03-03-14 March 3, 2014 Mayor and Council MinutesMonday, March 3, 2014
City of Smyrna
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Council
7:30 PM
Roll Call
2800 King Street
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Council Chambers
Present: 5 - Mayor pro tern/Councilmember Melleny Pritchett, Councilmember Andrea
Blustein, Councilmember Charles Welch, Councilmember Susan
Wilkinson and Councilmember Wade Lnenicka
Absent: 2- Councilmember Teri Anulewicz and Councilmember Ron Fennel
Also Present: 10- Eric Taylor, Scott Cochran, Dan Campbell, Paige Day, Terri Graham,
Chelsea Jackson, Tammi Saddler Jones, Lisa Moore, Ken Suddreth and
Russell Martin
Call to Order
Invocation and Pledge:
Mayor Max Bacon called on Shell Osbon, Pastor of Life Church Smyrna Assembly of
God, 4100 King Springs Road, Smyrna, Georgia to deliver the Invocation and to lead
all in the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Agenda Changes:
The Mayor announced that Item 4 -B and 4 -C, which are related items, will be tabled
to April 21, 2014. Two Councilmembers are not in attendance for this meeting,
Councilmember Ron Fennel, due to a business conflict and Councilmember Teri
Anulewicz is out of town.
3. Mayoral Report:
A. Proclamation in Recognition of American Red Cross Month, March
The Mayor called Racquel White from the American Red Cross to come forward to
accept the proclamation establishing March 2014 as American Red Cross Month.
Councilmember Wade Lnenicka read aloud the proclamation. Ms. White stated she
was honored to accept the proclamation. She thanked the many everyday heroes,
who reside in Smyrna, who have made the efforts of the Red Cross possible for the
past 100 years.
4. Land Issues /Zonings /Annexations:
A. Public Hearing - Zoning Request Z14 -001 - Zoning amendment to
modify the currently approved zoning conditions (Z11 -009) for the
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City Council
Meeting Minutes - Final March 3, 2014
construction of a McDonalds restaurant - 1.07 Acre Tract - Land Lot
380 - 3240 South Cobb Drive - Integrity Engineering & Development
Services, Inc.
Mayor Bacon called on City Administrator Eric Taylor to read the background for this
item. The property was originally rezoned on January 19, 2010 for the
redevelopment of the shopping center. Integrity Engineering & Development has
requested a zoning amendment to modify the currently approved zoning conditions
for the construction of anew McDonald's restaurant on South Cobb Drive. Staff
recommends approval with conditions. The Mayor announced that this is a Public
Hearing and asked if anyone would like to comment on the issue and no one came
Councilmember Corkey Welch asked Ken Suddreth to come forward to give the
detail. Mr. Suddreth stated that there are three portions in this one request. This
request deals with one of the out lots in the shopping center. The original zoning
plans had the front of the building facing South Cobb Drive, however, they are
requesting that the orientation be modified. Mr. Suddreth showed the zoning map
and the future development map in a presentation. In addition to the orientation of
the building, which would have the drive -thru side of the building fronting South Cobb
Drive, they have asked the City to allow a free standing monument sign and to
reduce the number of parking spaces. When the shopping center project was
approved, there were many sign related negotiations and conditions that were placed
on the property. One of the conditions was that in order to allow them to have
additional featured tall monument shopping center type of signs, the City would not
allow them to have any additional signs on the out lots. The applicant is asking to
place one monument sign on the out lot.
Mr. Suddreth showed the council two options for the building which would help
screen the drive thru windows from South Cobb Drive. Plan A was shown which has
a proposed landscape island with five trees with ground cover between he trees.
Option B would construct a screening wall horizontal to the drive thru windows, which
would have to be braced to the building. Staff has had extensive conversations about
these changes and they are supporting Option A. The building elevation was shown
representing McDonald's new building design. The current McDonald's franchise
further south on South Cobb Drive will be moved to this location. The proposed
monument sign was displayed. It is eight feet tall and thirty -two square feet. The
staff restricts the applicant to use the building elevations that have been submitted on
December 15, 2013. With regard to the signing issue, it is a trade off in which the
shopping center would be eliminating one of the four approved signs on the property.
