January 2, 2001 Council Meeting
January 2, 2001
The regular scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held at Smyrna City Hall. The
Meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon at 7:30 0 'clock p.m. All
council members were present. Also present were City Attomey Scott Cochran, City Clerk
Candis Joiner, Hunlan Resources Director Chris Corey, and representatives of the press. Mr.
Smith was absent.
Invocation was given by Councilman Pete Wood, followed by the pledge to the flag.
Mr. James Cosper, 2661 Grady Street, stated he had spoken to Councilman Jim Hawkins
regarding "No Parking" signs on Grady Street at the last council meeting and was told it would
come up tonight. Councilman Hawkins stated he would send a letter to the interested parties
before it is placed on the agenda but because of the holidays he has not had a chance to put it on
the agenda. Mr. Cosper stated that he has obtained five out of eleven of the homeowners'
signatures and asked if that was sufficient to have the signs posted. Councilman Hawkins stated
that whatever the City's requirement for having the signs posted would be followed. Mr. Cosper
stated he had presented the petition to Mr. Hawkins. Councilman Hawkins stated the city has a
policy in place for installing "No Parking" signs on residential streets because there will always
be those residents in support as well as those who oppose the signs. Mr. Cosper stated on-street
parking has affected him during the last two or three months and there have been times he has had
difficulty turning into his driveway because of this. Mayor Bacon stated that if Councilman
Hawkins gets the letters out and the issue is placed on the agenda, the next meeting would be on
Tuesday, January 16, two weeks from tonight. Councilman Hawkins reiterated the item will be
placed on the agenda if the letters are mailed before that meeting.
Flora Weems, retired teacher from Campbell High School, stated that sometimes when she gocs
to visit or see her mother who lives on Grady Street she can hardly get in the driveway because of
on-street parking blocking it. Also Ms. Weems stated there are students at Campbell High School
who run for ROTC or for various reasons and she feels it is unsafe for them to run in the middle
of the street when a car is parked there. She also expressed concerns for joggers as well. Ms.
Weems stated she just knows that when she goes to visit her mother or when an ambulance is
called she would like for that ambulance to get in there without any problems. Mayor Bacon
thanked Ms. Weems and Mr. Cosper.
There was none.
(A) Authorize Mayor to Send Letter Supporting Homestead Exemption to Legislative
Mr. Corey stated this letter would provide supportive efforts for fair and equitable property tax
relief to the homeowner.
Councilman Hawkins stated that last year the General Assembly passed a local bill called "Cobb
County Property Taxpayer's Assessment Act." He continued that this act included the areas of
unincorporated Cobb County and the cities of Acworth and Kennesaw but did not include
Marietta or Snlyrna. Councilman Hawkins stated Mayor Bacon has written a letter of support for
this legislation to the Cobb delegation asking them to revive the bill to allow the people of
Smyrna to have the opportunity to vote on this issue. Mr. Hawkins explained that if this bill it
passed it would allow the homestead exemption to be raised proportionately so that an increase in
property reassessment would not increase the tax amount on the property. Councilman Hawkins
made a motion to authorize the Mayor to sign the letters and send them to the Legislative
delegation. Councilman Scoggins seconded the lnotion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(B) Appointments to Keep Smyrna Beautiful Commission - Wards 2, 6 & 7
Mayor Bacon asked Councilman Lnenicka to make his appointment. Councilman Lnenicka made
a motion to reappoint Eric Cash to represent Ward 6 on the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Commission.
Councilnlan Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
Mayor Bacon asked Councilman Wood to make his appointment. Councilman Wood made a
motion to reappoint Sue Brissey to represent Ward 7 on the Keep Smyrna Beautiful Commission.
Councilman Lnenicka seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0. Councilman Wood
recognized Sue Brissey in the audience.
J anua!:y 2, 200 1 meeting - continued
Mayor Bacon asked Councilman Newco:n:lb to make his appointment. Councilman Newcomb
made a motion to appoint Dale Holmes to represent Ward 2 on the Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Commission. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(C) Authorize the Inlplementation of Police and Fire Department Lateral Entry Policies
Mr. Corey stated this issue was addressed at the last Human Resources conlmittee meeting. Mr.
Corey stated the policy will assist those departments in recruitment efforts in getting good,
experienced public safety employees.
