12-13-2010 December 13, 2010 Special Called MeetingSpecial Called Meeting
December 13, 2010
All council members were present. Also present were City Administrator Eric Taylor,
City Attorney Scott Cochran, Community Development Director Ken Suddreth,
Community Relations Director Jennifer Bennett, City Engineer Keith Williams, Assistant
City Administrator Tammi Saddler, Jim Croy, City Clerk Susan Hiott, Executive
Assistant to Mayor and Council Lizette Bryan, Executive Assistant to City Administrator
Rosemary Rivera, and representatives of the press and several citizens.
A Special Called Meeting of Mayor and Council was held at Smyrna City Hall.
Presiding officer Mayor Max Bacon called the meeting to order at 6:40 o'clock p.m.
1. Authorization for Mayor to approve and sign the Special Local Option Sales Tax
(SPLOST) Intergovernmental Agreement
Mayor Bacon explained that this agenda item was similar to the authorization addressing
a five to six year SPLOST voted on and approved by the Council tivithin the last month.
He stated that the item currently under review addressed a four year agreement.
Mr. Taylor provided the background, stating that the City had recently adopted asix-year
SPLOST and approved a project list in accordance with the County's plans as part of the
Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA). He announced that the following morning, the
Board of Commissioners would be voting on a four-year SPLOST, requiring that the City
adopt afour-year Intergovernmental Agreement and approved project list. Mr. Taylor
made known that the agreement had been reviewed by staff, along with the project
management team at Croy Engineering, and approval was recommended.
Mayor Bacon requested input on comparisons between the previously adopted SPLOST
and that being proposed, in particular as it affected the budget.
Mr. Williams responded that the original SPLOST was in the neighborhood of 53 million
dollars. It was calculated that the four-rear SPLOST would decrease the anticipated
budget by approximately 20 million dollars.
Mayor Bacon recognized Council Member McNabb, who inquired of the City Attorney if
Council voted to not participate, would that mean the businesses of Smyrna would not be
obligated to collect the 1 % sales tax?
Mr. Cochran explained that if the referendum was passed the 1 % sales tax would be in
effect county-wide regardless of the Council's vote. It was further clarified that if the
Council did not approve this item and the SPLOST passed the County referendum, the
citizens of Smyrna would still be subject to the increased tax but riot guaranteed revenue
towards SPLOST projects.
December 13, 2010
Mayor Bacon expressed his displeasure with the uncertainty of the process at the County
level and the amount of time consumed with reviewing modifications to the agreement.
He re-stated that the taxpayers could be charged the tax even if the Council voted against
the SPLOST but would then receive nothing in return and requested input.
Council Member Lnenicka requested that Mr. Taylor and Mr. Cochran explain how, if
the City were to disapprove this agreement, the County and the State would determine the
allocation of the revenue received from the City.
Mr. Cochran responded that the funds would be allocated from the County to the other
governments that had passed the agreement. He explained that in order for cities to be
included in the allocation of funds at least 50% of the population ira the cities would have
to be represented through IGA. If a city was not part of the IGA, the redistributed funds
could be used for County projects within a City but would not be designated for City
projects. He explained that, under the law, excess revenue could be used for lower tiered
projects in cities that had approved the IGA.
Council Member Lnenicka inquired if it was possible to become part of the agreement at
a later date and Mr. Cochran responded that the IGA had to be voted on by Council prior
to the time that the County called for a referendum. He stated that the County had not
provided notification to the City, until a few days prior, of their intention to call the
referendum that Tuesday morning at 10:00 o'clock a.m. Accordingly, any IGA would
have to be passed prior to the County referendum and it was his understanding that the
cities had either held or scheduled special called meetings to address this agreement.
Council Member Lnenicka asked if there was a legal requirement to provide a detailed
project list to the County at this time or if a lump-sum total of estimated costs would
suffice until such time that an itemized accounting could be provided. Mr. Cochran
clarified that the approved agreement must contain a certain level of specificity of
projects in order to have accountability for voter approval.
M~'~or Bacon clarified that completion of the items on the project list was contingent
upon revenue collection and that the City was not otherwise obligated to fund the
proposed projects.
Council Member Lnenicka expressed concern that the Council had not been afforded the
opportunity to discuss a revised project list for the City and highlig~ited the fact that the
County had not made its project list available for the Council to deliberate prior to this
call for approval. He emphasized his discomfort on voting to approve expenditures
without adequate time and information to consider. Mr. Cochran deferred to Mr. Croy for
further explanation but summarized that the city projects contained in the revised IGA
represented a pared down list of items already known to and discussed by Council.
Mayor Bacon clarified that the list did not contain any new projects but rather included a
reduction based on the projected loss of revenue. He cited the absence of the Windy Hill
December 13. 2010 3
corridor project as one example no longer contained on either the City or County project
list and Mr. Croy confirmed his statement. Mayor Bacon discussed how projects would
be completed based on their assigned tier level.
