October 3, 1994 Council MeetingOctober 3, 1994
The regularly scheduled meeting of Mayor and Council was held October 3, 1994, at Smyrna City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by presiding officer Mayor A. Max Bacon at 7:30 o'clock p.m. All
council members were present. Also present was City Administrator Bob Thomson, City Clerk Melinda
Dameron, City Attorney Charles E. Camp, Fire Chief Larry Williams, Finance Director Jim Triplett,
Assistant Public Works Director Ray Curtis, Police Chief Stan Hook, Library Director Laurel Best, Parks
and Recreation Director Steve Ciaccio, Community Relations Director Kathie Barton, Clean and Beautiful
„~,, Coordinator Ann Kirk, Personnel Director Mary Ann White, City Engineer Ken Hildebrandt, Chief
Building Inspector Scott Stokes and representatives of the press.
Invocation was given by Thomas Baumgarten, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church, followed by the
pledge to the flag.
Mayor Bacon recognized the students from Mrs. Smith's Government class at Campbell High School,
and welcomed them to the meeting.
Mayor Bacon recognized Carolyn Hall, principal of Norton Park Elementary School, and Phyllis Clemenz
representing the Norton Park PTA. Ms. Hall and Ms. Clemenz thanked Mayor Bacon for supporting the
Norton Park PTA by becoming a member and presented him with his membership card and a Norton
Park tee shirt.
Mayor Bacon thanked them for the card and the tee-shirt.
Mayor Bacon recognized Randy Sauder, candidate for the 29th District House of Representatives office.
Mr. Sauder announced he has a fund raising event scheduled October 6 and invited everyone to attend
and also urged everyone to vote in the November election.
Mr. Sauder also commended the Mayor and Council for their position on the proposed new police station
+~"* to be voted on in November.
Mayor Bacon recognized Ms. Edna Harner, 830 Wells Circle, who presented the Mayor and Council with
a petition asking that their neighborhood not be annexed into the city. Mayor Bacon thanked Ms. Harner
for the petition.
(A) Variance Requests - U.S.41 and Hargrove Road - To Allow Free Standing Business Sign
to Exceed Copy Area Square Footage and Height Limitations
Mr. Thomson stated Mr. Douglas Garges, representing Fourth Quarter Properties, Inc., has submitted
two variances requesting permission to erect afree-standing business sign which will be forty-nine feet
in height and have a copy area of 575 square feet. The subject sign will be erected in the future Heritage
Pavilion Shopping Center which will be located at the corner of U.S. 41 and Hargrove Road.
Mayor Bacon recognized Mr. Doug Garges and then stated this is a public hearing and asked if there was
anyone present in opposition to the granting of this variance request. There was none.
Councilman Patrick asked Mr. Garges to explain the reason for his variance requests.
Mr. Garges explained he was representing Thomas Enterprises who has recently purchased the twenty
acres of the Heritage Pointe apartment complex. He further explained the plans are to demolish those
apartments and build a 237,000 square foot shopping center. He stated the variance request is based on
the fact that this is a shopping center consisting of only nine major tenants and their interest in the site
is heavily reliant on being visible to Highway 41 (U.S.41). He explained the design presented is referred
to as a "ribbon" sign which lists all the names of the tenants to be seen from Hargrove Road and U.S.41.
Councilman Hawkins asked Mr. Garges if the sign would be larger than or similar in size to the
Loehmann's Plaza sign. Mr. Garges responded it would be narrower than that sign and is more vertical.
Mr. Hawkins then asked about ingress into the shopping center and Mr. Garges explained the entrance
would be from Hargrove Road and the main access would be protected by signalization. Mr. Garges
further explained the sign would be on Hargrove Road with an orientation toward U.S.41 at Hargrove
October 3, 1994 meeting -continued
Mayor Bacon asked Mr. Garges when they planned to break ground for this development and Mr. Garges
replied they will begin asbestos removal this month and hoped to begin demolition the first of November
and construction in January, 1995, and open stores between June and September of 1.995. Mr. Garges
stated the tenants will be Ultra 3 (cosmetics), Petsmart, Sport Shoe, Media Play, Rhodes, Linens 'N
Things, Marshall's and Hi Fi Buys.
ayor Bacon stated this development is the result of the foreclosure on the Heritage Pointe Apartment
Complex and will result in an approximate 240,000 square foot quality retail development at that location.
