July 16, 2001 Council Meeting
July 16, 2001
Mayor and Council was held July 16, 2001 at
was called to order at 7:30 o'clock p.m. by presiding
All council members were present. Also present was City
City Administrator Howard Smith, Police Chief Stanley Hook,
Public Works Director Scott Stokes, Community
Miller, Finance Oirector Claudia Edgar, Keep Smyrna
Ann Kirk, Library Director Michael Seigler and rcpresentativcs of
the press.
Invocation was given by Councilman Pete Wood, followed by the pledge to the flag.
CITIZENS INPUT: Floyd Millis asked when the grass could be cut at Brawners now
that the City is purchasing it. Mayor Bacon said Scott Stokes has been asked to prepare a
budget tor maintenance and it would be cut immediately aftcr it is purchased. Mr. Millis
said hewoul<i also like to keep the old building. Mr. Millis suggested that the City also
consider acquisition ofthc old ice plant property on Roswell Road for some additional
green space. Mayor Bacon said it was his understanding that a petition is being circulated
asking that we acquire that prop~rty plus the house adjacent to it, so there is a possibility
that something could be done with that. Mr. Millis said when he was annexed into the
City, their estimated city taxes wer~ $300 but they were just reassessed and his taxes will
mor~ than double as a result. Councilman Lnenieka said many of the homes in his ward
were r~assessed and we are hoping that when the tax digest is reeeived, we will be able to
reduce taxes by maybe one-third of a mill.
(A) Ordinance amendment Section 18-11 Errors and violations
Howard Smith stated this ordinance would provide that when errors are made in review
of site plans or issuance of building pennits, it will not change the responsibility of the
builder to comply with the codes.
Councilman Newcomb statedtha.t from time to time the city issues a permit and it turns
out th~r~ is an~rror or omission in the plan review. We need a statement in the code that
if there is BOll")e oversight and we find it, we can require the correction of errors. There
were nQqlleStiOI1ii>or comments fr()11)Ah~ audience. Councilman Newcomb made a
motionth~ ordinance be approved. Councilman Scoggins seconded the motion, which
carried 7-0.
(B) Ordinance amendment ~ Section 18-11 Rental buildings, inspection and
Howard Smith stated we have been. studying the possibility of establishing an inspection
fee for single-tamily residential rental units.
Councihnan Newcomb said th~COlnmunity Developlnent COlnmittee has been looking at
this ordinance for some time. It has been advertised for a public hearing tonight but they
wouldli[l<~.s9lTI~..additional time to perfect this ordinance. Therc wcrc no questions or
comlnentsfrqlnth~ audience. Collncilman Newcomb made a motion the proposed new
ordinancebetal>lcd to the August 6, 2001 meeting. Councilman Hawkins seconded the
Inotion, which carried 7-0.
(C) Annexation of property in Land Lot 477, 17'h District, 2nd Section
Councilman Wood said there was a problem with the legal description that was
advertised for the public hearing tonight and made a motion this item be tabled to the
AUh'Ust 6,2001 meeting. A correctedJegal description has been published for that date.
There were no comments or questions from the audience. Councihnan Cr31ner seconded
the motion, which carried 7-0.
-Lllly 16,2001 meeting - continued
(D) Privileged license ~ Exxon Express, 2370 Spring Road agent/owner change
Howard Srnith stated that Neelam Keshvani has applied for a license as the registered
agent for Exxon Express at 2370 Spring Road. The police investigation failed to
reveal any infonnation which would preclude issuance of the license. There were no
questions or comments from the audience.
Murad Ali, applicant and owner was present with Ms. Keshvani. Councilman said
there was some previous concern that Ms. Keshvani would not be here all the tiIne
and would be back and forth frOln other states. Ms. Keshvani said she is a full tin-re
resident of Georgia. Councilman Newcomb reminded Ms. Keshvani that the manager
has to be on the premises or on other premises owned by the same company within
the same region but she could not be in another state. Ms. Keshvani said she
understood that. Ms. Keshvani said she has previous experience selling alcoholic
beverages in New York. Councilman Newcomb reIninded the applicants that we do
conduct sting operations and are very serious about ensuring that sales are not Inade
to under aged persons.
