01-22-2013 January 22, 2013 Mayor and Council Minutes City of Smyrna 2800 King Street Smyrna, GA 30080 www.smyrnacity.corn E.Z4 . ‘,. 1 ,4 Meeting Minutes - Final Tuesday, January 22, 2013 7:30 PM Council Chambers City Council City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 mow Call to Order Present: 8- Mayor Max Bacon, Councilmember Melleny Pritchett, Councilmember Andrea Blustein, Councilmember Teri Anulewicz, Councilmember Charles Welch, Councilmember Susan Wilkinson, Councilmember Wade Lnenicka and Councilmember Ron Fennel Also Present: 9- Scott Cochran, Samantha Kasraie, Jessica Melton, Christy Ullman, Mike Brown, Jason Lanyon, Steve Ciaccio, Jennifer Bennett and Chris Addicks 1. Invocation and Pledge: The Mayor called on Pastor Mike Parker,who gave the invocation and led all in the pledge to the flag. 2. Agenda Changes: tabling 4(A)public hearing The Mayor stated that item 4(A)would be tabled until the February 18th,2013 meeting. 3. Mayoral Report: The Mayor stated that there was none. mow 4. Land Issues/Zonings/Annexations: Public Hearing-Zoning Request Z12-009 - Modification of currently approved site plans and building elevations - 6.23 Acre Tract- Land Lots 620 and 677 -4560 South Cobb Drive - Columbia Properties, Inc. Tabled from December 17, 2012 meeting, to be tabled to February 18, 2013 meeting. Sponsors: Lnenicka The Mayor announced that this was a public hearing and called for citizen input.There was none.Councilman Lnenicka noted that he,along with Councilman Fennel, wanted to meet with nearby neighborhoods to discuss the proposed plans and gather input. Councilmember Lnenicka,seconded by Councilmember Fennel,that this Zoning be tabled to February 18,2013.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel 5. Privilege Licenses: The Mayor stated that there were none. NNW City of Smyrna Page 1 Printed on 2/412013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 olopm 6. Formal business: vow City of Smyrna Page 2 Printed on 2/4/2013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 MOM Public Hearing - Charter Amendment- Ordinance#2012-23 Amending Section 6 (c)- Redistricting Plan of the Seven Wards of the City of Smyrna. Tabled from December 17th, 2012 meeting- To be voted on February 4 , 2013 meeting Ron Fennel was called to speak Mayor Bacon announced the public hearing on the charter amendment 2012-23 and called on Mr.Taylor to provide the background.It was explained that the districts were being redrawn to accommodate census results and that a Ward specific meeting had been held to address concerns raised at the previous public hearing.Mr.Taylor shared that the proposed map incorporated citizen input and presented a solution taking that input into account.He explained that two votes were required for this item and that one would be taking place that evening.The Mayor announced that this was a public hearing,a map of the proposed districting was displayed and he called on Linda Meggers,who had been hired to oversee the redistricting process. Ms.Meggers detailed the process and the changes made from the original proposal.She presented the displayed map and explained that the Rose Garden and Davenport communities had raised concerns about being combined in Ward 2, preferring to remain split between districts. Councilwoman Anulewicz stated that the feedback from those communities had been unanticipated.She noted that from the beginning of the process Council had tried to take into consideration the desire of the residents in those '^ neighborhoods to unite. Ms.Meggers responded that she felt she was able to satisfactorily explain to the members of the community what changes were feasible without substantial ripple effects into other districts.Councilwoman Anulewicz expressed her comfort with this map given the feedback from the neighborhood meeting,the resolve from the community and the efforts of the City to defer to the wishes of those residents.Councilwoman Blustein stated that council tried hard to reunite those communities but that citizens were not pleased with original proposal.She stated her acceptance of the new plan due to the fact that the community was happy with the solution. Councilwoman Wilkinson expressed to Ward 5 constituents that Ward 5 changed very little other than Surrey Park,a condominium complex,shifting into Ward 3.The Mayor stated that there were major changes to Wards 7,4 and 3.Councilman Fennel detailed the challenge that takes place every 10 years to, according to constitution,achieve parity with districting.He noted the major changes in Ward 7 due to the exceptional growth in that area and highlighted some of the new boundaries of Ward 7.Councilman Fennel mentioned the upcoming town hall for the zoning committee as an