08-05-2013 August 5, 2013 Mayor and Council Minutes SMYR A
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2800 King Street
City of Smyrna Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Meeting Minutes - Final
City Council
Council Chambers
Monday, August 5, 2013 7:30 PM
Call to Order: Presiding Officer Mayor Max Bacon called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Present: 7 - Mayor Max Bacon, Councilmember Andrea Blustein, Councilmember Teri
Anulewicz, Councilmember Charles Welch, Councilmember Susan
Wilkinson, Councilmember Wade Lnenicka and Councilmember Ron
Absent: 1 - Mayor ProTem/Councilmember Melleny Pritchett
Also Present: 7 - Scott Cochran, Terri Graham, Eric Taylor, Samantha Kasraie, Ken Suddreth,
Russell Martin and Tammi Saddler Jones
1. Invocation and Pledge:
Larisa Parker, the new Pastor at Faith United Methodist Church, delivered the
invocation and led all to the pledge to the flag.
2. Agenda Changes:
The Mayor inquired if DDA appointments had been added and was informed it
was not currently necessary. He stated that there would be no agenda changes.
3. Mayoral Report:
A. 2013-255 Citizen's Police Academy Graduating Class Ceremony and Presentation
of Certificates
Sponsors: Fennel
Councilman Fennel commended the efforts of Police Chief David Lee, noting
his commitment to community oriented policing. Chief Lee congratulated the
participants of Smyrna's first Citizens Police Academy class. He explained the
training and relayed anecdotes of the graduates. Certificates of completion
were presented to each of the attendees of the first Citizens Police Academy by
Coordinator/Instructor Capitan Tony Leonard, Chief David Lee, Councilmember
Ron Fennel and Mayor Max Bacon.
Congratulations to: Barbara Allen,Christina Bailey, Maureen Carter, Jonathan
Chatham, Suzanne Doyle, Ryan Esparza, Douglas Hill, Mary Ellen Leonard, Daniel
Lobel, Connor Pinson, Katherine Reed, Randy Rowe, Amy St. John, David Wheeler
and Tori White.
The Mayor inquired if there would be another class and Chief Lee advised that
one was planned for January, 2014.
4. Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations: The Mayor stated that there were none.
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5. Privilege Licenses: The Mayor stated that there were none.
6. Formal business:
A. 2013-254 Adoption of 2013 millage rate - 8.99 mills
Sponsors: Anulewicz
Mr.Taylor advised that the millage rate would be set at the recommended rate
of 8.99 mils as accounted for in the budget. He noted that this was a continuation
of what had been done for six years. Mr. Taylor shared that all appropriate legal
advertisements had been met and that staff recommended approval.
Councilwoman Anulewicz remarked on the merit of not having to raise taxes by
operating an efficient and solid government.
The Mayor noted that Mayor ProTem/Councilmember Pritchett was absent due to
minor health issues.
A motion was made by Councilmember Anulewicz, seconded by Councilmember
Fennel that the 2013 millage rate be set at 8.99 mills. The motion carried by the
following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember
Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and
Councilmember Fennel
B. 2013-265 Approval of Ward 1 Appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority,
Terry Carruthers of Vinings Pointe. Terry Carruthers will continue the
remaining term through 5/2015.
Sponsors: Pritchett
A motion was made by Councilmember Fennel, seconded by Councilmember
Wilkinson, that this Appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority,Terry
Carruthers of Vinings Pointe, be approved for the remainder of the current term
through 5/2015.The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6- Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember
Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and
Councilmember Fennel
C. 2013-269 Approval of Ward 5 Appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority,
Erik L. Fernald of Old Spring Road. The term for the Housing
Authority is a 5 year term and will expire 5/2018.
Sponsors: Wilkinson
A motion was made by Councilmember Wilkinson, seconded by Councilmember
Lnenicka, that this Appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority, Erik L. Fernald
of Old Spring Road be approved for the five(5) year term ending 5/2018. The
motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember
Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and
Councilmember Fennel
D. 2013-282 Approval of Ward 6 Re-appointment to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Committee, Nell Robinson. The term for Keep Smyrna Beautiful will
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expire 12/31/14; this board has 2 year terms.