Mayor Bacon questioned whether the sign the center is losing is a sign that already
exists. Mr. Suddreth, stated that no, they are losing their ability to have a sign at
Concord Road sign in the future. They are asking that one of the approved South
Cobb Drive signs be moved further south on South Cobb Drive than originally
planned. Everyone, including the center owners, believe that if this is approved, It will
facilitate increasing the number of tenants in the shopping center. Another staff
condition is that the existing McDonald's be demolished within 60 days from the
issuance of the certificate of occupancy of the new store. If they cannot meet this
criteria in the time frame, they may come before the council to ask for an extension.
The Mayor asked Mr. Suddreth to show the original rendering of the elevation so that
he can see the color of the brick. The Mayor likes the color of the darker building.
The Mayor called the applicants to come forward. Anthony Lynch from Integrity
Engineering introduced himself and stated they are here to answer any questions.
Mr. Lynch thanked the council and staff for the time that they have put into working
on this project and said this time was helpful to them in developing the plans for the
building and the grounds. To answer the Mayor's question, the brick of the restaurant
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will match the color of the Kroger store. Councilmember Wade Lnenicka asked a
question regarding the difference in the Option A and B elevations in regard to the
stone work. The applicant has agreed to have stone around the window in Option A.
A question is posed by Councilmember Welch regarding the proposed monument
sign and whether there was a possibility of using the floating arch sign instead. Mr.
Lynch requested that Todd Williams, an area construction manager with McDonald's
come answer the question. He stated the sign they are proposing is a "green" LED
sign which uses less energy and is the new standard sign for the restaurant. They
are phasing out the floating signs, but they can investigate using the floating sign for
this store. Mr. Welch stated that they are asking to go from 53 to 43 parking space
and he wanted to make sure they understand the implications of that request. Karen
Sanders, from real estate with McDonald's commented on the parking reduction.
She stated that research has shown McDonald's only needs about 22 parking spaces
at any given time during the day because in some cases their drive thru business is
about 75% of sales and as a result, the parking needs are reduced. Mr. Welch
asked if the original landscape plan will be a part of the current landscape plan plus
the addition of the island in front of the drive through windows. Mr. Lynch stated that
small landscaping will be worked into the island and basically the original plan will be
followed with only minor changes. Mr. Welch questioned Mr. Suddreth if keeping the
original landscaping plan is part of the conditions to the application. Mr. Suddreth
stated that the council can make that a condition, but the ordinance covers the
landscaping as it was originally planned. He clarified that the addition of the island
landscape does not substitute for any landscaping, it will be in combination with the
original plan. Councilmember Lnenicka stated that as he has traveled around, he
has taken notice of other new McDonald's stores. He asked to talk again about the
monument sign and stated he really likes the idea of the base with the see through
arches as opposed to the solid sign that was proposed. Ms. Sanders mentioned at
their last workshop, as a result of Mr. Lnenicka's suggestion, there is a plan to have a
bicycle rack in front of the store and and they will have brick pavers in the
crosswalks. After conferring with Mr. Williams, they confirmed that if the council
wanted to make the floating arch a condition of the request, they would have that put
in the plan.
Councilmember Lnenicka stated that the process to approve this project has gone on
for quite some time. He was not initially in favor of the store as he had become. He
wanted citizens to know that McDonald's has taken the suggestions of the council
and staff along with the people of Smyrna to have this store more attractive for
Smyrna and make it a better store for the community. Councilmember Wilkinson
stated that she also appreciated McDonald's willingness to listen to the comments
and make adjustments.
A motion was made by Councilmember Charles (Corkey) Welch to approve 2014 -003
Zoning Request Z14 -001a zoning amendment to modify the currently approved
zoning conditions (Z11 -009) for the construction of a McDonalds restaurant -1.07
Acre Tract - Land Lot 380 - 3240 South Cobb Drive - Integrity Engineering &
Development Services, Inc., with the following conditions: that we implement option
A for the site plan; that the landscape plan that was originally submitted be a part of
the final plan to include the landscape isle in front of both drive -thru windows with
additional landscaping in that isle; and with the floating arch sign to be a part of the
final construction, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /Councilmember Melleny Pritchett.
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
B. Public Hearing - Zoning Request Z14 -003 - Rezoning from R -15 to
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RAD- Conditional - 4.01 Acre Tract - Land Lot 335 - 4105 North Cooper
Lake Road - McLane Corporation. Applicant has requested this item
to be tabled to April 21, 2014.