Mayor Bacon also mentioned the privacy fence that will be constructed behind the development separating
that development from Falling Waters and Afton Downs subdivisions.
Councilman Wood asked if there would any outlet from the development onto Cobb Parkway. Mr.
Garges responded there is a possibility of sharing an entrance to U.S. 41 with Loehmann's Plaza but it
would be a very indirect outlet and most people would not he aware of its existence. Mr. Garges also
explained there will be an accel/decel lane throughout the entire frontage. Mr. Garges further stated there
would be 1186 parking spaces in the center.
Councilman Patrick made a motion the variance request to exceed the allowable copy area square footage
and height limitations for free standing business signs to be erected in the future Heritage Pavilion
Shopping Center he granted. Councilman Hawkins seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(B) Alcoholic Beverage License Request -Retail Pouring of Beer and Wine -Gin Ja II - 3065
South Cobb Drive
Mr. Thomson stated Ms. Ae Cha Jang will be the agent as well as the manager for the Gin Ja II
restaurant and has been given a copy of the Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance and the business license officer
has reviewed it with her.
Mayor Bacon asked Ms. Jang to come forward and stated this is a public hearing and asked if there was •.
anyone present who was opposed to the granting of this license request. There was none.
Councilman Hawkins asked Ms. Jang if Gin Ja II is primarily a restaurant and Ms. Jang stated that was
correct. Councilman Hawkins then asks Ms. Jang if she understood the ordinance requirements and was
she aware that her employees have to be permitted. Ms. Jang responded she did. Councilman Hawkins
then asked Ms. Jang if she felt she could comply with the ordinance. Ms. Jang responded she could.
Councilman Hawkins stated for the record that the background investigation conducted by the police
department revealed nothing that would preclude the issuance of this license. Councilman Hawkins made
a motion the alcoholic beverage license request for the retail pouring of beer and wine at Gin Ja II at
3065 South Cobb Drive be approved. Councilman Cramer seconded the motion. Motion was approved
(C) Ratify Decision of Hearings Officer -Property Located at 1478 Spring Street
Mr. Thomson stated that council action is required concerning the finding of facts by the Building
Hearing Officer and in accordance with an appraisal dated September 12, 1994. The recommendation
is to uphold and ratify the findings of the property appraisal and order the structure to be demolished with
all costs associated to be placed as a lien against subject property.
Mayor Bacon announced this is a public hearing and asked if there was anyone present who had any
interest in this item or to make a puhlic comment concerning this item. There was none.
Councilman Scoggins commended the Hearings Officer on his decision on the property located at 1478
Spring Street and further stated the city had been trying for approximately a year and a half to get this
issue settled.
Councilman Scoggins made a motion to ratify the findings of the property appraisal and order this
structure to be demolished with all costs associated with such demolition to be placed as a lien against
the subject property. Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
October 3 1994 meeting- continued
(A) Bid Opening (Bid 94016) -Concrete Installation for the City of Smyrna
Mayor Bacon asked if there were any bids in the audience. There were none. Only one bid was received
and it was opened and read as follows:
Braswell Concrete Company
24" Roll Back Curb & Gutter $ 2.73 L.F.
24" Vertical Curb & Gutter $ 2.73 L.F.
5' Wide x 4" Thick Sidewalk $ .55 S.F.
4' x 4' Catch Basin Box (3' Deep) $150.00 Each
1033-D Catch Basin Throat $115.00 Each
1033-D Catch Basin Lid $150.00 Each
1034-D Catch Basin Throat $115.00 Each
1034-D Catch Basin Lid $150.00 Each
10' x 10' Dumpster $ .55 S.F.