Council Member McNabb asked if there was anything currently in .writing from the
County regarding their intention to acquire funding for the Windy Hill project through
pursuit of a Federal grant. He outlined the history of the County's decreasing support for
the project, which addressed a problem created by the County, and emphasized that now
the County had eliminated that project all together. Council Member McNabb asked what
reassurance, other than talk, had been provided to the Council to demonstrate the
County's serious commitment to solving a problem it created for the Smyrna community.
Mr. Croy responded that the Windy Hill project was included on the list found on the
County website as well as on the list for Federal aid projects to be pursued as part of the
SPLOST package.
Mayor Bacon concurred with Council Member McNabb's comments regarding the
County's diminishing support, adding that there had been a change in leadership at the
County level since the commitment to the Windy Hill project was first made.
Council Member Lnenicka acknowledged the heightened support at the origin of the
project and stated that the Council had addressed the importance of this issue with the
current leadership as well. He emphasized that the critical transportation projects for
Smyrna included the completion of the Concord Rd. and Windy Hill projects and that the
specific purpose of the SPLOST is to fund critical projects. He reinforced that the Windy
Hill corridor problem exists as a direct result of the County's development of the
Macland Road Connector and that a joint effort with the County would be necessary to
resolve traffic-flow issues. Council Member Lnenicka summarized the partnership
history of the project, stating his disapproval of the County's decision to walk away from
its initial commitment to this priority project and voicing his opposition to a SPLOST not
containing the Windy Hill development. Mayor Bacon stated that not all of the
Commission had a vested interest in realizing the Windy Hill project regardless of prior
agreements. He noted that the impact of the Macland Rd. Connector was not yet realized
but that in order to be effective, improvements to Windy Hill would have to be made all
the way to the I-75 exchange.
Mayor Bacon acknowledged Council Member Newcomb, who discussed the scope of the
project and inquired, hypothetically, which other project(s) currently listed could be
replaced in favor of the Windy Hill initiative. He emphasized the importance of
maintaining current infrastructure. Council Member Lnenicka stated that the Windy Hill
corridor project would play a vital role in the transformation and redevelopment of
northern Smyrna, aligning with the Council's goal of establishing a more unified City and
its overall vision for Smyrna. Council Member Newcomb acknowledged that project's
strategic focus and pointed out that allocating money to it out of the reduced budget
would jeopardize other necessary programs. Council Member Lnenicka submitted the
suggestion that the Concord Rd. and Windy Hill initiatives be given priority above all
December 13. 2010 4
Council Member McNabb expressed the importance of remembering that SPLOST is to
be used for "special" projects and not initiatives that should be accomplished using
general funds. He advocated for removing all items from consideration with the
exception of the Windy Hill corridor and urged Council not to fall into the trap of
allocating SPLOST funds for regular projects. He suggested that a review of the priority
level of the other projects listed might be in order.
Council Member Newcomb read through the list of projects citing the "special" nature of
each one and restated that, without a comprehensive development of the Windy Hill
corridor, the issue of congestion would merely be deferred to another location in the City.
He expressed that a millage increase would be required to pay for any items removed
from the SPLOST in favor of moving forward with the Windy Hill .corridor.
Mayor Bacon stated that all of the items on the list had already been recently approved by
Council and expressed his concern about approving the Windy Hill.. project if the County
was not committed to funding their share out of the four-year SPLOST. Mayor Bacon
discussed that the need for the Windy Hill Rd. project was born out. of Cobb County's
expansion to the West and the increased traffic travelling through Smyrna. He expressed
his frustration at the short notice given by the County to the Council to discuss these
matters prior to the referendum.
Council Member Newcomb iterated that the SPLOST had been reduced from six to four
years as a result of constituent input and urged Council to approve even without the
inclusion of the Windy Hill project.
Mayor Bacon reminded all present that they could either vote to approve the IGA and be
part of the program or disapprove it and be denied access to SPLOST revenue.
MOTION: Council Member Pritchett moved to approve the consent agenda. Motion was
seconded by Council Member Wood.
MOTION: Council Member Lnenicka moved to amend the motion to delete, under
transportation projects, all items but Concord Rd. improvements and replace them with
the Windy Hill Rd. initiative and the Motion was seconded by Council Member McNabb
Mayor Bacon clarified the details of Council Member Lnenicka's motion and emphasized
that the County had not allotted matching funds for the Windy Hill project out of the
SPLOST bring proposed. There was discussion as to whether or not changes to the City's
project list would have to be approved by the County as part of the IGA and that the
County-had, at its discretion, the ability to modify their list of funded projects prior to the
Council Member Lnenicka expounded on the importance of the Windy Hill project to the
overall health and growth of the City and expressed his desire to see the County view this
development in a similar fashion. This was followed by discussion about which line items
December 13, 2010
would be removed to accommodate Windy Hill with Council Member Lnenicka
explaining that all transportation projects, except Concord Rd., should be replaced with
the Windy Hill initiative. Mayor Bacon pointed out that reassigning funds designated for
other transportation projects would not provide an amount sufficient to meet the
estimated budgetary requirements of the Windy Hill project. Council Member Lnenicka
voiced his opinion that it was important to focus on long-term goals.
