January 16, 2001 Council Meeting
Januarv 16, 2001
The regular scheQuled meeting QfMayor and Council was held at Smyrna City Hall. The
meetingwascalleQtoorQerbypresiQing officer Mayor A. Max Bacon at 7:30 o'clock p.m.
All CCfl.lnCU members vven~preseIlt except Councilman Hawkins who was absent due to a family
emergency, Also present waS City Administrator Howard Smith, City Clerk Candis Joiner,
City Attorney ScottCQchraIl' Fire Chief Larry Williams, Finance Director Claudia Edgar,
PuhliciWQrls:s DirectQr~c!'}tt~tQl<es,Police Chief Stan Hook, Library Director Michael Seigler,
ParksanQRecreationPirectorSteveCiaccio, Keep.Smyrna Beautiful Director Ann Kirk,
HUman Resources Director Gbris Corey, City Engiueer Ken Hildebrandt, Community
DeveloPment Director Rohin Broyles, Community Relations Director Jennifer Bennett and
representatives of the press,
Invocation was given
followed by the pledge
David Monroe of Church of the Holy Trinity,
Mr. Smith stated that ReverelldiJ?atber Monroe was the former Manager of Information
Systems for the City of SnlymaanQthanked Father Monroe for his cOmnlitment.
Mayor Bacon stated that Councilman Hawkins will be absent due to a family emergency and
that items 3-M, 3-N and 3-0 will be tabled.
Mayor Bacon recognized Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. Sue Brissey who presented an Image
Enhancement Award to Ms. Renee Owens of the Historical Studio. Ms. Owens thanked the
City for her award and stated that her business sells art, antiques and upscale accessories. Ms.
Owens stated that she hopes the Historical Studio will become a cultural art center for the City
of Smyrna. Mayor Bacon stated that the building is one of the most beautiful restored buildings
in the State of Georgia.
Mrs. Kirk introduced Mr. Frank Adams and the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board who presented
Mayor and Council with Keep Smyrna Beautiful's Distinguished Service Citation for the Year
2000. Ms. Holmes stated that Keep Smyrna Beautiful has won this award for four years in a
row. Mrs. Kirk stated that the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Board works very hard for the citizens
of Smyrna and thanked the City of Smyrna for its support. Mayor Bacon thanked the board for
volunteering their time and their genuine cOmnlitment to the City of Smyrna. Councilman
Cramer stated that the "Bring One for the Chipper" event was a great success and thanked
everyone for their assistance.
MaYOl'BaCon introduceI;lMr.,TimCallahow, Sales Manager of BPI the provider of the curbside
recycling services fortlJ,eiGitygfSmyrna, who apologized to the citizens for customer service
problems and stated thatBFI has corrected the problems.
(A) Variance Request~3540 Dunn Street-Two (2) Accessory Buildings on One Lot.
that the applieant lsi requesting this variance in order to build a garage for cars
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment.
Mayor Bacon asked the applicant, Mr. Jenkins, to describe his plans and Mr. Jenkins stated that
he currently has a utility building that holds his yard equipment and pesticides, but that he
needs a place to keep his grandchild's riding toys and his car. Mr. Jenkins stated that he has
spoke with neighbors and they do not oppose this request.
Councilman Scogginsml.lde;'tmotion to approve the variance request of 3540 Dunn Street to
have two accessory buildings on one lot and Councilman Newcomb seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 6~O.
January 16,2001
(B) Variance Request-3540 Dunn Street-Reduce Side Yard Setback from 10 feet to 5
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public COmnlent. There was
Councilman Scoggins stated that this request is necessary in order to save the large trees on the
applicant's property and thanked Mr. Jenkins for attempting presel've the trees. Councilman
Lnemcka asked Mr. Jenkins to describe the structure and Mr. Jenkins stated that the building
will look similar to his home with roof style, brick front and vinyl siding.
Councilman Scoggins made a motion to approve the variance request of 3540 Dunn Street to
reduce the side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet and Councilman Wood seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 6-0.
(C) Variance Request-2310 Old Concord Road-Artcraft Collision-Increase Size of
Wall Sign from 50 Square Feet to 131.50 Square Feet and Allow Second Wall
Mr. Smith stated that Artcraft Collision is located within the South Cobb Overlay District and
that the applicant is requesting a variance to increase the size of a wall sign from 50 feet to
131.50 square feet in order to reflect their new affiliation with NAPA. Mayor Bacon stated
that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was none.