Sponsors: Lnenicka
A motion was made by Councilmember Lnenicka, seconded by Councilmember
Welch,that this Appointment to the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board, Neil Robinson
be approved for the term ending 12/31/14.This board has 2 year terms. The
motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember
Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and
Councilmember Fennel
E. V13-032 Public Hearing - Appeal the decision of the License and Variance
Boards - V13-032 - Appeal of Community Development Director's
interpretation of zoning conditions and requirements regarding a buffer
- Land Lot 241 - Concord Walk Subdivision - Timothy and Terri Evans
The Mayor called on City Attorney Scott Cochran to conduct the hearing. Mr.
Cochran stated that the City had the final administrative say on the
interpretation of its own zoning code. He provided background that prior to
being brought before Mayor and Council the Community Development Director's
interpretation was appealed and heard before the License and Variance Board.
All interested parties were sworn in. The Mayor asked that everyone be
introduced for the record: Matt Klase, attorney for Timothy and Terri Evans;
Timothy and Terri Evans, owners of 118 Jeffrey Place; Mike Jaramillo, owner of
3901 Concord Walk; Ken Suddreth, Community Development Director; Rusty
Martin, City Planner. Mr. Cochran explained that this matter involved the
placement of a fence on property in Ward 7 between two abutting properties in two
different neighborhoods.
Maps and plats of the properties were displayed and Mr. Cochran stated that there
were two fences on the property; one belonging to the Evans and the one in
dispute being that installed by Mr. Jaramillo. Mr. Cochran advised that the
Concord Walk subdivision had been rezoned from R-15 to RAD conditional and
that there had been stipulations including; a 20 ft natural and non-disturbed buffer
along Concord Rd and some type of buffer for the interior of the subdivision.
Mr. Cochran shared that there had been activity surrounding what activitieswere
allowable in the interior buffer. He advised that his office had received several
emails from the Evans' attorney regarding alleged violations in the buffer and that
those had been forwarded to Community Development. Mr. Cochran noted that
Community Development had sent people out to investigate the site and that no
violations had been found. He acknowledged that initially Community
Development had cited an incorrect ordinance. The opinion that Mr. Jaramillo's
actions were allowable was upheld by the License and Variance Board. Mr.
Cochran stated that Mr. Jaramillo had contacted Community Development prior
to installing the fence and was given clearance to do so.
The City Attorney advised Council that their role was to determine if the
interpretation of Community Development was consistent with the city's zoning
Mr. Cochran asked Mr. Suddreth to state, for the record, how he arrived at his
interpretation. Mr. Suddreth responded that the plat specified a 20' non-disturbed
buffer. He advised that this was not consistent with the zoning stipulation
approved by Council in1996. The stipulation specifies that the undisturbed buffer
applies only to properties along Concord Road. He elaborated that"some type of
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buffer" for the interior boundaries of that subdivision had been approved. Mr.
Suddreth explained that a fence was one of the acceptable types of buffers cited
in the city's ordinances. He further clarified that,even if a 20' buffer was
recognized, that a disturbance in that area had not been observed. Mr. Suddreth
made known that it was allowable to clean out dead, noxious or obnoxious
vegetation and that the city's arborist had been sent out to offer an expert opinion
on what growth could be removed.
Mr. Suddreth emphasized that his interpretation was based on Council's zoning
stipulation that"some type of buffer" be maintained. He noted that the
plat reflected a 20' buffer,which met the conditions for"some type of buffer", but
that did not make it a requirement. Mr. Cochran asked that the relevant approved
stipulations be shown (no. 8) and read aloud.
Mr. Suddreth stated that there had been numerous phone calls investigated over a
period of a year and that no violations were witnessed. Mr. Cochran stated that
there was an existing fence on the Evans property. Mr. Suddreth confirmed that
the fence installed by Mr. Jaramillo would be 6-12" away from the Evans fence.
The Mayor stated that there were several houses on Concord Walk that abutted
those on Jeffrey Place and inquired if any of those other houses had fences. Mr.