Councilwoman Pritchett asked the applicants what they were told about selling
alcohol when they acquired the property; i.e., could they sell prior to applying for this
license. Mr. Ali said he was told that if the manager of USA Grocery was going to be
in the store, they could continue to sell beer and wine while the application was
pending. Mr. Ali said that USA Grocery and North Georgia Convenience are the
same, and they have a license to sell beer and wine. Ms. Pritchett said she has noticed
on Sunday that their beer signs were illuminated and asked Scott Cochran to research
the ordinances and see if there were any ordinances to prohibit the signs from being
illuminated on Sunday. Mr. Ali said he would make sure in the future that the signs
were not turned on.
Councilman Newcomb asked for further clarification on the ownership. Mr. Ali said
his company is Exxon Express, and USA Grocery and North Georgia Convenience
are the sarne, and are his landlords. Councilman Newcomb Inadc a motion the retail
package license be approved as requested. Councilman Hawkins seconded the motion
which carried 6-0-1, with Councilwoman Pritchett abstaining.
(E) V ariance ~ 260 I Gilbert Street increase size of accessory structure
Councilman Scoggins said he had a letter from the applicant, Marvin Young, requesting
that the variance be withdrawn without prejudice and made a motion it be withdrawn as
requested. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
(F) Variance 600 Concord Road decrease street side yard setback
Howard Smith sated the zoning code requires the minimum street side yard setback for a
corner lot to be two-thirds of the front yard setback. The applicant is requesting a
variancc to construct an addition within the street side yard setback and based upon this
requircmcnt, the Valiance will decrease the required 33 feet to 8 teet. There was no
opposition to thc variance request.
Applicant Johnny Wilson said they wanted to extend the back of their building which will
allow them to provide employee parking in the back of the building and save the front
spaces for customer parking.
Councilman Wood made a motion the variance be approved with the following
stipulations: 1) Construction of a new asphalt drive in place of the proposed gravel drive
connecting the tour parking spaces to Dunton Circle, and those new spaces wiU be
asphalted; 2) Addition of a brick base to convert the existing non-confonl-ring pole sign
to a monument sign; 3) Installation of a 5 foot wide landscaped strip consisting of a
hedgerow between Dunton Circle and the new parking lot to screen thc ncw parking area.
Councilman Cramer seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
July 16, 2001 meeting - continued
(G) Variance - 653 Rosedale Drive - reduction in rear setback for secondary
accessory building
applicant has a recreation vehicle that he would like to park
to protect it. There is a fence that almost totally screens the structure
The applicant, Stacy Hall, was sworn in with three others in
Councilman Wood said he had visited Mr. Hall to review the propcrty and he does have
an existing freestanding garage on the property. This variance would allow a second
accessory structure, 1.5 feet from the rear property line. This has been reviewed by the
Comlnunity Development Department and they recommend approval of the variance.
Mr. Hall stated he parks his motor home on an existing concrete pad and he is no longer
able to pull a tarp over it. The variance will allow construction of a 12-foot awning with
metal posts to protect the motor hOlTle from the elements.
Jerri Cash of 3890 RedbudC9urt, Brenda Epstein of 3900 Redbud Court and Carl
Swanson of636 Rosedale voic~d their opposition to the variance. Following discussion,
Coun(:.:ilmanWood made a motion the variance request be tabled to August 6, 2001 to
allQwtheCommunity Developm~ntstaffto meet with Mr. Hall and the neighbors to see
ifth~y(:.:ancome up with an alterna..tive plan that might be acceptable to everyone.
Councilman Cramcr seeonded the motion, which carried 7-0.