Councilman Cramer stated that if approved, this variance request will reduce the current sign
from 146.25 square feet to 131.50 square feett and asked Mr. Monger to explain why the
variance request is necessary. Mr. Monger stated that Artcraft Collision has gained an
affiliation with NAPA and would like to modemize the current 10-year-old sign with the NAPA
logo on it. Mayor Bacon asked if NAPA required the sign to reflect NAPA and Mr. Monger
stated yes. Mr. Monger stated that the requested signs are pre-built by NAPA.
Councilman Lnenicka asked how many signs would be on the building and Mr. Monger stated
that, if approved, there would be three signs. Councilman Lnenicka asked if there would be a
way to decrease the number of signs and Mr. Monger stated that the signs are small and
necessary for visibility.
Councilman Newcomb asked if it is possible to decrease the sign and Mr. Monger stated that it
would not.
Councilman Cramer made a motion to approve the variance of 2310 Old Concord Road,
Artcraft Collision, to increase the size of the wall sign from 50 square feet to 131.50 square
feet and allow a second wall sign. Councilman Scoggins seconded the motion.
Councilman Newcomb stated that even though he appreciates Mr. Monger's efforts to improve
the signage, he feels that there are too many signs and that the signs are too large for this
property and therefore, he could not support the request.
Councilnlan Lnenicka stated that he believes that Mr. Monger has inlproved his property and
that the total square footage is in excess but he could not support the request.
Motion was approved 4-2 with Councilman Newcomb and Councilman Lnenicka opposed.
(D) Variance Request-2310 Old Concord Road-Artcraft Collision-SO Foot
Freestanding Sign.
Mr. Smith stated that Artcraft Collision is requesting this SO-foot monument freestanding sign
in order to have better visibility for their customers. Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public
hearing and asked for public comlnent. There was none.
Councilman Cramer stated that this variance request, if approved, will allow a freestanding
monument style sign to replace the current pole type sign. Mr. Monger stated that the current
sign is a piece of plywood and that the requested sign will enhance the area.
January 16,2001
Councilman Lnenicka stated that he believes the requested sign is a positive replacement of the
current sign, but that he would be more comfortable if one of the other signs could be
Councilman Newcomb stated that if this sign was the only sign on the property, he would
approve the request.
Councilman Cramer stated that Mr. Monger's business must be visible and that this signage
improvement will cause other properties to improve. Councilman Cramer made a motion to
approve the variance request of 2310 Old Concord Road, Artcraft Collision, to have an SO-foot
freestanding sign. Councilman Scoggins seconded the motion. Motion was approved 4-2 with
Councilman Newcomb and Councilman Lnenicka opposed.
(E) Variance Requ,est-....-3405 Shawnee Trail-Reduce Side Yard Setback from 10 feet to
4 feet.
Mr. Smith stated that th~appli9anthas already built a garage on the property because he was
unaware that he neededtoi<.lpplyforthe variance. Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public
hearing and asked for public comment. There was none.
Councilman Lnenicka asked Mr. Sailors, the applicant, to describe the reason for the variance
and Mr. Sailors stated that he had a garage built on his property unaware that there could only
be one accessory building on the property. Mr. Sailors stated that he needs the garage to house
a classic car that was kept in the driveway. Councilman Lnenicka asked Mr. Sailors to describe
the garage and Mr. Sailors stated that the garage is a 24' x 29'06" 2-car steel garage. Mr.
Sailors stated that the driveway runs along the side yard line and that he consulted with the
adjacent neighbors prior to its construction and that they did not have a problem with the
garage. Mr. Sailors stated that he currently has a 10' x 14' utility building that houses a
lawnmower and yard tools.
Councilman Lnenicka madeaTIl()ti()nto approve the variance request of 3405 Shawnee Trail to
reduce the side yard setback from 10 feet to 4 feet. Councilman Wood seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 6-0.
(F) Variance Request 3405 Shawnee Trail-Over-Sized Accessory Structure and More
than One Accessory Structure Per Lot.
Mayor Bacon stated thl.lt this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was
CouncilmanLneniCl<am<t~~a motion to approve the variance request of 3405 Shawnee Trail to
build an oversizeda9c~ssorYJ;tru.cture and to allow more than one accessory structure on the
property. Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(G) Variance !SeqlJt!st"7'"517 1 Ivy Green Way, Lot 76 E (Vinings Estates)-Reduce Rear
Yard Setback from 25 feet to 10 feet.