Mayor Bacon reiterated that this item is requested to be tabled. He announced that
this is slated as a Public Hearing and called anyone who wished to speak on this
issue to come forward and no one came to comment.
A motion was made by Councilmember Charles (Corkey) Welch to table 2014 -034
Public Hearing on Zoning Request Z14 -003 until April 21, 2014 for the Rezoning from
R -15 to RAD - Conditional - 4.01 Acre Tract - Land Lot 335 - 4105 North Cooper Lake
Road - McLane Corporation, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /Councilmember Melleny
Pritchett. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
C. Mayor and Council grant a sanitary sewer easement between the City
of Smyrna and McLane Corporation LLC to allow the installation of
sanitary sewer piping for a proposed adjacent residential
development. To be tabled to April 21, 2014.
Mayor Bacon stated that this related item is requested to be tabled. He announced
that this is slated as a Public Hearing and called anyone who wished to speak on this
issue to come forward and no one came to comment.
A motion was made by Charles (Corkey) Welch to table 2014 -036 to table this item
until April 21, 2014 for the Mayor and Council to grant a sanitary sewer easement
between the City of Smyrna and McLane Corporation LLC to allow the installation of
sanitary sewer piping for a proposed adjacent residential development, seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem /Councilmember Melleny Pritchett. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 5 - Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
D. Public Hearing - Zoning Request Z14 -006 - Modification of currently
approved site plan and building elevations - 10.454 Acre Tract - Land
Lots 489, 490, 519 and 520 - Northwest corner of the intersection of
Fleming Street and Atlanta Road -David Weekly Homes.
The Mayor requested Eric Taylor give the background regarding this zoning
amendment. Mr Taylor explained that David Weekly Homes is seeking to modify the
currently approved zoning plan and building elevations for Pods C and D for the
Belmont Hills Redevelopment Project at the intersection of Fleming Street and
Atlanta Road. The property was originally rezoned on January 20, 2009 to mixed
use. Staff recommends approval. Mayor Bacon stated that he was personally excited
about the prospect of David Weekly Homes coming to Smyrna.
The Mayor called Ken Suddreth to give details of the site plan. Mr. Suddreth
reminded the council that this is a modification only in the sense that it is a site plan,
not a land use issue. The original approval stated that they had to come back for site
plan approval. The zoning map and future development map was presented. The
proposed approval is for 156 single family units with the associated open space and
ammenities as well as approval of building elevations. The elevations for the single
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family homes are unique in that they look similar to townhouses, but are not attached.
The currently approved site plan and the new proposed site plan were presented.
Mr. Suddreth noted that the developer asked the item be tabled at the February 17,
2014 meeting in order to change the center green space to open the development to
Atlanta Road. As a result of this change, the number of units was reduced by eight.
The newly proposed elevations and road sections were shown. The site will have
private streets and will be gated. He noted that this product does not exist in the
metro - Atlanta area. David Weekly Homes is located in Texas and they have the
product there and other cities. There are three different home products. Staff
recommends approval of this site plan with the stipulations which were submitted
January 20, 2014 and that the plans have to be compliant with the previously
approved plan dated August 10, 2012. It is also required that the homes cannot be
less than 1,500 square feet. Councilmember Charles Welch asked the developer
where they will start the phases.
The Mayor announced the Public Hearing and asked if anyone was present who
wished to speak regarding this request. City Attorney Scott Cochran swore in those
who wished to speak. Mr. Kevin Moore, the attorney for this developer, spoke about
the project. This project, Pod C and Pod D, was originally approved for townhomes.
What David Weekly Homes is proposing is to inject single family detached homes
clustered together. The concept for the outside home is similar to taking townhomes
and detaching them. The next step into the development would be more traditional
two story homes with bedrooms on the upper level. In the center portion of the
development, the third type of home would have a master bedroom on the main level
and additional bedrooms upstairs. These three types of homes will invite a wide
variety of home buyers from young professionals to empty nesters, creating a cross
generational community. They have had success with this type of development.
David Weekly Homes opened the green space up so that it can be viewed from
Atlanta Road and people can see all three home products and into the center of the
community. The design has been recommended by the Urban Design Committee for
approval. Staff has recommended approval with stipulations. All stipulations will be
adhered to from the previous approval from several years ago. The applicant is
requesting approval from the City Council.
