07-15-2013 July 15, 2013 Mayor and Council Minutes Nom 2800 King Street City of Smyrna Smyrna, Georgia 30080 Meeting Minutes City Council Council Chambers Monday, July 15, 2013 7:30 PM Call to Order Present: 7 - Mayor Max Bacon, Councilmember Andrea Blustein, Councilmember Ten Anulewicz, Councilmember Charles Welch, Councilmember Susan Wilkinson, Councilmember Wade Lnenicka and Councilmember Ron Fennel Absent: 1 - Councilmember Melleny Pritchett Also Present: 12 - Eric Taylor, Scott Cochran, Terri Graham, Samantha Kasraie, Ken Suddreth, Russell Martin, Tammi Saddler Jones, Scott Stokes, Steve Ciaccio, Jennifer Bennett, Chris Addicks, Toni Jo Howard, Rachelle Ballard and Virginia Davis 1. lrvocation and Pledge: The Mayor called on Pastor Lee Delbridge of the Smyrna Christian Church, who delivered the invocation and led all in the pledge to the flag. 2. Agenda Changes: The Mayor stated that there were none. 3. Mayoral Report: The Mayor made an announcement regarding a missing Smyrna teenage girl and her photo was displayed. He called for assistance from the community in determining her whereabouts. 4. Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations: A. Public Hearing - Zoning Request Z13-011 - Approval of zoning amendment to modify the currently approved site plan - 0.615 Acre Tract - Land Lot 520 - 1201, 1207, 1215 & 1223 Hill Street - Traton Homes, LLC Sponsors:Anulewicz Mr. Taylor stated the applicant's request to eliminate shared driveways and reduce setbacks in order to build front loaded homes. He noted that no additional modifications were proposed and that the changes had been 1 City of Smyrna 7/15/2013 determined by Community Development to be in compliance with the original intent. Mr. Taylor stated that staff recommended approval. The Mayor confirmed that the applicant was present and announced the public ..w hearing, calling for comment. There was none. Councilwoman Anulewicz called on Mr. Suddreth, who provided details of the request and displayed a site map. Mr. Suddreth advised that the following conditions would apply: Standard Conditions (Requirements#2, 4, 8, and 17 from Section 1201 of the Zoning Code are not applicable) 1. The composition of the homes in a residential subdivision shall include a mixture of elements including; but not limited to: brick, stone, shake, hardy plank and stucco. No elevation shall be comprised of 100% hardy plank siding. The residences whose lots abut external roadways shall not be permitted to utilize hardy plank for any elevation facing these roads. 2. There shall be protective covenants with a mandatory homeowners association on all lots. These protective covenants shall be supplied to the City prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. Any detention pond shall be placed and screened appropriately to be unobtrusive to homes inside and outside the development. The storm water detention plan shall be designed to create at least a 10% reduction in a 2-year to 100-year storm event. The City Engineer shall approve all plans. MVO 4. All utilities within the development shall be underground. 5. The developer shall be responsible for any traffic improvements (including additional right-of-way dedications) deemed necessary by either the City or the County during construction plan review. Sidewalks shall be provided by the developer inside the subdivision and outside the subdivision adjacent to any public right-of-way consistent with City's requirements for the extent of the development. A grass buffer with a minimum width of 2' shall be provided between the back of curb and sidewalk. The grass buffer may be waived if it is deemed unnecessary by the City Engineer. 6. A strip of brick pavers or stamped concrete shall be installed on the driveway at the entrance for a minimum distance of 20 feet. 7. The development of any streets (including private) shall conform to the City's standards for public right-of-ways. 8. No debris may be buried on any lot or common area. 9. The developer will install decorative streetlights within the development, subject to approval by the City Engineer. Utilization of low intensity, environmental type lighting,the illumination of which shall be confined within the perimeter of the subject property through the use of"full-cutoff lighting". 10.The developer will comply with the City's current tree ordinance (unless '"'°i noted elsewhere). All required tree protection measures shall be adhered to by the developer during construction. 2 City of Smyrna 7/15/2013 11. All landscape plans must be prepared, stamped, and signed by a Georgia Registered Landscape Architect for any common areas or entrances. •- 12. All yards and common areas are to be sodded, and landscaped. Irrigate as appropriate. 13. All single-family and/or duplex residential lots shall provide the following at the time of certificate of occupancy: either four 3" caliper trees or three 4" caliper trees. The following species of trees may be used: Nuttall Oak, Swamp Chestnut Oak, Allee Elm, and Village Green Zelkova. Other species may be used if approved by the City. Special Conditions 14. The side elevation of the townhouses facing Atlanta Road shall include a mixture of elements to provide architectural interest including; but not limited to: doors, windows, shutters, and Juliet balconies. 