Driveway Replacement (4" Thick) $ .55 S.F.
Councilman Scoggins made a motion the bids be turned over to the Public Works Department for their
review and a recommendation to be brought back to the Mayor and Council at the next Council meeting.
Councilman Hawkins seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(B) Bid Opening (Bid 94017) - 1994 To 1996 Water and Sewer Line Installation Contract
Mayor Bacon asked if there were any bids in the audience. There were none. Two bids were received
and opened and read as follows:
Ardito's Ditching Davis Contracting
& Pipeline Comnany Com~any. Inc.
2" P.V.C. Water Line Pipe (L.F.) $ 1.65 $ .10
2 1/2" P.V.C. Water Line Pipe (L.F.) $ 2.00 $ .15
4" Ductile Iron Water Pipe (L.F.) $ 2.75 $ .25
6" Ductile Iron Water Pipe (L.F.) $ 4.75 $ 14.00
8" Dictile Iron Water Pipe (L.F.) $ 4.75 $ 12.00
10" Ductile Iron Water Pipe (L.F.) $ 5.50 $ 6.00
2" Gate Valves and Boxes (Each) $ 20.00 $ 1.00
2 1/2" Gate Valves and Boxes (Each) $ 20.00 $ 1.00
4" Gate Valves and Boxes (Each) $ 45.00 $ 2.00
6" Gate Valves and Boxes (Each) $ 80.00 $ 35.00
8" Gate Valves and Boxes (Each) $ 115.00 $ 40.0(1
10" Gate Valves and Boxes (Each) $ 115.00 $ 25.00
4" Ductile Iron Tees/Accessories (Each) $ 30.00 $ 1.00
6" Ductile Iron Tees/Accessories (Each) $ 50.00 $ 25.00
8" Ductile Iron Tees/Accessories (Each) $ 65.00 $ 25.00
10" Ductile Iron Tees/Accessories (Each) $ 75.50 $ 15.00
4" Ductile Iron Bends/Ac:cessories (Each) $ 20.00 $ 1.00
6" Ductile Iron Bends/Accessories (Each) $ 30.00 $ 25.00
8" Ductile Iron Bends/Accessories (Each) $ 40.00 $ 25.00
10" Ductile Iron Bends/Accessories (Each) $ 40.00 $ 15.00
Fire Hydrants -Complete (Each) $ 350.00 $ 450.00
4" Tie-ins to Existing Water Mains (Each) $ 225.00 $ 100.00
6" Tie-ins to Existing Water Mains (Each) $ 250.00 $1,000.00
8" Tie-ins to Existing Water Mains (Each) $ 250.00 $ 1,000.00
10" Tie-ins to Existing Water Mains (Each) $ 275.00 $ 200.00
(L abor Only on above ite ms from both companies)
8" P.V.C. Sewer Pipe
0' - 6' (L.F.) $ 7.15 $ 10.00
6' - 8' (L.F.) $ 8.60 $ 12.00
8' - 10' (L.F.) $ 10.15 $ 14.00
10' - 12' (L.F.) $ 15.10 $ 18.00
I2' - 14' (L.F.) $ 17.10 $ 25.00
October 3, 1994, meeting -continued
14' - 16' (L.F.) $ 20.10 $ 35.00
16' - 20' (L.F.) $ 40.10 $ 50.00
6" P.V.C. Sewer Pipe
0' - 6' (L.F.) $ 7.15 $ 5.00
6' - 8' (L.F.) $ 8.60 $ 6.00
K' - 10' (L.F.) $ 10.15 $ 7.00
10' - 12' (L.F.) $ 15.10 $ 9.00
12' - 14' (L.F.) $ 17.10 $ 12.50
14' - 16' (L.F.) $ 20.10 $ 17.50
16' - 20' (L.F.) $ 30.10 $ 25.00
8" x 6" Wyes (Each) $ 50.00 $ 25.00
6" Bends (Each) $ 55.25 $ IO,p0
6" Service (L.F.) $ 8.00 $ 25.00
Manholes 1' (V.F.) $ 40.OU $ 100.00
Rings and Covers (Each) $ 20.00 $ 25.00
Inverts (Each) $ 250.00 $ 25.00
Misc. Concrete (C.Y.) $ 30.00 $ 5.00
Subgrade Stabilizer Stone (Ton) $ 10.0(.) $ 2.00
(L abor Only)
Councilman Scoggins made a motion the bids be turned over to the Public Works Committee for their
review with a recommendation brought back to Mayor and Council at the October 17, 1994, council
meeting. Councilman Wood seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(C) Ordinance Amendment -Non-conforming Use of Annexed Property
Mr. Thomson stated this ordinance is proposed to make more uniform the nonconforming usage of
property that comes into the city through annexation.