Mr. Cochran inquired if, with the substitutions, there would be enough money to
complete the two primary projects. Mr. Croy explained that after the funds for Concord
Rd. improvements had been spent it would leave slightly less than half of the money
necessary to complete Windy Hill as originally proposed and that fact would have to be
appropriately explained to voters.
Council Member Smith inquired if the intention was to "bank" themoney until the full
amount needed to proceed with the project could be acquired or if the process would
advance piece-meal, with a potential for stagnation if future funds were not approved.
Council Member Lnenicka responded that he anticipated it would run a course similar to
the Concord Rd. project with the initial focus being on engineering and right-of--way and
additional funds being allocated later to the construction efforts. He stated that he hoped
the County would honor their original agreement but, withstanding that, he urged Council
to think long-term and pursue this visionary project. Mayor Bacon expressed his concern
that public support for along-term project might not exist.
Council Member McNabb explained that it might be advantageous to start now as right-
of-way costs would only increase and the amount needed later would be greater than that
currently estimated. He advocated starting the project now even if it could not be
completed without future SPLOST dollars. Mayor Bacon concurred with the statement
regarding right-of--way costs and there was discussion about the County abandoning its
commitment to assist in the funding of the development.
Mr. Cochran addressed potential legal issues of forcing the purchase ofright-of--way
without a public purpose project that could be funded by current initiatives. He also
informed all present that a property could not be condemned for public purpose unless it
was redeveloped within a certain amount of time. Accordingly, unless Council was
willing to fund this project out of alternate revenue if the SPLOST' was not approved,
they could only engage in voluntary right of way acquisitions. Without a funded project,
eminent domain could not be enforced and the success of the entire project might be in
Mayor Bacon again expressed his concern that the citizens would not vote for
engineering and acquisition without tangible improvements and the stipulation that future
SPLOSTs would be required. He also called for a re-evaluation of the list if the Council
felt the primary focus needed to be just Concord Rd. and Windy Hill.
December 13, 2010
Council Member Anulewicz cited that the County's recent decisions appear to have been
reactionary and that she would not be in favor of going back on her previous vote of
approving the City's project list in order to send the County a message.
Council Member Pritchett stated that the Council had adequate time to review and
discuss the items listed and that she was not in favor of the amendment.
MOTION: A vote was taken on Council Member Lnenicka's motion to amend the
motion to delete, under transportation projects, all items but Concord Rd. improvements
and replace them with the Windy Hill Rd. initiative. Motion to amend failed 2-5 with
Councilman Lnenicka and Councilman McNabb in support.
MOTION: A vote was taken on Council Member Pritchett's motion to approve the
consent agenda. Motion was approved 6-1 with Councilman Lnenicka opposed.
9 ~-9
With no further business; themeeting was ad'o~ urned_at 7:40 o'clock p.m.
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Transportation Projects
Descri lion Total
Road Projects
Concord Road Improvements $ 11,755,000,
Windy Hill Rd R/W, Intersection Improvement 8 PE
--- $ 2,000,000
Belmont Hills Connector Road $ 2,137,000'
Ward Street Improvements __ $ 1,500,000'
_ _
Villa a Parkwa _ I_m rovements_
~ ___.. Y... P__
$ 1,500,000',
Reed_Road Improvements
__ -- - $ 321,000'
Intersection Improvements _ _ _
_ __ _
$ _ 1,275,407'
Congestion Relief Improvements $ 1,275,407'
-- - -- - _ _
PathslSidewalks $ 1,069,000
Resurfacing_ -- _ _ $ 4,366,000'
Pavement Markings $ 214,0001
-- _ - _
Curb & Gutter $ 1,069,000
Bridge Rehabihtation__ ___ $ 534,000
- --
-- $ 214,000'
---- 1
Tran rtatlon Subtotal S 229 14
Parks and Recreation Projects
Descri lion Total
Park Improvements $ 2,137,000
Parks & Racreatlon Subtotal ; 2,137 000
Public Safety Projects
Descri lion Total
Public Safety Facilitylmprovements $ _--- 427 000
Public Safety Equipment $ 1,100,000
Public Sa Subtotal t 1,527,000..
Keep Smyrna Beautiful
Descri lion Total
_. - _ --- -
_ _
Rec clm Faalit Im rovements
---- Y 9 Y P - _ $ 1,040,504
Sm BeautNui Subtotal j 1040,504
Tier 2 Projects
To Be Implemented If Additional Funding Becomes Available
Descri lion Total
-- -
Intersection improvements
_ $ 500,000
Windy Hill Road
-- -- $ 18,000,000
Cobb Parkway Queue Jump Lanes
- -
-- _ -
- $ 1,100,000
Paths /Sidewalks
----- - -
-- -- $ 500,000
___ - _
_ $ 2,500,000
Curb & Gutter $ 500,000
Parklmprovements $ 1,000,000
Tier 2 Pro acts Subtotal $ 24,100,000