David Durnett of David Weekly Homes, answered Mr. Welch's question regarding
phasing. Phase one is the northeast comer and the main entrance which includes a
part of the central green. Phase two will be south of there and includes the main part
of the central green. Phase three is west of Atlanta Road. All three product types will
be in each of those phase. Councilmember Susan Wilkinson asked a question
regarding the reduction of the homes and what type of home was reduced. Mr.
Dumett answered that it was eight homes, roughly four of the smaller homes and four
of the medium homes. Ms. Wilkinson also asked if the drives are mostly rear loading
and if they are facing the street that goes to the elementary school. The new
proposed site plan is shown which shows that all the homes in the perimeter of the
development are facing the main street with the drives/garages facing the interior of
the development.
The Mayor called for anyone who wished to comment to come forward. Steven
McQuay, 1555 Roswell Street came forward. He referenced a Cobb County School
Board statement that this development will have a minimal impact on the new
elementary school as the school is currently 100 students below capacity. He
questioned whether the school had been notified of the development. He believes
the school could be over capacity next year due to other homes in its school zone
being constructed. Ken Suddreth comes forward to explain that the City has a letter
from the school board. The Mayor stated the school is a draw for David Weekly
homes. Mr. McQuay wondered at what point will the city and the school board work
to get another school to accommodate the new growth. Mayor Pro
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Tem /Councilmember Melleny Pritchett stated that the number of roof tops Smyrna
increases, the school board will consider adding more schools. He also asked if
there are walkways to the corners of the property for children to walk because traffic
can get bad on Fleming Street. Mr. Moore stated that there is connectivity to the
main streets and to the school. He reminded the council that the original zoning had
a plan for more than 400 units as townhomes in Pod C & D. These homes will be
less in number and a better quality community. The Mayor hopes this project will
draw new businesses and restaurants to the Belmont Hills area. He thanked Mr
McQuay and stressed the importance of citizens asking pertinent questions of the
council. He reiterated that the school system does get notified and they provide
feedback on the development. Councilmember Andrea Blustein asked if the four or
five different projects in the overall development will have an Home Owners
Association. This community will be under a sub- HOA to the master association
which is required in the zoning agreement for the management of the over all mixed
use development.
Councilmember Welch thanked David Weekly Homes for coming to Smyrna with this
development. He expressed his excitement to having a new, different type
community in Smyrna.
A motion was made by Charles (Corkey) Welch to approve 2014 -037 Zoning Request
Z14 -006 - Modification of currently approved site plan and building elevations -
10.454 Acre Tract - Land Lots 489, 490, 519 and 520 - Northwest corner of the
intersection of Fleming Street and Atlanta Road -David Weekly Homes., seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem /Councilmember Melleny Pritchett. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 5 - Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
5. Privilege Licenses:
The Mayor stated there where none.
6. Formal business:
A. Appointment of the Permanent and Alternate License and Variance
Board members
Mr. Taylor gave the background that the City has as a License and Variance Board
which consists of mostly senior staff members and whose purpose is to hear routine
privilege license and variance requests. There has been some turnover on the
committee and a new board needs to be appointed. Staff recommends approval of
the appointments.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem /Councilmember Melleny Pritchett to approve
the appointment of Tammi Saddler Janes, Roy Acres and Scott Stokes as permanent
board members and Eric Taylor, Paige Day, Eric Randall, and David Lee as alternate
board members for the License & Variance board, seconded by Councilmember
Charles (Corkey) Welch. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
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B. Recommendation to utilize cooperative contract for Law Enforcement,
Fire /Rescue and Other Fleet Vehicles under Bid 11 -10 -1202 of the
Florida Sheriffs Association, to purchase Two (2) Arrow XT Fire
Engines from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through Ten 8 Fire & Safety
Equipment of GA.
The Mayor asked Eric Taylor to give the background. He stated the city has
$1,100,000.00 set aside from the 2011 SPLOST which was for the purchase of two
new pumper fire trucks. The Fire Department with Chief Day has been deligently
looking for these new trucks in recent months. They have located two trucks that
they are able to purchase for $905,108 through this cooperative contract for law
enforcement. Staff recommends approval.
Councilmember Welch called Fire Chief Day to come forward for a general
background on the process. Ms. Day completed a research study of all the engines
and apparatus that the city has in its fleet. The engines that are being replaced were
built in 1999 and have had a lot of hard use and need to be retired. Working closely
with Purchasing and the City Attorney, the City was able to "piggy back" on an
existing contract to purchase the trucks. This will eliminate a lot of time in bidding
and construction. These Type 1 Pumpers will be able to be in service in the city by
August 8, 2014, at the latest.