Mr. Smitb stated tl1l.lt th~i<.lppli9ant is requesting this variance due to the steep topography and
tI:le large hardwood U'eesiqIltl)eJQt and that the requested location of the home is the best
alternative fOr this lot. Mayor Bl.lcon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public
COmnlent. There was none.
Councilman Wood introduced Mr. T.J. Winans, builder, and asked Mr. Winans to explain the
reason for the variance. Mr.Winans stated that the house is placed 1.7 feet over the rear
building line due to the steep topography of the lot and in order to save some large hardwood
Councilman Wood made <tmotiqn to approve the variance request of 5171 Ivy Green Way, Lot
76 E (Vinings Estates) to>reduce the rear yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet. Councilman
Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
January 16,2001
(H) Variance Request-1118 Vinings Grove Way, Lot 10-Reduce Front Yard Setback
from 25 feet to 10 feet.
Mr. Smith stated that this is a new subdivision being constructed by Benchmark Homes and that
the request is necessary in order to preserve hardwoods and to create a larger buffer. Mayor
Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was none.
Councilman Wood introduced Mr. Scott Justus, applicant, and asked him to describe his plans.
Mr. Justus stated that Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24 back up to Cooper Lake Road and that by
reducing the front yard setback, the homes will have a larger back yard with large, hardwood
trees and that there would be a larger undisturbed area along Cooper Lake Road. Mr. Justus
stated that the reduction in the front yard setback for Lot 10 is needed to align the home with
the other homes on that street.
Councilnlan Wood made a motion to approve the variance request of 1118 Vinings Grove Way,
Lot 10, to reduce the front yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet. Councilman Cramer seconded
the motion" Motion was approved 6-0.
(I) Variance Request-1125 Vinings Grove Way, Lot 21-Reduce Front Yard Setback
from 25 feet to 10 feet.
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was
Councihnan Wood made a motion to approve the variance request of 1125 Vinings Grove Way,
Lot 21, to reduce the front yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet. Councilman Cramer seconded
the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(1) Variance Request-1123 Vinings Grove Way, Lot 22-Reduce Front Yard Setback
from 25 feet to 10 feet.
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was
Councilman Wood made a motion to approve the variance request of 1123 Vinings Grove Way,
Lot 22, to reduce the front yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet. Councilman Cramer seconded
the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(K) Variance Request-l 121 Vinings Grove Way, Lot 23-Reduce Front Yard Setback
from 25 feet to 10 feet.
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was
Councilman Wood made a motion to approve the variance request of 1121 Vinings Grove Way,
Lot 23, to reduce the front yard setback fronl 25 feet to 10 feet. Councilman Cramer seconded
the motion. Motion was appl'oved 6-0.
(L) Variance Request-I1l5 Vinings Grove Way, Lot 24-Reduce Front Yard Setback
from 25 feet to 10 feet.
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment. There was
Councilman Wood made a motion to approve the variance request of 1115 Vinings Grove Way,
Lot 24, to reduce the front yard setback from 25 feet to 10 feet. Councilman Cramer seconded
the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(M) '"No Parking" Signs-Grady Street (From Powder Springs Street to Cul-de-Sac).
Mayor Bacon stated that this is a public hearing and asked for public comment.
Mayor Bacon introduced Mr. James Cosper, 2661 Grady Street, who stated that cars being
parked on the street are a safety hazard and nuisance.
January 16,2001
Councilman Scogginsmadca motion to table the "no parking" signs request for Grady Street
until the February 5,2001, (::ouncil Meeting. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion to
table. Motion to table was approved 6-0.
(N) Privileged License Request~821 Concord Road-Hacienda Los Mariachis-Retail
Pouring License (Liquor, Beer and Wine)-New Application.
Mayor Bacon stated that
public hearing and asked for public comment.
Cou.ncilman Scoggins made amotion to table the privileged license request for 821 Concord
Road, Hacienda Los MariaChis, for a retail-pouring license of liquor, beer and wine until the
February 5, 2001, Council Meeting. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion to table.
Motion to table was approveQ6-0.