Suddreth responded affirmatively that a variety of fences existed in Concord
Walk. Mayor Bacon asked if any of those were in an undisturbed buffer area and
Mr. Suddreth clarified that the undisturbed buffer was applicable only to those
properties along Concord Rd.
Councilman Fennel questioned if Concord Walk subdivision had covenants that
would speak to this issue and recognized that an audience member was indicating
in the affirmative.
Mr. Klase informed all present that there had been a two hour hearing before the
License and Variance Board. He explained that a family tragedy had led the Evans
to relocate to Smyrna in a secluded home with prolific green space. He relayed
that the builder, Mr. Hatcher, had presented the Evans with minutes stating that
the trees would be preserved and had offered assurances that nothing could be
built in the 20' buffer. Mr. Klase argued that there was a "20' natural and
undisturbed buffer" required. He displayed photographs showing the lush
vegetation in the area prior to its removal. Mr. Klase stated that this was not a
matter of a neighborly dispute and acknowledged that Mr.Jaramillo's actions
had been sanctioned by the City. Mr. Klase contended that the city's position was
based on an inaccurate interpretation and that the law required it be corrected.
Mr. Klase referenced Mr. Suddreth's comment that a wrong code section had
originally been referenced. He alleged that Community Development
had erroneously allowed Mr. Jaramillo to clean up the buffer based on that
decision. Mr. Klase emphasized that developer Mr. Bradley Thompson had
committed to the buffer to save as many trees as possible and that the City
was simply defending its initial position. He submitted that the agreed to buffer
was evident in the minutes and seconded by its existence on the plat. Mr.
Klase stated that the City had signed off on the plat and that was one of the
reasons the Evans purchased the property. He stated that the photographic
evidence clearly demonstrated the extent of removal of the protected vegetation
and called for a reversal of the interpretation.The Mayor asked what resolution
the Evans were seeking since the vegetation was gone. It was requested that the
remaining vegetation be undisturbed and that Mr.Jaramillo's 8'fence be removed.
Mrs. Evans thanked Councilmember's Welch and Wilkinson for coming out to
view the site. She stated that because the City had been remiss in enforcing
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the law she has had to spend retirement money and rehash the pain of losing a
child. She explained the details surrounding her relocation to Smyrna and relayed
that the builder, Mr. Hatcher, had shown her the plat with the 20' undisturbed
buffer. She made known that prior to Mr. Cochran being contacted that she had
complained to code enforcement and was advised that her site would be visited
by Tim Hardy. She stated that he never came to inspect the property and that she
had to go to the Community Development office to retrieve records on her home.
Mrs. Evans stated that numerous trees were removed in the months
prior to the City becoming involved. Mrs. Evans stated that when her neighbor
began removing trees she informed him that he was not allowed to do so and the
ensuing confrontation resulted in her calling the police. She emphasized that the
purchase of her property had been based on good faith that the buffer would be
upheld. Mrs. Evans advised that she was not seeking to be punitive but that the
beauty and value of her home had been diminished, after which she displayed
photographs. She requested that Council enforce the law and reverse Community
Development's decision.
The Mayor inquired about the timing of the construction of the adjoining
subdivision. Mrs. Evans stated that Concord Walk had been completed prior to
the purchase of her home and that a fence had been erected around 3901 Concord
Walk by the builder. There was discussion about the Mayor being present at the
rezoning for that subdivision and the trees that had been preserved by the
builder. Mrs. Evans expressed that she should not have to continue to spend her
savings to correct the error. She elaborated on the emotional distress of having to
relive the loss of a child and emphasized the builder's promise to preserve the
tranquil green space around her home.
The Mayor asked Mrs. Evans if she believed that Mayor and Council had
intentionally done anything wrong. She replied that she had witnessed
preferential treatment towards Mr. Jaramillo by Community Development and that
she considered all members present to be accountable as representatives of the
City of Smyrna. Mayor Bacon stated that Council was removed from many day to
day operations and expressed his concern for her situation.The Mayor asked
over how long a period the trees were removed and Mrs. Evans stated it had taken
about a year.