example of cross Ward cooperation on matters. Councilman Fennel thanked Ms.Megers for her assistance and confirmed that the meeting held with Rose Garden and Davenport,and the resultant map drawn following the conclusion of that session,would meet the expectations of both the Justice Department and the residents.Ms.Meggers offered that she was confident it met the needs of the neighborhood even though there were some that still prefered being kept together.She highlighted that there was no boundary to separate those communities from the adjoining apartment complex and that once residents understood that limitation they were willing to reach a compromise.She elaborated that the plan was in compliance with the City of Smyrna Page 3 Printed on 2/4/2013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 room justice gudileines requiring that there be no retrogression and Councilman Fennel clarified that neither of the two proposed plans contained retrogression,though the original plan had a slightly higher percentage of minorities. It was concluded that there was high confidence the Department of Justice would appreciate the map that incorporated the input from the residents in attendance at the meeting and that it would be an acceptable plan. A motion was made by Councilmember Anulewicz,seconded by Councilmember Welch,that this Authorization be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Appointment of Ward 2 Representative to Keep Smyrna Beautiful to fulfill a term to expire December 31, 2013 Sponsors: Blustein A motion was made by Councilwoman Blustein to appoint Pamela Dobb as Ward 2 representative to Keep Smyrna Beautiful to fulfill a term to expire December 31,2013.The motion was seconded by Councilmember Pritchett, that this Appointment be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Appointment of Ward 2 Representative to the Smyrna Hospital Authority for a term to expire May 2016 Sponsors: Blustein A motion was made by Councilmember Blustein to appoint Ron Gooden as Ward 2 representative to the Smyrna Hospital Authority for a term to expire May,2016.Motion was seconded by Councilmember Pritchett,that this Appointment be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Appointment of Board Member to Downtown Development Authority to fulfill a term to expire April 2013 A motion was made by Councilmember Anulewicz to appoint Jim Duelmer to serve on the Downtown Development Authority to fulfill a term to expire April, 2013.Motion was seconded by Councilmember Pritchett,that this Appointment be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, WNW Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel City of Smyrna Page 4 Printed on 2/4/2013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 Approval of the hiring of a Library Director Sponsors: Wilkinson The Mayor called on Mr.Taylor,who provided the background that Mary Wallace Moore would be relocating from Huntsville,AL to start February 25, 2013.Councilwoman Wilkinson announced that Ms.Moore had over 15 years experience with the Huntsville/Madison public library. A motion was made by Councilmember Wilkinson,seconded by Councilmember Welch,that this Appointment be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Approval of the hiring of a Chief of Police Sponsors: Fennel Mr.Taylor announced that Mr.David Lee would be replacing Stan Hook as Police Chief and officially assume his role on February 4,2013.Councilman Fennel stated his pleasure at being involved in the search for the position,that he was pleased to announce the appointment of David Lee and invited Chief Lee to speak.Chief Lee thanked all for their support,sharing his excitement at working with the fine officers and residents of Smyrna and stating his ,, committment to the City.A motion was made by Councilmember Fennel.A second by Councilwoman Pritchett was recognized by the Mayor,that this Appointment be approved.The Mayor welcomed Chief Lee and thanked Councilman Fennel for his level of participation.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Approval of 2013 Commercial Sanitation Rates Mr.Taylor explained that there was a 3%escalator clause for in the City's contract with Advanced Disposal,effective March 1,2013.Rather than the City absorbing that cost,it was recommended that the charge be passed along to the commercial sanitation users.Councilwoman Anulewicz emphasized that this was a pass through of the fee increase from the provider.A motion was made by Councilmember Anulewicz,seconded by Councilmember Pritchett, that this Authorization be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 6- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember Fennel Nay: 1 - Councilmember Lnenicka City of Smyrna Page 5 Printed on 