a point, south 88 degrees of 199.65 feet to an iron pin found, and 16 seconds west a distance of 430.97 feet to an found the intersection of the southern right of way line of Cumberland Drive with the southeastern right of way line of U.S. Highway 41, being the point of beginning. a seconds 16 degrees found, feet 47 the and and distances: 158.60 feet distance line, run feet toa point; of 913.9l feet seconds west a degrees 24 found; thence feet to a point (having a 30 southwestern right south 53 iron pin 78.46 feet distance WHEREFORE, THE UNDERS:i:GNED.HEREBY APPLY FOR SUCH ANNEXATION: Witness the hand"'!...al'l<lYsea1s of 60% of the electors resident and record title holders of the la:qgd~.s;cribed above: s/HELEN CANON, EXECUTRIX OF THE ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE W.THOMPSON,..MARGARET.MC CAULEY, LOIS HOWELL, ROBERT B. HOWELL, ERNEST P. WHEEL~,. LEON L. BARNETT, JR. , C. A. BOMAR, M. ANNETTE BOMAR, BARBARA J . HEL~,.. 'R:i:(JFIARD E. HELLMANN, EDNA M. COGGINS, RANDY MC CAULEY, GENEVA EARL BROOKS CLEMENTS, HUGH o. SCOGGINS, TONY CAMPBELL, ROBIN C. JONES, KATHLEEN WHEELER.. KATHY l'1:i:LES, ANNE TSANGARIS ,L:i:LLIE MAE MORRISON, BETTY A. BARNETT, AND LEONA B.l.fOORE,VICE PRESIDENT & TRUST OFFICER OF NBC BANK, SAN ANTONIO, N.A., TRUSTEE..OF..THE ROBERT WILLIAM THOMAS TRUST Joel Harrell made a l!'lotion the signatures be validated and the public hearing date set for July 20; 1987. Bob Davis seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) Parks and Recreation Master Plan. John Patterson said the Parks and Recreation Department is in need of a 10 year master plan to enable the City to identify the need to upgrade existing facilities, acquire add:l-tional park land, develop new facilities, and to program financial improvements within the means of available funding. Three firms were contacted for proposals and the recommendation is to award the study to EDAW. Kathy Brooks saidthiSis.not a bW7geted item but funds are available in the Parks Budget. $20,000 remains in the budget for North Smyrna Park road development which will not be cop.structed by June 30, 1987 and there is an excess of $15,000 from the approved $30,000 for Brinkley Park improvements. Kathy Brooks made a motion the proposal be awarded to EDAW. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (C) Rank name changes in Police Department. June 15, 1987 - continued John Patterson said in order to properly title our Police Department officers to conform with departments in the metro area it is necessary to upgrade by rank each of the titles. This will not increase salaries but will change titles only and will place our officers on a more equal basis with their peers in departments in the metro area. Jim Hawkins made a motion the rank structure be modified by changing Captains to Majors; Lieutenants to Captains; Sergeants to Lieutenants; and Corporals to Sergeants. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (D) Sexual harrassment policy. John Patterson said the City currently has no internal policy or procedure for dealing with a complaint of sexual harassment. Recent case law has indicated that an employer must be able to show that they have an established policy and procedure for dealing with such allegations internally or the employer may be held responsible for the actions of any employee in this regard, regardless of the employer's knowledge or endorsement of this behavior. Hugh Ragan read the proposed policy as follows and made a motion it be included in the Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual under Chapter 1, Section 2, Equal Employment Opportunity and made effective immediately. POLICY: It is the policy of the City of Smyrna to prohibit sex discrimination and sexual harassment of employees by the employer, other employees or agents of the City. Sexual harassment is defined as: Unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct is a term or condition of employment, used as a basis for employment decisions, interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. PROCEDURE: If you feel that you have been discriminated against or subjected to sexual harassment, you may file either a formal or informal complaint. A formal complaint should be in writing, signed and addressed to the Personnel Director. An informal complaint may be made by discussing your problem informally with your immediate supervisor, or the Personnel Director. Complaints will be investigated promptly, and immediate, appropriate corrective action will be taken. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (E) Revision of ordinance to update building codes. John Patterson said it was requested that the City Ordinance be amended in accordance with changes and modifications of the Southern Standard Building Code. Chuck Camp said this would change the building code and keep it current with the Southern Standard Building Code and attendant codes enforced by the City. This will also increase bond requirements from $10,000 to $15,000. Jerry Mills and Jack Shinall expressed some concern about a need for code requirements concerning demolition or repair of sub-standard buildings. John Patterson said the revisions tonight would allow us to take affirmative action and there is a section of the Southern Standard Building Code covering unsafe buildings. Jack Shinall said if the Southern Standard Building Code does not cover these situations, he would like to come up with a specific cause of action for abandoned and unsafe buildings including a minimum period for corrective action. Otherwise they will be demolished by the City at the owners cost. Jack Shinall made a motion the requested revisions to Article II, Section 6- 20, Article VIII, Section 6-109 (new section), Article IV, Section 6-60, Article III, Section 6-30, Article V, Section 6-70, Article VI, Section 6-80, Article I, Section 6-1 and 6-20.2 of the building code be approved. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (F) Request to extend working hours at Belmont Hills Shopping Center. John Patterson working hours the exterior and installing said that to allow of Belmont a new one. Scoggins, Inc. had requested a permit to extend their them to work 24 hours a day while they're renovating Hills Shopping Center by removing the existing facade Allen take Coker represented Scoggins Contractors and said the entire project would about 3 months. They would begin demolition on the store fronts after the June 15. 1987 - continued stores close which will ensure the public's safety and give them a quicker completion time. The equipment to be used at night will be a backhoe and gas powered saws. Jack Shinall said he had a problem with allowing demolition work 24 hours a day because the homes on Fleming Street were close enough to be affected. Jack Shinall made a motion this requested be tabled to the next meeting until he could talk to the owners. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (G) Property acquisition for Public Works facility. John Patterson said we are totally out of space for our Public Works facility both on King Street al"ld at the sanitation office on Smyrna Hill Drive. It is difficult to get vehicles in and out and is unsightly. The City looked at several different sites and has found a 10 acres site which will provide adequate room for their needs now and for future growth as well, and is within the price range established. Joel Harrell said the. site chosen is the old Smyrna Drive-In on Atlanta Road. The relocation of public works will also free up the property on King Street and hopefully in the near future we can expand our library. The property has already been apprais!:!d and Joel said we feel that it will be more than adequate to meet our existing and future needs. There is an entrance from Atlanta Road, but it is not highly visible from the road. After discussion, Joel Harrell made amotion the old Smyrna Drive-In property consisting of approximately 10 acar-~~ .be purchased for a new public works facility, to be funded from accumulated savings. Bob Davis seconded the motion which carried 7- O. (H) Appointment to Clean City Committee. Jack Shinall made a motion Committee representing Ward 5. O. that Ann Bishop be appointed to the Clean City Jerry Mills seconded the motion which carried 7- BID AWARDS: (A) Bush hog for Public Works. Joel Harrell made a motion the low bid of $975.00 be awarded to Cobb County Tractor for the purt;::}-ta:,>e of a Tiger bush hog for the Streets Department. Jim Hawkins seconded the mot: ion which carried 7-0. (B) Pumper trucksfor-fir-e department. Bob :Davis said thefire<d~partment has two pumper-s that are outdated, 1957 and 1971 models, and ar-et:oo small to provide the level of fire protection needed. In addition, the new station at Camp Highland Road will require a pumper truck. Bids were requested, and there is a significant savings for making a multi-unit purchase. Each unit would be approximately $6,000 less for a savings of $18.000 on a 3 unit purchase. All 7 bids met specifications and based upon the Fire Committee recommendation, Bob Davis made a motion the low bid be accept.edfr()lll<Pierce Manufacturing for a 3-unit price of $418,876 with delivery in apprp:)l:'illliilt.ely 1 year and with a 5 year payoff at 7% interest. the first payment of $8:;3,775.20 to be made on delivery. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (c) Roof for main fire station. Bob Davis said the main. fire station roof leaks and needs to be replaced. Bids were requested from several vendors with only two bids being received. Bob Davis made a motion.the low bid of $10,443.00 be awarded to Atlanta Lifetime Roofing. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (D) Long/short term benefit insurance carrier. Hugh Ragan said at the last meeting council adopted a benefit package for employees incl~ding a long and short term disability. Bids were sought from about 10 diffel:"el"ltt;::arriers. Hugh Ragan made a motion the short term disabilty cover-age be awarded to Guardian Insurance Company at $30,000 per year, to be paid totally by the City with the long-term coverage awarded to Mutual Benefit Life at $38,000 per Ye.ar and also to be paid by the City. Kathy Brooks seconded the motion. which carried 7-0. Hugh said these are approximate annual costs and both.carriers.have.a 15-month rate guarantee. June 15, 1987 - continued COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMITS: (A) Tolar Construction requested a building permit for a new office warehouse at 5200 Highlands Parkway at a total estimated cost of $560,000. Hugh Ragan made a motion the permit be approved. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which carried 7-0. (B) Heilig-Myers construction at made a motion carried 7-0. Furniture requested a grading permit for proposed new the corner of South Cobb Drive and Church Road. Jim Hawkins the permit be approved. Jack Shinall seconded the motion which CONSENT AGENDA: (A) 3-way stop sign at Bank Street & Fraser Street Jack Shinall said he would like to put out a newsletter to residents in the Bank Street/Fraser Street area to get their input on the stop sign that was placed there on a 90 day trial period and made a motion this be tabled. Hugh Ragan seconded the motion which carried 7-0. COUNCIL INPUT: Bob Davis said he could see a big improvement in the clean up work being done on Highland Drive and was pleased with the progress. Joel Harrell said he was pleased with the property acquisition for the Public Works department which shows that council is dedicating funds to provide the best service possible to the citizens. Jerry Mills asked for a report on the sewer rehab. Jim Belk said Phase III will start when problems on Phase II are corrected and hoped that within the next we could see enough progress to give the contractor notice to proceed, but actual work would not start for probably 2 to 3 weeks. Jim Hawkins commended council for approving the change of rank in the police department and said he has received many favorable comments about how smoothly our court is running with the new solicitor. Jack Shinall said it seems we are having more problems in the older neighborhoods with renters not keeping up their yards and asked if there was an ordinance we could enforce. John Patterson said that Section 11-20 of the code allows the City, after 10 days, to go onto the property and clean it up and then bill the owner. The City Attorney has ruled this practice constitutional and we will continue to do it as needed. Jack said there are two locations now that are a problem and would like to do whatever is necessary to place the owners on notice. Also, he would like to establish a procedure with our Public Works Department or a private contractor to handle the clean up work. Kathy Brooks reported on the 4th of July festivities at King Springs Park. Hugh Ragan said there would be a called meeting on June 22 for the purpose of adopting the 1987-88 budget. Hugh said he thought this was a good budget which would provide for on-going services and is in keeping with some of the good things they were trying to do for the City. Hugh thanked John Patterson and his staff for development of the budget and also the Mayor and other council members for their hard work. Mayor Bacon congratulated the AAU champs appreciated for this very worthwhile cause. and said any donations would be With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m. ************************ June 22, 1987 A special called meeting of Mayor and Council was held June 22, 1987 at Smyrna City Hall. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon. All council members were present except for Kathy Brooks who was ill. Also present was City Administrator John Patterson, City Clerk Melinda Dameron and representatives of the press. June 22, 1987 - continued The purpose of this meeting was to approve the 1987-88 budget and tax millage rate. Finance Committee Chairman Hugh Ragan presented the budget which was balanced with no tax increases or fee increases. The total budget is $14,750,680, a 12.3% increase from last year. The Finance & Administration budget includes $25,000 for consulting fees to pay for services of a third party firm to provide a plan for a public relations campaign and image enhancement c-alIlp""ign. Also included is the second annual payment for the lighting. OfSR'lJ-t;:}J,Gobb DJ;'ive, an employee's family picnic and awards banquet. The Policep~~~J;'t~ent budget includes money for station renovations to provide additional sp.ace.ap.dnew patrol cars. In the Fire Department, we hope the new Camp Highland fire station will become a reality and additional personnel are budgeted for that. The rescue operation has been transferred to the Fire Department. The Public Works budget includes $250,000 for drainage improvements and we anticipate this program to continue for several years. Also included is $23;6,OO{) for road improvements and part time right of way maintenance crews. In Go~unity Development, a full time position created in 1987 is in the proc.e::;;s of.being filled. The Parks budget includes re-roofing of Church Street c$ut;:er and King Springs bath house, paving Rose Garden parking area, resul.'"f""ctng tennis courts, exit road around the Church Street facility and mainten""nc-e on various parks buildings. The General Government budget totals $1,S9a.Q27; Public Safety $5,159,945; Community Service $1,147,794; Public Works $6,207,809 and Debt Service $660,205. Jerry Mills said not appreciate reading about the budget in the newspaper before voted on and because the story was premature, the figul.'"es were not accurate. Council did not have the opportunity to make changes before it was announced. Hugh Ragan said some of the figures did change but the article did state this was a proposed budget and had not yet been adopted. After further discussion, Hugh Ragan made a motion the 1987-88 budget be adopted as presented. Joel Harrell seconded the motion which carried 6-0. Hugh Ragan made a motion the tax millage rate for 1988 be set at 11.5, no increase from last year. Jim Hawkins seconded the motion which carried 6-0. With no further business, meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. r 7