(0) Privileged Lic~nse.Requ.est~3780 South Cobb Drive-Smyrna Moose Lodge-
Retail Pouring License (Liquor, Beer and Wine)-Agent Change.
MaYor Bacon stated that thi$isa pUblic hearing and asked for public comment. There was
Councilman Cramer ma<l~arnotionto table the privileged license request for 3780 South Cobb
Drive, Smyrna Moose LQdg~,for~(etail pouring license of liquor, beer and wine until the
February 5,2001, Council Meeting. Councilman Wood seconded the motion to table. Motion
to table was app(Oved 6-0.
(P) Privileged License Request-Carrabba's Italian Grill-2999 Cumberland Blvd.-
Retail Pouring License (Liquor, Beer and Wine)-Agent Change.
Mayor Bacon stated thatthis isl.l public hearing and asked for public comment. There was
Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Robert Bardes-Lambert is requesting to be the authorized agent of
this location and that the police investigation did not reveal anything that would preclude
issuance of this license.
Councilwoman Capilouto asked Mr. Lambert if he has been a licensed agent before and Mr.
Lambert stated no. Councilwoman Capilouto asked Mr. Lambert if he is familiar with the laws
regarding alcohol sales and Mr. Lambert said yes. Councilwoman Capilouto asked Mr.
Lambert to describe Carrabba's alcohol sales training and Mr. Lambert stated that Carrabba's
has orientation training and classroom training. Councilwoman Capilouto made a motion to
approve the privileged license request for Carrabba's Italian Grill at 2999 Cumberland
Boulevard for a retail pouring license of liquor, beer and wine with Mr. Robert Bardes-Lambert
as the registered agent. Councilman Newcomb seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-
(A) ApprQvaliofAl.:partmentMoratorium Extension-January 3, 2oo1-July 3, 2001.
Mr. Smith stl.ltedthat thi~moratorium is an effort to balance the number of apartment dwellings
and single-family homes.
Councilman Newcombstatedthatthe number of apartment homes is greater than the number of
single~family homes and that this apartment moratorium is an effort to balance the numbers.
COUncilman Newcomb maQeamotion to approve the extension of the apartment moratorium
from January 3, 2001 to July 3,2001. Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was
approved 6-0.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motiQnto suspend the rules for the purpose of adding item 4-B to
the formal business agenda and Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved
Councilman Lnenickl.lmadeaIllotion to add item 4-B to the formal business agenda and
Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
January 16,2001
(B) Authorize Mayor to Extend an Offer for the Acquisition of Approximately 10 Acres
at 3180 Atlanta Road and Settlement of Outstanding Litigation.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion to authorize the Mayor to extend an offer for the
acquisition of approximately 10 acres at 3180 Atlanta Road and settlement of outstanding
litigation. Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
There were none.
(A) Bid Award-Replacement of 300' of Storm Sewer-Tolleson Park-Public Works.
Councilman Scoggins stated that bids were solicited from nine vendors with five vendors
responding for 300' of existing storm sewer at Tolleson Park. Councilman Scoggins made a
motion to award the bid for the replacement of 300 feet of storm sewer at Tolleson Park to K. M.
Davis Contracting Company, the low bidder meeting specifications, for a total cost $86,450.90.
Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(B) Bid Award-Tractor Boom Mower-Public Works.
Councilman Scoggins stated that bids were solicited from ten vendors with five vendors
responding for a tractor Boom Mower. Councilman Scoggins made a motion to award the bid for
a tractor boom mower to Adams Equipment, the low hidder meeting specifications, for a total
cost $66,853.00. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(C) Bid Award-Contract Labor-Traffic Signals Citywide.
Councilman Scoggins stated that bids Were solicited with three vendors responding for traffic
signal contract labor removing the old WPQ<l poles from the right-of-way. Councilman Scoggins
made a motion to award the bid to ABCT Enterprises, the low bidder meeting specifications, for a
total cost $17,325.00. Councilman Newcomb seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
(D) Bid Award--Spring Road Linear Park.
Councilman Newcomb stated that bids were solicited with nine vendors responding for the Spring
Road Linear Park. Councilman Newcomb made a motion to award the bid for the Spring Road
Linear Park development to Butch Thompson Enterprises, the low bidder meeting specifications,
for a total cost $485,175.16. Councilman Scoggins seconded the motion. Motion was approved
(E) Bid Award-City Administration Vehicle.