15. A landscape buffer shall be provided along the western development boundary. The landscape buffer plan must provide adequate screening and be approved by the Community Development Department. 16. Trees shall be planted the entire length of Atlanta Road and Fleming Street at an average spacing of no more than 35'. 17. The right-of-way along Fleming Street and Hill Street shall be increased to 25' from the centerline. m""" 18. The association documents shall contain a restriction such that garages are to be used for vehicle parking only. 19. The common drive for the single-family detached shall be one-way, heading west to east. 20. The single-family detached driveways shall have a minimum length of 22' from garage face to edge of common drive. 21. The development shall maintain the following setbacks: Single Family Detached Front (Hill Street) -20'from existing right-of-way Rear- 15' Interior Side-5' with a minimum of 15' between structures Exterior Side-20' Townhomes Front and Major Side (Atlanta Rd & Fleming St) -10' Rear(West Boundary)-25' Side (South Boundary)- 10' Building front to rear-36' 22. The applicant shall be bound to the elevations submitted and dated 6/14/2013. Approval of any change to the elevations must be obtained from the Director of Community Development. Mr. Suddreth noted that a question about garage doors had been raised and that the applicant had stated those would be carriage doors. Councilwoman Anulewicz expressed the importance of installing genuine carriage doors and the applicant confirmed those would exist. 3 City of Smyrna 7/15/2013 The applicant, Chris Posten, explained that the request was being made to better accommodate market conditions. Mayor Bacon inquired if there were plans to develop other locations in Smyrna and there was discussion about the .. potential of upcoming projects. A motion was made by Councilmember Anulewicz, seconded by Councilman Fennel,that Zoning Request Z13-011 - Approval of zoning amendment to modify the currently approved site plan -0.615 AcreTract- Land Lot 520 - 1201, 1207, 1215 & 1223 HillStreet-Traton Homes, LLC be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel 5. Privilege Licenses: A. Public Hearing - Privilege License Request LIC 2013-21 - Beer Wine Package - 2691 South Cobb Drive - Nepal Investment LLC dba Cobb Food Mart Sponsors: Wilkinson Mr. Taylor stated that applicant Deepak Pahari had been given a copy of the city's alcohol ordinance, attended the mandatory training and that a background check had failed to produce any information that would preclude the issuance of the license. Mr. Taylor advised that staff recommended .. approval. The Mayor announced the public hearing and called for comment. There was none. The applicant was sworn in. Councilwoman Wilkinson advised that the business would be in Ward 5. Mr. Pahari shared the services that would be offered and noted that the facility would open once gas, lottery and alcohol licensing were in place. The Councilwoman inquired if there would be a grand opening. Mr. Pahari shared some of the proposed plans for that event. He advised that the station would be a Texaco instead of a Marathon. The Mayor announced that the missing girl had been located. Councilwoman Wilkinson stated that the City conducted occasional stings and confirmed that the applicant was aware of that practice. There was discussion about the store's planned training and procedures to prevent underage alcohol sales. Councilman Lnenicka inquired if an opening date had been determined and the applicant responded that it would be announced once scheduled. The Councilman recommended that Mr. Pahari contact community development regarding any signage for the grand opening event. The applicant commented on his positive experiences working with city staff to open his business in Smyrna. A motion was made by Councilmember Wilkinson, seconded by Councilmember Lnenicka, that Privilege License Request LIC 2013-21 -Beer Wine Package - 2691 South Cobb Drive - Nepal Investment LLC dba Cobb mow Food Mart be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember 4 City of Smyrna 7/15/2013 Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Counci|memberFenna| � paw ~^ Formal business: ^ A' Approval of Ward 1 Appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority Sponsors: Pritchett A motion was made by Councilmember Blustein, seconded by Councilmember Fennel, that the approval of Ward 1 appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority be tabled to the August 5, 2013 meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 - Counni|mamberB|ushein. Counci|memberAmu|ewiox. Counci|nlamber Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel B. Approval of Ward 5 Appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority Sponsors: Wilkinson A motion was made by Councilmember Wilkinson, seconded by Councilmember Welch, that that the approval of Ward 5 appointment to the Smyrna Housing Authority be tabled to the August 5, 2013 meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 Counoi|momborB|umbain. Counoi|memberAnu|ewicz. Cound|member Welch, Councilmember �ounoi|nnemberLnenickaand . Wilkinson,. Counui|memberFenno| C. Approve the purchase of property for the purpose of a new Recycling Center and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents Sponsors: Welch Mr. Taylor advised that the replacement of the recycling center had been approved as part of the 2011 SPLOST vote. He shared the details of the