Councilman Newcomb stated that the attorneys working with the legal representatives on the Heritage
Pointe Apartment complex came up with a modification to the Code of Ordinances regarding how non-
conforming uses as it applies to this property. He then stated the developers are actually asking for some
assurances that should something happen to the renovated apartments on the Heritage Pointe property,
the property could be rebuilt as anon-conforming use. He further stated this will not exempt them from
complying with all building codes, etc., it would simply give them a grandfather on the density and on
the setbacks on the property. Councilman Newcomb read the ordiance as follows:
"Any parcel or parcels of land annexed to the City of Smyrna (a) having multifamily
dwelling use, (b) consisting of ten (10) or more acres of land, and (c) containing existing
buildings and structures comprising a density of greater than twelve (12) units per acre,
shall constitute a legal nonconforming use of such land and the buildings and structures
located thereon, in accordance with this Ordinance. Moreover, notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained in Sec. 1103 of this Ordinance, in the event any building or
structure on such land is damaged to an extent exceeding fifty percent (50%) of its
replacement cost at the time of such damage or destruction, as determined by the City
of Smyrna Building Inspector, then any replacement repair, reconstruction or use of such
building or structure may be substantially same as existed immediately prior to such
damage, including, without limitation, the density (units per acre) and setback
encroachments (if any) that existed immediately prior to such damage; provided,
however, that all such repaired or reconstructed buildings and structures must otherwise
meet all current applicable fire, safety and building codes to the extent required by other
applicable laws.
The provisions of this paragraph shall be applicable to all parcels annexed since January
1, 1968. In the event any such parcel of annexed land is divided into two or more
parcels and rezoned in part but not in whole after the date of annexation this paragraph
shall not apply to the rezoned portion. After such division, in the event an area
exceeding 10 acres remain zoned for a Multifamily use, this paragraph shall apply."
Councilman Newcomb then made a motion the Code of Ordinances be amended by adding the section
listed above. Councilman Patrick seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-U.
October 3 1994 meeting -continued
(D) Resolution - 1°Io Road Tax Extension
Councilman Wood read a resolution which endorses and supports a four year extension of the Cobb
County special purpose transportation sales tax for the purpose of road improvements in Cobb County.
Councilman Wood made a motion that the City of Smyrna ratify the resolution of the Cobb Municipal
Association. Councilman Lnenicka seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
Councilman Newcomb stated this issue will be on the ballot in November and reminded everyone of the
importance of this tax extension and urged the voters to approve this issue.
Councilman Hawkins stated this is a very effective program and the best use of tax dollars. He also
urged the voters to support this issue at the polls in November.
Councilman Cramer stated the future road projects the City has submitted to the Cobb D.O.T. by Smyrna
will be funded out of this revenue and urged everyone to support it at the polls.
Councilman Wood stated the passage of this extension will enable the county to benefit from
approximately $125 million in State funds that will be partially matched. He then stated one of the
projects planned is the widening of Atlanta Road from Windy Hill Road north to the South Marietta Loop
and will eventually provide afour-lane road from I-285 to Marietta.
Councilman Scoggins stated this is a fair tax and urged everyone to support the extension of the 1% tax.