Councilman Lnenicka stated that bids were solicited at an earlier date for an administration
vehicle that is being delayed for an undetermined date by Ford Motor Company and that another
similar vehicle is available from Wade Ford who was originally awarded the bid at this time.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion to approve the change order to purchase a 2001 LEV
Taurus from Wade Ford for a total cost $17,885.00. Councilman W God seconded the motion.
Motion was approved 6-0.
(A) Approval of January 2, 2001, Minutes.
(B) Approval of Official City Map.
(C) Approval to Use Contract Unit Pricing for Sewer Main Replacement on Tecumseh
(D) Approval to Request Bids for Purchase of Thermal Imaging Camera.
(E) Approval to Include Miscellaneous Equipment in Auction.
Councilman Lnenicka made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda and Councihnan Cramer
seconded the motion. Motion was approved 6-0.
January 16,2001
Councilman Woodrecogni?:edM~. Bennett who stated that English as a second language classes
will begin on Wedllesday,thestuQY circle process will begin on Thursday and encouraged
everyone to submit their restaurant surveys.
Councilman Wood recognized Mr. Seigler who presented the library statistics for the year 2000
andistated that the income tax preparers will begin preparing tax returns on the first Wednesday
in February .
Councilman Wood recognizedMr. Ciaccio who stated that the winter activities newsletters are
available and that registra.tion :for the summer day camp will begin soon. Mr. Ciaccio stated
that the needs assessment surveys are being reviewed.
Councilman Lnenicka recogni?:edChief Williams who stated that the Georgia Department of
Human Resources hascouncilstlla.tgovern emergency care and that the Cobb County Board of
Commissioners has recently appointed Lieutenant Koni Jabaley to our area's council.
Chief Williams stated thl.ltZ,150chilgren were assisted during the holiday season by the joint
effort of Lt. Steve Gaddy, MUST Ministries and the Smyrna Senior Elves of the Golden
Chief Williams stated th.ata.J).el11ergency warning siren has recently been installed at Campbell
Road and that the siren on the East-West Connector will be installed as soon as weather
Chief Williams stateQthafthethennal imaging camera is a camera that will assist in locating a
fire in a building, chelllicalleals:s, lost firefighters engaged in a fire and fire victims.
Councilman Lnenicka stated that COmnlissioner Thompson is working with the Department of
Transportation in alleviating some of the traffic congestion at the intersection of West Paces
Ferry Road and Atlanta Road.
Councilman Cramer recogn~~<,iMr..Corey who announced the job opportunities for the City of
Smyrna and that the Civil Service Exam will be given on Saturday, April 7,2001, and Saturday,
October 6, 2001.
Coullcilman Gramer em.;(}uraged the Citizens to purchase brick and marble pavers for the
Veterans Memorial Park.
Councilman Scoggip.sre(.:()gni.zeQ Mrs. Kirk who thanked the Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Volunteers, M;u'c Pickard and corporate sponsors for the successful "Bring One for the
Chipper" event. Mrs'I<ij"lcpresented the Keep Smyrna Beautiful recycling statistics and
th;mkedthe citizens for their recycling efforts. Mrs. Kirk stated that Dogwood seedlings are
available for cjtizensaridcityemployees. Councilman Scoggins commended Mrs. Kirk for the
efforts of Keep Smyrna BeautifuL
Councilman Scoggins recognized Mr. Stokes who gave an update on the grading of West
Spring Street.
Councilman Scogginsrec()gnizedMr. Hildebrandt who stated that the Georgia D.O.T. has
apPrQved the City's applicati()llforthe Concord Road Linear Park that will run from Atlanta
RoaQto South Cobb Drive.. Mr,Smith stated that this park will be on the North side of
Concord Road and that theuItimate goal of the City of Smyrna is to join the Silver Comet
Councilman Newcomb COmmended Mr. Hildebrandt on securing the grant from the Georgia
Councilman Newcomb recognized Mr. Broyles who presented the building permit statistics for
December 2000.
Councilwoman Capilouto congratulated Mrs. Joiner on her new granddaughter, Bailee.
January 16,2001
Mr. Smith stated that the new City Planner will begin work in February, commended Chief
Hook's daughter on her acceptance to Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia and
comlnended Mrs. Kirk on the recycling statistics.
Mayor Bacon wished Councilman Hawkins and his family well.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.