Councilmember Welch asked City Attorney Scott Cochran if this was a fully
acceptable method of procurement from a legal standard. Mr. Cochran stated that it
A motion was made by Councilmember Charles (Corkey) Welch to approve 2014 -053
recommendation to utilize cooperative contract for Law Enforcement, Fire/Rescue
and Other Fleet Vehicles under Bid 11 -10 -1202 of the Florida Sheriffs Association, to
purchase Two (2) Arrow XT Fire Engines from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc. through
Ten 8 Fire & Safety Equipment of GA, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem /Councilmember
Melleny Pritchett. The motion carded by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
7. Commercial Building Permits:
The Mayor states there were none
8. Consent Agenda:
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern/Councilmember Melleny Pritchett to approve
the consent agenda, seconded by Councilmember Wade Lnenicka. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5- Mayor pro tem /Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein,
Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember
A. Approval of the February 17, 2014 Mayor & Council Meeting Minutes
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These Minutes were approved.
9. Committee Reports:
Mayor Pro Tem Melleny Pritchett began with a report regarding the Vision Committee.
There was a meeting on Friday to look over the list of people who are interested in
serving in this area. This Wednesday, will be the cut -off for the introduction of people
to serve on the committee. She reminded citizens that there will be 35 people on the
Steering Committee, and eleven different focus groups where interested citizens can
serve. At the last meeting the Committee selected three comparison cities. The
week of March 14th, the Vision Committee will begin conducting interviews for the
Steering Committee. Tony Britton and Slade Gulledge, both Smyrna residents, will
be co -chairs of the Steering Committee.
Councilmember Andrea Blustein announced that there are 17 days until spring. This
has been an extraordinary winter for our area.
Councilmember Charles (Corkey) Welch encouraged support for the Friends of the
Garden tour either as a member or a sponsor. Interested citizens should contact with
Ann Kirk at Keep Smyrna Beautiful.
Councilmember Susan Wilkinson announced that the Police Department is having
another "Coffee with a Cop" event at Atlanta Bread Company on South Cobb Drive
near the East -West Connector on Friday, March 7th from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Councilmember Wade Lnenicka thanked the Crestwood at Vinings Association for
allowing him to host their meeting on Sunday, February 23. He also thanked .Krispy
Kreme for building their store in Smyrna. He remarked how successful the opening
has been in its first week. He finds it interesting that there will be an organic grocery
store, a Del Taco, Krispy Kreme, and Jim 'n Nicks all side by side in that area.
Smyrna is a very eclectic community with wide and varied taste. He commended
Campbell High School's Boys Lacrosse team, which he is assisting as a coach, for
their first win of the season. They broke several records during the game. Lacrosse
and other sports are a great vehicle to teach kids life skills such as cooperation and
hard work.
City Clerk Tern Graham announced that after an extensive search, the City has hired
a new Deputy City Clerk. Lisa Moore, who previously worked in the Court Services
Department, began work in this position officially today. She been filling in at the
position in the interim since the former Deputy City Clerk left at the beginning of the
year. Ms Graham stated that the City was very proud of the fact that it was able to
hire from within. The Mayor and Councilmember Lnenicka welcomed Ms. Moore to
the position.
10. Show Cause Hearings:
11. Citizen Input:
12. Adjournment:
There were none
The Mayor announced there was no public comment.
8:52 PM
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C�IMQn�Q (.�G. �L./1L1C2iL1
ORDINANCE NO. 2014 - 04
Sec. 70 -2 Regulation of conduct in city parks
a) No alcoholic beverages may be sold, possessed, or consumed by any person in any city park
except at a Closed Function as defined in section 6 -2 or City Sanctioned Event as defined herein,
and only at the locations specified in the definitions.
City Sanctioned Event is defined as a public event which is either sanctioned, sponsored or managed
by the City and which is held either at Taylor - Brawner Park or within the Smyrna Market Village —
Village Green area, and only at the locations specified in the definitions.
Approved by Mayor and Council this 17th day of March, 2014
A. Max Bacon, Mayor
Terri Graham, City Clerk
City of Smyrna
Approved as to form:
Scott Cochra Attorney