Councilman Welch noted that the minutes clearly read that the builder would
install some type of buffer. He inquired if the developer would have prepared
the subdivision plat following the zoning meeting and Mr. Suddreth commented
that was likely. Councilman Welch advised that a minimum requirement had been
set and Mr. Cochran stated that,from a legal standpoint, there was nothing to
prohibit the developer from doing more. The Councilman asked if Mr. Suddreth's
current interpretation was that the fence was allowable per the city's ordinance
and current zoning. Mr. Suddreth replied that fences could be allowed in the
Councilman Fennel commented that at the time the project was approved the
builder was the owner of the buffer property. He confirmed that the stipulated
agreement was with Concord Walk and that the City had approved an undisturbed
buffer along Concord Road and "some type of buffer" everywhere else. He
acknowledged that the builder may have offered further assurances but that he
was no longer the property owner. Mr. Suddreth explained that any conditions
ran with the property and not the owner. The Mayor asked if the stipulations were
always listed on the plat. Mr. Suddreth stated that was the current practice and
that he was uncertain if that process had been in place for the zoning in question.
Councilman Fennel remarked that only one current Councilmember had been in
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office during the 1996 zoning.
A photo showing the placement of the fences and their proximity was displayed.
Councilmember Wilkinson asked Mrs. Evans if she had consulted with city staff
for clarification regarding the buffer prior to purchasing her home. Mrs. Evans
shared that she had met with the builder and spoken with attorneys. She relayed a
conversation with Mr. Hatcher where he had presented her with the minutes and
offered assurances that nothing, including a fence, could ever be built in the
Councilmember Blustein inquired about city requirements regarding permits for
tree removal and Mr. Suddreth responded that there were none for residential lots.
The Councilwoman asked if that was also true for historical trees and Mr.Suddreth
explained that permits were required only for certain types of development.
Councilwoman Blustein confirmed with Mrs. Evans that she had her own fence
on the property and that the removal of ground cover was not the primary
concern. There was discussion about the number and types of trees removed.
Councilmember Anulewicz questioned where to find the verbiage specifying a
natural undisturbed buffer and Mrs. Evans advised her that it was located on the
plat. Mr. Klase noted that nothing in the minutes specifically utilized that phrase.
The Councilwoman remarked that builders frequently offered assurances to
Mayor and Council to preserve as much existing vegetation as possible. Mr. Klase
emphasized the terminology in the minutes that the buffer would be as agreed to
by the builder.
Councilman Welch inquired about the number of trees removed and Mr.Suddreth
advised that he had not observed any trees removed in the 20' buffer. He relayed
the history of the process taken by Community Development and the appearance
of a neighborly dispute regarding the matter. Councilman Welch confirmed that if
the interior buffer was classified as natural and undisturbed that the existence of
the fence would be debatable.
Mayor Bacon stated that the plat showed a natural, undisturbed buffer but there
was no mention of the same in the minutes from the zoning hearing. Mr. Cochran
clarified that the reference on the minutes was assigned to the 20' buffer on
Concord Road. Mayor Bacon remarked on the different language regarding the
buffer and Mr. Suddreth stated that there had been an obvious distinction
between the two buffers.There was discussion with Councilman Fennel that
other homes in the subdivision had fences in the buffer.
Mr. Cochran called on Mr. Jaramillo, who advised that no trees had been
removed from the buffer zone. He stated that what Mrs. Evans was referring to
were four trees that had to be removed from his backyard at the time he moved
into his home. He noted that one of those was located outside of the original
fence but was still on his property. Mr. Jaramillo stated that he had contacted
the City prior to doing any work and received approval. He made known that the
trees that had been recently removed were diseased; one of which had fallen on
the Evans' house. Mr. Cochran inquired as to the location of the tree and Mr.
Jaramillo replied it had been on the corner of the property.
Mr.Jaramillo referenced the photos displayed by Mrs. Evans and shared that
the lush landscape depicted was a result of the angle of the photograph. He
shared that both neighbors could see into one another's homes from other
angles, regardless of the season. Mr. Jaramillo clarified that the City had walked
his property and verified that he had removed no trees from the supposed buffer
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The Mayor inquired how long Mr. Jaramillo had resided in that home and he
replied he had been there since 2008.