property at 3475A Lake Dr. in Smyrna that was under consideration and stated that staff recommended the purchase in the amount of$435,000. Councilman Welch elaborated that the search for the property had been ongoing for several months. He noted that this parcel was close to the existing facility and centralized in the City. A motion was made by Councilmember Welch, seconded by Councilmember Fennel, that the purchase of property for the purpose of a new recycling center and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 6 Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Commercial Building Permits: The Mayor stated that there were none. 5 City of Smyrna 7n5/2013 8. Consent Agenda:Mr. Taylor read aloud the consent agenda. A. Approval of July 1, 2013 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes Mlle! These minutes were approved. B. Award RFP 13-031 Ward Street Improvements to the lowest Bidder Baldwin Paving Company, Inc for $827,564.11 and authorize the Mayor to execute any associated documents Sponsors: Anulewicz and Wilkinson This RFP/Bid Award was approved. C. Award RFP 13-025 Creatwood Trail Drainage Improvements project to the lowest bidder KM Davis Contracting Company for $309,240.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents Sponsors: Lnenicka This RFP/Bid Award was approved. D. Authorization to execute the Windy Hill Road Widening CSX Transportation Engineering Agreement Sponsors: Anulewicz This Authorization was approved. 4111111‘ E. Award Bid RFP 13-026 Kathy Lane Culvert Replacement to the lowest bidder, Industrial Facilities Solutions for $197,149.50 and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents Sponsors: Lnenicka This RFP/Bid Award was approved. F. Authorize the installafion of two speed tables on Fleming Street at the Hughes Street and Grady Street intersections Sponsors: Anulewicz This Authorization was approved. G. Approval and adoption of Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Transition Plan and authorize Mayor to execute related documents Sponsors: Lnenicka This Authorization was approved. H. Approval and adoption of revised Personnel Policy EMP 3-0 Recruitment and Selection and authorize Mayor to execute related documents Sponsors: Lnenicka This Authorization was approved. 6 City of Smyrna 7/15/2013 ) A motion was made by Councilmember Lnenicka, seconded by Councilmember Anulewicz, that all items on the consent agenda be approved. The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: G ' Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Council b Wilkinson, Cnunci|memberLn*nicheand Couno|mnqpberFenna| 9. Committee Reports: Councilwoman B|umtein called on Mr. Suddreth,who presented statistics for Community Development. He noted that activity had slowed for the summer and highlighted an overall increase in the number of inspections. The Councilwoman remarked on a slowing of the housing market and cited the recent increase in interest rates. Councilwoman Anulewicz commented on the success and positive feedback of the recent summer concert. Jennifer Bennett reminded all of the upcoming birthday celebration on August 3rd and Tuesday's Food Truck event. The Mayor requested that she speak about the Arthur Bacon Golf Tournament and she provided general details. Toni Jo Howard shared that a budget summary and budget in brief were available on the website. Councilwoman Anulewicz lauded the budget in brief and stated that a link to the document was available on her facebook account. Councilman Welch offered updates on the Concord Rd. p ject and other construction activity throughout the city. pm. Virginia Davis shared details of the upcoming adopt a mile and fresh market events. She advised that Keep Smyrna Beautiful would have shredding services on August 14th. Councilman Lnenicka confirmed that 100 lbs was the maximum. Mary Moore congratulated the winners of the library's recycled art contest. She announced the new wireless printing service. Steve Ciaccio advised that the dehumidification system was being installed at the Wolfe Center. He shared the movie night selections and dates and stated that a public meeting would be held at the community center to review the city's master parks plan. Mr. Ciaccio stated that the rescheduled Arthur Bacon Golf Tournament would be held August 3rd and 4th and provided registration details. Councilwoman Blustein inquired if the senior center was closed for the repair and Mr. Ciaccio responded that it was not. Mr. Taylor inquired if the originally registered golfers would be notified of the revised event. Councilman Lnenicka commented on the importance of being aware of children's whereabouts and encouraged families to remain vigilant. He shared that the recent L.A. Times crossword puzzle contained the City of Smyrna as an answer and remarked on the significance. Councilman Fennel echoed sentiments about the need to watch over the well-being of children in the community and commended the Public Safety department. He encouraged all to take the opportunity to thank service 7 City of Smyrna 7v5/2013 1131YA*0 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEETING • A. MAX BACON, AYOR [ERR! GRAHAM, CITY CLERK Kikt kOZ, a-- (litAXL,Li, MELLENY PRITCHETT, WARD 1 ANDREA BLUSTEIN, WARD 2 ckil ... 1,0 a. T RI A ULEWICZ, W J D 3 CHARLES A.WELCH, WARD 4 • .16./ SUSAN WILKINSON, WARD 5 WADE S. LNENIC A, WARD 6 Arrz i FE WARD 7