Councilman Jack Cramer stated this is in collaboration with the Police and Fire Departments to
speed up the process in order to hdp recruit candidates for the Police and Fire Department and
stated some of the surrounding entiyes in the County are doing the same thing. Councilman
Cramer stated this will help in future recruitment and both Fire and Police Chiefs have endorsed
this. Councilman Cramer made a motion to approve the Police and Fire Department lateral entry
policies. Councilumn Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(D) Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board - Wards I and 4
Councilwoman Capilouto made a motion to reappoint Lana Chase to the Planning and Zoning
Board to represent Ward 1. Councilman Hawkins seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-
Councilman Hawkins nominated Mr. Mike Graham and asked him to come forward. Councilman
Hawkins stated Mr. Graham works for KPS, an architectural firm and made a motion to appoint
Mike Graham to the Planning and Zoning Board to represent Ward 4. Councilman Lnenicka
seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(E) Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission Ward 7
Councihnan Wood made a motion to reappoint Mr. Tom Sconzo to represent Ward 7 on the Parks
and Recreation Comnlission. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved
There ,vere none.
(A) Bid Award - Trees f<-)r Chuck Camp Park
Councilman Wood stated bids were solicited from vendors for trees at Chuck Camp Park. The
low bid is Ray Bracken for $22,1 l2.50. Councilman Wood stated this has been reviewed by the
Parks and Recreation Committee and the: Purchasing Departnlent. Councilman Wood nlade a
nlotion to award the bid to Ray Bracken, the low bidder meeting specifications, for a total cost
$22,1 l2.50. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(A) Approval of December 18,2000 minutes
Councilman Hawkins made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Councilman Vlood
seconded the motion. Motion approved 7-0.
Councilman Newcomb stated the: next meeting ofthe Community Development Committee is this
coming Monday, January 8 at 7 p.m. at City Hall and stated one of the issues on the agenda will
be a discussion on graffIti. Councilman Newcomb stated people had asked him about the
Community Culture Committee and stated the: meeting scheduled for December 21, 2000 was
cancel1ed due to the weather but has been rescheduled tor January 4 with a subsequent meeting
scheduled for January 18.
Councilman Scoggins cornmented that the Public Works department has been busy especially
with the holidays and would like to encourage citizens to follow the leaf collection pick-up
Councilman Hawkini> i>tatedearlier in the meeting the city supported the legislators giving the
city theOppoI'tJ.lUity to vote.on tIle "Cobb County Taxpayers Assessment Act". Councilman
Hawkins stated he had hoped some of the legislators would be at the meeting tonight but they
were not. CouncilmanHaWl<iI1i>i>t;iltedthis is an important issue and he hopes someone will
introduce a bill to reduce the State Income Tax.
Councilm?n Cranl<::rst?te~h<:: hopect<::veryone had a safe and Happy Holiday and New Year.
Counqil:n:lan Crmnerremil1cte<l~yeryone of the Veterans Memorial and that if they are interested
th<::yc?I\be reached at 770~8()$-4:z90. Councilman Cramer stated they are still selling brick and
marble pavers and reminded everyone they make a great gift for any occasion.
Councilman Lnenicka wish<::d <::veryone the best for the New Year.
CouncilmarlWopd stawdtheiciti;?;~ns who were appointed to the various boards this evening are
volunteerS?n4theY serveOJ.l,rcOll1llmnity in many ways and are the real strength of our city.
Councilman ".,vood statedtl1at if there are those out there who are not involved in civic affairs and
would lik<::toparticipateil1thei>eactivities to please let the city know and we will get you in
touch with the right people,GC/J.l,Ilcihnan Wood stated the year 2000 has been good for Smyrna
and we look forward to 2001 and with the support of our citizens we will have another good year.
Mayor Bacon acknowledg<::dfivenew police officers that were in attendance at tonight's meeting
and wished everyone a Happy N<::w Year.
Mr. Floyd Millis asked iftJcteG9111lJ11.Ulity Culture Committee on January 4 is an open meeting.
CouncilwonlanCapilout9i>t;it!'ldallthe committee meetings are open but it is really a staff
meeting fpr them to i>etl:1l1l:1gel1da.ofsome sort. Councilwoman Capilouto stated the committee
will discuss the infonuati9n thilt the Community Relations Director has received from the City of
Decatur. Councilwoman Capllouto stated the meeting is at 7 p.m. and is an open meeting.
Mayor Bacon recOgni2;e~:rvrs.Sue~rissey. Ms. Brissey reminded everyone that the "Bring One
for the Chipper" progralnji~thi~Saturday, January 6 at the Vinings Home Depot and would like
for everyone to bring theirClrristmas trees for recycling.
With no further
adjourned at 8:00 p.m.