Councilwoman Anulewicz asked at what point Mr.Jaramillo was made aware of
the natural buffer and there was discussion he was aware at the time he
purchased his home.
Mr. Jaramillo read a statement in which he advised that the impetus for
constructing the fence in question was the four truck loads of garbage he had
pulled from the supposed buffer zone. He shared that his surrounding neighbors
utilized that space as a dumping ground and read off a list of trash items removed
from the area. Mr. Jaramillo stated that he had performed due diligence and only
cut down trees on his own property. Mr. Jaramillo informed all present that
he had been verbally attacked by Mrs. Evans and that this was a neighborly
dispute. He made known that on November 17, 2012 a confrontation had resulted
in him having to call the police. He advised Council that Mrs. Evans had made
derogatory remarks and filmed him and his workers in what he deemed a
harassing manner.
Mr.Jaramillo noted that a property survey revealed that the Evans'fence was
approximately 2.5' into his property; not 4"from the property line as claimed by
Mrs. Evans. He stated that he had taken the initiative to work with the City and
that staff had visited his property at least five times; he was never issued a
citation. Mr. Jaramillo shared that he would like the opportunity to enjoy his
backyard without suffering harassment from his neighbor.
The Mayor inquired into the exact location of the garbage and asked who had
removed it. Mr. Jaramillo responded that it had all been found in the area claimed
to be a buffer zone and that he had taken it out; some of the garbage was buried
and some was not.
Mrs. Evans remarked that Mr. Jaramillo had previously refuted the existence of
a natural undisturbed buffer and that she felt threatened by his actions.
Mr. Klase concluded that the matter was one of an interpretation and that Council
was considering a ruling of law, not a ruling of fact. He asked all to carefully
consider both the minutes and plat in context and enforce the conditions on the
Mr. Cochran closed the evidence and advised Mayor and Council that their role
was to determine if the interpretation was valid. He stated that the hearing was
Councilman Fennel raised the issue of personal property rights. He noted that
he had reviewed the site plans and visited the properties. He recognized the
difficulty of the dispute and stated that he respected the rights of individual
property owners. He announced that his analysis was that the undisturbed
buffer language referred only to the portion along Concord Rd.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilmember Fennel, to uphold the
Community Development Director's interpretation of zoning conditions and
requirements regarding a buffer, seconded by Councilmember Lnenicka.
Councilman Lnenicka shared that he had listened carefully to the evidence and
was empathetic to both parties. He noted that he had been a Councilmember at
the time of the original rezoning and praised the quality of the builders.
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Councilman Lnenicka emphasized that the matter was one of code and the
definition of buffers. He elaborated that buffers are generally only required
between properties with different uses; there was no code governing residential
buffers as owners would be deemed to have mutual interests. Councilman
Lnenicka advised that in this instance the language was put in to address the
property along Concord Rd and not the homes within the subdivisions. He stated
that he was not comfortable imposing restrictions on only one homeowner along
a shared property line. The Councilman recognized that Council did nothing to
prohibit an undisturbed buffer but did not mandate it as a requirement. He
concluded that it was appropriate to support the motion and deny the appeal.
Councilwoman Wilkinson questioned the language of the motion on the screen
and action was taken to update the electronic verbiage.
Councilwoman Anulewicz expressed her condolences for the Evans' loss. She
stated her appreciation for Councilman Lnenicka's comments and her agreement
of not imposing a buffer on only one property. She made known her inclination to
uphold the decision.
Councilman Welch stated that he had visited the properties and that Council
was currently charged with interpreting minutes of a 1996 hearing. He shared
his interpretation that all that was required was a buffer.The Councilman noted
that there was a fence on the Evans'side He shared his perception that the
impact of the neighbor's fence was minimal and expressed his desire for the
neighbors to be able to resolve this matter amicably.
The Mayor read aloud the motion.