(H) Variance ~ 1485 Diane Court reduction in side yard setback, lot width and
lot size
Howard Stnith stated the subjectPfoperty contains an existing duplex in the Springwood
Manor Subdivision and is ZOned RD (Residential Duplex). The applicant is requesting a
varian(:.:e to subdivide the duplex into two fee-simple units. Because the existing building
and property are to be subdivid~dinto 2 lots, variances are needed relative to the RD
Zoning District's minimum side yard setbacks, lot width and lot size. Section 801 of the
Zoning Code included mil)irnUm requirements for side yard setbacks at 7.5 feet, lot width
of7?iteet and lot size of 12,500 square feet. If approved, neither of the resulting 2 units
will meet those minimum requireInents. There was no opposition to the variance request.
Ken Slutzky stated he owns a duplex on this property and for eeonomic reasons and for
the ease ()fs~11irl.pthe property,h~wanted to convert the duplex into two fee simple
townhOl..,lse$:::;othatthey ean be sold separately. There will be no change to the property
itself. Mr. slutz[l<ysaid there is a very limited market now for investment property and
particularly duplexes and these types of properties went out of favor with investors
following the 1986 tax law change. These units have been rented since 1983 and by
selling as fee simple townhouses they will become owner/occupied units.
Councilman Hawkins made a motion the following variances be approved:
UNIT I - South side line 7.5 to 0 feet; minimum frontage 75 to 49 feet; minimum lot size
12,500 to 7,800 square feet.
UNIT 2 - South side line 7.5 to 5 feet; north side line 7.5 to 0 feet; minimum frontage 75
to 37 feet; nlinin-rUTn lot size 12,500 to 4,000 square teet.
Counciln-ran Scoggins seconded the motion. Councilman Newcomb said he supported the
nlotion but asked if a stipulation could be attached that the variance be for this building
only. Councilman Hawkins amendcd the Inotion to approve the variance for this structure
only, and not to run with the lot. Vote on the motion carried 7-0.
(1) Variance ~ 2930 Mann Street decrease in front yard setback
Uoward Snlith stated the owner is requesting a variance to replace the front concrete
block foundation and add a new room and front porch. The variance will require a
.rilly 16, 200 I meeting - continued
decrease in the front setback from the existing 32 feet to a minimum of 21. I feet. There
was no opposition.
Cy Gannuch stated this house was built in the early 1940's and the front wan is caving in.
The previous owner attempted to correct the probleIn but he would like to excavate the
front yard, relnove the block wall and pour a new concrete wall. At the same time they
will add a 12 x 12 room addition and front porch.
Councihnan Hawkins pointed out that the existing house currently encroaches 8 feet into
the setback and stated the adjoining property owners had no objections to the variance.
Councihnan Hawkins n1ade a Inotion the variance be approved to reduce the front yard
setback from the present 32 feet down to 2 1.1 feet. Councilman Scoggins seconded the
motion, which carried 7-0.
(A) Authorize the Mayor to sign the Amendment and Modification to the Cross
Parking and Drainage EaseInent Between 15t Baptist Church of Smyrna and
the City of Smyrna
Howard Smith stated this ah'Teement permits the City to demolish the old library building
and construct parking at that location and have cross parking use for the next 10 years as
public parking for City Hall. It also provides a cross access easement from the Village
Market parking lot into the church parking lot on which we already have a cross parking
easeInent and will assist both groups in making parking available to theIn.
Councilman Newcomb made a motion the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement.
Councilman Cramer seconded the motion which carried 7-0.
Councilman Hawkins made a motion to suspend the rules to add an additional item (B) to
the agenda. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
(8) Authorize the Mayor to sign Intergovernmental Contract Agreement between
City of Smyrna and Downtown Development Authority
Councilman Hawkins stated the City has agreed to purchase the Brawners property and
this agreement win authorize the financing. Councilman Hawkins read the resolution
which would authorize the issuance of $2,785,000 in revenue bonds for the acquisition of
this property. Councihnan Hawkins made a motion the agreement be approved.
Councilman Scoggins seconded the motion, which carried 7-0.
Nothing to report.