2/4/2013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 Approval of Ordinance 2013-01 amending Article I, Chapter 86, Section 86-4 Service Rates -City of Smyrna Code of Ordinances Mr.Taylor shared that an ordinance was approved the previous year to pass along water rate increases at the same time and at the same rate that they increased form the provider.Staff recommended the same procedure be used for sanitation rate increases.Councilwoman Anulewicz noted that it was a business decision to pass through the commericial rate increases and that it would be enacted as an ordinance.A motion was made by Councilmember Anulewicz,seconded by Councilmember Welch,that this Rate Increase be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: Aye: 5- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch and Councilmember Fennel Nay: 2- Councilmember Wilkinson and Councilmember Lnenicka 7. Commercial Building Permits: 8. Consent Agenda: The Mayor asked that Mr.Taylor read aloud the Consent Agenda.A motion was made by Councilmember Pritchett,seconded by Councilmember Fennel,that this be approved.The motion carried by the following vote: mow Aye: 7- Councilmember Pritchett, Councilmember Blustein, Councilmember Anulewicz, Councilmember Welch, Councilmember Wilkinson, Councilmember Lnenicka and Councilmember Fennel Approval of January 7, 2013 Mayor and Council Meeting Minutes Approval to use Council Chambers on January 17, 2013 from 6:00-10:00 pm for The Heritage of Vinings HOA Meeting in Ward 6 Sponsors: Lnenicka Approval of Street Paving Projects List City of Smyrna Page 6 Printed on 2/4/2013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 .. 9. Committee Reports: Councilman Fennel called on Acting Chief Mike Brown,who expressed his gratitude to Chief Hook for his 23 years of service,wishing him well.He welcomed Chief David Lee,on behalf of the Police Department,and lauded his character and leadership reputation.Acting Chief Brown announced the new hires coming on board to resolve short staffing issues and provided an update on the injured motorcycle officers.He relayed the successful outcome of a recent car-jacking,the closure of a 1998 case and multiple arrests in a burglary ring that resulted in recovery of stolen goods.He announced statistics for the year and the status of a grant for an automatic license plate reader. Fire Chief Lanyon stated that the department was short staffed and in the process of hiring. He brought up winter safety issues and offered safety tips for weather related hazards,including the proper installation and usage of wood stoves,fireplaces,furnaces,electric space heaters and frozen water pipes.He expressed the importance of working smoke detectors and there was discussion about a recent tragedy where smoke detectors were not in operation.Chief Lanyon encouraged all to prepare for storms,where rescue assistance might not be immediately available,directing all to ready.gov for a checklist of essential items and emergency procedure manuals.The Mayor asked that Chief Lanyon discuss outside burning and it was confirmed that there was none permitted in Smyrna.He noted that there were stipulations for recreational fires and urged all interested to contact the fire department.He remarked that anyone burning rubbish would be violating EPA standards as well as city regulations and prosecuted accordingly. Councilman Lnenicka called on Kay Bolick,who delivered a report on Human Resources.She stated that the positions for Tolleson Pool were being filled, along with some other part-time positions.She shared that HR had been busy with several position closings and a large number of applications being received.She discussed the ways in which resumes could be submitted and the fact that HR was in the process of switching over to a new online application system,providing contact information and details. Councilman Lnenicka expressed his gratitude to Ms.Bolick for her dedication,thanked the Vinings Glen HOA for inviting him to their annual meeting and commented that he had been honored to meet with the Heritage at Vinings HOA. He announced an upcoming meeting to be held in conjunction with Councilman Welch and the Forest Hills preservation group. Councilwoman Wilkinson called on Steve Ciaccio,who announced that the spring and summer recreational guide would be available soon. He shared that Smyrna would host its first Bridal Show on February 17th at the Taylor Brawner Hall and provided contact information for those wishing additional details.The Councilwoman called on Ms.Tammi Saddler-Jones,who announced the upcoming library events including the Murder Goes South festival.Ms. Saddler-Jones shared the reading with Ringling Brothers program that offered a chance for kids to