Councilmember Wilkinson requested legal clarification of the discrepancy
between the plat and the minutes. Mr. Cochran referred to Mr. Suddreth's
comment that the wording on the plat met the requirement for"some type of
buffer" but did not result in the generation of additional stipulations. Mr. Cochran
explained that zoning stipulations are made at hearings which are advertised and
conducted according to law.
Councilwoman Wilkinson raised discussion about natural buffers and vegetation
being discussed in the minutes and there was clarification that those were in
reference to the 30' rear set back. Mr. Cochran read aloud stipulation #8: "The
buffers will be provided as agreed to by Mr. BradleyThompson i.e. a 20 foot
undisturbed buffer from the right of way of Concord Road for those houses which
abut Concord Road; and install some type buffer between the rear yards of the
newly constructed home where they abut other residential properties."
The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember
Welch, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel
Nay: 1 - Councilmember Wilkinson
7. Commercial Building Permits:
The Mayor stated that there were none.
8. Consent Agenda:
A motion was made by Councilmember Welch, seconded by Councilmember
Fennel,that this Consent Agenda be approved. The motion carried by the
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following vote:
Aye: 6 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember
Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and
Councilmember Fennel
A. 2013-272 Approval of July 15, 2013 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes
9. Committee Reports:
Councilwoman Blustein praised the birthday celebration event.
Councilwoman Anulewicz commented positively on the festivities and
reminded all of the start of the school year. She remarked on the opening of
the new Smyrna Elementary School and its positive impact on the community.
Councilman Welch seconded comments on the school and stated that he was
honored to have it in Smyrna.
Councilwoman Wilkinson informed all present of the upcoming movies to be
presented by the Parks and Recreation Department. She offered an update on
activities and presentations at the library, including an ice cream social hosted
by the Friends of the Library.
Councilman Lnenicka thanked the residents of Cedar Cliffs for inviting him to
their subdivision meeting. He shared that a delegation of Indian dignitaries
visiting Georgia State had come to Smyrna to learn about municipal
government.The Councilman complimented staff for their efforts organizing
the birthday festival. He advised all of an upcoming meeting regarding the
Atlanta Road median project to review final plans and thanked citizens for their
previous input. He encouraged all to come out and view the changes.
Councilman Fennel shared that he had attended the dedication ceremony for
the new Smyrna elementary and thanked citizen Pat Terry,who wrote a special
song in honor of the City.The Councilman expressed his gratitude to those
that were present at his 6th town hall meeting. He reminded all present that
only a few weeks remained for the Smyrna Fresh Market. He commended the
efforts of public safety and parks and recreation staff for their roles in handling
the logistics of the City's birthday celebration.
There were no further reports
10. Show Cause Hearings:
The Mayor stated that there were none.
11. Citizen Input:
Alex Backry of 3459 Shawnee Trail commented on the Hickory Lakes property,
remarking on a recent article regarding the city's redevelopment investments.
Mr. Backry inquired about interest payments being made and questioned the
validity of the purchases.
Laressa Edwards of 304 Hickory Springs displayed the newspaper containing
an article on City of Smyrna investments. Ms. Edwards inquired if the public
comments portion was a question and answer session and was informed that
it was not. Councilwoman Anulewicz advised her that she was welcome to
contact Council at anytime and provided her contact information. Mrs.
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Edwards questioned the number of Smyrna residents involved in making the
decision to purchase the Hickory Lakes property. She stated that there was a
96 percent chance the Mayor suffered from a false God complex as an
American thing for people in power. She stated that she would like the
government to change and see more people participate. Mrs. Edwards inquired
from what source the City would allocate money to make interest payments.
Mary Kirkendoll of 1078 Oakview commented on the status of the Concord Rd.
development and the destruction of trees. She noted that she attended a town
hall meeting hosted by Hunter Hill and relayed anecdotes. Ms. Kirkendoll
recommended that Council focus on bringing up old neighborhoods,
especially those along the Windy Hill corridor. She referenced the MDJ article
and opined that the ultimate goal of municipal government was to protect
neighborhoods and encourage private development.
12. Adjournment:
Mayor Bacon declared the meeting adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
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