(A) Approval of minutes ~ July 2,2001 meeting
(B) Authorize acquisition of sewer easement through negotiations and/or
condemnation ~ Wills Street/Collicr Drive
(C) Approval of FY2002 I % road improvement budget
(D) Approval to request bids ~ stack chairs for Community Center
(E) Authorize Mayor to sign agreement with Altimira Design
(F) Approval to use council chambers Wednesday, August I, 2001 from 7:00 p.m.
to 9:00 p.m. for Ward 2 meeting
Councihnan Wood Inade a motion the consent agenda be approved. Councilman Cramer
seconded the n-rotion, which carried 7-0.
July 16, 2001 meeting - continued
Councilman Wood called on Jennifer Bennett tor a report trom Community Relations.
Ms. Bennett remind~deveryone of the annual birthday celebration August 4th.
Library Director Michael Seigler reported that the month of June was the biggest month
eVer at th~Library, with 19,329 people coming to the Library and 15,426 items
cir9ulat~d.TheFriends of the Library will have their general membership meeting
Thursday night and everyone is invited. Also, tickets to the annual dinner theatre are
available for sale.
Tommy Jackson frOln the Parks and Recreation Departm.ent announced the Inain events
for the Fun in the Sun program. This program is fi'ee of charge for kids 12 and under and
is held at the gazebo behind the Community Center. Also, for the next couple of weeks
Tolleson Park field and Campbell Middle School field will be closed 1'<.)1" re-sodding.
Councilman Lnenicka recognized Towne Creek Manor Apartments for the new, very
attractive monument sign they have erected, with a name change to Epic Manor.
Councilman Cramer called on Human Resourees Director Chris Corey. Mr. Corey
announced current job vacancies in the City.
Councilman Crarnerannounceqthat th~ vacant Drugs for Less building on South Cobb
Driv~is seh~<iuledfor demoIition.C;ouncilman Cramer stated the task torce recently
created to oversee code enforcement has been busy, trying to upgrade the north end of the
City and improve quality of life for those residents.
Councilman Cramer also urged ev~ryone to support our Veterans Memorial by
purehasing a brick honoring a loved one who has served in the military.
Councilman Hawkins called on Finance Director Claudia Edgar who reported that the
watering restrictions are still in effcct in the metro area.
Councilman Hawkins statedth~re are some rumors about plans to widen Concord Road.
Thepllrpose of the recently approved ICTEA grant was to study the feasibility of a linear
park trail on Concord Road running from South Cobb to Atlanta Road. The grant was
only to fund the study and later on, funds will have to be approved for the actual
construction. Councilman Hawkins said to his knowledgc, there are no plans to widen
Concord Road in the near future.
Councilman Scoggins called on Keep Smyrna Beautiful Coordinator Ann Kirk who
remindedev~ryone of the Adopt a Mile cleanup on Saturday, July 21st starting at 8:00
a.m. The Work Glove luncheon will be planned for late August and they are appealing to
the community tor door prizes. Also, the next Image Enhancement A ward will be
presented to Tires Plus at the next meeting.
Councilman Scoggins read a letter from a resident on Highland Oaks Court praising the
Public Works Department for their service.
Counciln-ran Newcomb caned on Community Development Director Chris Miller who
provided building statistics for June.
Councilman Newcomb reported that there would be a Ward 2 meeting July 9th at City
CouncilwOlTIan Pritchett stated she had met with Jennifer Bennett regarding the
ComInunity Culture Committee and had received some very good information. They will
haye a meeting soon and win be reporting to Mayor and Council. Ms. Pritchett said that
Jennifer has also instituted study circles and if anyone was interested in participating to
please givc her a call.
CouncilwOlnan Pritchett advised that she has received a number of inquiries about Argyle
ElcII)entary School, and they are doing some new landscaping there, with State funds
obtained through the assistance of Councilman Newcomb.
July 16, 200 I meeting - continued
Councilman Cramer stated there was a record llmnber of attendees at the recent Chamber
of Commerce breakfast whcrc the Mayor gave the State of the City address, and it was a
good presentation.
With no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.