Councilman Lnenicka stated he agreed with all the previous comments and the new program has some
major key elements which the City would not he able to fund and includes a new bridge over the railroad
tracks on Campbell Road and also a new bridge on Ashwood Drive at Twin Oaks Creek. Mr. Lnenicka
stated this is a fair way to fund these projects and in the absence of these funds, there would have to be
a property tax increase. He stated this resolution mimics resolutions passed by all the other Cobb cities
and which has already been passed by the Cobb Municipal Association which represents all six of the
Cobb County cities. He then urged everyone to support this tax extension in November.
(A) Temporary Permit (6 Months) - NRA Enterprises -Temporary Emission Station - 33115
South Cobb Drive
Councilman Hawkins stated this is a 6-month temporary permit and which by the Code reyuires the
business to be permitted. Mr. Hawkins stated this will be for the emission inspection station which is
located in the Kroger shopping center on South Cobb Drive and has been there for the past five years.
Mr. Hawkins made a motion the temporary permit for six months for NRA Enterprises for a temporary
emission station located at 3315 South Cobb Drive be approved. Councilman Newcomb seconded the
motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(A) Street Resurfacing
Councilman Scoggins stated this bid is for the 1994 street resurfacing program. Mr. Scoggins stated bids
were received. Councilman Scoggins made a motion the bid be awarded to C. W. Matthews for the 1994
~,,, street resurfacing for the city of Smyrna at the following prices: Asphaltic concrete - $33/ton; leveling
course at $33/ton and tack coat at $.70/gallon. He then stated C. W. Matthews is not the low bidder but
is within 0.5 percent of the low bid and has met the criteria set by the city. Councilman Hawkins
seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
(B) Acoustical Upgrade for Large Gym
Councilman Cramer stated the Parks and Recreation Committee had met earlier today and discussed the
pillow baffling that will help the acoustics of the large gym at the Community Center. This will provide
better acoustics for concerts held in the gym. Councilman Cramer made a motion that Showorks of
Atlanta be awarded the contract for the acoustical upgrade for the large gym. Councilman Hawkins
seconded the motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
October 3, 1994 meeting -continued
(A) Approval of September 19, 1994 Minutes
(B) Approval to Transfer CDBG Funds - 91-CDBM38 From Must Ministries Building to
Telephone Reassurance Program
(C) Approval to Purchase Property at 1250 Bank Street
(D) Approval to Fund DMG Study
(E) Approval of Architectural Design Study -Church Street Senior Citizens Center
(F) Approval to Surplus Vehicles and Equipment
Councilman Newcomb made a motion the consent agenda be approved. Councilman Wood seconded the
motion. Motion was approved 7-0.
Councilman Hawkins asked Fire Chief Larry Williams for a report on his department. Chief Williams
reported that members of his department, on a voluntary basis, staffed a booth at the North Georgia State
Fair and performed 1,475 blood pressure checks and gave emergency medical care to five different
patients. He then stated two of those five patients suffered heart attacks while at the fair and our
emergency personnel administered medical treatment to them. He then commended Parks and Recreation
Department employee, Tony Bailey, for being at the booth every night and assisted with the blood
pressure checks in addition to wearing the "Sparky the Fire Dog" costume. He then stated October 9-15
is National Fire Prevention Week and they have scheduled fire safety house educational programs at the
Training Center for 760 children, and visits are scheduled to all the elementary schools in Smyrna, and
all the daycare facilities in Smyrna and distribution to ten apartment complexes, King Springs Village and
Smyrna Towers. He stated the library has scheduled two fire safety lectures which will include a visit
from Sparky the Fire Dog and McGruff the Crime dog.
Councilman Hawkins stated he wanted to read into the record a petition which will be attached as a part ,.~,,,
of the minutes. The petition is from a Mr. Olan Hill, 1206 Pinehurst Circle, requesting a stop sign to
be placed on King Springs Road at the intersection of Pinehurst Circle where it intersects with Pinehurst
Drive. Mr. Hawkins directed the City Engineer to investigate the subject intersection and come back to
the Mayor and Council with his recommendation at the next council meeting. Mr. Hawkins then directed
the City Engineer to provide him with a report and to also place this item on the agenda for the next
council meeting.