earn a free ticket to the circus.She made known the contact information for those parents wishing to learn more. Councilman Welch stated that the weather had delayed public works projects .. throughout the City.Ann Kirk of Keep Smyrna Beautiful announced the upcoming shredding event at the Wolfe Center on March 16,2013 and provided dates and details for the spring gardening classes.Ms. Kirk discussed the City of Smyrna Page 7 Printed on 2/4/2013 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final January 22,2013 MOWN adopt-a-mile event,Smyrna community garden and shared that jonquils and seedlings were available at the recycling center. Councilwoman Anulewicz invited Finance Director Toni Jo Howard,who stated that public utilities bills had been mailed and that delinquent property taxes would be going out.Community Relations Director Jennifer Bennett reminded all to follow the social media feeds for Smyrna events.She noted that the meetings were anticipated to go live,using the Granicus system,within the next few months. Councilwoman Anulewicz welcomed the new Police Chief and Library Director.She expressed her gratitude to Michael Seigler and Chief Hook for their years of service. Councilwoman Blustein called on Ken Suddreth,who provided a report for 2012 Community Development statistics, noting that it was up across the board from 2011.Councilwoman Blustein commented on the upward housing market trend. Councilwoman Pritchett announced that the Vision Committee anticipated meeting in the next few weeks.She commented on the transition to the Granicus software and thanked Management Fellow Jessica Melton,along with members of the transition team,for their efforts during the implementation process. The Councilwoman remarked that the City was continuing to work towards live streaming and that it would be quite an accomplishment. Mr.Taylor highlighted the ongoing SPLOST projects and offered an update.He shared that the Ward St.connector,which the City was contractually obligated with the school system to complete by July 2013,was running ahead of schedule and that the City's first roundabout was located on Ward Street.Mr. Taylor noted that the Concord Rd.improvements contract had been awarded to C.W.Matthews and that they had been working with utilities to move power lines and cables.Mr.Taylor stated that construction was anticipated to commence within the next month or two.He announced the Tolleson pool house was being completely renovated and provided the website www.smyrnasplost.com for those wishing to learn more about the funded projects throughout the City.He stated that he was looking forward to working with the new Library Director and Police Chief. City Attorney Scott Cochran yielded with no report. Interim City Clerk Samantha Kasraie thanked all for their patience with the Granicus implementation process. 10. Show Cause Hearings: Mayor Bacon stated that there were none. 11. Citizen Input: Mayor Bacon stated that there were none. 12. Adjournment: Mayor Bacon declared the meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m. City of Smyrna Page 8 Printed on 2/4/2013 January 22,2013 7 ,lita/144 t "f/(i? A. MAX BACON, MAYOR SA1VIANTHA KASRAIE;INTERIM CITY CLERK MEL -► Y P'. HETT, WARD 1 ANDREA BLUSTEIN, WARD 2 UOJO__d_5 TERI ANULEWIC ARD 3 CHARLES RLES A.WELCH, WARD 4 A/k SUSAN WILKIN 'ON, WARD 5 WADE S. LNENICKA, WARD 6 C�2�tiG ON FENNEL, WARD 7 MOM ORDINANCE NO. 2013-01 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SMYRNA, GEORGIA PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SMYRNA, GEORGIA, THAT SECTION 86-4 SERVICE RATES — GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE I, CHAPTER 86, SOLID WASTE BE AMEDED AS FOLLOWS: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SMYRNA, GEORGIA: Sec 86-4—Service Rates - Generally Rates or charges for city sanitation service shall be as prescribed by the mayor and council, schedules of which are on file in the city clerk's office. Service rates shall periodically adjust in the same manner and at the same percentage that the rates that suppliers or service providers charge the city and the adjustment shall become effective at the time that the new rate charged by the supplier is effective. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, or regulations in conflict herewith are repealed as of effe;five date of this ordinance. Severability: Should any section of this Ordinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof which is not specifically declared to be invalid or unconstitutional. Approved by Mayor and Council this 22°" day of January, 2013 Attest: A. Max Bacon, Mayor Jr Samantha Kasraie, nterim City Clerk City of Smyrna Approved as to form: WON Scott • . Cochran, -1 y Attor City of Smyrna