Councilman Scoggins asked Kathie Barton for a report. Ms. Barton stated there is a very informational
Smyrna Newsletter for October and November being mailed to the Smyrna citizens and urged everyone
to read it as it contains some very important information about our City. Ms. Barton stated October 29
is "Safe Kids Fest" on October 29 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Community Center and there will
also be a bike rodeo with two bicycles being given away as prizes.
Councilman Scoggins then asked Ann Kirk for a report. Ms. Kirk announced "Fall Into Recycling" is
this Saturday, October ~, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:OU p.m. at Southern States Environmental Services,
4696 South Cobb Drive, in Smyrna. Ms. Kirk stated there is still a need for volunteers who can work
in the afternoon. Ms. Kirk stated there is a need for civic groups to participate in the "Adopt A Mile"
program for the city. Ms. Kirk stated she has received numerous calls from citizens who are concerned
with the litter at the CCT bus stops and indicated Mayor Bacon is currently working with CCT on a
solution to this problem.
Mayor Bacon stated CCT has shown and expressed concern about the problem Smyrna is having with ,~„„
litter at the bus stops. He stated CCT does not allow anyone to board the buses with food or beverages
and the riders who have purchased food/beverages toss those containers on the ground before boarding
the bus. He stated there is also a problem with jaywalking in the City and further stated that CCT has
provided transportation for people who need it but has also created some problems for our city.
Ms. Kirk reported the sale of jonquil bulbs has been very good. Ms. Kirk also reported she had received
calls from citizens who are interested in helping the Cemetery Commission but can not afford the $50
donation to have a brick engraved. Ms. Kirk reported these people can purchase a bag of jonquil bulbs
and donate them to the cemetery and they are planning to have some type plaque commemorating them
in some way for the donation of the jonquils to the cemetery. She stated if anyone is interested in
purchasing bulbs for the cemetery, they can mail their $15 checks (made payable to Smyrna Clean and
Beautiful) and she will make sure the Cemetery Commission receives these bulbs and will stated she will
October 3, 1994, meeting -continued
assist the commission in planting these bulbs at the cemetery.
Councilman Scoggins stated there is no report from the Public Works Department this evening but he
read a letter from a citizen commending them for a job well done in correcting a flooding problem in our
Councilman Newcomb asked Mary Ann White for a report on the Human Resources Department. Ms.
White stated her department had received the test scores from the police exam recently administered by
the City. She stated the test scores will be mailed to the individuals by the end of this week. Ms. White
also indicated they hope to have the panel interviews scheduled to begin next week for the suc;c;essful
candidates. Ms. White stated that not all of the candidates will be interviewed; only those that scored
the highest on the test. She further indicated the test scores for the fire department applicants should be
received next week.
Councilman Newcomb commended the Human Resources Department for doing an excellent job during
this entire process.
Councilman Patrick asked Laurel Best for a report on the Library. Ms. Best stated the art exhibit this
month is "Prints by Mitchell Towle" and also there is a lace exhibit on the second floor of the library
presented by the Atlanta Chapter of the International Old Lacers. Ms. Best explained this exhibit is on
the making of lace and that it is a fascinating exhibit.
Councilman Patrick reported Barbara Dean, Fire Department employee, has been released from the
Councilman Patrick then read a letter of appreciation to the Public Works Department from Bethel Baptist
Church for the delivery of clean fill dirt and the placement of two very heavy headstones back on their
base (results of cemetery vandalism).
Councilman Cramer asked Steve Ciaccio for a report on Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Ciaccio
reported the Fall Arts and Crafts Festival will be October 22 and 23, 1994 between the hours of 10:00
a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Mr. Ciaccio reported the Halloween Carnival will be held at the Community Center
on Monday, October 31, from 6:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Councilman Cramer complimented Mr. Ciaccio on the appearance of the parks.
Councilman Cramer also expressed his appreciation to the Public Works Department for the work on the
creek on Parkway in his Ward.
Councilman Lnenicka asked Police Chief Stan Hook for a report. Chief Hook reported on the statistics
for the recently annexed areas and indicated 114 calls had been received during the last quarter with a
yearly total of 972.
Mayor Bacon then asked Chief Hook about the issue of jaywalkers and asked him what the city is doing
when they see someone jaywalking. Chief Hook responded he realizes this is a serious problem and
agrees something has to be done, but does not have a recommendation on how to solve this problem.
Chief Hook stated the ordinance on book is sufficient but feels the pedestrians should be provided with
a reasonable location on busy streets to allow them to cross. He further stated the issuance of tickets may
not necessarily solve the problem but his department is working on a solution to the problem.
~,.., Councilman Wood suggested an intermediate location on South Cobb Drive (near Blockbuster Video or
Bank Street) for a pedestrian cross walk.
Mayor Bacon stated he, Jack Cramer and Ken Hildebrandt had tried to close one of the entrances into
Blockbuster Video because of the safety hazard it presents, however, the owner must give permission to
close the ingress/egress and the owner will not give that permission. Mayor Baum stated once a business
is given permission for a curb cut on a major thoroughfare it would be very difficult for them to close
an entrance/exit and then at a future date ask that it he reopened.
Councilman Lnenicka stated one of the things the council could do is look at the provision of sidewalks
and in various discussions with the 1`%~ road money is the need for sidewalks. He then stated South Cobb
Drive is a State highway and feels it would be nice to meet with the State Representatives and hopefully
receive some state money for the installation of sidewalks on South Cobb Drive.
October 3, 1994, meeting -continued
Councilman Lnenicka reminded the residents of Ward 6 that the property on the east side of Atlanta
Road, between Atlanta Road and the railroad tracks, will be coming up for rezoning on October ll,
Councilman Wood asked Jim Triplett for a report on the Finance Department. Mr. Triplett stated the
field work on the audit was completed last week and the report should be available the first meeting in
November. Mr. Triplett reported the new computer equipment has been delivered and will be installed
the third week of October. Mr. Triplett stated GMA has finished the survey, compilation, for the
business licenses and that he and Mr. Wood will be meeting with the representatives from GMA on
October 6 to go over the results of that survey. Mr. Triplett also reported he has been in contact with
Arwood Auction Company and they have indicated the city should have enough equipment to conduct
an auction and the date has tentatively been scheduled for Saturday, November 5.
Councilman Hawkins stated Cobb County has several times offered to allow the City to participate in
their auction and mentioned that any year the city does not have enough inventory to wnduct an auction
we should consider participating in their auction.
Councilman Wood read a portion of a letter he received thanking the City for their help in providing
quality playing fields for the Smyrna West Soccer League. Mr. Wood quoted the letter as commending
Steve Ciaccio and his staff far their cooperation and professional manner in which they responded to their
request. He further stated the new sod on the upper Jonquil Park soccer field looks great and the newly
poured concrete walkways on either side of the field is a definite improvement and the construction of
the new concession stand and restroom facility is eagerly anticipated by parents and players alike. The
letter was written by Tom Sconzo, president of the Smyrna West Soccer Association.
City Clerk Melinda Dameron reminded October ll is the last day to register to vote in the November
election and stated persons can register at Smyrna City Hall or at any fire station in Smyrna or Cobb
County. She stated if someone is not sure if they are registered or not, they can call Cobb Elections
Office Monday through Friday for verification.
Mayor Bacon stated October 18 at 7:00 p.m at the Community Center there will be a Town Hall Meeting
to discuss issues that pertain to the Downtown Redevelopment and also the referendum that is coming
up on November 8 which concerns all the citizens and that they will have a chance to vote on. He stated
basically the referendum is to build a new public safety facility.
Mayor Bacon then recognized the Campbell High Schaol students who remained for the entire council
With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
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